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        韓國敎會의 復興과 平信徒의 信仰敎育에 關한 硏究

        元鍾興 명지대학교 인문과학연구소 1990 인문과학연구논총 Vol.7 No.-

        Even with the 100 year anniversary of the protestant church of Korea fast approaching, it is generally admitted that the Korean Church has been in a continual process of growth. However, this growth has resulted in some serious problems and must now rethink, and restructure the patterns of church growth. Before, the church growth was characterized by its emphasis on the emotional aspects, size of church buildings, and we numerical growth. The revival movement was founded in the early church and in a sense this movement is charcterized by the following points; 1) Restoration of Biblical Authority 2) Biblical Theology 3) Establishment of Biblical Faith 4) Biblical Church 5) Biblical Ethics Through the above points, the life of the congregation may bear good fruit. Therefore we must emphasize lay actions for church growth in recent church history, we recognize the need of lay action for church growth similar to the first century church. To meet the demands that quality of growth should follow quantity of growth, the present day Korean church must build a core of ministry based on Biblical faith and at the same time establish a laity with a sense of Biblical theology and faith. In that way, we can make the laymen as people of christian mission. Therefore, through the above statement. We feel that a true renewal in the church may come about. In its growth, the Korean Church will need laymen's faith training to bring about quantitative and qualitative growth.

      • 民衆神學의 誤謬

        元鍾興 명지대학교 대학원 1989 明知大學校開校四十周年記念論文集 Vol.1989 No.-

        Today, there are many theologies, Some theologies, like liberation theolory and minjung thelogy which are based on situation ethics, are liberalism. It is said that the pure gospel does not come from situation ethics, but comes from the sovereignty of GOD. of course soeiety and churches are responible about the occurrence of liberation thelogy. For example, pastors of South America enlightened the people to reform society. South America had been ruled by Spain for 300 years and the pastors knew the poverty of South America and asserted liberation theology. The pastors of South America, however, didn't preach the salvation of spirit but preach the salvation of society and "Social Gospel." Minjung theology of Korea criticized he problem of poverty and peasant life but it is wrong. The evangelical principles admit the authority of Bible and spiritual revolution of human beings. Liberalism has digressed from the Bible and confused our faith and destroyed nations, just as North Korea saw its opportunity and invalded South Korea. For example, the theologians of liberation theology in Vietnam asserted social gosple and became a sacrifice of the Communist party. This chapter criticizes the conflicts of Minjung theology and the theologies that are not evangelical principles and explains the theology of evangelical principles. The evangelical principles are these as follows. We are sent to preach not sociology but salvation; not reform but redemption, not culture but conversion; not progress but pardon; not renovation but revival; not resusitation but resurrection; not a new organization but new creation; not democracy but the Gospel; not civilization but chirst. We are ambassadors not diplomats.

      • 民衆神學의 誤謬

        元鐘興 明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 1991 論文集-明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 Vol.1 No.-

        Today, there are many theologies. Some theologies, like liberation theology and minjung thelogy which are based on situation ethics, are liberalism. It is said that the pure gospel does not come from situation ethics, but comes from the sovereignty of GOD. Of course soeiety and churches are responible about the occurrence of liberation thelogy. For example, pastors of South America enlightened the people to thform society. South America had been ruled by Spain for 300 years and the pasters knew the poverty of South America and asserted liberation theology. The pastors of South America, however, didn't preach the salvation of spirit but preach the salvation of society and "Social Gospel." Minjung theology of Korea criticized he problem of poverty and peasant life but it is wrong. The evangelical principles admit the authority of Bible and spiritual revolution of human beings. Liberalism has digressed from the Bible and confused our faith and destroyed nations, just as North Korea saw its opportunity and invalede South Korea. For example, the theologians of liberation thelolgy in Vietnam asserted social gospel and became a sacrifice of the Communist party. This chapter criticizes the conflicts of Minjung theology and the theologies that are not evangelical principles and explains the theology of evangelical principles. The evangelical principles are these as follows. We are sent to preach not sociology but salvation ; not reform but redemption, not culture but conversion ; not progress but pardon ; not renovation but revival ; nto resusitation but resurrection ; not a new organization but new creation ; not democracy but the Gospel ; not civilization but chirst. We are ambassadors not diplomats.

