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      • 英語弱母音考

        黃彦澤 제주대학 1975 논문집 Vol.7 No.1

        This paper limits the number of English unstessed vowels to three, that is, [e], [i], and [u]. The decision on the kinds of English unstressed vowels has been reached on the basis of phonetic value. In other words, if the value of a vowel cannot be found in any vowel with primary stress, than the former vowel is an unstressed one. [∂] does not have the same value as that of the vowel of cut[kΛ't], [i] does not have the same value as that of the vowel of sit[si't], and [u] does not have the same value as that of the vowel of put[pu't]. One of the characteristic differences between stressed and unstressed vowels lies in the stability of phonetic value : the values of stressed vowels are stable and therefore have their own respective fixed points of articulation, while those of unstressed ones are unstable and therefore can only be shown with some spaces of articulation. [∂], [i], and [u] are pure unstressed vowels because they never occur in stressed syllables. This is why they are transcribed here in italics so as to be distinct from stressed vowels. The English unstressed vowel comprises two layers of weak stress. One is the deep layer which is represented by [∂]. This [∂] has two directions for more changes in one of which it may be absorbed into the following consonants to form syllabic consonants, And of the vowel letters a, e, i(y), o, u, when unstressed, may be turned into [∂]. In this sense [∂] may be called the center of weak stress. The other layer, the surface layer, is represented by two vowels [i] and [u]. These two vowels differ from [∂] in that [i] comes chiefly from /i/ or /e/ (or sometimes from /æ/) and [u] from [u]. They are slightly connected with the corresponding stressed vowels-[i] with [i] or [ii], and [u] with [u] or [uu]. Therefore this surface layer is influenced by both stressed vowels and the deep layer [∂]. Aside from occurrences of [i] or [u] in some syllables, all vowels in unstressed syllables are reduced to [∂]. As a general rule, [∂] does not occur before other vowels because [?] regularly inserted between [∂] and the following vowel breaks off the incessant flow of sounds. [i] comes primarily from the vowels in such unstressed suffixes as -y(including -ly, -ity, etc.), -ish, -ing (including -ling, etc.), -ic. From the vowel[i] in these suffixes develop the similar phonetic forms [-i], [-i∫], [iŋ], [-ik] as the basis for [i]. Any of these forms of closed syllables, when vowel letters are i or e, contains [i], whether it is final, medial, or initial. If we put aside such two-fold pronunciations as -age[∂d?? or id??], -ive [∂v or iv], we may say that [i] occurs finally, prevocalically, and before [∫], [ŋ], [k], [g] in closed syllables. The other unstressed vowel [u] occurs only before other vowels. As the perceptual distance between [u] and [∂] is rather short, [u] in other cases melts easily into [∂].

      • 英語의 語强勢 : 接尾辭와 第一 强勢의 位置 The Influence of Suffixes on the Position of the Primary Stress

        黃彦澤 제주대학 1978 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        In this paper 152 suffixes-31 suffixes are native, 121 foreign-are placed in five classes: 1. Suffixes of Class 0: those causing no alteration in the position of the primary stress of the stem; 2. Suffixes of Class -1: those throwing the primary stress on the last syllable of the word; 3. Suffixes of Class -2: those throwing the primary stress on the penultimate syllable of the word; 4. Suffixes of Class -3: those throwing the primary stress on the antepenultimate syllable of the word; 5. Suffixes of Class -4: those throwing the primary stress on the fourth syllable of the word; When suffixes are classified as above, all native suffixes belong to Class 0, suffixes of French origin to Class -1, and suffixes of Latin(including Greek) origin to Class -2, Class -3, and Class -4(in case of suffixes with stress on the penultlmate syllable in old French). This study is on the hypothesis that each suffix originally belongs to one of the five classes above. Some foreign suffixes, however, subject to the influence of the characteristic feature of native suffixes, that is, native suffixes are added to independent words and make no alteration in the position of their primary stress, not infrequently change their classes into Class 0, thus beiongiug both to their respective classes and Class 0. This indicates that most foreign suffixes are within the influence of the native suffix.

