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      • 經濟發展上 中小企業의 役割과 그 育成方向 : 大企業의 經濟力集中 緩和對策을 中心으로 With emphasis on the alleviation of economic power concentration of Large Industry

        朴餠洪 圓光大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.21 No.1

        Since last twenty years, Korean economy has been brought up rapid growth by the several 5 Year Economic and Social Development Plan in favor of dispropotionate government support for a small number of large industry or heavy and chemical industry. As the government authority gave precedance to economy of scale, it was deepen the two extremities phenomenon (or dual structure) due to imbalance growth in economic development, Such a imbalance growth policy of government has been fostered the serious difference between medium and small industry and large industrial structure. It was not only promoted economic power concentration with a small number of big business and specified field, but also gave rise to imbalance between each economy and industry area, in different localities and social class. Particulary, a small number of big business who was able to rapid growth in favor of government support did not reinvest excess profit in higher productivity to excersice their exclusive control of production and market, but also the speculation on real estate to find convenient excuse in land acquisition for a factory site is nonproductive and unutility. Morever, according to eroding thouhtlessly the proper area of medium and small industry, in spite of fact that medium-small industry has been the motive power in economic development and stabilized national life through employment creating effect, they continued to weaken the relative gravity of medium and small industry in industrial structure. Consequently, the result of medium and small industry policy was more and more serious... specially problems of employment and income distribution structure. To enlarge indifference between social class and different localities will operate on the factors of social apprehension. Such a gap came to obstacle development of firms and permament growth in economy. As mentioned the above, this thesis will demonstrate that medium and small industry is comparative advantage than large industry. Out of a fixed idea, large industry is not always comparative advantage if you compare large industry with medium and small industry. And in grasping the actual condition for economic power weakness of medium and small industry, this study is elucidated such a relative factors to concentrate onthe economic power in large industry. This paper is discussed it from a viewpoint that the basic direction of rearing enforcement of policy for medium and small industry is an essential precondition only to relax economic power concentration of the large industry.

      • KCI등재
      • 최대하 운동 후 핸드볼선수와 비운동선수의 혈중 카테콜라민농도 변화

        박병홍,김성수,최대원 고려대학교 스포츠과학연구소 1996 스포츠科學論叢 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to find the submaximal secretion threshold of catecholamine after submaximal exerise load. The subjects selected for the experiment were composed of 30 male college students(10 Handball players, 10 physical education students, 10 non-athletes). The subjects were given an explanation of all laboratory procedures before the consented. They performed continuous incremental work load test way of treadmill. Each subjects ran on the treadmill at the intensity of 40% and 60% VOamax for 20min exercise. Blood samples were taken from antecubital vein immediately after exercise by catheter. Blood catecholamine was analyzed using by HLPC methods. Catecholamine concentrations were analyzed by green cross reference laboratory. Statistical techniques for data analysis were one way analysis of variance(ANOVA). The 0.05 level of significance was used as the critical for rejection of the null hypotheses for the study. On the basis of the results analyzed in this study conclusions were drawn as follows ; 1. The changes of epinephrine concentrations after exercise with 40% VO₂max. Changes of epinephrine concentrations was represented 608.8368±3051(pg/㎖) in S Group, 590.1484±5493(pg/㎖) in P Group and 577.9943±1.4718(pg/㎖) in N Group, respectively. 2. The changes of norepinephrine concentrations after exercise with 40% VO₂max. Changes of epinephrine concentrations were represented 1429.6274±8.6236(pg/㎖) in S Group, 1121.6324±4.2648(pg/㎖) in P Group and 1088.5563±7.4569(pg/㎖) in N Group, respectively. 3. The changes of epinephrine concentrations after exercise with 60% VO₂max. Changes of epinephrine concentrations were represented 632.1786±4949(pg/㎖) in S Group, 607.4899±4949(pg/㎖) in P Group and 597.5972±0353(pg/㎖) in N Group, respectively. 4. The changes of norepinephrine concentrations after exercise with 60% VO₂max Changes of norepinephrine concentrations were represented 1638.2925±9.3573(pg/㎖) in S Group, 1217.6770±6.5557(pg/㎖) in P Group and 1201.7935±8.4216(pg/㎖) in N Group, respectively.

