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      • KCI등재

        金一葉 文學論

        成樂喜 淑明女子大學校 亞細亞女性問題硏究所 1978 아시아여성연구 Vol.17 No.-

        Thus far, Kim Ilyup has almost exclusively been given accounts of her biographical. humanity with her literary review put aside. This is what we should tide over not only for the individual writer herself but also for the correct picture of both modern woman literature in this country and earlier phase of modern Korean literature in general. In this paper, I tried to make clear the characteristic of her literature with the intention that the indifference and misunderstanding of her literature will be removed in the literary circles. The main discussions made in this paper include: 1) The indifference by the literary circles of Kim's literature was resulted from the fixed idea of androcentrism as well as her retiring to a mountain to enter the priesthood. 2) Her literary tendencies are of enlightenment and of instruction. 3) Her literary world are extended through the various genres such as poetry, novel, essay and critisism. 4) One of the main themes common to all leer works is ideological for self-awakening and liberation of the female. 5) The contents of her works are out of harmony with their form, that is, ultramodern themes to traditional forms. 6) Kim's proper literary line is poetry in the light of the quality and the quantity of her works. 7) Even while she was in state of priestess in the latter half part of her life, she was eager to be a better poet.

      • KCI등재

        古典時歌를 통해 본 韓國人의 傳統的인 性義識

        成樂喜 中韓人文科學硏究會 2002 한중인문학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        문학의 보편적인 주제는 인간의 문제, 관계 사이의 문제, 남녀간의 사랑의 문제이다. 인간의 삶은 정으로 이루어졌다. 성은 육체와 정신과, 영혼과 관련된다. 사랑은 성의 신비 속에 생겨난다. 고전시가는 남녀간의 사랑의 노래로부터 시작되었다. 이 글에서는 고전시가에 나타난 사랑의 문제를 살펴봄으로써 우리 선인들의 전통적인 성 의식을 이해하고자 하였다. 그 결과 남성 우월 의식과 여성정절의식이 한국인의 성 의식의 기저를 이루고 있는 것으로 이해되었다. 즉, 남녀간의 관계는 우월 의식을 가진 남성들이 그 주도권을 가지고 여성에게 사랑을 구하고 여성들은 이에 수동적으로 대응함으로써 이루어진다. 남성에 대한 여성의 사랑은 정념과 정절, 지조와 절제로 일관하는 데 반하여 남성들은 남녀간의 관계에서 자유롭고 가변적이어서 통상 첩실이나 유녀나 기생과의 관계를 통하여 사랑을 유희하는 것으로 나타났다. 고전시가의 여러 장르는 이 같은 남녀간의 사랑과 성의 문제를 시적 형상화를 통하여 일반 대중의 억압된 성적 욕구를 승화시켜주는 카타르시스적 작용도 겸한 높은 차원의 문화 예술적 성취를 이룩하였다. The general theme of literature includes the matter of human beings, of their relations and of the love of different sexes. Korean classic poetry began with love songs of male and female beings among others. The present article is interested in the traditional sense of sex of our ancestors reflected in the classic poems. And we realized it consists of the sense of superiority of men and the sense of fidelity of women at the base of the works. Various genres of Korean classic poetry has established the high level of cultural and artistic effects in this way through the configuration of love and sense of sex for the mass of the people those of whom were highly oppressed in the remote ages.

      • 崔致遠의 傳記的 硏究 : 詩精神의 背景考察과 관련하여

        成樂喜 숙명여자대학교 대학원원우회 1986 원우논총 Vol.4 No.-

        This paper aims at looking for more positive proof out of Ch'oe Ch'i-won's biographical facts for the purpose of understanding his poems. The present writer tries to infer mainly Samguksagi (三國史記) and what he himself wrote among others in relation with his poems. One of the outstanding characteristics of the society at the period when he lived was the system of Kolp'um (骨品). He was f Yuktup'um (六頭品) which was put restriction upon higher official position within the country. In order to tide over this social status he went to Tang at the age of 12. There was the system of the state examination for foreigners in Tang. He succeeded in passing the examination 6 years after he went abroad. But he was a poet and a scholar rather than a stateman by nature. That's why he wasn't engaged in the official world for some time after he passed the examination. Instead he enjoyed himself writing poems for the period of two years. As he became poor while he wrote poems, he was forced to serve as P'yosuhyo˘nwi (漂水懸慰) at the age of 20. He wasn't contented with the official life and determined to go into a mountain longing for scholastic pursuit. Since he came to the mountain he devoted his life to poems and learning. But again he became so poor that he wanted to work under the banner of Ko Byon at the age of 24. Here he kept company with such poets as Ko Byon and Ko Un, being influenced poetically by them. The famous Kyo ˇkhwangsosoˇ(激黃巢書) was written by him at this time. He decided to return to his native land at 28 because of the social disorder of Tang and his solitude as a foreigner. After he returned, he was appointed a high position at the age of 29. Next year he dedicated the collection of his works which were written in Tang or on his way back home for advancement in the official circle. At the age of 38, he again dedicated Shimuch'aik Shibyojoˇ (時務策十餘條) to the king in order to restore the government tradition. But both were in bain. At last he entered into a mountain along with his family at 42. He didn't come out again until he died. The present writer tries to infer these biographical facts with relation to his poems for better understanding of his poetry in this paper.

