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      • 이십팔점무당벌레 Epilachna Vigintioctopunctata Fabricius의 成長分析

        盧鏞泰,延根聖 建國大學校基礎科學硏究所 1986 理學論集 Vol.11 No.-

        As a part of study for agricultural harmful insects, the growth analysis to one of the insects, potato lady beatle Epilachna vigintioctopunctata Fabricius was performed. This study was aimed at analysing the changing patterns of the growth of eight body parts, such as body length, head width, pronotum width, antenna length, rostrum width, foreleg length, midleg length and hidleg length in the postembryonic development of the insect. The equations applied to analysis the data were y=a+bt+ ct² for the absolute growth and y=?? for the relative growth. The results abtained were as follows. 1) The growth quantities of body length and rostrum were increased in concave shape and those of the rest showed increase patterns in convex shape. Body length showed a steep increase and pronotum width, hindleg length, midleg length and foreleg length followed in that order. 2) The lagest ratio of growth quantity was antenna (32.17 times)and pronotum width, hindleg, midleg, rostrum, body length, foreleg and head width (3.9 times) followed in that order. 3) The growth rates of body length and rostrum showed a decrease pattern and those of the rest were increased. 4) The specific growth rates of body length, head width, antenna and rostrum were decreased and the rest of eight body parts showed the increase patterns at first and degreased later. 5) In the relative growth of each body part to body length, antenna, pronotum width and rostrum showed the positive allometry, and the rest showed the negative allometry. The least coefficient of relative growth was found in head width (0.7486). 6) The growth gradients of each part to body length revealed increasing patterns except in antenna showing a increase pattern at 2nd instar and decreased later. All the growth centers were in adult except the antenna in 2nd instar.

      • 韓國産 가재(Cambaroides similis Koelbel)의 形態學的 硏究Ⅱ : 가재의 腸上皮에 대하여 On the Intestinal Epithelium of the Crayfish

        延根聖 건국대학교 1986 論文集 Vol.22 No.1

        The present study dent with the morphological view of the mid-gut and hind-gut epithelium in filter feeding invertebrates, especially Korean crayfish (Cambaroides similis Koelbel), the only species living in fresh water in Korea. The epithelia of the guts were covered by columnar epithelial cells. In the mid-gut epithelium, three successive zones could be distinguished. As the first zone was the anterior part of the gut to the region where the mid-gut anterior caeca (AC) were attached, the largest columnar epithelial cells with the oval nuclei located on bevels about the center of the cells were characterized. The second zone was the following part of the first zone, the epithelial cells were small somewhat cuboidal shaped cells with large oval nucleil ocated slightly on the basal portion from the center of each cell. The third zone was the posterior portion of the gut, of which the epithelial cells were tending to be bigger than those of the second with the round or oval nuclei in the basal position of the cells. The epithelial cells of the hind-gut were the larger ones than those in the posterior portion of the mid-gut, the nuclei of which were almost located to the basal position in the cells. Beneath the epithelia of the guts, there were some loosened connective tissues, moreover, in the hind-guts, the presence of many powerful striated muscles were impressive. Some of the apical borders on the mid-gut epithelia, there could be seen somewhat processlike extrusions, which would be expected to study more detail.

