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      • 루비깍지벌레防除에 관한 硏究

        權五均 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        깍지벌레중 驅除가 어려운 루비깍지벌레(Wax scale : Ceroplastes rubens MASKELL)에 對하여 깍지벌레 驅除에 많이 使用하고 있는 Supracid와 acaricides인 Micut를 가지고 防除試驗을 行하여 Micut의 效果가 Supracid에 比하여 多小떨어지나 1∼2令期에는 95%以上의 防除效果가 있음을 確認하였다. 루비깍지벌레의 發生이 많아 密度가 높은 果園에서는 Supracid를 撒布하여 防除하고, 密度가 낮은 果園에서는 Micut를 利用하여 응애와 같이 同時 驅除하는 것이 좋을 것이라고 본다. 1. This experiment was conducted to study the control of one of the major Pests of citrus, the wax scale (Ceroplastes rubens MASKELL), with "Supracid" and "Micut". 2. "Mciut" was less control effects than "Supracid" in ratio of death, but it was control effects of over 95% at the 1st and 2nd instar. 3. The results suggest that "Supracid" was sprayed in the citrus orchard many the wax scale and "Micut" wasdone a few it and mite, showing one of the promising and applicable control system in there.

      • 한국산 감귤 수입 예상국의 수입 검역제도에 관한 연구

        김택조,강영길,권오균 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1995 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        수출밀감 생산지와 밀감 수출관련기관에 유용한 정보를 제공하고자 제주산 온주밀감 주요수입국 및 수입가능국의 검역제도를 조사분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 조사대상국의 연간 수입량은 캐나다 61.5천톤, 미국 101.1천톤, 일본 1.2천톤, 홍콩 32.3천톤 정도이었고 1993년 한국산 감귤 수입량은 캐나다 1107톤, 홍콩 6톤, 러시아가 150톤이었다. 2. 캐나다는 병충해 위험도 평가를 실시한 후 한국산 밀감을 식물위생증이나 수입허가서 없이 수입하고 있다. 수입검사 중 캐나다에 분포하는 병해충으로서 감염정도가 심하지 않은 식물류는 소독처리하고 캐나다에 분포하지 않은 병해충이나 분포하는 병해충이라도 감염이 심한 경우 폐기 (반송)된다. 한국산 밀감의 경우 부패과를 제외하고는 검역상 문제가 되지 않고 있다. 3. 미국은 수입허가제를 채택하고 있으며 한국산 밀감은 궤양병, 흑반병, 화살깍지벌레의 미국내 유입을 막기위하여 수입이 금지되고 있으나 궤양병 무병 생산단지 및 완충지대 설정, 과실의 예방적 소독처리, 박테리아제 테스트 실시, 선과 후 안전조치등을 조건으로 미국내 수입이 한미간 합의 되었다. 과실의 채소류의 반입항에서 수입물량의 약 2%의 임의 표본 추출하여 검사하며, 미국에 분포하는 병해충만이 검출되는 경우에는 수입이 가능한 반면 검역대상 병해충이 발견될 때 소독방법이 있을 경우에는 소독하고 소독방법이 없을 경우에는 폐기 또는 수입이 거부된다. 4. 일본은 14종의 금지병해충의 기주식물 및 식물성 생산물의 수입을 금지하고 있으나 한국산은 수입금지품에 해당되는 식물이 없다. 금지병해충 (14종)과 특정 중요병해충 (42종)이 부착된 식물중 효과적인 소독방법이 확립되어 있지 않은 과실은 폐기되고 소독가능 병해충이 발견된 과실류는 소독되거나 선별된다. 5. 홍콩에서의 수입 비제한 품목인 과실 및 채소류는 식물위생증이나 수입허가서 없이 수입되며 수입검사중 병해충이 발견되면 소독처리된다. 6. 러시아에서는 수입비제한 품목을 제외하고는 식물 및 식물성 산물의 수입시 식물위생증과 수입허가서가 요구되며 허가항을 통하여 수입되어져야 한다. 7. 감귤류가 재배되지 않아 수입검역이 까다롭지 않은 캐나다, 홍콩, 러시아의 동부에 한국산 밀감 수출 증대를 도모하는 것이 바람직하다. This study was conducted to obtain knowledge of import quarantine system in Canada, the U.S.A., Japan, Hongkong and Russia, which may facilitate export Korean mandarins to these countries. