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        李相怡 ( Lee Sang-hee ),國生和美 ( Kokusho Kazumi ) 한국일어교육학회 2018 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.44

        本硏究は、中古音の1、2等開口韻が各國漢字音にどのように受容されているかについて、日本漢字音の吳音と漢音を中心に對照分析したものである。 その結果をまとめると以下のようである。 1)韓國漢字音において1等重韻の低位後舌母音αは아/a/、中位後舌母音Λは □ /ɐ/で弁別して受容された。また、2等重韻の低位前舌母音aは아/a/、中位前舌母音ɐは □ /ɐ/で弁別し、受容された。つまり、韓國漢字音では前舌と後舌の差は除いて、低位と中位の差のみを아/a/と □ /ɐ/で弁別して受容しているのである。これは、漢字音の受容段階から □ /ɐ/が韓國語の音韻として存在していたということを意味し、中位後舌母音Λと中位前舌母音ɐを아/a/で受容した字音形は、秦音を母胎としていると判斷できる。 2)日本漢字音の漢音は、1·2等重韻がすべて合流した秦音を母胎とするため、1·2等重韻の主母音はすべてaで反映された。しかし、吳音では低位前舌母音aと中位前舌母音ɐはeで、中位後舌母音Λはoで代替する傾向の强さが窺える。 3)韓國漢字音の受容過程において、中國語と韓國語の音韻構造の差によって代替、結合、脫落という3つの形態が現れる。その主な要因は、母音數の差と1音節化であると言えるが、單母音の場合、中國語より母音數が少ない韓國語でほかの母音で代替·統合され、複母音の場合は脫落·結合で1音節化された。 4)韓國漢字音において、1等韻と2等韻の區別のないものは韓國語の底中位母音に前舌と後舌の區別がないためであり、實際には1等重韻と2等重韻の低位母音は아/a/、中位母音は □ /ɐ/で區別しており、秦音以前の層を母胎としていることが分かる。 5)SVは、低位後舌母音αと中位後舌母音Λをすべてaで反映しており、1·2等重韻がすべて統合された秦音を主層としている。 その反面、əをâ[ə]とǎ[ǎ]で反映している韻が殘っているところを見ると、秦音以前の層を母胎としている層の混在が確認できる。__ The purpose of this study is to find out the causes of sound shift while accepting Chinese as a foreign language in Korea, Japan and Vietnam and to clarify the main layers of the structure in Sino-Korean , Sino-Japanese , Sino-Vietnamese also to point out their problems based on the comparative study of those languages with solutions. Conclusions are as follows. The reason why there is no distinction between Grade Ⅰ and Grade Ⅱ is that Korean does not have any differences between front and back in mid-vowel. They accepted low-back vowel “α” as /ㅏ·a/ and mid-back vowel “Λ” as / □ ·ɐ/ in Grade Ⅰ. In Grade Ⅱ, they accommodated low-front vowel “a” as /아·a/ and mid-front vowel “ɐ” as / □ ·ɐ/. In other words Sino-Korean excluded the difference in front and back and only low and mid are entertained as in /아:a, α/ and / □:ɐ, Λ/. This means that / □ ɐ/ has existed as a phoneme in Korean and, Qinyin(秦音) is the matrix of consonant that accepted mid-back vowel “Λ” and mid-front vowel “ɐ” as /아· a/. In Grade Ⅲ of Sino-Korean, the distinction between the type α and β final in every Group is definite and it is considered as the consonants of the same generation at least with Sino-Japanese Go'on because the distinction between the type α and β final settled down at the Tang(唐) age. In Sino-Japanese Kan’on, main vowels of Grade Ⅰand Ⅱ are applied with "a" because Sino-Japanese Kan’on is based in Qinyin(秦音) which is joined with Grade Ⅰand Ⅱ together. However, in Sino-Japanese Go'on, low-front vowel "a" and mid-front vowel "ɐ" are substituted by "e" and mid-back vowel "Λ" used as "o". Sino-Vietnamese is considered to have less abbreviation and omission compared to Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese. It is generally accepted that Sino-Vietnamese is based on Chinese after the Song Dynasty(宋, 10 to 12th century) but it is obvious that Middle Chinese, Qieyun(切韻)~Qinyin(秦音), is the main layers by knowing that there is evidence of adopting distinguished mid and low-vowels, the fact that applied before consonant transition such as weakening or failure of a nasal voice of the clear-muddy sounds, one of the sound shifts in Tang Dynasty(唐, since the 8th century), occurred, distinction of palatalized ending in Group Geng(梗) and seeing the aspect of acceptance in initial(consonants), final(consonants), and ending(韻尾).

