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      • 地方文化와 地方大學의 役割과 機能

        최청일,설기문,박영태,이광원 東亞大學校 學生生活硏究所 1992 學生硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        A local culture ought to be established by local citizens and existed for the sake of local citizens, at the same time a local culture should be cultures developing, prospering the locality. That is why a local culture must be separate from centralizm. On this account it is necessary that local inhabitants should create their own cultures in their own way. Up to now, however, a central government has controlled local cultures, so we find it very difficult for the inhabitants to form creative cultures for their own locality. Therefore universities, colleges, and community colleges where are located in the locality are now asked to play initiative roles to produce local cultures. There are factors to make allowances for advancing local cultures; that is, the qualities, a cultural space, a cultural organization, cultural events, maintenance and transmission. The functions of higher educaion are instruction, research, service, these general functions of higher education and the above factors are indispensable to the development and creation of local cultures. In this paper we mean to investigate the functions and roles of higher education in Pusan area for the prosperity of local cultures. The followings specify the functions and roles of higher education for the advancement of local cultures. 1. Higher education has the responsibility of creating and maintaining of the qualities of local cultures corresponding to the area. Pusan is surrounded with rivers, seas, mountains and has plentiful of traditional inheritances. In spite of these environments Pusan is regarded as a marine city, Pusan has not only activities to maintain qualities as a marine city but also contains activities to keep pace with cultural qualities as a riverside city, a mountainous city including historical inheritances. 2. Higher education tries to play an important role to search for programs to utilize the existing cultural space and to devise new cultural space. In case local qualities in Pusan are divided into riverside, mountainous, marine, and traditional, Dong-A University and Busan Junior College are situated at Nak-dong River, so they had better devise cultural acticities in connection with riverside cultures. Busan National University, Dong- Ui University, Busan Women's University, Busan Teachers'College are surrounded with mountanous areas, therefore they had better plan cultural programs to devise activities connected with mountainous cultures. Korean Marine University, Gyongsong University, Susan University, Goshin University are surrounded with seas, so they had better devise programs to make use of activities related to marine cultures. 3. Higher education should provide local citizens with the facilities for cultural space. 4. Higher education should educate persons who keep and create local cultures. 5. Higher education should have close ties with cultural organizations in the locality to activitize and study the programs, and supply them with the materials. 6. Higher education should make their resource personnel take part in the activities of the cultural organizations and contribute to the development of the cultural organizations. 7. Higher education should get their own members to participate in the cultural events and to help to activitize the events. 8. Higher education should develop cultural event corresponding to local qualities and devide them into weak points and strong points to activitize the program. 9. Higher education should participate in the cultural events and manage the events. 10. Higher education should have research activities to keep the existing local cultures and to develop new cultural patterns. 11. Higher education should have their own members educate the inhabitants to transmit local cultures and try to practise examplary cultural patterns.

      • 敎育과 經濟發展에 관한 論議

        최청일 東亞大學校 學生生活硏究所 1997 學生硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        In general, countries that have higher levels of GNP also have higher levels of educational attainment, but this cannot be interpreted to mean that education is a necessary cause of higher levels of output. That is, whether education contributes to raising productivity is a debatable point. The research and literature on education and development was concerned with the specific problem of measuring the effect of enhanced educational inputs upon economic outputs. This issue should be seen within a historical and sociological context which attempted to examine the relationship between education and development. In this paper the relationship between education and economic deveopment was discussed in terms of a form of human capital and the change in economic growth. It has been determined that growth in the GNP has not been solely the result of those factors traditionally considered - increase in the quantity of land, physical capital, and labor. In addition, improvements in labor require identifiable inputs and preduce a flow of returns. Since investment in the quality of the labor force are embodied in the individuals themselves, they may be considered human capital. Education, the process by which skills and knowledge are acquired in the schools, may be cosidered a form of human capital. Investments in education as a form of human capital has made a major contribution to national economic growth through the improvement of labor quality and the resultant impact on productivity. Rate of return analyses showed that the rates of return to investments in education are larger than alternative investments in physical capital. The overall conclusion from the research and literature surveyed here suggested that a strong positive relation between education and development. Human capital was a critical element in the production function, and a major element in explaining differences in productivity and productivity growth.

