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        戰略企劃을 통한 地方政府 發展戰略 樹立에 관한 硏究

        윤정길,우무정 한국행정연구원 2003 韓國行政硏究 Vol.12 No.3

        우리나라의 지방자치 과제 중 하나는 이제 어느 정도 정착된 지방자치제도를 운영의 묘를 살려 효율적인 지방자치, 실질적으로 주민의 편익을 제고하는 지방자치로 거듭나기 위해 지방 스스로 자치능력을 증진하기 위한 관심과 노력을 기울이는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 이와 같은 지방자치의 과제에 대한 문제의식을 바탕으로 최근까지 어려움이 지속되고 있는 영월군을 연구대상지역으로 선정하여 전략기획이라는 접근법을 활용하여 지방정부의 능력형성 및 발전방안과 비전을 제시하고자 시도하였다. SWOT분석을 토대로 다섯 가지의 전략적 쟁점을 도출하였으며, 이를 토대로 구성원별 역할과 결부시켜 ① 단체장의 능동·창의적 리더십 발휘, ② 주민통합을 위한 의회의 적극적 역할 수행, ③ 주민들의 주체적 자각 및 인식제고의 세 가지를 전략적 대안으로 설정하였다. 이들 대안이 구성원들의 적극적인 역할수행을 통해 성공적으로 집행될 경우 달성할 구체적 목표를 '주민통합과 지역경제 활성화'로 설정하였으며, 궁극적으로 실현될 미래의 비전을 『친환경적 문화관광·휴양도시 영월』로 제시하였다. process of the legislation on bioethics and the interest of stakeholders. New technology and its socio-ethic conflict are the most important factor in the process of the legislation on bioethics. The main actors of its legislation process are biotechnology group, NGO and government. They try to play their active roles to acquire the legislation initiative. According to the analysis, policy network has many agencies(actors) in its own network and shows a prominent characteristics of issue network. Interaction of agencies reveals conflicting rather than cooperating among agencies. The structure of policy network is the decentralized one focusing their own interests. The meanings of this study are to review the appearance of new technology and its socio-ethics conflict and to inspect the possibility of theoretical application of policy network. The Korean Local Autonomy system has been rooted through the several ballots of it since 1991. Now, one of the tasks on local autonomy is concentrating the interests and endeavors to increase the self-governing capacity of local government. By accomplishing this task, Korean Local Autonomy system will be reborn as efficient and practical mechanism for providing benefits to residents. This study had a trial of presenting alternatives for development through the capacity building and strategic visions of local government by using strategic planning approach on the basis of problematic perception on the task of local autonomy. Young Weol Gun (District) was selected as a subject local government of this study, which has difficulties in resolving many problems. The five strategic issues were extracted from the result of SWOT analysis, and the strategic alternatives were established with relation to the role of constituents such as ① exercising district chief's active and creative leadership, ② performing the proactive role of local council for consolidating residents, ③increasing the initiative awareness and perception of residents on the development of local government. And the concrete goal was settled as "Consolidating Residents and Revitalizing Local Economic" in case of successful execution of strategic issues through the proactive role performance of each constituents. Ultimately, the vision of Young Weol Gun was established as 'Pro-Environmental and Cultural Tourist and Relaxation Citya. The OECD countries have been practicing a series of government reform programs in order to cope with the pressures of the environmental change. These programs are basically aimed at enhancing public sector productivity and customer satisfaction through the adoption of result-oriented management system. The development of accounting system is an indispensable step toward a successful result-oriented management in government. Especially the cash-based governmental accounting system makes it hardly provide accurate information on the status and soundness of governmental financial management. Thus, many OECD countries are transforming the accounting system from cash accounting to accrual accounting. This study explores the causes, consequences, performance, and limitations of Australian governmental accounting system reform for the successful adoption of the new accounting system in Korea. This study shows the successful Australian experience with its decentralization and strengthened accountability of the public bureaucracy, and the new system provides valuable information for better management decisions. Continuous efforts based on active participation of private and public sector, an official's will and capability to apply new information can play an important role in the system. But to reform the governmental accounting system successfully, it needs to clarify the limitation of financial information that new system products. And finally, under this circumstances, this study implies that supplemental measures like budget system reform and performance management system of measuring policy effects should be accompanied. This paper investigates the factors which have influenced on the local public services contracting-out outcomes. This study aims to provide the theoretical grounds of the

      • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 연구 : Cartoon Technique를 중심으로 Cartoon Technique