      • 甲殼類 十脚目의 腸上皮細胞 微細構造에 관한 硏究

        盧鏞泰,延根聖 建國大學校基礎科學硏究所 1988 理學論集 Vol.13 No.-

        甲殼類의 十脚目 중, 민물에 서식하는 가재(Cambaroides similis Koelbel)와 민물과 바다를 생태권으로 하는 참게(Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards) 그리고 바닷가 갯벌에 서식하는 칠게( Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) japonicus De Haan)를 재료로 주사 전자현미경과 투과 전자현미경에 의한 장상피 세포의 미세구조를 관찰하고 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 장상피 세포는 전반적으로 핵이 기부 가까이 위치한 단층 원주상피 세포로 되어 있고 중장의 길이는 가재가 0.8∼1.0mm(중 ·후장 길이의 1/25)로 극히 짧고, 참게는 20∼30mm(중 ·후장 길이의 2/5)로 가장 길며 칠게는 5∼8mm(중 ·후장 길이의 1/5)이다. 2. 중장 내벽은 3종 모두 체축에 따라 잔잔한 주름이 많이 잡혀져 있고, 후장의 두꺼운 키틴질 표면층에서는 2∼20㎛의 돌기가 2∼50개 정도로 선상 또는 집단을 이루고 뒤쪽을 향해 나 있어 장 속의 물질을 뒤로 이동시키는 작용을 한다. 3. 중장은 원주상피 세포로 되었고 대형의 엽상핵이 기저부 가까이 위치한다. 정단 상피세포의 자유표면에 가까운 세포질에는 미토콘드리아가 밀집하고, 핵 주변에는 많은 조면소포체가 분포하며 세포질 전반에 유리 리보소옴이 짙게 분산되어 있다. 가재와 칠게는 자유표면에 솜털피막이 발달하고 측면 세포막에는 interdigitating cell processes가 발달하고 있으며, 참게는 자유표면에 솜털피막이 발달한 미세융모가 밀생하고 측면 세포막은 occuluding junction과 intermediate junction이 있어 3종 모두 흡수 및 분비기능을 가지고 있다. 4. 후장은 종에 따라 차이가 크게 나타났다. 가재는 기저부 가까이 卵形의 핵을 가진 원주세포 자유표면에 솜털피막이 발달한 긴 미세융모, 그 안쪽 세포질에 밀집된 미토콘드리아, 핵 주변에 나열된 많은 조면소포체 및 측면 세포막의 interdigitating cell processes의 발달로 흡수기능을 가지고 있다. 참게는 작은 미세 융모가 발달한 상피세포의 자유표면 안쪽 세포질에 밀집된 미토콘드리아, 세포질 전반에 분산된 많은 유리 리보소옴, 측면 세포막의 interdigitating cell processes, 심한 기저막의 함입과 많은 분비과립의 발달이 흡수, 분비 및 활발한 수분출입을 나타낸다. 칠게는 卵形 핵이 기저부 가까이 위치하며 크고 긴 미토콘드리아가 핵 주변에서 자유표면까지 분포되고 전자밀도가 높은 暗세포와, 미토콘드리아가 자유표면 밑에 주로 분포되고 전자밀도가 낮은 明세포가 구분된다. 후반부 상피세포는 분비입자, 분비과립, 핵 기부에 분포된 미토콘드리아, 기저막의 함입 및 세포간극의 발달로 무기물과 수분의 활발한 대사기능을 가지고 있다. 핵 주변의 미토콘드리아는 크리스테가 세로로 배열되어 있다. The studies of the scanning electron microscopy and the ultrastructure of the intestinal epithelia on three species of decapod crustacea, fresh water crayfish(Cambaroides similis Koelbel), fresh water crab(Eriocheir sinensis H.Milne-Edwards) and shore crab (Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) japonicus De Haan)were performed in this thesis. The results obtained were as follows: The mid-and hindgut lumens of the three species are lined by a simple columnar epithelium with the basally located nucleus. The lengths of the midgut are approximately 0.8mm-1.0mm long in the fresh water crayfish, 20mm-30mm long in the fresh water crab and 5mm-8mm long in the shore crab. Scanning electron microscopy: The midgut epithelial lining is covered with mucosubstances and folded longitudinally. The hindgut epithelium is lined with chitinous layer, from whose surface the chitinous spines numbered from a few to fifty (two-twenty um long) are extruded in a group or linear arrangement and directed posteriorly. The spines make the fecal substances move afterward easily. Ultrastructure: The midgut epithelial cells of the three species are characterized by a fuzzy coated striated border, dense mitochondria in the apical cytoplasm, a large amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum around the lobed shape of nucleus, free ribosomes, interdigitating cell processes of lateral cell membrane and the junctional structure. These diverse features indicate the function of an absorption and a secretion. The hindgut epithelial cells differ from each species observed. The epithelial cells of the fresh water crayfish are characterized by the oval shaped nucleus located basally, fuzzy coated long microvilli, rough endopalsmic reticulum around the nucleus and interdigitating cell processes of lateral cell surface, which indicate an activity in an absorption. The epithelial cells of the fresh water crab are characterized by condensed mitochondria under the apical striated border, free ribosomes scattered in cytoplasm, interdigitating cell processes of lateral cell surface, a great developed basal infoldings and the numerous secreting vesicles which indicate an activity in an absorption, a secretion of ions and water transport. The epithelial cells of the shore crab are distinguished into two cell types. The electrondense dark cells contain long and large mitochondria around the nucleus to the apical cell surface, more rough endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes than the electron-lucent light cells. The epithelial cells in the distal portion of the hindgut contain secretory particles, secretory vesicles, numerous mitochondria around the nucleus, basal infoldings and intercellular apaces, which indicate an sctivity in water and ions transport. The mitochondria around the nucleus have moderate dense longitudinal cristae.

