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      • 國家目標와 行政體制 變遷過程에 관한 硏究

        徐禧洙 釜山敎育大學 1981 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        Ⅰ. Administrative System has been embossed as the significiant existence in power and role structure after the formation of the State, no matter what any times or any nation mayy be, administration has existed for many centuries and will exit in the future, in spite of the difference. Essentially, the problem lies not by simple existence form, but by the existence how adimnistration functions, and performs the role. Because Administration is also the product of the times and history, and the product of the culture, and that the sub-system of the general system. The form of administration differs according to the times, State and situations. Although the mode of Administration existence differs in Every nation, developed or under-developed nation, the position and role of administration has been reinforced by the settlement of the problems that many nations have encountered. The business of the modern state is carried on for the most part by its administrative agencies. In any nation, old or young, small or large, developed or developing, this end product of public policy known as public administration can be fully understood only in the context of the political system of that county and of goals stated by the nation state In Korea, stages of transition in Administrative System can be divided into three stages by the national goal and major function of administration. Ⅱ. 1. During the period of the fifties, the major fundamental value is system maintenance, stability and order maintenance. While administative concern is to secure order maintenance, the major administrative phenomena constitute passiveness, negativity regulativeness, and control under these conditions, adminitration controls and regulate the activity of the people in place of giving goods and services to the people (the governed). The most part of the functions which administration performs is to maintain order, prevent disorder and to levy taxes. Because the efforts on the part of the administration are to prevent changes and to cherish stability, the officials don't extend the scope of the positive activities, and use the revenues to creat enew programs. 2. In the preiod of sixties and seventies, the primary goal of nation is to accomplish economic growth and make the use of the resources available to attain it. Public administration maintains efficiency. It is all the more critical in those nations that have not been noted for highly productive economics. Governmental bureaucracy must be efficient in serving public purposes. As other branches of government do not possess specialized knowledge or technique, the must rely on the bureaucracy for expertise. Hence the bureaucracy must maintain an administrative and personnel environment that attracts and challenges a high quality staff. 3. Thus, all the reformations, changes and modernization are planned and propelled by the administrative elites. Although administration intrinsically performs out-put function, it performs in-put function. As a result, there appears peculiar phenomenon, that's, politics absented phenomenon occurs. Administration occupies the nuclear role in the political process. This power-centered phenomenon causes unfair and corruption of the bureaucrat. Ⅲ. 1. In the third period of the eighties, political crises: Crises of legitamacy, identification and authority infiltration occurred after the sudden death of President Park, Economic activity andadministions are paralized. Government faced with danger of menace and invasion by the north puppet regime. 2. Interim government is formed, but the capability of the interim government governed by President Choi is limited in solving these dangerous and complicated problems. With 5.17 as a start, the military elites seized the political power and declared the policy (democratic welfare state and righteous society) supported by the most part of the people. 3. The nation's enthusiasm for the welfare state is increasing everywhere and this desire for the policy "welfare state" is considered to be agreed and consented among the nations. the aim for the welfare policy is to promote a higher and better living standard. Although the criterion for the better life is measured differently by the countries and individually, it is common that the criterion is concerned with man's fundamental desire. There are many kinds of desire which can be considered, materialistic, mental, and social desire. the welfare policy confronted difficult problems in harmonizing and co-ordinating the infinite desires. We have not yet experienced to carry out the welfare policy compared with the other policies. Ⅳ. At the opening of the fifth Republic, the idealism called the welfare state stands out in the mind of the nation. It is urgent that systematic and consistent theory for the welfare policy must be developed and established in accordance with the situatious and circumstances faced in Korea in place of theory applied to the western countries. But regardless of the Eastern and the western countries, as the idealism for the welfare state is synonymous, we find it necessary to try to find a model adaptable to our reality. The ethics level of the bureaucrat to perform this important role must be high, finally I will refer to the public service ethics. Government officials and employees are not committed to loyal and effective performance but are obligated to carry out a public objective-which in any nation controlled by the people can mean only such purposes as are arrived at democratically. Ethics is truly a part of competence. and it is a part of democracy.

      • 共産主義體制의 權力承繼 및 北韓의 權力承繼

        徐禧洙 釜山敎育大學 1982 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        Worthy of special emphasis is the following outcomes of the sixth congress which are quitc different form orthodox Communism: An heirship was created for Kim Jung-il; The Juche idea, allegedly devised by Kim il-sung, took precedence over Marxism-Leninism as the ideological foundation of the party. These represent a marked departure from the fundamental principles of Communism, and a new orientation for the North Korean future in the 1980s. The doctrine of determinism by the Leaders as espoused by North Korea contains the following elements. First, the great revolutionary task of the working class is essentially a task of realizing the revolutionary ideology of the Leader. Since it is Pioneered by the Leader and completed under his leadership, the great revolutionary task of the working class is his great task and the history of the revolutionary task of the working class is his great task and history of the revolution of the Working class is the revolutionary history of the Leader. Second, the Leader's role includes: ideological guidance of revolution and creation of leadershid theories; presentation of principles, tactics, strategies and direction of struggle in revolution and construction. Third, the establishment of a proletarian dictatorship is to follow the takeover by the Communist party. Only a great Leader can unite the Party, State, Class and the masses into once. Fourth, a communist platform will be provided to enable a revolution to be carried out generation after generation. Fifth, the Leader is responsible is prepared to be the guard to continue revolution. Sixth, the Leader is responsible for grooming the right succession to the great revolutionary task he begun and assuring the ultimate victory of communism. In this way Kim Jung-il's position within the party and as succession to Kim il sung has been established. As long as the revolutionary generation headed by Kim il-sung stays in power, it is unlikely that a hostile force to the leadership of Kim Jung-il emerges. Starting in the midde of the 1980s, Kim il-sung is likely to be reduced to a symbolic Leader, and Kim Jung-il will fill the part of the Leader in practice in the Soviet Union, some East European contries and more recently in Communist Chins will have a serious impact on the political development in North Korea. It is probable that after the death of Kim il-sung, his absolute power may shift to a collective leadership leaded by Kim Jung-il. for the time being, however attention is focused on strengthing the leadership of Kim Jung-il.