      • 黃眞伊의 時調와 漢詩 : <물>의 이미지와 관련하여

        成樂喜 숙명여자대학교 문리과대학 국어국문학과 1984 靑坡文學 Vol.14 No.-

        한국시문학사에 황진이가 한 줄기 깊은 수맥으로 흐르고 있는 것은 주지의 일이다. 당대에 이미 시한이 청일하다는 시평을 획득하였던 것은 물론, 이병파 박사는 황진이의 <어저 내 일이여>, 이 일수는 당신의 시조 작가로서의 지침이요 스승이었다고 하였고 또 이능우 박사는 황진이의 시조는 우리 고전을 송두리째 바꾸는 한이 있더라도 당할 수 있는 것으로 느낀다고 상찬을 아끼지 않았다. 양에 있어서 6수에 지나지 않는 작품들이 이렇게 불후의 것으로 인정받는 시적 비밀은 무엇인가. 황진이 시의 질과 미에 대해서는 지금까지 시조 내지는 한국시의 전통을 논의하는 자리에서 속속, 그 시적 정서에 대한 언급이 끊이지 않았었고 최근에는 시조의 서정시로서의 본질을 밝히는 작업들 가운데서 이점이 거듭 지적되었었다. 이것에 대해서는 박철희 교수가 자신의 역저 「한국시사연구」에서 자설시, 타설시라는 새로운 용어로써 한국시의 성격을 가늠하면서, 사대부시들의 타설적인 점과 비교하여 황진이 시의 자설성을 자세히 밝힌 바 있다. 본고는 이러한 제 선연구들의 기반 위에서 황진이의 시조와 한시들을 함께 살펴보려 한다.

      • 新羅 下代 詩歌의 두 흐름에 대하여

        成樂喜 숙명여자대학교 대학원원우회 1985 원우논총 Vol.3 No.-

        The reqular description of the history of Korean literature begins with the later part of Shilla when it is possible to understand the literature in the light of literary genre. The system of the literature at that time consists of two main genres, Hyangga ( 鄕歌 ) and Hanshi( 漢詩 ). The aim of the present paper is to compare the characteristics of the two literary genres, clarifying the literature on the whole at that period. The contrustive features of the two genres include the followings: 1. Hyangga used the newly invented writing system which was designed to express Korean language with Chinese characters. But Hanshi utilized Chinese characters in their proper way, resulting the sentential structure quite different from Korean one. This is the main reason why Hanshi was excluded from Korean literary sphere in the past. This contrast is, however, understood as the difference between the spoken and the wirtten style of Korean language. For the latter case, the system of Ku′gyo˘l is very important device for that purpose. 2. Hyangga was sung like the primitive poems as folk songs, meanwhile Hanshi was never sung but always recited. This suggests that Hanshi represents the later form divided from the primitive synthetic art. 3. Hyangga expressed the group mind and the hope for escaping from the calamity. Of course, Hyangga is not thought to be lyrical in general. I admit it is religious-oriented lyrical in a way. But Hanshi contained individual emotion and spiritual enxiety. The poems written by Ch'oe Ch'i-won, the most prominent poet of Hanshi at that period and by other poets who studied abroad in Tang Dynasty manifest their own homesikness, loneliness, etc. These features suggest that Hyangga manifests the former step and Hanshi the later one in the process of poetry development. But the two literary forms do .not constitute the dependence of effect on cause between them. While Hyangga grew spotaneously, Hanshi appeared as the result of literary culture was imported from China. But it is significant that Hanshi contributed to Korean lterature's heading for world literature for the first time.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • 저작근에 전이된 신세포암 1예

        정재현;황인성;유지형;성락희;노충희;정재용 인제대학교 2011 仁濟醫學 Vol.32 No.-

        Renal cell carcinoma is the third most common neoplasia of the genitourinary tract. Its most common type, representing 60% of the cases, is the clear cell carcinoma, with an incidence peak between 50 and 70 years. Metastases are present at the time of diagnosis in approximately 30% of the patients, the major sites being lungs, bones, skin, liver, and brain. But distant metastasis of malignant neoplasm to the masseter muscle is extremely rare. We report a case of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) metastasizing to the masseter muscle.

      • KCI등재

        Role of Cytoreductive Radical Prostatectomy in the Treatment of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

        Luck Hee Sung(성락희),Hyeong Dong Yuk(육형동) 대한비뇨기종양학회 2020 대한비뇨기종양학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        There is controversy regarding the survival benefits of eliminating primary tumors via cytoreductive radical prostatectomy (CRP) in patients with metastatic prostate cancer (mPCa). The purpose of this article is to review the theoretical background of and rationale for CRP, and the current knowledge base. The Scopus and PubMed databases were searched for studies investigating CRP published between January 2000 and October 2019. The retrieved articles were nonsystematically reviewed. Based on preclinical data, retrospective patient case studies, retrospective population-based studies, and prospective studies, CRP has been reported to afford benefits for the treatment and prevention of local symptoms through the removal of primary tumors, and the management of neo-metastatic disease and overall survival. However, despite the results from these studies, the current review mostly addresses small case studies and uncontrolled population-based studies with weak evidence. Based on this weak evidence, therefore, clinical use has not yet been recommended. Further research investigating the role and timing of CRP in patients with mPCa is needed, in addition to studies screening the most suitable populations for CRP.

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