      • 韓國産 가재(Cambaroides similis K.)의 形態學的 硏究 Ⅰ. : 가재의 成長分析 The Growth Analysis of the Crayfish

        延根聖 誠信女子大學校 1985 硏究論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        For the study of growth analysis, the 204 crayfishes(C. similis) which had been collected at the mountain stream in Chyonlabuk-Do Chyoneup-Gun Sannai-Myon Neungkyo-Ri were used. This study was initiated to analyze the changing patterns of the growth of the seven body parts in both sexes such as carapace length, carapace width, second abdominal segment length, second abdominal segment width, cheliped length, second pereiopod length and third pereiopod length. The equation applied to analyze the data is y=a+bt+ct², in this equation y: growth quantity of each body part, t: specific time of growth period, a, b, c: constants. The results are summariezed as follows. (1) The growth quantity of the second abnominal segment length in both sexes showed smooth convex shape increase and the others were increased in convex pattern. In both sexes, carapace width and second abnominal segment length were increased steeply. (2) In male, the largest ratio of growth quantity was cheliped(3,740 times) and carapace width, second pereiopod length, second abdominal length, third pereiopod length, carpace width and second abdominal length (3,124 times) follwed in that order. In female, the largest one was second abdominal width (3,924 times) and carapace width, third pereiopod length, second pereiopod length, carapace length, second abdominal length and cheliped length (3,055 times) follwed in that order. (3) In both sexes, all the rates of bady parts showed an increasing pattern. (4) The specific growth rates of all the body parts in both sexes, except the second abdominal segment width in female which showed descending straight line, were decreased slowly in concave pattern. (5) The study of the growth gradient of each body part to the carapace length reveals that the second pereiopod length in female and the male showed a decreasing pattern. The second and third pereiopod length in female and the second abdominal segment length in male were increased after a slight decrease. The other were all increased. (6) The growth centers of the second and third pereiopod length in male and the carapace width, the second pereiopod length and the third pereiopod length in male were in the first growth period and the rests had their growth centers in the 6th (last) growth period.

      • 풀노린재(Nezara antennata Scott)의 成長分析

        延根聖 성신여자대학교 기초과학연구소 1990 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.7 No.-

