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        우리 나라에 適合한 病院配置모델의 開發에 관한 硏究

        新英秀,金容益 대한보건협회 1983 대한보건연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The Government of Korea has established national objectives to set up a well-organized welfare system during the Fifth and Sixth Five Year Development Plan (1982~1991) as well as the economic development. Health care is the main component of social security program as is in other country. Health care system of Korea, however, has many problems to be solved to fulfill the expectation of the people. First of all, we have to take measures to meet the expected increase of medical utilization which is and will be induced by the rapidly expanding medical insurance scheme. The coverage rate of medical insurance and medical assistance scheme is planned to be 95% in 1988. It is inevitable that enormous increase of medical care will follow, while the provision of hospital beds is only 1.2 per thousand of population in 1982. Provision of health resources appropriate to meet the need is naturally understood as the key for the successful operation of the Korean health care system. Among the health resources, hospital is the core in health care system. However, in Korea, the problems of the hospitals are not only the shortage of beds, but also the lack of functional division among the hospitals, unbalanced geographical distribution, and the lack of standardization. In this background, this research project is to design a hospital allocation program to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of resources provision, and the availability and accessibility for the patients. The researchers have developed a mathematical model for optimal hospital allocation by service areas and by year, and selection of optimal location. Allocation should be based on forecasted demand of medical care, which is one part of this project. Planning horizon is from 1981 to 1991, but parameters was forecasted beyond the year of 1991. Several adjunct topics are included in the project. They are themselves very important for the national health care system. One of them is the reshuffle of health care delivery system, which is up to the present very unorganized. Another is the set-up of catchment areas, which has not existed in Korea. Third one is the development of standard modules of hospital. Other minor topics will be investigated. Korea Hospital Facility Allocation Model (KOHFAM) is the mathematical model developed in this study, it has the characteristics as follows. 1. The input variables can be up-dated, whenever necessary. 2. The input variables are selected only if they are available in Korea. 3. Modernization and expansion of existing hospitals has priority to the new hospital establishment. 4. Input and output variables of KOHFAM can be incorporated with the other fields of health care system. Tertiary hospital beds are allocated heuristically according to the forecasted demand of medical care by the "region". For the allocation of the secondary hospital beds, an objective function was developed. It is aiming at the minimization of shortage of beds and maximization of spatial accessibility under the constraints of number of expansion and investment cost. The algorithm is as follows. min{12∑t=1A_tc∑i=1(d_it-∑j∈{i}S_jt∑k=1X_jk)^++12∑t=1c∑i=1[V_it∑j∈{i}S_jt∑k=1X_jk+M_it(d_is-∑j∈{i}S_jt∑k=1X_jk)^+]} Subject to 12∑t=1X_jt≤1 for all j [∑j∈{LT_1}W_j·X_jt+∑j∈{LT_2}W_j/21∑k=0X_j,t+k+∑j∈{LT_3}W_j/32∑k=0X_j,t+k≤B_t t=1,…………………, 10 X_jt=0 or 1 a^+=max{0, a} The results of the allocation are as follows. 1. The number of hospitals are 442 in 1982, 501 in 1986, and 598 in 1991. The number of tertiary hospitals are respectively 17, 20 and 24, and the number of secondary hospitals are respectively 425, 481 and 574. 2. During the period of Fifth Development Plan (1982~1986), 3 tertiary and 56 secondary hospitals will be newly established and 4 tertiaty and 42 secondary hospitals will be expanded. During the Sixth Development Plan (1987~1991), 4 tertiary and 93 secondary hospital will be newly established and 5 tertiary and 32 secondary hospitals will be expanded. 3. The number of tertiary beds are 5,601 in 1982, it will be 6,085 in 1986 and 7,491 in 1991. The number of secondary beds are 41,103 in 1982, 52,552 in 1986 and 71,216 in 1991. The total number of beds is 46,121 in 1982, 58,637 in 1986 and 78,707 in 1991. 4. The number of beds per 1,000 of population is 1.181 in 1982, 1.399, in 1986, and 1.751 in 1991. 5. The smallest type of hospital will be reduced from 54.4% in 1982 to 44.8% in 1991. 6. The number of "areas" which will have 90∼110% of supply for demand will be increased from 34 in 1982 to 66 in 1991. 7. Investment cost for the hospital bed provision will be 613,774 million won during 1982~1986, and 764,894 million won during 1987∼1991. Total sum will be 1,378,668 million won. KOHFAM will be further developed. The items which will be included in the future are 1. Modernization of the existing hospitals. 2. Inclusion of more types of the health facilities. 3. Health facilities allocation methodology within the urban area. 4. Allocation methodology for the primary health facilities. 5. Incorporation with the other fields of health care system.