      • 語形上으로 본 英語 單語의 强勢型

        黃彦澤 제주대학교 1977 논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        The step toward the prediction of the pronunciation of English words may be divided intotwo parts: the prediction of stress patterns based on word forms, and that of the phonetic value of each segment of stressed and unstressed syllables. In other words stress patterns are to be used as stepping-stones to the prediction of the pronunciation of words. The reason why the stressing system of present-day English is complicated is that the originally simple rules governing English stress are somewhat obscured with a mixture of French and Latin stresses. In Germanic languages including English the main stress is chiefly placed on the first syllable of each word, whereas in French on the last syllable and in Latin on the penultimate or antepenultimate syllable. In this article the following suffixes are examined to predict the location of the stress in the majority of English words. The first suffixes to be considered are those which do not affect the position of the main stress. If a word has one of these kind of suffixes, the learner may remove it from the word and find the stress in the remaining part of the word. The next suffixes to he examined are those which themselves have the main stress. These kind of suffixes, chiefly from French, have peculiar forms, as -eer, -ette, etc. hardly reducible to weak-stressed vowels. The final suffixes to be dealt with are those, chiefly from Latin, which generally cause the stress to be put on the antepenultimate syllable. If a word does not have one of the three kind of suffixes above, then we will safely predict that the word will have the main stress according to the native system of English stress. The prediction, based on stress patterns, of vowel values is considered from two different angles: the values of strong-stressed vowels and those of weak-stressed. The strong-stressed vowels are divided into typical and special values, the former being a[æ], e[ε], i[i], o[q], u[Λ] and the latter a[ei], e[ii], i[ai], o[ou], u[(j)uu], etc. The weak-stressed values are [∂, i, u] irrespective of vowel letters. Although it is often said thet language is speech, not writing, writing has its own position and significance in the English language. Even if the beginner may learn English pronunciation solely through sound, he will find himself among books after the early stases of learning if he hopes to improve his English. This is one of the reasons why this article tries to make use of word forms to predict the pronunciation of English words.

      • 綴字를 통한 英語發音의 豫言 : 母音字의 音價 The Values of the Vowel Letters

        黃彦澤 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        The long pronunciation of the simple vowel letters (except before r) is mainly found in the following word structures: (1) -VCe (e.g. base), (2) -VCle (e'.g. able), (3) -V (e.g. go), (4) -Ve (e.g. blue), (5) -VVC- (e.g. archaic), (6) CVCV- (e.g. crusade), (7) -VCrV- (e.g. fragrant), (8) -VCiV- (-VCeV-) (e.g. associate), (9) -VCal (e.g. final), (10) -ange (e.g. change), (11) -aste (e.g. chaste), (12) -ind (e.g. bind), (13) -ild (e.g. child), (14) -igh(t) (e.g. high, bright), (15) -ign (e,g. sign), (16) -oll (e.g. poll), (17) -old (e.g. bold), (18) -olt (e.g. colt), (19) -olk (e.g. folk). For the pronunciation of the complex vowel letters, the inter-spelling is used, that is, the conventional spelling is transformed into the intermediate form between the ordinary spelling and the real Pronunciation. The inter-spelling is constructed by raising one step upward the vowel letter in the vowel letter triangle. So formed, the inter-spelling comes nearer to the real pronunciation. The vowel letters before r are lowered toward the innermost part of the oral cavity (the position of [r]) owing to the lowering effect of the sound[r]. Through this lowering the vowel sounds followed by the[r] keep a comparatively stable status as compared with the simple vowel letters which do not occur beforer.

