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      • 地域福祉의 方法論的 接近에 關한 硏究

        尹旭 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 1984 새마을지역개발연구 Vol.5 No.-

        This study as a research on the methodological approach to the community work is aimed at presenting a model of new approach to community work development by analizying the problematic areas in the traditional methods with the purpose to examine a theory which will become a trend and fundamental precondition of the new approach to and the thought for solving the problems. First, there are often vivid discussions that public welfare should be developed with its central emphasis on community welfare of which increasing importance is recognized by both researchers and practioners, and the efforts to meet the demand thereof are also increasing. This fact is supported by the four factors as follows: 1) The community needs to be considered as a source of all kinds of problems in human life in order to ensure the fundamental functioning of social welfare and achieve its objectives. 2 ) All kinds of protection programs which are likely to separate the community relationship or family relationship cannot become an adequate assistance in the true sense of social welfare. Social welfare as protection programs should provide aid so that the client will be able to develop and maintain all his social relations in the community in order to meet the needs he faces in his life, 3 ) The citizens' participation at the level of community is required to make the community people participate effectively in planning, executing and operating the social institutions or societal policies related to the problems caused in their life because social welfare is in its essence in the same situation concerned with the community people and the clients to be assisted. 4) In order to develop the social welfare which is more effective and/or will prevent in advance the problems which are caused in social life and will solve any problems if arised, it is required that the whole community people should be covered and their needs are grasped and mutual cooperation could be attained through the organic relations among the concerned agencies. There is no need to reiterate the importance of the fact that the preventive measures to keep the problems from arising are more rational than the expost fact measures. Second, the efforts to solve these problems necessitate three preconditions as follows: 1) Community work or housing welfare can be improved when the minimum wage system is established and the reduction of working hours is realized for the welfare of the workers who constitutes the majority of the community population regardless of the case being in urban or rural area. 2) The social security systems should be expanded including the improvement of the livelihood protection criteria and the democratic innovation of the systems and their operation in order to ensure the substantial improvement of the community work, especially the housing welfare, 3) The establishment of the delivery service system and means of the community social life is required. Many problems will arise in leading a normal family life and community life unless the living environment is arranged through the perspective with priority on the resident life focused on the disabled or the aged, and the common facilities and services basically required for the community life are organized and provided. Third, the following elements in addition to the above mentioned facts should not be overlooked if the community work is to be achieved: 1) There is an increasing need that a joint study by the government authorities, welfare facilities and the researchers should be conducted as an experimental program to improve the community work in such areas as professional welfare services, housing welfare services and the review and distribution of the facilities having the multi-times functioning. 2) A need is recongnized that the review on the most logical distribution plan of the welfare facilities and the whole system of the housing work services should be conducted through the establishment of the community work planning based on the region devided into the intermediate areas, the urban area with its comparatively well arranged social resources, and the rural area with its scarce resources, 3) The role, and cooperation of the agencies concerned with the entire community work need to be clarified. Especially a study should be done on the system and administrative organization of the local welfare administration in its relation with the public health administration and medical facilites. 4) The theories of 'community organization such as the participation by the persons themselves to be assisted, the voluntary activities, residents' welfare activities in the small area, and etc. need to be rearranged in comparison with the past traditional methods and experiences in order to provide the structured and systematized method of providing assistance, 5) In order to facilitate the growth of community work, it is necessary to set up some model programs for a comprehensive community work services as an experimental case with the support of the planned budget allocation and supply of the necessary manpower. Fourth, these community work policies need to be standardized on the bases of the civic, community minimum of the local unit which preconditions the establishment of the national minimum, and need to be arranged in a planned and comprehensive way through the pursuit of innovation of administration and finance by means of all the residents' participation in the community in response to the living situation of the residents and the local stratification. Fifth, the basic premise of a model of the methodological approach suggested whould be formulated in a practical method and as an experimental tool to materialize the methodological approach in a general and systematic way because it clarifies the model type indicator and establishes the essential foundation of the community work practices with its contents of the three typical models. Accordingly, the typical models in this study should be based on the five hypotheses in relation to the system theory and social learning theory as an approach having its comprehensive contents of the functions of the social welfare works. 1) To create the organization's entity and its concrete image. 2) To establish the subject of welfare society formation and the subject of practicing the professional, social welfare works. 3) To analysize and evaluate the welfare adminstration and to eastablish its position. 4) To formulate the realistic welfare society and to clarify its process. 5) To establish the necessity of the community activities and the subject of the practice of the social welfare works. Sixth, the model of the methodological approach should be clarified through its roles and processes with its purposes of consolidationg and integrating the social welfare facilites and housing welfare facilites according to the needs of the welfare policies and characteristics of each community, and as a method to restore and maintain the normal social function by solving problems in individual and collective way based on the recognition that the social welfare works should be conducted in effective operation. This study has presented a model of the methodological approach to the community work development by examining and analyzing the theories of the practical and realistic approaches in an effort to solve the problems faced with the traditional methods which have not been clearly developed in the community work practices. However, this new approach to the community work practices is not only insufficient for the multiple functions of assistance and curriculum development to train the social workers, researchers, and students, but the concrete practical contents of this model remain to be studied and developed further, while there may be a need to review another approach to community work from new different perspectives.