      • 유아 생활세계에 대한 해석학적 접근 : 연구 패러다임 다양화를 위하여 Towards Paradigm Shifts of Research Methodology

        孫英秀 진주여자전문대학 1997 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        This study attempts to shift and vary the paradigms of the research methodology for early childhood education. In Korea, most researches of early childhood eduction are strongly dominated by empirical-analytic approach. This approach mainly based on the scientific-objective and positivistic epistemology has some limitations to constuct various vivid multidimensional and multi-layered meanings from early chidrens' life-worlds. To explain causally the complex, temporal, and variable early children's life-worlds by the methodology results in reducing the meanungs of early children's life-worlds to meaningless abstract numbers. Their lives are the targets not of scientific causal "explanation" but of "understanding" based on sympathy and resonance by mutual encountering bodily and spiritually. Hermeneutic inquiry which can draws the meanings without any distortion and shriveling of their vividness and vitality is very useful to studies on early chilhood education. The meanings can be free in the hermeneutic approach In order to shift empirical-analytic research approach to the meanings of early children's life-worlds to hermeneutic inquiry there should be some changes of the ways of thinking about early children. research methodology and the evaluation of study outcomes.

      • GLC에 依한 榧子中의 脂肪酸 組成에 關하여

        高英秀 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1971 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        榧子는 含脂量이 52%가 넘으며 榧子油中의 脂肪酸 分布에 關하여 GLC에 依하여 實驗하였고 榧子中의 不검化物에 對한 組成은 TLC와 liquid chromatography에 依하여 同定하였다. 榧子油는 常法에 依해서 ether로 抽出하여 얻었으며 榧子油의 一般性狀은 굴절율이 1,4733이고 沃素價가 131.2이며 검化價가 190.5이고 過酸化物價가 13.3이며 酸價는 2.8이다 脂肪酸의 組成은 GLC에 依하면 olein酸이 56.93%로 大部分을 차지하고 linolein酸이 24.54%이며 palmitin酸이 14.72%이고 stearin酸이 2.02%이고 未知의 脂肪酸이 1.79%이었다. 脂肪酸 組成으로 보아 高度不節和脂肪酸中의 하나인 linol酸의 含量이 25%나 되어 이 榧子油의 利用價値가 큼으로 이는 앞으로 더욱 究明할 豫定이다. Bija(Torreya nut), a tree belonging to the Torreyaceae family,is cultivated in Jae Joo Do and Jun Ra Do,South Korea. The seed of Torreya nucifera,which has been widely used as folk medicine in the treatment of tapeworm infestation,was examined on its general properties, on the fatty acid compositions determined by gas liquid chromatography and on the characterisics of unsaponifiable matters.The oil were obtained by extracting the dried seeds with ether. The general properties were as follows;N^24D1,4733,I.V.131.2,S.V.190.6 PO.V.13.3 and A.V.2.8. The fatty acid compositions were oleic acid 56.93%,linoleic acid 24.54%,palmitic acid 14.72%, stearic acid 2.02% and unknown 1.79% in the case of Torreya nut fatty acid methylesters. The main composition in the unsaponifiable matters of Torreya nut were considered to be sterols and hydrocarbons,respectively. The unsaponifiable matters was yellowish orange soft solid.Separation of these matters was studied by reserved phase thin-layer chromatography employing of silicagel as the adsorbent.