      • 英韓辭典의 發音表記

        黃彦澤 제주대학교 1980 논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        English pronunciation transcribed in English-Korean dictionaries should be the representation of the everyday unconscious speech of cultivated people both in England and in the United States. However, when we consider the transcription of the headwords in English-Korean dictionaries we use, we find that our dictionaries still leave some room for Improvement regarding the transcription. The following are some of the improvements on the pronunciation and its transcription. 1. The Received Pronunciation diphthong contained in such a word as home should be transcribed as [∂u], not as [ou], since the diphthong is shown as [∂u] in the 13th edition of Daniel Jones' Everyman's English Pronouncing Dictionary, which was published in 1967, that is, some fourteen long years ago. 2. As the pronunciation of the t(t) of such a word as letter, the voiced flap consonant [d·] must to shown in additen to [t], since the pronunciation with [d·] is much used in the everyday unconscious speech of cultivated people in the United States. 3. The pronunciation with the omission of the t contained in such a word as writer should be included in addition to the pronunciation with t, since it also represents the everyday unconscious speech of most American people. 4 The pronunciation with [∂] in the unstressed syllable of such a word as visit should be included in addition to the pronunciation with [i], since, as an informal pronunciation. [∂] appears to be commoner than [i] in General American. 5 . The pronunciation with the insertion of [w] immediately after the unstressed back vowel in such a word as situalion should be regarded as normal, since it is the actual representation of the pronunciation of the word. 6. The pronunciatinn with the insertion of [t] between [n] and [s] and between [n] and [∫] in such words as dance and mansion should be regarded as normal, since it represents the actual speech of most American people. 7. In the pronunciation of such a word as feel, in which the last vowel is front, [∂l] should he regarded as common for the pronunciation of the final l especially when a pause or a consonant follows, since, in such a case, a very clear [∂] often results while the tongue is in transition between the front vowel and [l]. 8. In the transcription of such a word as garden the syliabicityof the consonant (in this case, [n]) should be marked, as [^∂n], since, if garden is transcribed as [-dn] as in most English-Korean dictionaries, most Korean students will probably pronounce [-dn] as if [-dn] were the same as [-d∂n].

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Analysis of Carbonization Behavior of Hydrochar Produced by Hydrothermal Carbonization of Lignin and Development of a Prediction Model for Carbonization Degree Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy(열수 탄화 공정을 거친 리그닌 하이드로차(hydrochar)의 탄화 거동 분석과 근적외선 분광법을 이용한 예측 모델 개발)

        ( Un Taek Hwang ),( Junsoo Bae ),( Taekyeong Lee ),( Sung-yun Hwang ),( Jong-chan Kim ),( Jinseok Park ),( In-gyu Choi ),( Hyo Won Kwak ),( Sung-wook Hwang ),( Hwanmyeong Yeo ) 한국목재공학회 2021 목재공학 Vol.49 No.3

        본 논문에서는 열수 탄화(hydrothermal carbonization)에 의해 제조된 리그닌 하이드로차의 탄화 특성을 조사하였고, 근적외선 분광법과 부분 최소 제곱(partial least squares) 회귀를 이용하여 탄화 거동을 예측하기 위한 모델을 수립하였다. 온도 200℃에서 열수 탄화된 리그닌의 탄소 함량은 무처리 시료 보다 약 3 wt% 높았으며 가열 시간이 증가할수록 탄소 함량도 서서히 증가하는 경향이 나타났다. 열수 탄화는 리그닌을 더욱 탄소 집약적으로 변화시키고 마이크로 파티클을 제거하여 더욱 균질한 특성을 부여하였다. 근적외선 분광법과 부분 최소 제곱 회귀를 이용한 판별 및 예측 모델은 수열 탄화의 적용 여부를 완벽히 구분했으며 높은 정확도로 열수 탄화 리그닌의 탄소 함량을 예측하였다. 본 연구로부터 근적외선 분광법과 결합된 부분 최소 제곱 회귀 모델을 이용하여 열수 탄화에 의해 제조된 리그닌 하이드로차의 탄화 특성을 빠르고 비파괴적으로 예측할 수 있다는 것이 확인되었다.