      • KCI등재

        러시아의 남하와 만주 주방의 변화, 1900-1911 - 琿春 駐防의 사례 -

        윤욱 효원사학회 2022 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.61

        Regarding the relationship between Russia's occupation of Manchuria and the banner cities there after the Boxer Rebellion, previous researches have mainly noted that the impact of the Russian occupation of Manchuria led the Qing empire to abandon military rule in the region and to pursue the reforms that included the full-fledged recruitment of Han Chinese officials and the establishment of a provincial administration system. Some scholars still argue that the turmoil exacerbated the livelihood problems of bannermen in Manchuria. This paper attempts to describe the changes of Manchu banner cities in detail caused not only by the Russian occupation of Manchuria but also by the reforms of the Qing empire to overcome the crisis, with a case study on the banner city in Hunchun using its abundant archival materials. According to this study, first of all, the system in which the office of lieutenant general of Hunchun had been the military, administrative and judicial center of the Hunchun area collapsed. The military strength of the banner city was not rebuilt after the war, and instead civil defense forces, composed primarily of Han Chinese cultivators, played a key role in suppressing bandits and disbanded soldiers. In addition, as the Qing empire introduced measures to expand civilian officials to improve the efficiency of the administration in Manchuria, the status of the banner office of Hunchun was greatly deteriorated since the responsibilities of collecting taxes, managing legal cases, and maintaining social order were transferred from the office of lieutenant general of Hunchun to the Department of Yanji. The deterioration of the status of the banner office reduced the legal and social status of the Hunchun bannermen, while that of the Han Chinese experienced an uplift. In the event of a lawsuit, the Hunchun bannermen were summoned to the Department of Yanji to be judged by Han Chinese officials, so the bannermen could no longer receive the protection of the banner officials. Christians and Russian interpreters who gained prominence after the Boxer Rebellion were almost entirely the Han Chinese. As Russia occupied the Maritime Territory and developed Vladivostok and other maritime towns whose population speedily grew, Hunchun, located on the road to Vladivostok from the eastern part of the Jilin province, became the hub of intermediary trade. Especially after the Russo-Japanese War, as Hunchun's trade with Russia grew by leaps and bounds, Han Chinese merchants enunciated into Hunchun. As the result, the citadel of Hunchun along with its vicinities where wholesale stores and retail shops were densely located, became dominated by the Han Chinese. Hunchun bannermen became concerned when they saw the Han Chinese from the outside behaved arrogantly and became wealthy through trade, but on the other hand, it is believed that this might motivate them to actively participate in the New Policies that the Qing empire carried out in Manchuria. During the period examined here, other banner cities in Manchuria were also experiencing the transfer of military administration to civilian administration or the advance of the Han Chinese merchants due to the advance of Russia to the south, so the changes in the banner society of Hunchun shown in this article provide implications for understanding other banner cities in Manchuria. 1900년 義和團運動 이후 러시아의 만주 점령과 만주 주방과의 관계와 관련하여 기존의 연구는 러시아의 만주 점령으로 인한 충격으로 말미암아 청제국이 이 지역에서 만주족의 군사통치를 지양하고 본격적으로 한족 관료들을 등용하고 내지와 같은 省 체제를 확립하는 개혁을 추진하게 되었으며, 전란으로 인해 旗人들의 생계문제가 더욱 악화되었다는 점에 주목했다. 본 연구는 러시아의 만주점령으로 인한 혼란과 이를 극복하기 위한 청제국의 노력이 실제 주방사회에 일으킨 변화를 琿春 駐防을 사례로 들어 당안 사료를 이용하여 세밀하게 서술하려고 시도했다. 본 연구에 따르면, 우선 훈춘주방아문이 훈춘 일대의 군사적 행정적 사법적 중심이었던 체제가 붕괴했다. 주방의 군사력은 전후 재건되지 못했고, 대신 주로 漢族 墾民으로 구성된 團練이 土匪와 散勇을 진압하는데 핵심적인 역할을 수행했다. 또한 청조정이 만주에서 행정의 효율성을 제고하기 위해 민관을 확대하는 조치를 도입하자 조세의 징수, 법률소송 뿐만 아니라 경찰업무까지 琿春副都統衙門에서 延吉廳으로 이관되면서 훈춘주방아문의 위상이 크게 악화되었다. 주방아문의 위상 악화는 기인들의 법률적, 사회적 지위를 저하시킨 반면, 한인들의 그것은 제고하는 결과를 낳았다. 소송이 발생했을 경우 기인이 연길청에 소환되어 한족 관원에 의해 심판을 받게 됨에 따라 기인들은 더 이상 기관들의 비호를 받을 수 없게 되었다. 의화단 사건 이후 득세하게 된 基督敎 敎人과 러시아어 통역도 거의 대부분 한족이었다. 러시아가 연해주를 차지하고 블라디보스톡 등지를 개발하고 이곳의 인구가 늘어남에 따라 길림성 동부지역에서 블라디보스톡으로 가는 길목에 위치한 훈춘은 중개무역지로 거듭나게 되었다. 특히 러일전쟁 이후 훈춘의 러시아와의 교역이 비약적으로 성장하자 훈춘에 한족 상인들이 쇄도하게 되면서 상점이 밀집한 훈춘성과 그 주위는 한인들이 장악하다시피 하게 된다. 훈춘의 기인들은 외지에서 온 한족이 거만해지고 무역을 통해 부유해지는 것을 보면서 우려감을 갖게 되었지만 한편으로 이는 청제국이 만주에서 수행한 新政改革에 이들이 적극적으로 동참하게 하는 계기로 작용했으리라 여겨진다. 당시 만주의 다른 주방에서도 군정에서 민정으로의 이양이나 러시아의 남하로 인한 한족 상인들의 진출을 경험하고 있었으므로 이 글에서 보이는 훈춘 주방 사회의 변화는 당시 만주의 기타 주방사회를 이해하는데 시사점을 제공하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        포항 흥해지역 지열대의 지화학