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Canada, the U.S.A., Japan, Hongkong annually import about 61,500, 101,100, 1,200 and 32,300 tons. respectively, of such citrus fruits as mandarins, tangerines and clementines. In 1993, 1,107 tons of Korean mandarins were imported into Canada, 6 tones into Hongkong and 150 tones into Russia. 2. After pest risk on Korea mandarins for Canada was assessed, the mandarins have been imported into Canada without phytosanitary certificate and import permit. When either diseases and/or pests which have occurred in Canada are found or they are not severe during import inspection, disinfection is ordered. When either diseases and/or pests which have never occurred in the country are found or they are severe, the importer is ordered to destroy or reship the shipment. In Canada, import quarantine for Korean mandarins has been smooth except the rotten fruits have been found. 3. The import of Korean mandarins into the U.S.A. is prohibited to prevent citrus caker, phoma rot and arrowhead scale from being introduced into the U.S.A. However, it has been agreed between Korea and the U.S.A. that there can be imports into the U.S.A. of mandarins from Chejudo based on implementation of certain procedures. At the ports of entry, inspections are conducted by sampling about 2% of the imported amount of fruits and vegetabls. When injurious diseases and/or pests are found, disinfection is ordered. When there is no methods of disinfection which can completely kill the diseases and/or pests, the importer is ordered to destroy or reship the shipment. 4. Prohibited are host plants and plant products of 14 kinds of diseases and pests that have never occurred in Japan. In import inspection, when diseases and/or pests are found, disinfection is ordered. When there is no methods of disinfection which can completely kill the diseases and/or pests. the importer is ordered to destroy or reship the shipment. 5. Fresh fruits and vegetable can be imported into Hongkong without phytosanitary certificate and import permit. When diseases and/or pests are found during import inspection, disinfection is ordered. 6. Phytosanitary certificate permit are required in Russia for import of plants and plant products from foreign countries. The port of entry is designated by the quarantine authorities. It seems to be desirable to try hard to increase export amount of Korean mandarins to Canada, eastern Russia and Hongkong which do not raise citrus fruits and are not strict for import quarantine of citrus fruits.