        As a part of study for agricultural harmful insect, the growth analysis to one of those insects, green rice bug Nezara antennata Scott was performed. This study was aimed at analysing the changing patterns of the growth of eight body parts, such as body length, pronotal width, head width, antennal length, rostral lenght, foreleg length, midleg length and hindleg length in the postembryonic development of the insect. The equations applied to analysing the data were y=a+bt+ct²for the absolute growth and ?? for the relative growth. The results abtained were as follows : 1) The growth quantity of head width was only increased in convex pattern and those of the rest were increased in concave shape. Body length showed the most steep increase and hindleg length, pronotal width, midleg length, foreleg length, antennal length and rostral length followed in that order. 2) The largest growth ratio of the growth quantity was showed in pronotal width (12.4392 times) and hindleg length (8.3958 times), body length (7.5793 times), rostral length (7.5529 times), midleg length (7.4967 times), foreleg length (7.4354 times), antennal length (7.1049 times) and head width (4.3378 times) followed in that order. 3) The growth rates of the eigth body parts showed a increasing pattern. 4) All the specific growth rates appeared in concave decreasing pattern. 5) In the relative growth of seven body parts to the body length, pronotal width showed the positive allometry (1.1757) only, and the rest the negative allometry. 6) The growth gradients of each body part to the body length revealed concave shaped decreasing patterns except in hindleg length showing a very slight declined pattern. The growth centers of each variable were in the first nymph.

      • 갑각류 십각목의 장상피 점액질의 조직화학적 연구

        연근성 성신여자대학교 기초과학연구소 1988 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.5 No.-

        갑각류 십각목 중 민물에 서식하는 가재(Cambaroides similis Koelbel)와 민물과 바다를 생태권으로 하는 참게(Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards), 그리고 바닷가 갯벌에 서식하는 칠게(Macrophthalmus(Mareotis) japonicus De Haan)를 재료로 정상 상태에서의 중장과 후장 상피 점액질의 성상을 PAS 반응과 haematoxylin-eosin, alcian blue(pH 0.4, pH 2.5), aldehyde fuchsin(pH 1.7)-alcian blue(pH 2.5) 및 aldehyde fuchsin(pH 1.7)염색으로 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 장관 상피는 전반적으로 원주상피세포였으며 가재의 중장에서만 핵이 중앙부에 위치하고 그 외 부위에서는 기부 가까이에 위치하였다. 2. 장관 상피 점액질의 성상은 중장의 경우, 가재와 참게는 neutral mucin과 sialomucin으로 되어 있는데 반하여 칠게는 neutral mucin과 sulfomucin으로 되어 있었다. 후장의 경우, 가재는 융기부가 neutral mucin과 혼합 acid mucin으로 되고, 기부는 한 가닥이 neutral mucin 과 sialomucin, 그리고 다른 한가닥은 neutral mucin 과 혼합 acid mucin으로 되어있다. 참게는 점액층의 표층이 모두 neutral mucin만으로 되고, 내층은 융기부가 neutral mucin과 sialomucin, 기부는 neutral mucin과 혼합 acid mucin으로 되어있다. 칠게는 neutral mucin과 sulfomucin만으로 되어 있다. The study of histochenical analysis in normal state of the intestinal epithelia on three species of decapod crustacea, fresh water crayfish(Cambaroides similis Koelbel), fresh water crab(Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards) and shore crab( Macrophthalmus(Mareotis) japonicus De Haan) were performed. For the study, periodic acid-Schiff reaction and haematoxylin-eosin, alcian blue(pH 0.4 and pH 2.5), aldehyde fuchsin(pH 1.7)-alcian blue(pH 2.5) and aldehyde fuchsin(pH 1.7) staining were carried out. The results obtained were as follows: The mid- and hindgut lumen of the three species are lined by simple columnar epithelial cells with the basally located nucleus. The composition and the nature of mucosubstances of the epithelial linings in the materials investigated are variable according to species and regions. In the fresh water crayfish, the midgut lining consists of the mixture of neutral mucin and sialomucin. A corner of the two of the hindgut lining shows the mixture of neutral mucin and sialomucin and the other corner contains the mixture of neutral mucin and mixed acid mucin. In the fresh water crab, the midgut lining shows the mixture of neutral mucin and sialomucin. The upper layer of the hindgut lining contains the only neutral mucin. The lower layer of the lining on the folds shows the mixture of neutral mucin and sialomucin, but the mixture of neutral mucin and mixed acid mucin is appeared on the furrow. In the shore crab, the mucosubstances of mid-and hindgut lining contain the mixture of neutral mucin and sulfomucin only.

