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      • KCI등재
      • 회로 시뮬레이션을 저학년에 도입

        朴容萬 忠州大學校 1998 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.33 No.2

        Introducing simulation tools such as SPICE at the undergraduate level can sometimes cause the students to lack an appreciation for circuit theory and solving circuits. Some of our undergraduates question the need to solve circuit problems by hand when SPICE can easily do the job for them. In order to motivate circuit theory and to instill an appreciation for the limitations of powerful computer aids such as SPICE, we are introducing circuit simulation at the freshman level as part of a pilot course, "Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering."

      • KCI등재

        日本語の「-てあげる・くれる」について ─韓国語の「-어/아 주다」との対照の観点から─

        박용만 한국일본학회 2009 日本學報 Vol.79 No.-

        従来から、授受表現に関する研究は多くなされており、例えば視点や人称関係、格助詞の問題、他の文法形式との関わり、敬語の問題など、実に様々である。 本稿はその中で、日本語の「-てあげる・くれる」文とそれに対応する韓国語の「-어/아 주다」文を比較し、その意味的・構文的特性を考察したものである。「-てあげる・くれる」文は、授受表現には欠かせない「視点」・「利益」・「格助詞と動詞の関係」などの問題と関わっているが、本稿では特に、「移動」と「ニ格助詞の生起可能性」がどのような関係にあるかということに着目し、その事実関係を考察した。本動詞の「あげる・くれる」文は、補助動詞「-てあげる・くれる」文になる際、物の移動は必ずしも含意せず、恩恵の意だけを表すようになる、いわゆる文法化の様子が見られる。一方、韓国語の「주다」文は補助動詞「-어/아 주다」文になっても、そのまま移動の概念を持っており、それほど文法化が進んでいるとは言えない。その事実関係を検証するために、本稿では、動詞のタイプを分け、動詞別の「ニ格名詞句」の生起可能性を調べている。その結果、日本語は作成動詞や一部の状態変化動詞・持ち主の受益表現にだけが「ニ格」助詞と生起可能であったが、韓国語の場合は、作成動詞や状態変化動詞、持ち主の受益表現など幅広い範囲で「에게格」が表示できるということがわかった。この結果に至るための、重要な手がかりこそが「移動」の概念であり、日・韓の違いは、まさにその「移動」の違いからきたものであると言える。

      • 블럭線圖와 信號흐름 線圖에 關한 考察

        朴容萬 忠州大學校 1982 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        This article described on the analysis of the relationship between input and out in linear system by block diagram and signal flow graph and their usage. Accordingly, Block diagram can be represented transfer function by figure which can be used to describe simply connection and composition of the system. The result is that block diagram and signal flowgraph the automation system very simple.

      • 光 파이버 자이로스코프에 關한 硏究

        朴容萬 忠州大學校 1987 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.21 No.-

        One of the most dramatic recent development in optical technology is the optical-fiber gyro, which combines the properties of the optical oscillator and laser. This gyro measures rotation in inertial space, but dose not use a spinning mass as conventional gyro do. Because of the absence of spinning mass, the gyro's performance is not effected by accelerations, ; and it can sense very high rate with great accuracy. Other impotant advantage of the optical-fiber gyro are low power consumption and simplicity of construction.

      • KCI등재

        柳僖의 문학사상과 시세계에 대한 고찰

        박용만 진단학회 2013 진단학보 Vol.- No.118

        Thus far, studies on Yu Hui(柳僖, 1773~1837) have been discussed, focusing on Korean linguistics, science and Chinese classics. However, the discussion hasn't advanced any further, since his comprehensive writing, Muntong(文通) only left its name, and it was hard to find the substance. Though the research on his literature started after Muntong was reported to the academic world 10 years ago, there's been a limitation in overall approach, due to a vast amount of his works. Yu Hui associated with members of the Soron Party and especially, was close to people in the Kanghwa-School. Nevertheless, he showed an aspect of neo-Confucianism, rather than Yangming, and this seems to be influenced by his mother, Saju-dang Mrs. Lee(師朱堂 李氏). He failed in taking the lead in academia and literature of the time, even though he left many writings and associated with progressive intellectuals. This arose from the combination of his family line alienated from realistic politics and his personal tendency. Muntong displays amusement well as a man in deep agony, or a destitute scholar. The social status as a destitute scholar and tendency of man in deep agony were projected onto his poetry and literature as well to stress the spirit and to insist a detailed creation theory. In particular, it is remarkable that he paid attention to the value of Song poetry(宋詩) which laid emphasis on argument, again and tried to connect it with the duty of the world. Moreover, Yu Hui's own literary characteristic is that he established legitimacy by moving the poetic line of classical Chinese verse into Jiangxishipa(江西詩派) that he valued, from Dubo(杜甫), and highly rated Korean poets who liked Song Poetry. His poems expressed destitute scholar's uneasy feelings, or he revealed his spirit euphemistically through Akbu poetry. On the other hand, he had a strong point of observing and embodying trivial things in daily life established after the 18th century. 그 동안 柳僖(1773~1837)에 관한 연구는 국어학, 과학, 경학 등을 중심으로 논의되었다. 그러나 그의 종합저술인 『文通』이 그 이름만 전하고 실체를 확인하기 어려워 보다 진전된 논의가 이루어지기 어려웠다. 10여 년 전 『문통』이 학계에 보고되면서 그의 문학에 대한 연구도 시작되었으나, 방대한 양으로 인해 종합적인 접근은 한계가 있었다. 유희는 少論系 인사들과 가까이 교유했는데 특히 江華學派 인물들과 가까웠다. 그럼에도 사상적으로 陽明學보다 朱子學的 측면이 드러나는데, 이것은 어머니 師朱堂 李氏의 영향으로 보인다. 많은 저술을 남기고 당대 진보적인 지식인들과 교유하면서도 당대 학술과 문학을 주도적으로 이끌어 나가지 못하였는데, 이것은 현실정치에서 소외된 집안의 가계와 그의 개인적 성향이 결합된 결과였다. 『문통』에는 苦心人 또는 寒士로서 유희가 잘 드러나고 있다. 한사로서의 사회적 위상과 고심인의 성향은 그의 詩文에도 투영되어 정신을 강조하고 세밀한 창작론을 내세웠다. 특히 議論을 중시한 宋詩의 가치에 다시 주목하여 世道와 연관지으려 한 점은 특기할 만하다. 또한 江西詩派를 중시하여 근체시의 詩統을 杜甫에서 강서시파로 정통을 삼고, 송시를 좋아했던 우리나라 시인들을 높이 평가한 것은 유희만의 문학적 특징이라고 할 수 있다. 그의 시는 한사의 답답한 심회를 풀어내기도 하였고, 樂府詩를 통하여 자신의 정신을 완곡하게 드러내기도 하였다. 한편 18세기 이후 확립된 일상의 소소한 사물을 주목하여 관찰하고 형상화하는데 장처가 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        江華學派의 聯句詩에 관한 고찰