      • KCI등재

        日本漢字音 字音形의 창출요인에 관한 比較音韻史的 연구 ― 效攝을 중심으로 ―

        李相怡 ( Lee Sang-hee ),宋在漢 ( Song Jae-han ) 한국일어교육학회 2023 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.62

        Japanese Chinese characters were changed and settled according to their own phonological system by accepting Middle Chinese, and were divided into Sino-Japanese Go’on, Sino-Japanese Kan’on, and Sino-Japanese Dang’on on the period of Chinese Character. The Chinese phonetic system of these Sino-Japanese were changed due to the difference in phonological consciousness from the loanword,, and this situation can be said to have undergone the same process for Sino-Korean and Sino-Vetnamese. The focus of the previous research has been on the reconstruction of Middle Chinese by Chinese characters from each country, the study of each individual data, and the study of each layer of Sino-Japanese But this paper focuses on how it has been internally accepted and passed down in Japan. According to the result of this study, Sino-Japanese Kan’on shows a relatively stable characters type by reflecting the phonological change of the Tang(唐) Dynasty, and Sino-Japanese Go’on is recognized as different between the clans as in previous studies. In addition, it is recognized that there is a big difference in the characters type regulations of various types of Yunjing(韻鏡) (“Mirror of Rhymes”) due to the development of phonological studies. Through this complicated process, Sino-Japanese phonology was settled, and the movement of characters occurred.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        基于地缘政治视角中国灰色地带战略与周边国家关系研究 – 以中国海警法生效为中心 -

        李相万 중국지역학회 2021 중국지역연구 Vol.8 No.2

        국제사회는 해양자원의 확보를 둘러싼 치열한 자원쟁탈전이 가중되고 있다. 특히 미중간 전략적 경쟁의 이면에는 해양문제를 중심으로 한 경쟁이 더욱 고조되고 있다. 강대국 흥망의 역사를 보더라도 해양을 지배하는 국가가 명실상부하게 세계패권을 장 악했다는 역사적 사실은 분명하다. 중국은 5세대 시진핑 정권이 들어선 2013년부터 공 세적 원양해양진출이 해상실크로드를 통해 가시화되었다. 즉 해양문제가 중국의 핵심 국가이익으로 정립되면서 인도양과 태평양 해역에서 미중은 해양패권을 놓고 각축을 벌이고 있는 중이다. 중국의 입장에서 보면 세계 해권의 대부분을 장악하고 있는 미국에 대한 우려도 점 점 증가하고 있고, 중국경제굴기를 뒷받침하는 자원의 원활한 공급과 해상운송 루트가 미국 해군에 의해 봉쇄될 때 중국이 치러야 하는 기회비용이 천문학적 손실을 가져올 수 있기 때문에 중국으로서는 이에 대비하는 것이 무엇보다 중요한 것이다. 이러한 인 식을 기반으로 하여 중국이 회색지대 전략을 통해 합법적 또는 비합법적으로 진행하고 있는 해양문제를 심각하게 바라보면서 장차 한국의 해역에서도 적지 않은 중국의 공세 적 해양문제가 등장할 가능성을 인지하여 이에 대한 경각심을 고취시키는데 그 목적이 있다. 본문은 제1장 문제제기로부터 시작하여 이론적 배경으로 회색지대 전략을 설명하고, 최근 시행된 중국해경법을 통해 중국해경의 지위역할과 조직개편을 분석(2장)한 후 중 국해경법에 대한 주요주변국들의 우려와 반응을 살펴보고(3장), 중국해경법에 대한 평 가와 한국과 중첩되어 있는 여러 해양문제들을 생존권 보호차원에서 이 문제를 제기하 면서 이에 대한 시사점을 찾아보고(제4장), 본 논문에 대한 결론을 내린다. The international community is intensifying a fierce resource struggle over securing marine resources. In particular, behind the strategic competition between the U.S. and China, competition centered on maritime issues is increasing. Even in the history of the rise and fall of powerful nations, the historical fact is clear that the maritime-dominating state has taken over the world hegemony in name and reality. China has also been increasing interest in the maritime power since 2013 when the Xi Jinping administration took office, making aggressive offshore and marine advancement through MSR visible. In other words, as the maritime issues have been established as China's vital national interest, the U.S. and China are fighting over marine hegemony in Indo-Pacific region. From China's point of view, there is growing concern about the U.S., which controls most of the world's oceans, and China's ability to prepare for this can cause astronomical losses when the supply of resources to support China's economic growth and SLOC are blocked by the U.S. Navy. Based on this perception, the purpose of this paper is to raise awareness of the possibility of China's aggressive maritime problems appearing in Korean waters in the future, taking a serious look at the maritime problems legal or illegal in China's grey Zone strategy. This article starting from the issues raised of Chapter1, explains the Grey Zone Strategy as a theoretical background, analyzes the role of the CCC and CCC’s reorganization (Chapter2) , examines the concerns and responses of major neighboring countries (Chapter3), looking at the implications of various maritime issues overlapping with Korea by raising this issue in order to protect the right to survive (Chapter4) and lead to conclusion(Chapter5).

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