      • Augustinus의 基督敎的 人間論

        元鍾興 명지대학교 1987 明大論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        I am studying the Doctrine of Man centering around Augustinus' Confession in this thesis. At first Augustinus, as a believer of Manich(a)eism, insisted good-evil dualism and opposed to Christianity. He lead a dissolute life with pleasure, but finally he was influenced by Ambrosius. He repented thoroughly and established the Christian Doctrine of Man. Augustinus analyzes man's structure on the view of the body-soul(spirit) dualism based on the Bible. He explains that if the body would obey soul's order he would be happy, but if the soul would follow the body he would be and evil one. Augustinus is dealing with the sin problem separately in his doctrine of man. He rather introduced man's existence in detail in the problem of sin. According to Augustinus, sin was originated from disobedience and resistance to God and this sin made man lose his ability and lead man to go to the ruin way. He indicated that the dopravity is not the depravity of man's morality but one of man's nature. Moreover he makes his view clear man's entire depravity and universality of the sin as he thinks even an infant born just before in under the sin. But Augustinus insisted that it is possible for man to get to the salvation only through Christ instead he gave up the salvation of man under the sin. He proposed 2 orders in his Confession. One is that min's soul can treat his body and the other is that man's soul(spirit) should obey God.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        DR과 피크저감을 고려한 ESS의 운용 알고리즘에 관한 연구

        원종,유현상,최성문,김지명,노대석 한국산학기술학회 2023 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.24 No.8

        최근, 전 세계적으로 신재생에너지원의 계통연계 안정화 및 피크저감용으로 ESS(energy storage system)의설치가 매년 급증하고 있다. 여기서, ESS의 투자비용은 고가임으로 투자비 회수에 대한 사전 계획단계에서 편익과 비용요소들에 대한 적정한 검토가 선행되어야 하고, ESS의 설치 및 운용에 따른 수익성은 제도나 정책에 크게 의존되므로, 경제성에 대한 평가가 요구되고 있다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 ESS의 수익창출의 극대화를 위해, 기존의 피크저감과 더불어 DR(demand response) 참여를 고려하고, 이에 따른 운용 전략을 제시한다. 또한, 많은 일반 수용가에서 운용 중에있는 피크저감용 ESS를 대상으로 피크저감 및 DR을 고려한 ESS의 운용 알고리즘을 제시하고, 이를 바탕으로 비용요소와 편익요소로 구성된 경제성 평가 모델링을 제시한다. 구체적으로, 비용요소는 ESS 건설비용과 운용비용을 고려하고, 편익요소는 기본요금 절감, 전력량요금 절감, 특례 요금제에 의한 기본요금 할인, 전력산업기반기금 및 부가가치세 절감, DR참여에 의한 수익을 바탕으로 산정한다. 상기의 알고리즘과 모델링을 바탕으로 DR을 고려한 피크저감용 ESS의 경제성을 평가한 결과, 피크저감 및 DR을 각각 80%, 100% 수행한 경우 ROI가 17.7년으로 산정되고, 피크저감 및 DR을각각 100%, 80% 수행한 경우 ROI는 7.3년으로 산정되며, 피크저감과 DR을 동시에 100% 수행하면 ROI는 7년으로산정되어, 피크저감용 ESS를 DR에 적극적으로 활용함으로서 어느 정도 경제성을 확보할 수 있음을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        基督敎的 人間觀 : 바르트를 中心한 Karl Barth's

