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      • 藥物使用으로 因한 肝病變의 觀察과 그 臨床的 經驗

        鄭時銓 순천향대학교 1980 논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        The attention has been directed at acute hepatic injury due to the various kinds of drugs. These drugs are those for the therapeutics or abused ones for those many nontherapeutic purposes. Percutaneous Vim-Silverman needle biopsy of the liver was performed on the six inpatients both at National Veterans Hospital and Soon Chun Hyang College Hospital during 2 year period from December, 1977 until December, 1979 Four of the six biopsied patients were all Korean war veterans who had been fairly extensively and broadly exposured to various kinds of pharmacologic agents over last 1 decade including very frequent use of alcoholic beverages because of their poor psychosociologic adjustments. Two other patients were female and they were civillian housewives. Five out of 6 cases showed positive liver biopsy findings compatible with the clinical impressions. One case with 10 year history of dilantin ingestion showed the morphologic evidence of hepatic damage which is compatible with the drug-induced chronic active hepatitis showing piecemeal necrosis. One case with acute D.D.S. poisoning showed only a slight degree of hepatic damage. One patient having acute morphine poisoning with its addiction who was found comatous revealed only a minimal degree of pathologic change in its morphological appearance. Two other patients showed very obscure morphological findings probably caused by various kinds of drug abuses and prolonged alcohol ingestion over 2 decades. One housewife with 9 year history of"Neusin"〔acetoaminophen〕 ingestion, showed no hepatic abnormality in its biopsy finding. All cases showed negative hepatitis B surface antigenemia. In regard to the hepatic damage caused by the drug introduction by oral or parentheral route, author had a conclusion that the most beneficial way for its correct interpretation and judgement for assessing clinical policy is only by the correct morphological observation of the injured or uninjured hepatic cells and its architecture directly obtained by the needle biopsy.

      • 확장성 심근증의 임상적 특성에 대한 연구

        정상만,문언수,정시전 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1993 건국의과학학술지 Vol.3 No.-

        Dilated cardiomyopathy is a heart muscle disease in which one or both ventricles are dilated, resulting in decreasing left ventricular contractility and pump failure. Complex arrhythmias are frequent in this disorder and are often associated with poor prognosis. We analysis the clinical parameter, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings of the 15 patients who were diagnosed as dilated cardiomyopathy between Aug. 1978 and Dec. 1992 in Kon-Kuk University Minjoog Hospital. The results were as follows: 1) 9 male and 6 female patients with mean age of 56.6 were included in this study. 2) In decreasing order of frequency, the clinical findings were dyspnea on exertion(93.3%) ; fatigue or weakness(46.7%) ; orthopnea(26.7%) ; cough(26.7%) ; edema(20.0%) ; chest pain(20.0%) and palpitation(13.3%). 3) In decreasing order of frequency, the findings of physical examination were apical systolic murmur(53.3%) ; hepatomegaly(33.3%) ; S3 gallop(26.7%) : pretibial pitting edema(7%) ; rales or wheezing(20.0%) and peripheral cyanosis (20.0%). 4) The most common finding of electrocardiography was LVH(33.3%) and atrial fibrillation(33.3%). NSIVCD(26.7%), PVC(20.0%), LBBB(6.7%), atrial flutter(6.7%) were also noted in this study. 5)The echocardiographic study showed markedly increased LVEDD(65.3±11.1mm), LVESD(56.8±10.7mm), LAD(42.9±7.4mm), EPSS(23.3±6.1mm) and decreased EF(28.8±11.0%), IVST(7.6±1.1mm) and LVPWT(7.5±1.3mm). This data showed that congestive heart failure was the major clinical feature and the left ventricular performance was markedly decreased in the patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Electrocardiographic abnormalities were frequently associated with this disorder. Adequate therapeutic modality and proper follow up were necessary to improve the prognosis of the patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.

      • 心不全症환자에서의 收縮期時間間隔에 미치는 β-methyl-digoxin(Lanitop)의 影響

        李址郁,金成九,趙漢成,鄭時銓 순천향대학교 1982 논문집 Vol.5 No.4

        The temporal course of orally administrated β-methyl-digoxin was studied in twenty three patients with congestive heart failure due to a variety of causes. The duration of the systolic time interval was determined from simultaneous fast speed recording of electrocardiogram, phonocardiogram, aortic valve echocardiogram. The interval from the opening to the closing of aortic valve was subtracted from the interval between the Q wave of the electrocardiogram and the closing of the aortic valve (total electromechanical systole) to obtain the pro-ejection period (PEP). There was a significant decrease in total electromechanical systole corrected for heart rate (QS21), PEP, left ventricular ejection time corrected for heart rate (PEPI, LVETI) and PEP/LVET. Our study suggests that β-methyl-digoxin is as effective an inotropic agent as digoxin, with an additionol characteristics of total and rapid gastrointestinal absorption, predictable and rapid onset and much shorter time interval for its peak action.

      • 체성-심장반사에 의한 혈압변화가 심장 미주신경의 임펄스발사에 미치는 영향

        정시전,홍승길,남숙현 고려대학교 의과대학 1985 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.22 No.1

        Somato-cardiac and somato-vagal reflex responses were studied by recording simultaneously the change of the arterial blood pressure and impulse discharge of the cardiac vagal afferents following electrical excitation of radial nerve in nembutal and alpha-chloralose anesthetized cats. The stimulation of the radial nerve has been done in group Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and Ⅳ fibers and the results are summarized as follows; 1. The stimulation of group Ⅱ radial afferents lowered arterial blood pressure and diminished the impulse discharge of the cardiac vagal afferents. 2. Simultaneous activation of group Ⅱ and Ⅲ of radial nerve resulted lowering blood piessure and diminishing impulse discharge of cardiac vagal afferents followed by immediate increase. 3. The electrical stimulation of group Ⅳ radial afferents increased arterial blood pressure and the impulse discharge of cardiac vagal afferents. To summarize above results, it was presumed that radial nerve, same as the other somatic nerve, has the effects on the cardiac function and especially group Ⅱ muscle afferents are related to lowering the arterial blood pressure. Also, ir was noticed that the change of impulse discharge of cardiac vagal afferents after electrical stimulation of radial nerve was the secondary effects of reflex reaction between the radial nerve and the heart.

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