        윤욱,조병욱,Yun Uk,Cho Byong-Wook 한국지하수토양환경학회 2005 지하수토양환경 Vol.10 No.6

        한반도의 고 지열류량 지대에 속하는 포항시 흥해지역 일대에 대한 지열수 조사를 수행하였다. 그 결과 이 지역 지열수는 지열수대 연변부로서 저류암과 완전평형을 이루지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 동위원소분석 결과 심부 지하수(평균: ${\delta}^{18}O=-10.1\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-65.8\%_{\circ}$), 중간심도(평균: ${\delta}^{18}O=-8.9\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-59.6\%_{\circ}$), 천부지하수(평균: ${\delta}^{18}O=-8.0\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-53.6\%_{\circ}$), 지표수(평균: ${\delta}^{18}O=-7.9\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-53.3\%_{\circ}$)를 보여 심부지하수는 강우에서 기원하였고, 지형적으로 고도가 높은 지역에서 함양되었으며, 해수의 영향을 받지 않았음이 밝혀졌다. 물 지질온도계를 이용한 결과 D-2, D-5, D-6, I-04부근에서 이상 고온대가 추정된다. 실리카-엔탈피 혼합모델 추정결과 저류대 온도는 410 kJ/kg으로서 $98^{\circ}C$에 해당하여 Na-K 및 K-Mg온도계에 의한 추정결과와 일치한다. The geothermal research has been carried out on the Heunghae, Pohang geothermal area know as having geo-heat-flow area in the Korean peninsula. This study results so far indicate that geothermal water in the area is in peripheral waters of hydrothermal area and is not in equilibrium with the reservoir rock. The average oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope values are as follows: deep groundwater $(average:\;{\delta}^{18}O=-10.1\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-65.8\%_{\circ})$, intermediate groundwater (average: $(average:\;{\delta}^{18}O=-8.9\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-59.6\%_{\circ})$, shallow groundwater $(average:\;{\delta}^{18}O=-8.0\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-53.6\%_{\circ})$, surface water $(average:\;{\delta}^{18}O=-7.9\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-53.3\%_{\circ})$ respectively. Deep groundwaters was originated from a local meteoric water recharged from distant, topographically high mountain region and not affected by the sea water. High temperature zone inferred from water geothermometers is around D-1, D-5, D-6, 1-04 well zones. The estimated enthalpy from Silica-enthalpy mixing model is near 410 kJ/kg, which corresponds to the temperature of $98^{\circ}C$, and in consistent with the result of Na-K and K-Mg geothermometer.