      • 韓國 醱酵食品, 젓갈中의 N-니트로소아민에 關한硏究

        高英秀 漢陽大學校環境科學硏究所 1981 環境科學論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        최근 발암성물질로 잘 알려진 N-니트로소아민은 생선이나 육류제품중에 제2급 아민과 아질산염등이 존재할 때에 생성될 가능성이 크므로 본실험에서는 새우를 위시해서 황새기 등 어느 가정에서나 흔히 사용하는 재료를 가정에서 담근 것을 혼합한 젖갈을 택하여서 Kawabata의 방법을 개량한 방법으로 추출을 하여 개스 크로마토그래피-열에너지 검출기 502형(TEA 502type)으로 N-니트로소디메틸아민(NDMA)과 N-니트로소디에틸아민(NDEA)를 측정한 결과 NDMA는 1ppb이하의 양이 검출되었으며 NDEA는 전혀 검출되지 않았음으로 우리나라 식품인 젖갈은 인체에 아무 해가 없다고 사려된다. The korean fermented fish pickle, called Jut-Kal, is a traditional popular food for koreans. The samples used in this experiment are the most popular fish, Sae U (Acetes Japonicus, Kishinouye) and Whang Sea Gi (Collichthys lusidus, Richardson) and others under the given content of salt, from the home made in Seoul. The N-Nitrosamines, carcinogenic agent, is chiefly distributed in fish and meat, and it is formed when both the secondary amine and the nitrite are present. Extraction was carried out by modified procedure of Kawabata method and identified by Gas chromatograpy-Thermal Energy Analyzer (GC-TEA) 502 type. The level of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) ranged from below 1 ppb, but none contained detectable N-Nitrosodiethylamine(NDEA). These results indicate that NDMA levels in the food tested would not cause any harmful effect on human health.

      • 食用油 中의 tert. Buthylhydroquinone, BHA 및 BHT의 分析

        高英秀,崔仁敬 漢陽大學校 師範大學 1983 論文集 Vol.- No.3

        The anti-oxidants contained in 17 commercial edible oils were analyzed using thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gas liquid chromatography(GLC). Out of 17 samples, 15 contained butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT) and 14 contained butylated hydroxy anisole(BHA). Tert-Butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) was not found in any of the samples examined. Perilla oil and sesame seed oil which were produced by conventional compression method were also examined. These oils did not contain any synthetic antioxidants but contain natural antioxidant, tocopherol.