      • 群山港의 國際貿易港으로서의 妥當性分析에 관한 硏究 : Centering on the trade in korea and Communist China 中共貿易을 前提로

        朴餠洪 圓光大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.15 No.1

        群山外港은 1899年 開港 以後 湖南米穀의 日本輸出과 日本工業製品의 輸入港으로 發展하였다. 群山港이 米穀集産地임에 着眼한 日本人들은 開港과 더불어 대거 群山에 移住해 옴으로써 群山韓은 急速하게 發展되었다. 이와같은 港口機能을 遂行해 온 群山港은 1945年 解放과 더불어 經濟勸을 掌握한 日本人의 撒收로 群山港의 本來의 機能은 크게 退色되고 말았다. 1960年代 初부터 合板輸出이 活發해지면서 부터는 原木輸入港으로 탈바꿈 되었다. 1974年부터 着手한 外港建設과 大規模的인 工業團地 造成은 오랫동안 沈滯해온 群山港을 活性化하는데 새 轉煥點을 맞이하게 되었다. 群山港이 國際貿易港으로서 面貌를 갖추고 港灣機能을 제대로 發揮해야 한다는 것은 단순히 群山地域의 發展에만 局限된 問題는 아니다. 從來 米穀生産地라는 美明下에 傳統的인 農業所得에만 依存하고 있는 全州圈을 工業化 함으로써 全北地方의 所得增大를 實現하기 위해서는 群山港은 그 關門이 되고 있다. 多幸이 群山臨海工團의 計劃的인 造成作業은 向後 工業製品의 輸出港으로 發展할 수 있는 새로운 契機를 마련하게 된다는데 큰 意義가 있다. 이와 때를 같이하여 中共의 開放政策은 좋던 ��던 우리나라로서는 中共市場에로의 關心을 集中하지 않을 수 없게 되었다. 最近에 와서 中共의 對外貿易은 韓國經濟에 至大한 影響을 미치고 있기 때문이다. 1949年 執權한 以後 中共은 自由經濟와는 그 原理가 다른 社會主義 經濟大國을 建設하기 위하여 계속적인 努力을 傾注하고 있다. 毛澤東 死後 4人?과의 權力鬪爭過程을 거쳐 登場한 華國鋒政權은 從來 推進해 온「自力更生」이라는 閉鎖主義 經濟政策에 修正을 加하면서 西方 世界와의 協力을 模索하지 않을 수 없었던 것은 그 나름대로의 理由가 있다. 첫째, 理由는 美國 등 西方諸國과 提携하여 蘇聯의 膨脹主義를 沮止한다는 安保的 目的을 達成하려는데 있다. 둘째 理由는, 落後된 經濟發展을 加速化하여 社會主義革命을 위한 物質的 基盤을 構築한다는 이른바 4大 現大化計劃을 實現함에 있다 함은 널리 周知된 事實이다. 中共의 이러한 對外政策目標를 背景으로 한 對外貿易의 擴大는 歷史的으로 現實的으로 中國大陸과 不可分의 地政學的 關係下에 있는 韓國으로서는 格別한 關心을 傾注하지 않을 수 없다, 따라서 窮極的으로는 善意의 競爭乃至 相互 協力者로서 關係改善까지도 考慮하면서 能動的으로 對處해 나가야 한다는 政策課題를 안고 있다. 韓國이 가까운 將來에 中共과의 全面的인 經濟交流를 갖는다는 것은 쉽사리 期待하기 어렵다 하더라도 우리의 執念은 中共과 商品交易에 成功할 수 있다는 것을 排除해서는 안된다. 中共과의 直接貿易은 당분간 且置하더라도 第3國을 通한 間接貿易 方式은 얼마던지 可能한 것이다. 中共市場에의 接近可能性은 特히 地理的으로 가장 直距離에 있는 群山港이 이미 受容能力의 限界에 있는 仁川港을 除外한다면 西海岸에 位置한 港灣中에서는 大表的인 港灣이라 하겠다. 따라서 群山港의 長期開發計劃과 때를 맞추어 臨海工團의 段階別 開發은 向後 中共貿易을 前提로 한다면 群山港이야말로 가장 脚光받는 港灣이 될 可能性이 없지 않다는 事實이다. 이상과 같은 問題提起에 따라 主課題의 主內容을 要約하면 다음과 같다. 첫째는 群山港의 立地條件의 特殊性에 대한 分析이다. 群山港의 生成과 發展을 비롯하여 群山港의 現況을 考察함으로써 群山港이 어떤 特性을 지닌 港口인가를 把握하는 것이다. 둘째는 韓國과 中共間의 貿易構造를 比較하고 競合要因을 分析한 것이다. 韓國의 貿易構造와 中共의 貿易構造를 比較하는 競合要因分析에 있어서 競合現況, 競合市場別 競爭狀況 및 輸出競爭力 比較등으로 分類하였다. 셋째는 韓國과 中共間의 交易 可能性에 따른 群山港의 役割이다. 이에 대해서는 우선 兩國間의 貿易構造上에서 본 相互 補完性을 導出하고 난 다음 交易可能 大宗品目의 選定을 試圖해 본다. 卽 兩國間의 交易可能 品目을 韓國는과는 다른 中共의 交易方案을 中心으로 模索한 것이다. 마지막에 가서 우리나라가 中共과의 間接貿易 方式에 의한 交易은 可能하나 直接貿易은 容易하지 못할 것으로 展望되지만 中共의 開放政策의 推進으로 미루어 보아 반드시 悲觀的으로만 받아들일 必要는 없다. 따라서 우리나라가 中共과 直接貿易이 開始되는 경우를 想定하면 群山港은 地政學的으로 가장 有利한 港灣임에 틀림없다. 넷째는 群山港의 國際貿易港으로서의 妥當性與否를 分析하는 것이다. 群山港이 歷史的으로 지니고 있는 特性을 把握하는 일에서 부터 國際貿易港으로서 妥當性이 있다는 것을 主로 群山市가 計劃하고 있는 長期綜合開發計劃의 次元에서 다룬 것이다. 바꾸어 말하면 群山港의 國際貿易港으로서의 妥當性을 國土計劃上에서 본 群山港開發이라는 長期展望으로 부터 群山港의 現況과 開發整備計劃, 그리고 貿易港을 支援하기 위한 臨海工業의 育成을 들었다. 또한 臨海工業이 제대로 育成된 경우에 얼마 만큼 輸出成果를 거둘 수 있는가에 對해서도 言及하였다. 마지막 結論에 가서 群山港이 國際貿易港으로 接近하는 過程에서 우선 國內港으로서 應分의 機能을 發揮하는 것이 必要하다는 것을 强調하였다. 群山港은 港灣需要에 있어서 物動量을 誘致하는 것이 先決課題인 것이다. 이와 倂行하여 貿易港으로서의 基盤構策을 推進하는 戰略으로 從來의 全州圈 中心의 輕工業에 依存해 온 輸出 패턴을 止揚하고 基幹工業을 立地 選定하는 것을 提案한 것이다. 