      • 탄소봉 모형실험을 이용한 수직앵커판의 지지력 해석

        권오균 啓明大學校 産業技術硏究所 1997 産業技術硏究所 論文報告集 Vol.19 No.2

        An experimental tests were conducted to define the actual failure surface around the plate anchors at the ultimate load, estimate the pressure acting on the front and in the back of the anchor, and determine the ultimate holding capacity of the vertical plate anchor. As a results of this study, for a vertical plate anchor located at a shallow depth, the failure surface at the ultimate load extends almost linearly to the ground surface. However, the failure surface becomes curved as the depth of embedment is increased. And for the anchors located at the greater critical embedment ratio, the local shear failure takes place. The critical embedment depth ratio is about 7 in this experiment. The passive forces act in front of the anchor, but the active forces act at the back. The magnitude of the active force in very small enough to ignore. And the ultimate holding capacity of the anchor by the tests is similar to results of Neely's method.

      • 우리나라 輸出金融의 支援效果및 制度的 問題點

        權五均 건국대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        In the structure of capital, the Korean industries in genera have been led, in the process of high and rapid national economic growth, to show high ratio of borrowed capital against their own fund. In addition to this high dependence on borrowed capital, the high interest rates that have been prevalent in Korea for long time has placed the industries in unfavorable position against other major competing countries from point of capital cost. Therefore, in order to safe the industries from uncompetitive positions resulted from high capital cost, the Goverment has been taking various kind of financial policies and measures with high priorities and privileges on export financing system. In other words, in order to keep the export loan interest rate to the equivalent level of international interest rates, the Government has adopted preferential interest rates, and furthermore, other financial benefits have also been provided to the exporters by way of increasing overall size of loan for exports. This system of export financing is also practiced in many other major competing countries of South East Asia, with the only exception of Japan. When we are comparing our export loan system with other countries, it may be stated that the Korean loan systems are well balanced to the level of other countries with many favours such as loan rate, loan period, (i.e. the lower interest rate for export loan than other domestic loans), although the loan interest rate itself is comparatively higher than that of others. Accordingly, the comparative analysis in simple numerical terms of the systems indicates that the Korean industries are privileged with effectiveness of strengthened international competition in the aspect of opportunity cost of capital and improvement of productivity, despite of some disadvanges in financial cost against other competing countries. However, despite this positive aspect we can see in the simple and comparative calculation of the systems, the actual contribution of the export financing systems toward the export promotion is assumed very negligible, according to the result of regression analysis. It may be because that the export financing systems in Korea has lost their flexibility in actual export activities, as the systems had not been managed selectively and elastically in line with the change of economic conditions domestically as well as internationally. This adverse phenomenon is attributable to the exporters, who have just enjoyed the routine and habitual loan privilege in the past and not exerted their full efforts to increase export volume to a greatest extent, oblivious of the ineffectiveness resulting from diminishing intensity of the loan itself and blindly following the strengthening loan support. Thereby, this export financing system has been degraded just as a neccessary evil. On the other hand, this export financing system has brought about various subsidiary ill-effects in respect of national economy, such as inefficiency in distorted distribution of resources, sturdiness in overall financing system due to the quantitive expansion of export loan, limitted management capabilities resulted from interference to self-growth of enterprises, shortage in domestic supply, domestic price hike by increase of monetary supply, and other interference to proper utilization of domestic raw materials and insufficient promotion of domestic production of equipment and machinery. As a consequence, it may be stated that problems and tasks ahead in the export financing system in Korea are to minimize the ill-effects of the system mentioned above and to operate it with more flexibility. To achieve this goal, short term export loan should be steadily decreased and directed toward the medium and long term loans, and the financial incentive should be reinforced so as to gain the improvement of foreign currency earning in real value. Also the difference of the interest rates between export loan and other domestic loans should be steadily corrected by an overall adjustment of interest rate, and this export financing system and policy should be administered with more flexibility along with over Government policies.

      • 지표하중으로 인한 매설관의 거동에 관한 연구

        권오균 계명대학교 산업기술연구소 1998 産業技術硏究所 論文報告集 Vol.21 No.1

        Field loading tests were performed to study the behavior of the buried DC pipes in this paper. The testing sites were four sites, and the loading was applied by the truck for a total gross vehicle weight of 37 tons. Deformation and pressures developed on the pipes were mainly measured as differing the types of the soil and the degree of compaction, And the results of field test were also compared with the theoretical results. Test results were observed that the pressure on the top of the pipe was about 0.21∼0.468 kg/㎠, and that the deformations was observed less than one percents of the pipe diameter for various soil conditions with 195∼220 cm soil thickness. The observed deformations compared to the theoretical results were appeared as very small.

      • Phosvel과 硫酸니코틴의 藥效比較試驗

        權五均 제주대학교 1969 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        1) This was a comparative experiment on the efficacy of Sufanicotine and phosvel in orange orchards. Injury done insects to fruit trees occurs more frequently in Summer and Autumn sprigs, and these chemicals are more powerful repellents than usual insecticides. Chemicals Therefore, were sprayed continually at intervals of 7 days from Spring to Autumn and efficacy of Chemicals were compared by the number of injured leaves on Summer sprigs. 2) Efficacy of phosvel was more excellent than that of Sulfanicotine.