      • 규모의 경제와 교육의 효과성에 관한 연구

        최청일 동아대학교 교육대학원 1999 동아교육논총 Vol.25 No.-

        본 연구는 도심 소규모 학교의 통·폐합에 따른 교육효과와 사회·경제적 효과를 분석하는데 그 목적을 두고 이루어졌다. 이러한 연구 목적에 따라 첫째, 도심 초등학교 통합의 경제적 접근을 위하여 통합학교의 규모와 교육효과에 관한 연구물을 검토하고, 둘째, 이에 따른 통합학교 교육의 수익성 측정에 관한 경제이론과 문헌을 분석했다. 도심 학교 통·폐합은 교육재정 확보에 상당한 도움이 되리라 보고 있고, 교육 시설의 현대화를 촉진시키는 데도 많은 영향을 미치리라 보고 있다. 또한 지식·정보화 사회에 대비한 학교교욱에도 긍정적인 영향을 미치리라 본다. 도심 학교 통·폐합의 민주적 방법에 관한 견해에서는 도심 학교 통·폐합은 공청회를 통해 지역주민들의 의견을 받아 들이고, 행정당국에 의한 일방적인 통·폐합을 지양하고 지역주민들의 견해를 최대한 수렴해서 시행해야 할 것이다. The purpose of the study is to analyse the cducational and socio-economic effectiveness of small-scale school consolidation in downtown area. First, for this purpose, the review of literature related to economie of scale and educational effectiveness for the school consolidtion was analysed. Second, the economic theory for the measurement of school consolidation benefits was examined. It was obvious that the small school consolidation in downtown area may effectively contribute to the modernization of school facility. Furthermore, we can expect that the consolidation policy may positively influence on preparing for the information society. Speaking to the consolidation approach, we should encourage the community participation and should not enforce the one-sided consolidation by the government.

      • 敎育白治와 敎育財政

        최청일 동아대학교 교육대학원 1995 동아교육논총 Vol.21 No.-

        지역의 특성과 실정에 알맞는 지방행정이 베풀어져야 한다는 지방자치제의 필요성은 국지성 공공재의 성격에서 찾아 볼 수 있다. 이와 같은 국지성 공공재의 성격은 초·중·고등학교 단계의 중등교육에서 가장 두드러지게 나타나며 따라서 이와같은 교육은 지방교육기관의 기능으로 되어있다. 이러한 기능을 효율적으로 수행하기 위해서는 지방교육재정의 발전방향이 어떻게 정립되어야 하는가를 중심으로 부산광역시의 관점에서 분석하였다. 이 연구에 의한 주요결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교부금과 보조금재원의 안정성이 확보되어야 한다. 둘째, 교육재정 자립도 확립 및 사학의존도가 경감되어야 한다. 셋째, 교육재정운영의 자율성이 확립되어야 한다. 넷째, 교육에 대한 지방정부의 책무성이 증대되어야 한다. 결국 일반행정과 교육행정의 유기적인 협조함으로서 교육에 대한 지방정부의 책무성을 높일 수 있다는데 핵심이 있다. It has been almost five years since the practice of governing at the local level began in 1991. This study attempted to analyse some issues and problems related to the establishment of financial independence for local educational governance. An additional motive was to search for policy alternatives for the future. The local educational government should be able to finance education from its own revenue sources. However, as evident from analyzing current financial structure of education, Pusan City differed little from other local governments in that it was heavily dependent on the central government for its financial operation and as a revenue source. Education funds distributed from the national treasury totaled 61.8 percent, whereas the local revenue contribution was only 20.6 percent. Additionally, a portion of that local revenue came from students and parents through tuition and other fees. As required by law, the local government was required to cover half of the public secondary teachers' salaries, resulting in an additional 11.1 percent of local contribution. As can be seen, Pusan City education government did not have enough of its own funds to meet its educational expenditures. Therefore, possible policy alternatives for the establishment of independent finance system to achidvd the local autonmy in education are as follows: First, the stability of grants and subsidies from the mational treasury should be guaranteed. Second, the local education government should have the freedom to acquire educational revenue sources independently. Third, endowment and gift for education from individuals and institutions should be encouraged. Fourth, the local government should have authority to impose school support fees. Fifth, the local government should have accountability in supporting local education. Finally, the redundancy in the current financial structure should be modified to improve the efficiency of local education.