      • 通貨論者의 安定化政策 提案에 관한 考察

        朴英秀 동아대학교 부설 사회과학연구소 1985 사회과학논집 Vol.3 No.-

        Die wichtigsten Konsequenzen aus bisherigen U´berlegungen werden thesenartig zusam mengefaβt. 1 Das Grundmodell von Friedman/Phelps baut auf 3 Hypothesen auf: 1.1 Durch die Hypothese der naturlichen Arbeitslosenrate wird ein Gleichgewichtszustand sowohl hinsichtlich der realen Faktoren des Systems als auch hinsichtlich der Erwartungen postuliert. 1.2 Die Inflationswerwartungen werden aufgrund der Erwartungshypothese an die aktuelle Entwicklung angepaβt. 1.3 Entsprechend der Akzelerationshypothese ist eine zunehmende Bescha¨ftigung langfristig nur bei sich immer versta¨rkenden Inflationsraten mo¨glich. 2. Aus diesen Hypothesen la¨βt sich ableiten daβ durch eine Gesamtnachfrageexpansion die Bescha¨ftigung nicht unter das Niveau der natu¨rlichen Arbeitslosigkent gesenkt werden kann. 3. Die Monetaristen stellten die durch die Phillips-Kurve induzierte diskretiona¨re Konjunktarpolitik im Geld wie im Fiskalbereich in Frage Sie vertreten die Auffassiing daβ eine keynesianische diskretiona¨re Stop-and-Go-Politik genau das Gegenteil (Destabilisterung) von dem erreicht was sie eigentlich bewirken wollte (Stabilisierung). 4. Fur die Monetaristen Kann nur eine stabile Geldpolitik wichtigstes stabilisierungspol??seches Mittel sein die langfristig orientiert und von den voru¨bergehenden konjunkturellen Situationen unabha¨ngig 1st. 5. Es steht fest, daβ die Monetaristen Preisniveaustabilita˙t fu¨r das einzige Ziel der Stabi?? sierungspolitik halten Der substitutive Zusammenhang zwischen Vollbescha¨ftigung und Preisniveaustabilita˙t gilt nur kurzfristig ein langfristiger Zusammenhang besteht nicht. 6. Die theoretische Fundierung der monetaristischen Geldpolitik. die auf eine Stabilisierung von Veranderungen des Preisniveaus gerichtet ist. ist die Quantita¨tstheorie. 7. Diese Quantita¨tstheorie basiert auf dem wesentlichen Unterschied zwischen realer Geldmenge einerseits und nominaler Geldmenge andererseits. 8. Die reale Geldmenge 1st eine exogene Variable aus dem Ensemble der moneta¨ren und realen Sektoren. Sie kann nicht durch geldpolitische Maβnahmen beeinfluβt werden Demgegenuber 1st die nominale Geldmenge eine exogene Gro¨βe. die nicht von den Nichtbanken beeinfluβt wird und die von der Zentralbank gesteuert werden kann. 9. Aufgrund der empirischen U¨berpru¨fungen kommen die Monetaristen zu dem Ergebnis, daβes ein stabiles VErha¨ltnis zwischen der Geldnachfragefunktion bzw. der Umlaufgeschwindigkeit des Geldes und der realen Kassenhaltung gibt. 10. Durch die Unterstellung einer stabilen Geldnachfragefunktion gebt Friedman davon aus, daβ sich Vera¨nderungen der angebotenen Geldmenge in Vera¨nderungen des Nominaleinkommens und des Preisniveaus niederschlagen. Daraus folgt, daβ Vera¨nderungen des Preisniveaus langfristig nur ein moneta¨res Pha¨nomen seien. 11. Daher mu¨ssen die Monetaristen der Kontrolle und Steuerung der nominalen Geldmenge groβe Bedeutung beimessen. Sie sind der Meinung, daβ die nominale Geldmenge und deren Wachstumsrate von der Zentralbank real kontrolliert und fu¨r wirtschaftspolitische Ziele eingesetzt werden kann. 12. Um der Privatwirtschaft und der Marktwirtschaft stabile Rahmenbedingungen zu geben, empfiehlt es sich, eine Geldmengeneregel anzuwenden, die darauf zielt, die Geldmenge gleichma¨βig und langfristig gema¨βigt anwachsen zu lassen. 13. Zur Absicherung des reibungslosen Funktionierens der Regelmechanismen, die eine vo¨llige Kontrolle des Geldangebotes durch die Zentralbank erfordern, pa¨diert Friedman f¨ureine Reihe flankierender Maβnahmen. Bei allen Schwa¨chen bietet die Offenmarktploitik die Mo¨glichkeit, eine kontinuierliche Anwendung der Geldmengenregel durchzufu¨hren. 14. Diese Geldmengenregel stabilisiert nicht nur Preisniveau, sondern wirkt sich auch auf die Bescha¨ftigung positiv aus: - Durch die Verstetigung der wirtschaftspolitischen Maβnahmen wird die Stabilita¨t der Wirtschaft erhalten und somit das Bascha¨ftigungsniveau positiv beeinfluβt, - durch das konstante Geldmengenwachstum wird die Verantwortung fu¨r die Arbeitslosigkeit den Tarifpartnern u¨bertragen. -inflationsbedinge Strukturverzerrungen (und damit verbunden spa¨tere Arbeitslosigkeit) werden vermieden. 15. Friedmans theoretischer Ansatz und seine wirtschaftspolitischen Schluβfolgerungen blieben naturgema¨β nicht unwidersprochen. Die gravierendsten Einwa¨nde richten sich dabei gegen den von den Monetaristen unterstellten Kausalnexus zwischen Geldmengen a¨nderungen und A¨nderungen des nominalen Volkseinkommens sowie des Preisniveaus. Vor allem N.Kaldor weist darauf hin, daβ die enge Korrelation nicht u¨ber das Ursache-Wirkungs-Verha¨ltnis aussagt. In seiner Argumentation bezieht er den banktheoretischen Standpunkt, daβ sich die angebotene Geldmenge dem Geldbedarf der Wirtschaft anpaβt, daβ mithin die nominale Geldmenge keine exogene, sondern eine endogene Variable se?? 16. Neben dem theoretischen Ansatz geben auch Friedmans wirtschaftspolitische Schluβfolgerungen zu erheblichen bedauerlichen Anlaβ Die Einwa˙nde richten sich vornehm lich gegen die˙ wirtschaftspolitische Operationalita¨t der vorgeschlagenen Maβnahmen Seine Forderung die Geldmenge mit einer konstanten Rate wachsen zu lassen erfordert exakte langfristige Prognosen u¨ber die Bevo¨lkerungsentwicklung das reale Wirtschafts wachstum und die Entwicklung der Einkommenskreislaufgeschwindigkeit (reale Kassen haltung)

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