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        목설을 원료로 하는 당류 제조에 관한 연구 : 제1보 : 나왕재 Xylan 의 가수분해속도 Part 1 . Hydrolysis Rate of Lauan Wood Xylan

        강용식,유만지 한국화학공학회 1976 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.14 No.2

        羅工材 톱밥에서 xylan을 分離하고, 이것을 1∼15%濃度의 黃酸溶液을 써서 70∼110℃의 溫度에서 加水分解하여, 그 結果를 速度論的 立場에서 考察하였다. 羅王材 xylan에는 加水分解가 쉬운 部分(A部)과 어려운 部分(B部)이 共存하며, A部와 B部의 加水分解速度定數 各各 k_A[min^(-1)〕 및 k_B[min^(-1)〕와 xylose의 分解速度定數 k_D〔min^(-1)〕의 實驗式으로서, 溫度T〔°K]와 黃酸濃度 C(%)를 變數로 하는 다음의 결과를 얻었다. k_A=1.24×10^7·C^(1.40)exp(-32200/RT) k_B=2.97×10^(11)·C^(1.65)exp(-25300/RT) k_D=9.53×10^(12)·C^(1.55)exp(-29900/RT) The hydrolysis rates of Lauan wood xylan have been investigated under some favorable conditions. The results show that the rates process can be divided into two stages which proceed at different rates. The equations describing the rate constants of both stages, k_A=[min^(-1)] and k_B=[min^(-1)], and the decomposition rate of xylose, k_D[min^(-1)], are given as functions of sulfuric acid concentration, C(%), and absolute temperature. T〔°K〕, k_A=1.24×10^7·C^(1.40)exp(-32200/RT) k_B=2.97×10^(11)·C^(1.65)exp(-25300/RT) k_D=9.53×10^(12)·C^(1.55)exp(-29900/RT)

      • KCI등재

        스마트워크 환경하의 업무성과에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        강용식,Sun-Dong Kwon 한국정보기술응용학회 2016 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.23 No.1

        This study derived research model about the influencing factors of the successful performance of smart work. Research model is composed of four perspectives: technology perspective like system quality and usage level of information technology, interaction perspective like innovational climate, institutional perspective like personnel evaluation, and individual perspective like self-control. This study collected 155 survey data from K public company and M global software company. As a result of data analysis, all of four perspectives influenced smart work performance. Technology perspective had the strongest effect on smart work performance, the second was institution perspective, the third was interaction perspective, and the last was individual perspective. In conclusion, smart work is not an IT project. We have to reconsider the thinking that just only the introduction of cutting-edge IT increases business performance. Smart work project should be pursued in harmony with institution and climate in the organizational perspective and self-control in the personal perspective. Also, to maximize business performance in smart work environment, organizations should strengthen the positive factors and overcome the negative factors.

      • KCI등재

        김민기의 <아침이슬>: 숭고와 음악

        강용식 한국대중음악학회 2020 대중음악 Vol.- No.25

        본 논문은 김민기의 <아침이슬>(1971)을 숭고의 관점에서 연구하였다. 이 곡이 한국 대중음악에서 차지하는 높은 위상에도 불구하고, 음악적인면은 아직 충분히 논의되지 않았고, 전달하는 의미의 많은 부분도 여전히모호하다. 이런 문제점들을 해결하기 위해 저자는 로버트 여딩엔의 스키마 이론과 장-프랑수아 리오타르의 숭고의 개념을 이용하였다. 선율을 축약하는 방법을 통해 주요 선율을 파악하였고, 이들을 스키마 이론의 관점에서 해석하였다. 이럼으로써 이 곡에서 로마네스카, 프리너, 폰테, 몬테, 하츠, 도-레-미 등의 스키마가 사용된다는 것을 발견하였고, 이 스키마들이 가지는 사회적, 문화적 함의인 숭고가 김민기의 <아침이슬>에서도 유효하다고 주장하였다. 또한 김민기의 예술관이 리오타르의 숭고의 개념과 매우 유사하다는 것을 발견하였으며, 리오타르의 공포, 사건, 총체주의에 대한 저항이라는 관점에서 이것을 설명하였다. 이를 통해 김민기의<아침이슬>은 우리의 일상의 경험을 넘어서는, 보다 근원적인 물음에 대답하는 숭고한 사건이라고 주장하였다.