      • 榮山湖의 陸水學的 硏究 : Ⅳ. 河口에 새로이 形成된 湖水의 이온 分布에 對하여

        崔淸一 漢陽大學校 環境科學硏究所 1991 環境科學論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        본 硏究는 1983年 6月부터 7月까지 榮山江 河口에 새로이 形成된 榮山湖에서 溶存狀態의 主된 元素로서 陽이온인 Ca, Mg, Na와 K 그리고 陰이온인 SO₄와 Cl 의 定量分布를 月別로 調査 測定한 結果이다. 測定分折 結果의 範圍는 Ca가 5.45∼116.25㎎/ℓ, Mg가 4.82∼94.70, Na 가 11.60∼224.40, K 가 2.13∼48.33, SO₄가 10.14∼108.60 그리고 Cl 이 21.91∼639.00로서 年中 그 變化量이 큰 것으로 관찰되었다. 특히 일반 陸水系에서 높은 Ca 함량대신 Na 가 그리고 SO₄대신 Cl 이 主된 이온으로 存在하는 현상은 하구둑(河口堰)을 축조하여 形成된 人工湖의 代表的 현상의 하나임이 證明되었으며 이 때문에 야기될 수 있는 湖水의 地化學的 環境變化와 이에 수반되는 陸水生態學的 影響이 주목된다고 사료되었다. The concentration of major cations of Ca, Mg, Na, and K as well as anions of SO₄and Cl were measured during the survey of 1983 and 1984 from Lake Yongsan, a newly formed and shallow reservoir-lake dammed in the Yongsan Estuary. The Ca content range (in ㎎/ℓ) was 5.45∼116.25 ; Mg 4.82∼94.70 ; Na 11.60∼224.40 ; K 2.13∼48.33 ; SO₄;10.14∼108.60 ; and Cl 21.96∼639.00. A wide range of temporal variations was encountered among sampling stations. Fourteen (14) months survey revealed that Na instead of Ca, and Cl instead of SO₄were predominant. This is the direct result of the lake formation and leads to typical biogeochemical consequences to the man-made lakes over estuaries.

      • 경남지역 고등학교 학생의 직접 교육비와 간접 교육비 분석

        최청일,천구태 東亞大學校 學生生活硏究所 1994 學生硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        The aim of this paper compares both the public and private costs of academic and vdcational upper secondary school students. We also compare both the public and private costs among vocational upper secondary school students : commercial, agricultural, technical, aquatic. The sample of students used in the study were selected from academic and vocational upper secondary school. Two types of data were requried to carry out this study; data on public cost and data on private cost. Data on public cost were collected from Educational Board in Kyung-nam. To acquire data on private cost the questionaire was administered to 1800 students. The findings divided by public and private cost per student are as follows. 1. Government-borne public costs were higher for vocational educational students relative to academic educational students. Among vocational students fishery school students were the highest. 2. Educational costs which are publicly borne by students and parents were for higher academic students relative to vocational students because fees and tuitions were high. 3. Academic students paid direct private costs much more than vocational students,but we must keep an eye on commercial students paying direct private costs much more than academic students. 4. Total educational costs per student, which consist of government-borne costs,tuitions and fees, direct private costs, were higher for academic students relative to vocational students. Among vocational students commercial students were higher for other vocational students. 5. When comparing total educational costs per student with students'social-economic status. There was little difference. 6. Indirect private costs were higher for academic students relative to vocational students. Among vocational students. Among vocational students indirect cost of fishery students students. were lower in contrast to other vocational students. 7. Parents' occupation and family income were little related with private costs. But parents' educationwas related with private cost. In sum, the analysis to cover total education costs has shown that the more expensive educational program is the academic one-Govemment-borne public cost was only higher for vocational education than that of academic education, whereas private and indirect costs were higher for academic students. In monetary outlay academic students paid 280,000won in average more than vocational students peryear. Among vocational students the order which was much paid direct costs was commercial, agricultural, technical, aquatic. In terms of indirect cost academic students paid 31687won more than vocational students per day. But except for aquatic students there was little difference in indirect cost.

      • KCI등재후보

        영산호의 (榮山湖) 육수학적 (陸水學的) 연구 - Ⅰ. 하구에 새로이 형성된 호수의 일반적 그리고 물리적 환경에 대하여 -

        최청일,정영호,위인선,백순기,이종빈,양수인 ( Chung Il Choi,Yung Ho Chung,In Sun Wui,Soon Ki Baik,Jong Bin Lee,Soo In Yang ) 한국하천호수학회 1985 생태와 환경 Vol.18 No.3·4

        The limnology of Lake Yongsan, a freshwater reservoir recently built in the Yongsan Estuary, was studied in relation to physical conditions. The lake sampled for 14 months at monthly interval in 1983∼1984. Water temperature varied widely from a monthly average low of 1. 0℃ to a high of 30.7℃. Water structure was isothermal and homogeneous throughout the yearly survey. Salinity ranged from 0. 03 to 0.45‰ and tended to increase toward the barrier indicating some salt water intrusion. Extremely low transparencies prevailed throughout the survey period with Secchi disc depths ranging from 0. 25 to 1. 80 m. Conductivity was generally high with annual mean of 592.2 ㎛hos/cm while the annual mean pH range was 5.4∼9.4 with an annual average of 7. 2. The annual mean of alkalinity was 64.8 ㎎/ℓ. Dissolved oxygen content varied widely from 0. 90∼14. 44 ㎎/ℓ and had an annual mean of 8. 40 ㎎/ℓ. The BOD was relatively high, suggesting that allochthoncus organic material loading was occurring. The lake appears to be still in the early stages of development and has not yet reached equilibrium conditions. Other limnological factors are also described and discussed.

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