      • KCI등재
      • 英語敎育上으로 본 意思疎通能力의 養成

        黃彦澤 제주대학 1979 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        As one of the ways in which the teacher of English can help his class develop some of communication skills the following suggestions are offered for the teacher. (1) Teach English chiefly in English. This will provide the teacher with an opportunity to improve his own ability to speak 2n91ish and the student with an opportunity to listen to and speak English in a real speech situation. This opens the practical way for communication acts. (2) Teach pronunciation by the sentence as a unit. This means that the teacher must put more emphasis on suprasegmental features, that is, intonation and rhythm, than on segments. This will help the student to understand the importance of the flow of sound, though individual vowels and consonants comprising the flow are not to be neglected. (3) Teach everyday expressions by situations and thought patterns. This means that the teacher is recommended to teach expressions not by grammatical categories but by categories of situations and thought patterns. Expressions in situations and of thought patterns are directly linked with communications acts. (4) Analyze the sentence into thought units, not into words. A thought unit is often made up of more than one word, as or a matter of fact. If the communication aim is to be achieved, the expression above is to be taught as a unit, not to be analyzed further into its component words. (5) Include the test of listening comprehension and/or the speaking skill in English examinations. Examinations often give direction to learners. In addition to these suggestions for the teacher, one more thing is to be considered. It is the making up of collections of classroom English and everyday English in dialogue form with situations specified. These collections will be of great help to the teacher who attempts to teach English in English for the development of the student's communicative competence in his classroom.

      • Human Platelet Antigen Genotyping and Expression of CD109 (Human Platelet Antigen 15) mRNA in Various Human Cell Types

        Hwang, Sang Mee,Kim, Mi Jung,Chang, Ho Eun,Hong, Yun Ji,Kim, Taek Soo,Song, Eun Young,Park, Kyoung Un,Song, Junghan,Han, Kyou-Sup Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2013 BioMed research international Vol.2013 No.-

        <P>CD109 gene encodes a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked glycoprotein found in a subset of platelets and endothelial cell, and human platelet antigen (HPA) 15 is found on CD109. We evaluated the HPA genotype and/or the CD109 mRNA expression on two peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC), two peripheral bloods (PB), 12 granulocyte products, natural killer (NK)-92, B-lymphocyte (CO88BV59-1), K-562 leukemia cell line, human embryonic stem cell (hESC), and human fibroblasts (HF). HPA genotyping was performed by SNaPshot assay and CD109 mRNA expression was evaluated by real-time PCR with SYBR green and melting curve analysis. Genotype HPA-15a/-15a was found in PBSC#1 and two granulocyte products, and HPA-15a/-15b was found in PBSC#2, eight granulocyte products, NK-92, K-562, hESC, and HF, and HPA-15b/-15b was found in two granulocyte products. CD109 mRNA expression was highly increased in HF and increased in CD34+ and CD34− PBSCs and some granulocyte products, compared to the PB. However, the increase of expression level varied among the PBSC and granulocyte products. The CD109 mRNA expression of NK-92, K-562, hESC, and CO 88BV59-1 was not detected. HPA genotype was evaluated in various cells and the expression of CD109, which contains HPA 15, was different among cell lines and high in HF and PBSCs.</P>

      • KCI등재

        魚類의 臟器內에 蓄積된 Mercury Chloride가 Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozyme 活性度에 미치는 影響

        黃仁澹,奇老錫,高大河,李宰炯,李定相,沈雲澤 대한보건협회 1989 대한보건연구 Vol.15 No.2

        This study was investigated for the effects of mercury on the LDH isozyme patterns in the organs of goldfish, Carassius carassius, by polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. The results are as follows; 1. Control groups showed tissue specific LDHisozyme bands. In the liver, LDH1, LDH3, LDH4, andELDH5 isozymes were observed and especially 5 subbands for LDHl, 3 subbands for LDH3 and 2 subbands for LDH4 and LDH5 were observed. In the muscle, LDHl with 5 subbands was observed. In the kidney, LDHl with 5 subbands and LDH2 with2 or 3 subbands were observed. 2. The accumulated concentration of mercury in the highest experimental group (300㎍/l) were 9.5 times higher in the kidney (139.4,u㎍/g) than in the muscle(14.7㎍/g). In the control group, LDHl, LDH2, LDH3, LDH4 and LDH5 activities of muscle were 6.0, 17.5, 66.9, 8.4, and 1.2 percent, respectively, while those of kidney were 18.0, 21.4, 26.5, 19.9, and 14.1 percent, respectively. According to the increase of the exposur etime and concentration of mercuric chloride, LDH5 isozymes were increased and LDHl was decreased in the kidney while LDH acivity patterns were similar to the control group in the muscle.

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