        윤정길 誠信女子大學校 1985 硏究論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        Ken Kesey`s one flew Over the Cuckoo`s nest is a cartoon-like novel about insanity and life in a mental institution. A cartoon is an animated sketch which imitates and plays up the peculiarities and affectations of a person or situation to the point of being absurdly incongruous; and, in doing this, it often makes some critical commentary on its subject. Several contemporary novelists use this technique in their absurdist novels, and Ken Kesey does it quite effectively, especially in view of the fact that the narrator of this book is a schizophrenic man who tents to see things in terms of black and white. Ken Kesey uses this technique to bring his reader a message, a “truth”. The setting for the story is particular ward of a mental hospital, which Kesey describes as being “like a cartoon world where the figures are flat and outlined in black,...”(p.31) The major characters called Acutes appear flat because they are empty and without substance of Human Being; the black outline is the border of action and thought within which the Big Nurse has circumscribed them. Big Nurse symbolizes the Combine, the society, the powerful forces of control and in a sense, she herself is a brain-washed puppet the Combine has successfully produced to be used to its advantege. Acutes are not only the victims of the society but of a “matriarchy.” Most of the female in the novel exercise their castrating power over the male. They present non-domestic, hard, insistently emasculating female authority. McMurphy is Kesey`s agent to save these poor victims from the cartoon world by giving them substance of Human Beings; to teach them why they should try to be themselves and what is the importance of a real laugh around the pain. Kesey believes that a good, hard laughter can fill them up, lift them right off the cartoon book pages, swelling the men bigger and bigger untill they are not flat any more. He also believes that there will always be a Combine, or a Big Nurse to try to make one into what they want him to be, to make him feel wrong or sick for being what he is. However, since a man`s life is his being and his making manifest that being, when he cannot do this, he becomes a puppet in the cartoon world and worse yet, he is dead, figuratively. The important thing is to keep things clear in one`s mind, and to keep one`s own mind. In this sense, it is only right and just that McMurphy should die at the end, after the “lobotomy.”

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        실리콘 삽입 융비술 후 비변형의 원인에 관한 임상적관찰

        박종섭,함기선,조대환,윤정길 大韓成形外科學會 1988 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.15 No.1

        Sometimes we encounter complications such as skin problems, infection, protruding prosthesis, deviated prosthesis, turnover deformity or curved deformity and others that can be casused by silicon implanted augmentation rhinoplasty. Among those complications the curved deformity is one of the most annoying problem to the patient and surgeon. The curved deformity means an appearance of the axialy curved deviation on the dorsum of the nose associated with skin erythema and supratip deformity after an augmentation rhinoplasty. We experienced 6 cases of this kind of deformity over the past 4 years. 2 were referred to us by other surgeons and 4 were from our own surgical cases. All of our cases had augmentation rhinoplasty implanted with a soft type of prosthesis(?koken) and the referred cases used an medium type (?Dow corning). There was a period of satisfying results from 3 to 4 months after surgery however a gradual appearance of the typical deformities occurred. Even after the second surgery for the correction of the first deformities, there was a even shorter period of satisfaction which lasted only 2 to 3 months. Therefore we suppose this deformity is caused by an inproportional contracture of the surrounding capsule. Through the microscopic studies of the histological structure of the capsule between the tip and the paranasal area. We got the following findings, the area around tip showed more of an inflammatory reaction with a marked lymphohistiocyte infiltration and a fibrous thickening of the capsule. There was no evidence of a fibrous membrane between the silicon and the capsule. In the paranasal area we noticed a less inflammatory reaction and an obvious fibrous membrane between the silicon alto the capsule. The surrounding fibrous capsule was composed of a hyalinized connective tissue in both areas. In this different histological finding, we suppose the deformity was caused by an inproportional capsular contracture affecting the prosthesis which was stronger at the tip and weaker at the paranasal area. A stronger contracture at the tip will push the silicone prosthesis upward and gradually result in a supratip deformity and a curved axis of the prosthesis.

      • 두꺼운 입술 교정 12예의 임상적 소고

        윤정길,김수철,김철주,함기선 中央醫學社 1989 中央醫學 Vol.54 No.4

        From the view-point of our traditional concept, beautiful lips were defined as a small mouth with thick lips like a red matured cherry. But today young people consider thin lips to be beautiful. Most of the ladies who have the thick lips want to reduce their thickness because they want to change the lip impression from the dull and greedy to the sensuous and sexy one. They love thin lips but don't seem to insist on a small mouth. We have recently reviewed 12 cases of lip reduction for the esthetic purpose during last 5 years. 3 out of 12 cases corrected both the upper and lower lip, 4 were only the lower lip, 2 were the upper lip and 3 were partial corrections. In three cases, 2 for the lower lip and I for the upper lip, we tried to. reduce the thickness of their lips only by excision of mucosa and subcutaneous tissue for the inexperienced period, but we realized each cases needed additional underlying muscle excision because of inadequate improvement. From this, we recognized that the partial excision of muscle is the key procedure to succeed the reduction of lips, but it should be limited to only mid orbicularis oris muscle. The denture and alvealor status also take an important role in accomplishing a satisfactory surgical result.

      • 行政學의 成立背景과 社會的 脈絡 : 刺戟과 反應 溫古而知新

        尹正吉 건국대학교 행정대학원 1997 建國大學校 行政大學院 硏究論叢 Vol.24 No.-

        “하늘아래 새로운 것은 아무 것도 없다”(전도서 1 9) 하였음에도 불구하고 우리는 새로운 것을 쫓아다니는 타성이 있다. 어찌보면 인간의 이 구신성 때문에 우리의 삶이 달라지고 사회도 변화되며 학문도 발전될 수 있을 것이다. 그런데 새로움의 추구에는 언제나 목적과 방향설정이 분명하여야 함에도 불구하고 경우에 따라서는 목적이나 방향도 묻지 않은채 새롭다는 사실만 보고 무턱대고 좇아가는 경향이 많다.

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