      • 스마트워크 환경하의 업무성과에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        강용식,권순동 한국경영학회 2014 한국경영학회 통합학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.8

        Smart-work is rapidly emerging due to low birth rate, ageing, IT evolution and work-life balance. This study derived influencing factors under smart-working environment from individual point, interaction point, institution point including IT point. They are ‘system quality’, ‘IT utilization level’, ‘communication level’, ‘innovation climate’, ‘emotional intelligence’, ‘self-control’, ‘personnel evaluation’. This study uses 155 surveys from ‘K’ national corporation and ‘M’ world wide software company to evaluate the influencing factors. The Results are shown below. First, under the Smart-working environment, all derived factors are influencing on job performance. Second, among the influencing factors, ‘personnel evaluation’ is negative to job performance and second higher factor under the Smart-working environment. It is needed to consider that how we can make fairness of personnel evaluation to Smart-working employees. Third, the influencing view point order is IT point, institution point, interaction point, individual point and influencing factor order is IT utilization level(0.373)’, ‘personnel evaluation(-0.204)’, ‘innovation climate(0.19)’, ‘communication level(0.175)’, ‘emotional intelligence (0.098)’, ‘self-control(0.067)’ respectively. The result can be a reference to improve Smart-working job performance and the company that prepares for the introduction of Smart-work can use it to obtain their original purpose by Smart-work. Smart-work is not IT project. It is enterprise project that needed to change organization, climate, personnel evaluation and so on. So, by understanding about organization and personnel characteristics, Smart-work project should be promoted to improve their job performance under Smart-working environment and therefor, should strengthen the competitiveness of enterprise.

      • 國産高性能減水劑를 使用한 流動化 콘크리트에 關한 硏究 : 슬럼프로스를 中心으로 in Correlation with Slump Loss with Time

        姜容植 大田開放大學 1986 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this experimental study is to analyze and investigate loss of slump with time of fresh concrete and the mechanical properties such as compressive strength, dynamic modulus and static modulus of elasticity in hardened concrete, used domestic superplasticizer, addition rates of which are 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0% by weight of cement, so that improve the workability and the pumpability of concrete. The results of this experiment are as follows; 1) With increase of water-cement ratio, loss of slump with time of flowing concrete rise and the optimum addition rete of superplasticizer without segregation of aggregate, appears to be 1.0% 2) Addition rate of domestic superplasticizer has an effect on compressive strength of concrete, while it grows with increase of addition rate of superplasticizer in the range of 1.0% by weight of cement. 3) Compressive strength and static modulus of elasticity, of concrete, correlate with addition rate of domestic superplasticizer but compressive strength and dynamic modulus of elasticity, of concrete, don't have a correlation in case of addition of superplasticizer above 1.5%.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 소나타 형식에 나타난 아르스 콤비나토리아: 크리스피의 교향곡을 중심으로

        강용식 한양대학교 음악연구소 2018 音樂論壇 Vol.40 No.-

        This article investigates sonata form in Pietro Maria Crispi’s symphonies in terms of Ars Combinatoria and Sonata Theory. The concept of Ars Combinatoria which was introduced by Leonard Ratner emphasizes the mechanical aspect of music which enables composers to combine and rearrange musical materials in their work. James Hepokoski and Warren Darcy criticize the rigidity of previous sonata form and propose their Sonata Theory which appreciates the individuality of each composition. In this article, I argued that Crispi composes with a lot of flexibility in sonata form by using the technique of Ars Combinatoria. For this purpose, I discussed his sonata forms by dividing them into four sub-categories: slightly changed recapitulation, reversed recapitulation, continuous exposition, and recapitulation with no transition or second theme. 본 논문은 피에트로 마리아 크리스피(Pietro Maria Crispi, 1737-1797)의 교향곡에 나오는 소나타 형식을 아르스 콤비나토리아(Ars Combinatoria)와 소나타 이론의 관점에서 연구한 글이다. 아르스 콤비나토리아는 레너드 라트너(Leonard Ratner)가 도입한 개념으로 작곡가들이 곡에서 음악적 재료들을 조합하고 재배열하는 기계적인 면을 중시하는 것이다. 제임스 헤포코스키(James Hepokoski)와 워렌 달씨(Warren Darcy)의 소나타 이론은 기존의 경직된 소나타 형식에서 벗어나 각각의 곡들에 담겨있는 작곡가의 창의적인 면에 대한 해석을 강조한다. 본 논문에서는 이 두 이론을 통해 크리스피가 소나타 형식이라는 틀 안에서 아르스 콤비나토리아 기법을 이용해 자유롭게 작곡하고 있음을 제시하였다. 이를 위해 크리스피의 소나타 형식을 구조적인 변화가 없는 재현부, 뒤바뀐 재현부, 연속적 제시부, 경과부 혹은 제2주제가 생략된 재현부로 나누어 논의하였다.

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