        朴用萬 한국한시학회 2004 韓國漢詩硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        聯句詩는 여러 사람이 돌아가면서 시구를 나누어 짓고 이를 모아 한 편의 시를 이루는 시형식이다. 漢代 <栢梁臺詩>를 출발로 唐代 韓愈의 <城南聯句>와 <會合聯句>에 이르러 다양한 창작방식이 성립되었다. 조선시대 연구시는 희작적 성격 때문에 다른 시형식에 비해 소홀하게 여겨진 것도 사실이다.18세기 江華學人들 중 李大成의 후예들은 1755년 乙亥獄事에 연루되어 대다수가 극변으로 유배되는 참화를 겪게 되었다. 그 子姪들은 유독 同宗 내의 결속을 강화하면서 內修의 생활태도를 견지하였다. 이들에 의해 창작된 聯句詩는 어려운 현실에 처한 그들의 정신세계와 삶의 모습을 이해할 수 있는 자료이다. 그것은 다른 시형식과 달리 함께 참여하는 인사들의 마음을 소통시키는 연구시의 ‘情通’의 기능을 통해 드러난다. 이들은 가문의 유대를 결속유지하기 위해 연구시를 효율적으로 활용하였다. 특히 이들은 聯句를 통한 祭詩, 聯句 回文詩, 다양한 分聯方式 등 다양한 창작방법을 모색하였다. 이것은 한유에 의해 이루어진 자유로운 연구시 창작방식의 다양성을 더욱 발전시킨 것으로 평가되며, 연구시의 창작방법상 특징을 살피는데 많은 도움을 줄 수 있다. Despite its long tradition and ample examples, successive couplet has not been focused by scholars thus far because of its characteristics for amusement. Successive couplet has been considered that it has little poetic connotation and is hard to show intro-concentration caused by its way expressing poet's feeling and its limit of rhythm. However, successive couplet has been loved and created for its attactive features; as Yim Seong-ju(任聖周) points out in his work, Sabong-yeon'gu(社峯聯句), Successive Couplet Song at Sabong, it produces an impartial and fellowship mind in creating it altogether among members. The Kanghwa School(江華學派) mainly consisted of Cheonju Yi clan in the late Choseon period, strongly addressed an essence of inner enlightenment(內修). To the members of Cheonju Yi clan following the Old Doctrine(老論), successive couplet was used for strengthening their connections as well as congenital ties after experiencing the political harassment as called Euilhae-oksa(乙亥獄事) in 1755. They tried to light successive couplet by employing it in various ways; to share the expression of grief by writing memorial address for a deceased friend and to enhance their poetic techniques by creating hwoimun-si(回文詩), a type of successive couplet. In conclusion, probably such successive couplet, an reflection of their scholarship and life style, contain their literary inclination influenced by the Wang Yang-ming School(陽明學派) in Choseon dynasty.

      • 단일체로 집적시킨 방향-감지 흐름센서

        朴容萬 충주대학교 1992 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.26 No.-

        A monolithic intergrated direction-sensitive flow sensor of measuring the velocity of gas or liquid flow is described. Its operation is based on the transfor of heat from a heated chip to a flowing fluid. Temperature differences on the chip are a measure for the flow velocity and flow direction in a plane parallel with the chip's surface. The sensor can be embedded in a well, for example, in a wall of a tube conducting a fluid flow, and can be shielded from a direct contact with the fluid. Measurments are stated for velocities in a range below 3m/s for air at room temperature.

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