      • 淡水産 참게(Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards)의 中腸上皮에 대한 走査電微顯微鏡的 考察

        延根聖,盧鏞泰 성신여자대학교 기초과학연구소 1985 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.2 No.-

        경기도 강화군 선원면과 불은면에서 1985년 5月부터 6月 사이에 채집한 참게(Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853) 10마리(甲穀幅63∼110mm)에 대한 中腸上皮의 走査電子顯微鏡的 考察結果는 다음과 같다. 1) 中腸의 길이는 8∼14mm였다. 2) 肝졸臟이 부착되는 상단부는 길이가 일정치 않은 5∼10㎛ 길이의 微細絨毛가 불규칙한 隆起를 이룬 腸上皮의 오목한 곳마다에 1대씩 나 있었고 3) 그 뒤를 이어 중장의 중앙 하부까지는 腸上皮의 종열융기의 腸腔에 대하는 면에 다각형의 오목한 모양을 한곳에 4∼6㎛길이의 微細絨毛가 많은 것은 약 50개까지 나있고, 이는 아래로 내려갈 수록 즈 조밀도가 약해지며 4) 中腸의 下端部에서는 腸上皮가 더욱 잘게 주름잡히고 腸腔에 면하는 곳에 군데 군데 작은 돌기양 1.5∼2㎛길이의 微細絨毛가 확인되었다. 본 연구에서 검토된 모든 中腸上皮의 微細絨毛는 뒤쪽을 향하고 있었다. The morphological study of the midgut epithelium of the fresh water crab, Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards(1853) was performed by Scanning Electron Microscopy. The materials whose carapace width ranged from 63mm to 110mm had been collected at estuaries in Sunwo-myeon and Bulun-myeon, Ganghwa-gun, Gyonggi-do. The rsults obtained were as follows, 1) The lengths of the midguts in materials ranged from 8 to 14mm. 2) The anterior-most regions where the hepatopancreas is atached and the epithelial surface formed irregular folding had many single microvillus (5-10㎛ long) in every groove on the epithelium. 3) From the following regions above mentioned to the lower of half in midgut, there were polygonal concave forms on the luminal surface where in the center the microvilli(4-6㎛ long) are atached in pack maximum numbered about 50. 4) The lowest part of the gut, the longitudinal folding along the midgut epithelium was made, and the apical surface of the part bore single-micro-spine(1.5-2㎛ long) sparesly. All the microvilli examined in this study were posteriorly directed.

      • 칠게(Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) japonicus De Haan)의 腸上皮의 徵細構造 및 組織化學的 硏究