卽, 群山港이 貿易港으로서 確固한 基盤을 定立하기 위해서는 지금까지의 輕工業 中心의 雜貨品으로 부터 脫皮하고 中共의 現代化 計劃에 必要한 肥料와 船舶輸出을 試圖하는 일이다. As the title of this thesis denotes, this paper aims at analysing various factors as an international trade port of Guwnsan centering in the trade of Korea and Communist China. The Guwnsan Port have been developed with rice exports to Japan and industrial commodities imports from Japan since the open of the port in 1899, although the Japanese withdrawed from Korea in 1945. Our facing probems are that The Guwnsan Port can be developed by the rationalization and efficiency of its funtions through the modernization of the port, furtheremore, it is presented as very important task for the balanced developement of export and import in this regional development. In order to solve these important problems efficiently, the following purposes to be analyzed are set up. (1) The Guwnsan Port's specialization must be enough analyzed with emprical survey of trade-relation by which is made the change in structure of export and import and in trading pattern being backed up by economic growth. As an international trade port of Guwnsan are main factors of the export of industrial commodities by calculating productivities and patterns standing to each industrialization in this regional development. As mentioned, the significance of this thesis is the focus on economy, following careful examination on natural, socio-economic and technological aspects as consisting factors in development of the terms of trading in Korea. Historically and at pressent, The Guwnsan has played the most important part in international trade. The important role of The Guwnsan has proven in this thesis by massive fasic research meterials including field servey and experimental data. Since 1960' woods has emerged as the main products of export in The Guwnsan. To constructing the new port and The Industrial Estates are very good chance to enhance the clevelopment of the Port in recently. At that time, Red China revised its closed polioy that it had pursed for thirty years, and at last grouped for economic cooperation with Free World. It has had trade relations with many countries since it opened the door. Recently, Red China is developing economic ties with America, Japan and the other Free Countries to which Korean trade gives preponderance. Howeaer, these new trading factors must be carefully studied before direct trade for the over-all indirect trade between both countries. So that The Guwnsan Port is very important position because it is very near here by the means of geopolitics. For this research I have collected old and contemporary basic data known and available to me and carefully scrutiniged them to enhance reliability of results. Fruthermore to the best of my knowlege I have collected tested reports and data from various government agencies, institutes with trade. In order to eliminate biases and errors in data, I have pursued a number of independent researches and surveys on various points through tendious and time-consuming labor.