      • 家族福祉事業의 理論的 基礎에 關한 序說的 硏究(I)

        윤욱 대구대학교 (한사대학) 사회복지연구소 1981 社會福祉硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        They have little knowledge of family welfare activity in korea. But interest of people for the work with social welfare activity are increasing recently. A symposium about conception of social welfare and its future direction was opened on a large scale in 1979 under the sponsorship of The Asan Foundatin. In the syposium, the lecturers and debaters advocate constantly the importance of family welfare activitiy. The object of this study is to disclose the basis of family welfare activity.; The foundation of family work may be divided with theological aspect, social functional aspect of family, centural aspect of social welfare and social problem's aspect, and then the two formers were examinated in this study. The man can not destroy the family without the Lord's permission, because the family has been created by the Lord of Heaven. The mention about family welfare appears in the Bible, for example 3-6 of chapter 19 St. Matthew, 3-4 and 8-41 of Chapter 7 I Corinthians, 1- -4 of Chapter 6 Ephesians. There are sexual function, childbirth function, nursing and socialization function of child, economc function, and protective, repose, recreational function in family's function. The family welfare activity that has been carried into effect up to the present is based on these functions. That is to say, family welfare activity must facilitate family function.

      • KCI등재

        감마선분광분석기를 이용한 괴산 옥천하부천매암대 일대의 감마선량 평가

        윤욱,조병욱 대한지질공학회 2019 지질공학 Vol.29 No.4

        Gamma-radiation dose rates were measured at 77 points around the Ogcheon lower phyllite zone (og2) in Goesan County, Korea, using gamma-ray spectrometry. Sample K contents were in the range 1.8-8.8% (average 4.6%), highest in Kgr. The eU contents were 0.2-217.9 ppm (average 16.7 ppm), highest in og2 (median 29.6 ppm). The eTh contents were 11.9-76.5 ppm (average 29.5 ppm) and the average eTh content of Kgr was 45.4 ppm, higher than those of Ogcheon meta-sedimentary rocks (og1, og2, and og3) (26.6-30.6 ppm). Except for some high-uranium sites in og2, 40K is the main radioactive material contributing to the gamma-radiation dose in the study area. Our results indicate that the outdoor effective dose rate of the area is 0.08-1.71 mSv y-1 (average 0.28 mSv y-1), with most areas apart from three points in og2 displaying dose rates <1 mSv y-1, which is the normal natural radiation background level. 휴대용 감마선분광분석기를 이용하여 괴산지역 옥천하부천매암대(og2) 주변 일대 77개 지점에서 감마선량을 측정하였다. 전체 시료의 40K 함량은 1.8-8.8% 범위(평균 4.6%)로 Kgr에서 함량이 가장 높았으며, eU의 함량 범위는 0.2-217.9 ppm (평균 16.7 ppm)인데 og2에서 가장 높았으며(중앙값 29.6 ppm)다. eTh의 함량 범위는 11.9-76.5 ppm (평균 29.5 ppm) 이었는데 Kgr의 평균 함량은 45.4 ppm으로 og1, og2, og3의 함량(26.6-30.6 ppm)보다 높았다. og2에 속하는 일부 고 우라늄 지점을 제외한 연구지역의감마선량에 기여하는 방사성물질은 40K가 절대적이다. 연구지역의 옥외 유효선량률은 0.08-1.71 mSv/y (평균 0.28 mSv/y)의 범위로 나타났다. 유효선량률이 1 mSv를 넘는 지점은 함 우라늄 층이 협재된 og2 의 덕평리지역 3지점이며 이를 제외한 나머지 대부분 지역은 정상적인 자연방사선지역에 해당한다.

      • 社會福祉의 方法에 關한 序說的硏究

        윤욱 대구대학교 (한사대학) 사회복지연구소 1980 社會福祉硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        With the growth of national concern for social welface, it is necessary to increase scientific study for social welfare. This study, according to this need, aims to bring light on the method of social welfare. On account of comprehension of social welfare contents, it may be difficult to. devide the approach method. But this study is helpful in clearness of recognition for social welfare. Generally speaking, there are three methods-absolute approach, relative approach, professional approach -in social welfare method. The first means method that go forward the goal that we set up, whatever the mode of welfare society is. The second is not proceeding for the given goal but establishment of society that there are no problems in one's life. It is also called pathological or supplementary approach. The third, basing on the 3 methods of social work, intends to get close welfare society. For all that social welfare method are not ought to devide in this way. In any case, it is necessary to establish the social welfre indicator for all method or approach. The indicator plays an important role in absolute approach. And it play, not only in relative approach but also in professional approach. Because it is the goal of our effort for welfare society. First of all, the social welfare indicator should establish in social welfare method.

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