        延近聖,盧鏞泰 建國大學校基礎科學硏究所 1987 理學論集 Vol.12 No.-

        칠게(Macrophthalmus(Mareotis) japonicus De Haan)의 腸上皮에 대한 走査電子顯微鏡, 透過電子顯微鏡的 觀察과 粘液質에 대한 性狀을 組織化學的으로 밝히고자 Haematoxylin-Eosin 염색, Periodic acid-Schiff 반응, Alcian blue pH 2.5와 0.4염색, Aldhyde fuchsin pH 1.7염색 및 Aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7-Alcian blue pH 2.5염색을 시행하고 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 中腸과 後腸의 길이의 대비는 약 1:4정도였다. 2. 中腸에는 얇은 粘液層이 덮인 가운데 上皮細胞의 頂端面은 細胞膜의 많은 灣入을 이룬 내측에는 미토콘드리아가 집중적으로 밀집하고 있었으며 가끔 全分泌細胞의 분비현상이 나타나고 있다. 3. 後腸에는 두꺼운 키틴질층이 腸腔에 면하고 있는 上皮表面을 덮고 있으며 키틴질의 表層에서는 2μm∼15μm에 이르는 돌기들이 部位에 따라 수와 분포양상을 달리하며 모두 뒷쪽을 향해 나있어 後腸壁에 발달한 근육층의 운동에 의한 물질의 後送을 도와주는 것으로 보였다. 4. 後腸上皮의 頂端細胞膜에서는 다소 작으나마 細胞膜의 많은 灣入과 그 내측에 밀집된 미토콘드리아의 분포가 막의 활발한 투과력을 보여주었으며 많은 분비과립의 분비를 볼 수 있었다. 5. 幽門胃壁을 덮고 있는 粘液質은 表層에 中性粘液質과 약간의 sialomucin을 포함한 sulfomucin으로 되어 있었고 內層은 약간의 中性粘液質에 sialomucin으로 되어 있었으며 內層 粘液質은 中性粘液質과 sialomusin만으로 되어있다. 6. 中腸은 中性粘液質에 약간의 sulfomucin이 섞인 상태이며 sialomucin은 전체적으로 나타나지 않았다. 7. 後腸은 中性粘液質이 sulfomucin보다 우세하게 섞여있는 상태였고 sialomucin은 역시 나타나지 않았다. The study on the ultrastructure, scanning electron microscopy and histochemical analysis was performed to the shore crab (Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) japonicus De Haan)(Crustacea, Decapoda). For the chemical study, haematoxylin-eosin staining, periodic acid-Schiff reaction, alcian blue pH 2.5 and pH 0.4 staining, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7 staining and aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7-alcian blue pH 2.5 staining were carried out. The general types of mucosubstances detected were identified as neutral mucosubstance, sulfomucin and sialomucin. The results were as follows. 1. The length of midgut was approximately one-fifth of the total length of the mid and hind gut. 2. The midgut epithelium was covered with thin layer of mucosubstance. The epithelium in the apical border formed striated border under which the mitochondria(M) concentrated with high density. Holocrine cells could often be seen. 3. Hindgut epithelium lined by a chitinous layer which had a number of spines grouped linear arrangement numbered from a few to about thirty extruding from the upper part of the lining which directed posteriorly. The spines seemed to make the fecal substances move afterward easily by the densely distributed muscular movement of the gut. 4. The apical border of the hindgut epithelial cells appeared striated short under which the concentrated mitochondria were seen. Secretory granules scattered outside the cell membrane. 5. The upper chitinous layer of the epithelium of the pyloric stomach contained neutral mucosubstance and sulfomucin with a little amount of sialomucin. The lower chitinous layer of the epithelium consisted of a neutral mucosubstance and sialomucin. Sulfomucin was absent. 6. The midgut epithelium covered with a thin mucous layer consisted of a neutral mucosubstance with a some sulfomucin. Sialomucin couldn't be identified. 7. The chitinous layer of the hindgut epithelium showed a strong PAS positivity and fuchsinophility, and no alcianophility. It appeared to had a mixture of neutral mucosubstance and sulfomucin.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국인 집단의 Glyoxalase Ⅰ . Adenosine deaminase 의 Haptoglobin subtypes 의 다형현상과 유전자 빈도에 관한 연구

        김세재,이정주,연근성 한국유전학회 1984 Genes & Genomics Vol.6 No.3

        Red cell Glyoxalase I (GLO) and Adenosine deaminase(ADA) polymorphisms in Korean population were studied by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis, and serum haptoglobin (Hp) subtypes were studied by acidic urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Among 513 individuals, GLO phenotypes were GLO 1(0.78%), GLO 2 -1(11.89%), and GLO 2(87.32%). The gene frequencies of GLO^1 and GLO²were 0.067 and 0.933, respectively. Among 513 individuals, ADA phenotypes were ADA 1 (91.42%), ADA 2-1(8.19%), and ADA 2(0.39%). The gene frequencies estimated for ADA¹and ADA²were 0.9552 and 0.0448, respectively. Among 509 individuals, Hp subtypes were 1-1SS(6.8%), 2-1F (0.19%), 2-1S(36.74%), and 2-2(56.39%). Calculated gene frequency values of Hp^(1F), Hp^(1S), and Hp²were 0.0010, 0.2505, and 0.7485, respectively. The gene frequencies and polymorphic phenotypes of GLO, ADA, and haptoglobin subtypes were discussed in comparison with the other populations.

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