      • 濟州道 改良牧草地의 植生實態 調査硏究

        趙南棋,權五均 제주대학교 1976 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        This study was conducted to investigate the vegetation on the improved pastures in Chejudo from July to Septem 1976. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Thirty one species of weeds were surveyed on the first year pastures. Two species of them were unedible and noxious. Dominance were in order of Dactylis glomerata > Trifolium repens > Centella > actaica Digitaria Sanguinalis > Festica arundinacea. 2. Thirty two species of weeds were surveyed on the second year pastures. Four species of them were unedible and noxious. Dominance were in order of Dactylis glomerara 〉Trifolium repens 〉Centella asiatica 〉Zoysia japonica 〉Imperata cylindrica. 3. Thirty five species of weeds were sorveyed on the third year pastures. Seven species of them were unedidle and four species noxious. Dominance were in order of Imperata cylindrica 〉Trifolium repens 〉Zoysia japonica 〉Centella asiatica 〉Festuca arundinacea. 4. Thirty species of weeds were surveyed on the fourth year pastures. Eleven species of them were unedible and six species noxious. Dominace were in order of Imperata cylindrica 〉Trifolium repend〉Zoysia japonica 〉Centella asiatica 〉Festica arundinacea. 5. Forty two species were surveyed fifth year pastures. Thirteen species were unedible and seven species noxious. Dominabce were in rder of Imperata cylindrica 〉Zoysia japonica 〉Centella asiatica 〉Pteridium aquilinum 〉Trifolium repens. 6. Forty six species were surveyed on the sixth year pastures. Seventeen species were unediable and nine species noxious. Dominance were in order of Imperata cylindrica 〉Zoysia japonica 〉Centella asiatica 〉 Pteridium aquilinum 〉Miscanthus purpurascens. 7. The abundances of introduced grasses were 64.44% in the first year pasture, 43.06% in the second year, 29.04% in the third year, 24.28% in the fourth year. 4.29% in the fifth year and 0.03% in the sixth year. Those of weeds were decreased after secnd year. 8. The coverage of introduced grasses were 64.08% in the first year, 63.92% in the second year, 31.57% in the third year, 21.00% in the fourth year, 2.46% in the fifth year and 0.04% in the sixth year. Those of weeds were increased after third year. 9. The fresh yield of plants per 10a were 1101.75㎏ on the first year, 1583.27㎏ on the second year, 1630.5㎏ on the third year, 1460.13㎏ in the fourth year, 1407.1㎏ on the fifth year and 1245.06㎏ on the sixth year. Those of weeds were progressive after third year.

      • 濟州島의 깍지벌레 目錄

        白雲夏,權五均 제주대학교 1977 논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        Hitherto several time of biological expedition to the jeju Island were carried out by Japenese and Korean scientists, however, none of scale insects were included in their reports. The anthors mainly in 1977 collected the scale insects in the Island, The results obtained revealed that the scale insects of the Island were consisted of 8 families, 29 genera.and 36 species of which the following 11 species are new to Korea. 1. Crisicoccus matsumotoi (SHIRAIWA,1935) 2. Pulvinaria torreyae (TAKAHASHI,1956) 3. Lecanodiaspis takagii (HOWELL et KOSZTARAB,1972) 4. Abgrallaspis degenerata (LEONARDI,1896) 5. Aondiella taxus (LEONARDI,1895) 6. Aspidiella Phragmitis (TAKAHASHI,1931) 7. Aulacaspis distylii (TAKAHASHI.1955) 8. Chrysomphalus bifasciculatus (FERRIS,1938) 9. Kuwanaspis Psudoleucaspis (KUWANA,1902) 10. Metaspidiotus stauntoniae (TAKAHASHI,1933) 11. Asterococcus muratae (KUWANA,1907) Thorough investigations will undoubtedly increase the number of species existing in the Island.

      • 탄소봉 모형실험을 이용한 편심하중을 받는 줄기초의 지지력 연구

        권오균 계명대학교 산업기술연구소 1993 産業技術硏究所 論文報告集 Vol.16 No.1

        A new method is proposed to estimate the ultimate bearing capacity of the eccentrically loaded strip footing by the upper bound of limit analysis in this paper. The failure mechanism used in the upper bound is obtained by the model test using the carbon rods. The propriety of proposed method is verified by the results of model test, Meyerhof and Saran methods. And the influences of the parameters-footing width, eccentricity, surcharge and so on0on the bearing capacity are also studied in this paper.

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