      • 非軍事적인 面에서 본 北韓의 軍事國家的 性格

        徐禧洙 釜山敎育大學 1985 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        The aim of this dissertation is to define the character of the North Korea regime. North Korea is characterized by "the Military State" or "Militarized State" that has attached more importance to the military sphere (accumultion of armament) than any other one since its regime establishment in 1948. It is undeniable taht we don't recognize distinctly the basic character of North Korea of which character is "Military State". In order to attain the above-mentioned statement this writer analyzed respectively the North Korean politics, economy, society and education. This analysis is to conclude that North Korea has endeavoured to make it wholly "military politics, military economy, military society and military education." This theme is made up of Part Ⅰ∼Part Ⅵ. In Part Ⅱ, the writer argued the relation between politics (the party) and military. Generally it is understood that in the Communist countries the military has been subordinated to the politics from the Bolshevik Revolution. And that the North Korean regime was established by the Stalin's Policy of war. In the Labor party's statutes and Socialism Constitution, it is proclaimed that the military forces is the forces of the Labor Party. Those regulation's means that politics (the party) and military are inseparbly related and party controls over military through organizing the many levels of the party apparatuses in the military organization so called "the military-party committee". The Labor party has taken advantage of the military a tool to perform the party's goals. From the beginning the North Korean's military was not established for national defense but for the socialistization of North including South Korea namely for the emancipation from the American imperialism. In part Ⅲ, this writer argued the relation between economy and military. North Korea as the other communist countries regards heavy-chemical industry important rather than consumer-goods production. The North Korean's goverment institution (administration) under the strict control of the party has been composed of many economic departments liked with installation and build-up of munition factories. Most of the National economy is allocated for the military-expenditure compared with consumer-goods production. The considerable number of munition factories was bult and located in the deep mountains and under subway. The enormous spending on the military budget now causes constraint on the National economy. So we can call the North Korean economy the militarized economy, closely with the true departments linked. In part Ⅳ, this writer argued the relation between society(social system) and military. In a word we can define North Korea is thoroughly controlled and mobilized society without a similar example in the world. The North Korean society is well organized ideologically, structurally and psychologically by means of coercive thought education and class policy. All the people including laborers, peasants and even students are now organized as the members quasiarmy organization for example such as "Labor and farmers vanguard" and "guard group", etc. These organizations can be immediately mobilized into regular army when war occurs. In part Ⅴ, this writer argued the relation between education and military. The educational purpose of communist countries is to moulder human-beings communistic human-beings who are compelled to follow and to act-react what the party orders and gives direction. All the strata of schools have no their autonomy and decision-making function. Thus education is also far from original nature of education and has degraded to a means of the politics. All the students of universities and high-middle schools are systematically organized into "the Student Military training" and "the Red Youth Royal Guard Corps" under the school-party committee. North Korea organized every sorts of schools so as to mobilize and recruit the students in the army in wartime without hesitation. First of all we have to define the character of the North Korea's gymnastics which is now called "National Gymnastics". In the North Korea athletic sports are regarded as one of military training. All the people involved the students from primary school to universities are forced to participate in "National Gymnastics" without holidays. In the event the goal of the North Korea education is forcused on beeding militarized struggling students. In condusion of part Ⅳ, the writer is convinced that through the above analysis North Korea should be characterized by the "Militarized State." As far as North Korea doesn't give up its political goal, communization of South Korea, its military character never weaken. But of course we never suspend to exert ourselves to weaken the North Korean's militarized character and to secure and maintain the peace in the Korean peninsular.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한사회주의체제의 구조적 모순

        서희수 부산교육대학교 초등교육연구소 1995 초등교육연구 Vol.6 No.-

        The economy of North Korea has continyed to deteriorrate throughout the recent years. The rate of economic growth has fallen minus ffrowth snce 1990. Food Processign, light industry, and heavy industry have fallen to no small extent. More than 70% of the populatin now lives below the poverty line. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the contradictions and problems which North Korea is confronter With the worsening severs stagnation and the lack of institutuios and experience of engaging in adverse economic difficulty. It is safe to conclude that due to the continuing ruling of "the sole chieftain", "CHUCHE doctrinism", socialist controlling and planning economy system including gross mismanagement of North Korea industry and agriculture "Soxio-political life integration" and impossibility of economic reformand social opening to the world, the North Korean socialist system has been significantly adversely disintegrated. In order to implement a viable plicy towards North Korea Which Will be able to unify South and North Korea, plicy towards north Korea Which will be able to unify South and North Korea, pllicy makers must understand the implications of contradictions and problems of North Korea. The search for a mechanism of the reform and opening which can appeal to a wide range of people and elites in north Kores is especially difficult because it necssarily involves political and ideological connotation. The above-statement is unique to North Korea. In this paper, I have tried to present some, though not all, of the most important political and economic contradictions of North Korean Socialist system. Ultimately, it Will be up to the government to decide which policy towards North Korea to use.

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