      • 韓ㆍ中共貿易可能性과 群山港의 基般造成 : 群山港의 臨海工業團地 造成을 中心으로 Centering on establishing Industrial Basis of The Gunsan

        白濯善,朴餠洪 圓光大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.16 No.1

        This thesis aims at analysing on the potentiality of Korea-PRC trade and Gunsan Port, especially centering on establishing Industrial Basis of Gunsan city Recently. the Communist China revised its closed policy that he had pursuered for long years and at last tied up with Free World for cooperation. Since it opened the door, he has had trade relations with many countries. The Red China is giving economic ties with U.S.A, Japan and the other Free Countries to which Korea terms has preponderance. Howeuer, these new trading factors must must be carefully studied before dirct trade for the over-all indirect trade between both countries. So that, Guwnsan Port is very important position because it is very near to China in the means of its geopolitics. Historically, The Guumsan Port has been developled with rice export to Japan and its industrial commodities imports from her since the open of the port in 1899, although the japanese withdrawed from here in 1945. Korea's facing trade policy problems are that Gunsan Port can be developed by the rationalization and efficiency of its functions through the modernization of the port, furthermore, it is presented as a very important task for the balanced development of export and import and import in the national economy or in this regional development of the Chunbook Province. In order to solve these important problems steadily, the following purposes to be analyzed are set up. (1) The Gunsan Port's specialization as an international trade port must be enough analyzed with emprical survey of trade relation by which is made the changes in structure of export and import and in trading pattern being performed by economic growth. (2) The Gunsan Port as a strategical trade port must be aims at analyzing verious factors of the export of industrial commodities by calculating productivities and patterns standing to each industrialization in this regional development. (3) The Gunsan Port as an export port must be attempted to has played the most important port in the foreign sector The important role of the Gunsan Port has proven in this thesis by historical research materials including field servey and experimental datas. Since 1960(??) woods has emerged as the main products of export in the Gunsan Port. To constructing the new port and the Industrial Estates are to enhance very good chance the development of the port in recently. At that time, Korea and Red china's trading potentiality must be carefully looked before direct trade for the indirect trade between both countries efficiently, the following methods to be studied are erected. (1) Indirect trade of Korea and PRC must be activated to make a cooperative environment through the trade relation of U.S.A, Japan and the Red China. (2) Our cooperatiion with foreign multinational enterprise can be presented to make joint corperation and to give inderstrial local foundation. (3) Indirect trade of both countries must be enhanced by joint company in Hongkong and Singapore. (4) Indirect trading patterns must be tried by the Chinese brethren residing in abroad (5) Indirect trading methods must be induced by the Korean brethren residing in abroad. (6) Indirect negotiation must be attepted through the foreign enterprise in Korea. (7) Indirect export must be increased through the foreign brokers in abroad.

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