        元鍾興 명지대학교 인문과학연구소 1987 인문과학연구논총 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to understand and criticize Karl Barth's Theological Anthropologh. All Sciences and man philosophy have the problem of the Existence and essence of man as its ultimate task. Trough Karl Barth's Theological Anthropology, we shall have a new horizen for the under standing of man. Barth searches for man in the light of Jesus Christ. He Says, on the ground of traceitional christology, that Jesus is real God and real man. Therefore, Jesus is real man who atained the uniqueness in creation. He is the archetypal man and this man is man. The nature of human, illuminated in the light of Jesus, is as follows. First; man is being for God because man is creature of God. Second; man is being for his fellows. As he is the covenant-partner of God, he acquires the ground of relation to others. Third; man is neither a body nor a soul, but he is a whole man of soul and body. A lots of theologians criticize that Barth's Theology has the system of abstract and metaphysical Idealism espicially of Schleiermacher and Hegel. Therefore the revelation of God is in the distance from the real history and event. Hence, Barth's 'Revelation' become a monologue in the heaven. Nevertheless, Barth's christocentric Anthropology stauds on the most firm ground in the christian history.

      • KCI등재

        죽음의 美學 : 삶의 죽음

        元鍾興 명지대학교 인문과학연구소 1994 인문과학연구논총 Vol.11 No.-

        In the death of Lazarus Jesus affirmed to Martha “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live even die. And he asked her, do you believe this?”(John 11 : 25―26). These verses are a parodoxial declaration of the christian death and truth. Also, Apostle Paul tectified “O death, Where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. Bust thanks be to God! He gives us the vitory through our Lord Jesus Christ.(I Cor. 15 : 55―57). 1. Death of Boundary Situations Human being can realize death unlikely animals. He shall feel terror, anxiety, and dispair about death. M. Heidegger defined that death which human being cannot solve is boundary situations. 2. Ideal Theory of Death Plato, Greek philosopher, said that man lives in the dualistic world; dualism rests on the distinction between reality(ideas) and appearance(phonomenon) world. Plato sublimated death toward the idea's world which is human final purpose. Human being, however, will eager for the idea. 3. Concept of Death in the Bible According to the scripture death is defined the eternity of human life limited, which means not Greek thought that man as essentially twofold : body and soul. The body belongs to this world of becoming and change. The soul is divine thing from the world of being―emanation. But, in the biblical perspective human being is Imago Dei. The human soul should always have relationship with God. The soul came from God and go to God. So, human being is totally depending upon God after death. 1) Concept of death in Old Testament In Gen. 3 : 19 “...you return to the ground”, which means that human being came form the earth and return to the ground. It means that life is not disappearance but shift. In Ecc. 12 : 5 “man goes to his eternal home.” In Old Testament the motive and the origin of death was based upon Adam. The death as the result of sin was caused by Adam, but Jesus Christ as the second Adam overcomed and victoried the power of death. 2) Concept of dealth in New Testament In New Testament death is consider not the regular condition of the human life because of sin but the irregular condition. Paul said death through sin. But the wages of sin is no longer death because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ which is the great declaration of Christianity. John 11 : 25 refers to the conquest of death-Jesus is the resurrection and the life. One who believes in Jesus will live, even though he dies. The concept of death in Jesus is a new being and sublimating of a new spiritual being. Also, Paul I cor. 15 mentioned ‘the sting of death is sin’ and educated the principle of the resurrection in the believers. In this sense, the experience of the resurrected life in Jesus christ is believed the hope of eternal life in Christian. “Eternnal life” means not the continuity of the extension of life in present tense, but communication and participation of the divine life and becoming creature in a new formation of existence. But there is a difference in quality between man and God as absolute the Other. 3) Victory of death In christianity the overcoming of death is neither the Platonic idea nor the Buddhistic forgetfulness. The conquest of death in Christianity is the victory of death and come the Kingdom of God. So, death of Jesus Christ on the cross is the overcoming of death and the preparation of eternal life. A christion death is not terror but new beginnig. It is a transformation kaios to aion; this world to the other world;moment to eternal. Also, it is a new hope and peace.

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