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      • 전기회로망해석 입문 자를 위한 기본적 관점에 대한 고찰

        박용만 忠州大學校 2002 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.37 No.3

        An introductory course to Electric Network Analysis is described. Both time domain analysis and frequency domain analysis are covered by this course. It is intended that students see these techniques within a global framework. In this paper we analyze problems that students have to solve. Examples of the difficulties that students have are presented. Several kind of problems can be distinguished. Difficulties in concepts and some measures to support concept formation are discussed. Finally, a possible change in the overall sequence of problems is proposed.

      • 光學回轉速度計의 誤差相殺에 關한 硏究

        朴容萬 충주대학교 1984 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        In this paper an optical tachometer using PL system is presented. Removal of FM and AM component can be accomplished by summing the output of two sensors located 180˚apart on the disc, and this technique is used to improve the performance of the optical tachometer. Concentricity error analysis, error cancellation and improving photo transistor bandwidth is given.

      • 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션과 회로해석

        朴容萬 충주대학교 1997 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.32 No.2

        A teaching approach applied to the introductory circuit analysis course in electrical/electrironic engineering is discussed. a primary feature is that all attempts to constrain student usage of simulators are rejected. The approach is implemented as a learning sequence;a presimulation thought process.Then a simulation is followed by a post-simulation thought process.The laboratory notebook illustrates the thought-to -paper conversion process inherent within the presimulation learning experience. Notebook scribbings, characterized by the student as a "thinking schematic", are decoded by the instructor for the purpose of developing teaching materials including new problems that cannot be immediately submitted to a simulator. The printed data produced by the simulation are processed during the post-simulation learning experience for the purpose of interpreting network behavior.

      • 싸이리스터에 적합한 시간 지연이 제어되는 전압을 얻기위한 새로운 설계

        朴容萬 忠州大學校 1999 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.34 No.2

        A novel scheme using the operating amplifier to obtain voltage controlled time delay for trigering SCR,s discussed. The variation of the delay with voltage is smooth and undistrurbed by stray pulses. The circuit is flexible and any desired relationship between control voltage and time delay can be obtained. This has wide application in solid-state power control.

      • KCI등재

        ‘〜テヤルㆍ〜テクレル’와 ‘〜어 주다’의 의미분석 - 파생적 의미기능을 중심으로 -

        박용만 한국일본학회 2015 日本學報 Vol.103 No.-

        본고는 한일 양 언어의 <수익구문>에 관한 대조연구이다. <수익구문>에는 이익이 관련되게 마련인데 이러한 이익과 밀접한 관계를 갖는 일반적 용법을 <중심적용법>, 이익과의 관련성이 희박한 용법을 <파생적용법>이라 보아 구별하고 특히 <파생적용법>에 관한 한일대조연구를 목표로 하였다. 한국어와 일본어의 <수익구문>은 각각 [-어 주다]와 [-てやる(あげる)][-てくれる]가 담당하는데, <파생적용법>은 <중심적용법> 이상으로 그 수가 다양하고 그에 따른 분류에 있어서도 다각도의 연구가 진행되어 왔다. 본고는 그러한 선행연구를 바탕으로 하여 <파생적용법>에 나타나는 한일 양 언어의 차이가 무엇이며 그 차이를 만들어내는 요인에는 어떤 것이 있는가에 관하여 고찰하였다. 양 언어의 차이점을 유발시키는 첫 번째 요인으로는 <행위의 방향>이 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 일본어는 시점에 따라 [-てやる][-てくれる]를 나누어 사용하고 있고 그 추상화 과정 또한 고르게 진행되고 있음을 다양한 예를 통하여 알 수 있었다. 이에 비해 한국어의 경우에는 [-てくれる]에 해당하는 구심적 방향의 파생적용법보다 [-てやる]에 해당하는 원심적 방향의 발달이 두드러짐을 알 수 있었다. 두 번째 요인으로 <누구(무엇)를 위한 수익인가>라는 항목을 제시하였다. 한국어는 타인에게 뿐만 아니라 화자 자신에게까지 [-어 주다]의 사용이 가능하다는 점, 더 나아가 수익자라 판단하기 애매한 경우까지 존재하는 등 일본어에 비해 수익자로 상정할 수 있는 범위가 넓음을 알 수 있었다. 이에 덧붙여 이러한 원심적 방향의 [-어 주다]의 발달은 [-어 드리다] 등의 경어용법의 발달과도 어느 정도의 관련성이 있음을 몇 가지 예들 들어 제시하였다. This paper is a contrastive study about the benefactive construction of Korean and Japanese. Benefits are related to benefactive constructions. The study distinguished between two types of usage of benefactive constructions. The first is fundamental usage which is in close relationship with the benefit, and the other is derivative usage which is barely in relation to the benefit. The paper contrasted derivative usage in Korean and Japanese. The benefactive construction of Korean and Japanese is performed by [-어 주다(eo juda)] and [-てやる(te yaru)(あげる(ageru))][-てくれる(te kureru)], but there are more occurrences of derivative usage than fundamental usage. Besides, numerous studies were conducted in which derivative usage was considered from various perspectives. Based on those previous studies, the paper examined the difference in derivative usages between Korean and Japanese, and the factors that cause the difference. The first factor that causes a difference is the direction of an action. In Japanese, [-てやる][-てくれる] is distinguished by the point of view, and many examples support the progress that abstractive stages are evenly processed. Compared to this, in Korean, the development of centrifugal direction, which is relevant to [-てやる], is more prominent than the centripetal direction of derivative usage, which is relevant to [-てくれる]. The second factor that is presented is <Who(What) does the benefit belongs to?>. In Korean, [-어 주다] can be used not only in relation to the other person but also to the speaker him/herself. Moreover, the range of beneficiaries could be estimated wider than that of Japanese since there are ambiguous situations in which it is difficult to judge the beneficiary. In addition to this, some examples are given to show the relationship between the development of [-어 주다] in centrifugal direction and honorific expressions such as [-어 드리다(eo deulida)].

      • 전자공학 첫 과정으로 컴퓨터 툴 소개

        朴容萬 충주대 2001 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.36 No.2

        At a school where engineering students have immediate access to a personal computer, it is important that they become familiar with that tool early in their studies.In introductory engineering courses it is also important that the students learn to perceive the computer as a tool and not as an end in itself.Achieving these goals requires a carful integration of computer usage into such courses by the instructors.In this paper we examine this issue in the context of a first course in electrical engineering that has been taught at the Chung ju National University, and we present specific examples of assignments we have used in our effort to accomplish these goals.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

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