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      • 肝吸蟲의 宿主血液 攝取에 관한 硏究

        朱東善,鄭啓憲,林漢鍾 고려대학교 의과대학 1982 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to confirm whether Clonorchis sinensis has an activity of blood intake from host during the course of development of the fluke in the body of the host. The following results were observed: 1. The observations were made weekly on the appearance and the amount of contents with black materials in the cecal lumen of worms which were removed from the bile duct of the rats infected experimentally with metacercariae of C. sinensis. only Tow weeks after the infection, the black materials were already observed in the cecal lumen, and the amount of it was increased in examinations at the 3rd and 4th week of infections. By the 5th week, the majority of worms found to have full cecal contents with black materials. 2. The black materials in the lumen of the intestinal ceca of C. sinensis were proved by benzidine test to be the degenerated products of hemoglobin. 3. Electronmicroscopic examination of the cecal contents of C. sinensis revealed the presence of blood cells. The blood cells found in the contents were morphologically all the same to the blood cells of the host rabbits. 4. It was easier to identify the leucocytes in microscopic fields than the erythrocytes, because the leucocytes retained somewhat normal shape of it, while the erythrocytes were almost degenerated. In the cecal contents there were also rich debris which supposed to be components of blood cells. Nothing other the probable blood components was identified. 5. Scanning electronmicroscopic examination demonstrated that the oral sucker of C. sinensis has the opening and a lip is thick with many fine transverse striae or wrinkles on their surface. Many mammillary papillae were there close to the oral sucker. The results of this study confirmed the belied that C. sinensis has an activity of blood intake from the host with the oral sucker.

      • KCI등재

        Tuberous Sclerosis 의 一例

        石在鎬,朴魯憲,洪一夫,朱東善 大韓神經精神醫學會 1970 신경정신의학 Vol.9 No.2

        The Authors observed a rare cases of tuberous sclerosis in a 18 years old girl. Because of her psychotic symptoms, this patient were consulted to our clinic, even though her seizure were controlled with anticonvulsanr. The several clinical aspect of this case are discussed and the literature are reviewed.

      • KCI등재
      • 特發性 脫疸의 臨床的 考察

        朴炳敦,朱東善 中央醫學社 1965 中央醫學 Vol.8 No.3

        A clinical survey was made on 39 cases of Buerger's disease admitted to S. N. U. Hospital from 1958 to 1963. (1) Following observations were made Buerger's disease occurs more often in the age group of 30^39. Sex incidence was male 18.5 to female, 1. (2) 90% of the patients were smokers, of which 41% was smoking 10―20 cigarettes a day. (3) The majority of the patients (38.5%) came to the hospital for the first time 5 to 10 years after manifestations of the initial symptoms. (4) The initial signs and chief complaints among these cases were pain (66.6%), coldness (47. 5%), intermittent claudication (35.9%), necrosis and ulcer of the distal parts of the extremities (33.3%), in that order. (5) By far, the lower extremities (92.5%) were affected more often than the upper extremities (5. 1%), the remaining 2.6% involved both the upper and lower extremities. (6) The weakness or absence of arterial pulsations in the lower extremities were the dorsalis pedis artery (61. 5%), the posterior tibial artery (28.2%), the popliteal artery (7. 7%) in order of frequency. (7) In 14 cases, narrowing or obstruction of the anterior tibial artery (28.6%), the posterior tibial artery (28, 6%) or the popliteal artery (21.4%) was observed by arteriography (8) 89% of the cases were improved by lower lumbar sympathectomy.

      • 腦肺吸蟲症에 對한 Bithionol의 治驗

        金輔星,朱正和,朱東善,尹金重,崔吉洙,徐浚根 中央醫學社 1964 中央醫學 Vol.7 No.6

        So far various drugs have been tried for the treatment of pulmonary paragonimiasis without any appreciable effect. Since the first report of Yokogawa on an excellent result of Bithionol for the treatment of pulmonary paragonimiasis in 1960 many reports have been published with same excellent results. However, there has been no trial of this drug for the treatment of cerebral parago nimiasis. This study is intended to investigate the effect of Bithionol on the cerebral paragonimiasis. Bithionol is given to 18 patients with cerebral paragonimiasis in a dose of 4050 mg/kg body weight per day, every other day for one month. Daily dose was divided into three and given post-prandially. Following results are obtained: ① In no case, the negative conversion of the eggs per day (E.P.D.) occured in the first ten days after initiation of therapy, in 58% of cases in the second ten days, in 33 % in the last ten days. In one case, the negative conversion was observed at the 31st day of treatment. In a series of patients in whose stool egg of paragonimus was found, the negative conversion of E.P.G. occurred in 75% in the second ten days and 25% in the last ten days. ② In six cases with meningitis symptoms, meningeal symptom have cleared up within the first ten days which had been also proved by the spinal. fluid findings. ③ Major symptoms of pulmonary paragonimiasis such as bloody sputum, fish oder, sputum, and hemoptysis had disappeared in 55% of cases in the first ten days, in 31% in the second ten days, and 14% in the last ten days. ④ Side effects of Bithionol had occured as follows; diarrhea in 25. 8% of cases, dizziness in 12.6%o anorexia in 9.9%, abdominal pain in 12. 6% indigeston in 9. 9%, mild fever in 6. 4%, generalized muscular pain in 3. 2%, erythema in 9. 9% eruption in 6. 4%, and itching in 3. 2%. ⑤ Meningeal irritation signs such as headache, stiffneck and vomiting had disappeared in the first 20 days after treatment in all cases except for 3 cases in which headaehe has persist until the end of one course. ⑥ Improvement of focal symptoms or convulsions typical for the chronic form of cerebral paragonimiasis was not so appreciable, but aggrevation of symptoms is not observed in any of our cases. ⑦ From these, it can be concluded that Bithional is effective for the treatment of cerebral paragonimiasis, especially in the acute forms of cerebral paragonimiasis.


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