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      • 내향성 발톱 교정에 관한 사례 고찰 연구

        배민규(Min-Gyu Bae),윤천성(Chun-Sung Youn) 한국뷰티산업학회 2023 뷰티산업연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 ‘내향성 발톱 교정에 관한 사례 고찰 연구’로서 보다 효과적인 내향성 발톱 교정 방안을 제안하고자 함에 있다. 고찰하여 분석한 결과 배민규, 윤천성(2022)은 내향성 발톱 예방 및 개선⋅교정을 목적으로 활용한 레진 젤(크랄레젤)을 활용한 내향성 발톱 교정 방법이 제품 활용 편리성, 문제점 등에서 다른 연구자들의 연구방법에 따른 문제점 등과 비교했을 때 활용 가치가 있을 것으로 판단했다. 다만 기존 다른 연구자들의 아크릴 스캅춰, Brace System, 실크, 와이어 등 제품들에 비해 교정 효과가 비교적 낮아 김경환(2022) 연구자가 내향성 발톱 교정 효과성 검증을 위해 활용했던 견인기를 함께 활용하기를 제안한다. 내향성 발톱 예방 및 재발 방지를 목적으로 배민규, 윤천성(2022) 연구자가 제안한 크랄레젤 리커버 1회 적용을 제안하고, 내향성 발톱 개선 및 교정을 목적으로 김경환(2022) 연구자가 활용한 견인기를 활용하여 발톱을 펴준 후, 배민규, 윤천성(2022) 연구자가 제안한 크랄레젤 리커버를 목적에 맞게 2~5회 적용하여 활용하기를 제안한다. 본 연구 자료가 내향성 발톱 질환으로부터 건강한 삶을 영위하기 위한 자료로 활용될 수 있기를 기대해 본다. As “a case study on the correction of ingrowing nail”, this study aims to suggest more effective measures for the correction of ingrowing nail. In the results of considering and analyzing it, the correction of ingrowing nail using the Resin Gel(Kralle Gel) which was used by researchers Min-Gyu Bae & Chun-Sung Youn(2022) for the purpose of preventing, improving, and correcting the ingrowing nail, seemed to be more useful than other methods used by other researchers in the aspect of convenience of product use and problem. However, compared to the products like Acrylic Sculpture, Brace System, Silk, and Wire used by other researchers, the effect on correction was relatively lower, so it is proposed to be used together with the Retractor that was used by Kyeong-Hwan Kim(2022) for verifying the effectiveness on the correction of ingrowing nail. This study suggests applying Kralle Gel Recover one time suggested by Min-Gyu Bae & Chun-Sung Youn(2002) for the purpose of prevention & recurrence prevention of ingrowing nail, unbending the nail by using the Retractor used by a researcher Kyeong-Hwan Kim(2022) for the purpose of improving/correcting the ingrowing nail, and then applying Kralle Gel Recover 2-5 times suitable for the purpose, suggested by researchers Min-Gyu Bae & Chun-Sung Youn(2022). The results of this study are expected to be utilized as the data for enjoying a healthy life from ingrowing nail disease.

      • 한국형아유르베다 심리유형과 차크라의 관계성에 관한 탐색적 연구

        하은주(Eun-Ju Ha),윤천성(Chun-Sung Youn) 한국뷰티산업학회 2022 뷰티산업연구 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구는 한국형아유르베다 심리유형을 활용한 차크라에 관한 탐색적 연구로 한국형아유르베다 심리유형을 이론적 근거로 차크라와의 관계성을 고찰하고 추후 뷰티산업에 활용하고자 한다. 문헌으로는 윤천성(2017)의 국내에서 발간한 한국형아유르베다 교재를 토대로 하였고, 학위논문은 학술연구정보서비스(RISS)에서 ‘한국형아유르베다’ ‘아유르베다’ ‘차크라’와 관련된 연구를 참조하여 고찰하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 한국형아유르베다 심리유형을 통하여 차크라를 접목할 방법을 알아내고 뷰티산업에서 기초자료로 활용하고자 한다. 연구결과로 한국형아유르베다 7유형 중 카파바타형은 정서적으로 안정화 되고자 하는 욕구를 지닌 1번 차크라와 관련성이 있으며, 카파피타형은 걱정에서 벗어나 집단의 번영을 이루고자 하는 욕구를 지닌 제2 차크라와 관련성이 있음을 확인하였다. 피타바타형은 자신의 명예와 명성을 드러내는 욕구를 지니고 있으며 타인과의 친밀함을 지닌 제3 차크라와 관련성이 있으며, 피타카파형은 인간 본성과 감각조절에 관련성이 있으며 수용과 균형을 이루고 사랑을 주관하고 있는 제4 차크라와 관련성이 있음을 확인하였다. 바타피타형은 정화와 순수, 창조성과 자아 표현과 관련되며, 자신의 영감과 압박에 대한 정서를 지닌 제5 차크라와 관련성이 있으며, 바타카파형은 통찰력과 직관력, 이상 실현, 초인적인 힘, 영성과 예지력을 지닌 제6 차크라와 관련성이 있음을 확인하였다. 바타피타카파형은 완전한 조화와 통합을 통한 인간 완성을 의미하는 제7 차크라와 관련성이 있음을 확인하였다. 그러므로 한국형아유르베다 심리유형을 차크라 체제에 접목하여 뷰티산업의 확장성에 큰 기회를 만들어낼 수 있다고 사료된다. This study is an exploratory study on chakra using the Korean Ayurveda psychological type, and aims to use chakra in the beauty industry as a theoretical basis for the Korean Ayurveda psychological type. The literatures cited are based on the Korean Ayurveda textbook published in Korea by Chun-sung Youn(2017) and the degree thesis was considered by referring to the research related to Korean Ayurveda, Ayurveda, and Chakra in the Academic Research Information Service(RISS). The purpose of this study is to find out how to apply chakra into the Korean Ayurveda psychological type and how to use it as basic data in the beauty industry. As a The results of this study show that the Kapha-Vata character in the seven types of Korean Ayurveda is related to the No. 1 Chakra, which has a desire to be emotionally stabilized. The Kapha-Pitta character is related to the second Chakra, which has a desire to escape from anxiety and to achieve group prosperity. Pitta-Vata character has a desire to reveal his honor and reputation and is related to the third chakra, which has intimacy with others. The Pitta-Kapha character is related to human nature and sensory regulation, and to the 4th Chakra, which balances acceptance and is in charge of love. Vata-Pitta character is related to purification, purity, creativity, and self-expression, and is related to the 5th Chakra with emotions about one's own inspiration and pressure. The Vata- Kapha character is related to the sixth Chakra, which has insight, and intuition, ideal realization, superhuman power, spirituality and foresight. The Vata-Pitta-Kapha character is related to the 7th Chakra, which means human accomplishment through the complete harmony and integration. Therefore, it is believed that the Korean Ayurveda psychological type can be applied to the chakra system to create a great opportunity for the expansion of the beauty industry.

      • 한국형아유르베다 심리유형을 통한 경영자 사례분석

        김지은(Kim, Ji-eun),윤천성(Youn, Chun-Sung) 한국평생교육리더십학회 2020 평생교육리더십연구 Vol.7 No.1

        본 연구는 코로나19 바이러스 위기 상황에서 경영자의 경영능력 이 위기 상황을 극복하는 가장 중요한 능력이라고 판단하고 한국형아유르베다 심리유형을 통한 경영자 사례분석을 하였다. 문헌으로는 윤천성(2017)의 국내에서 발간한 한국형아유르베다 교재를 토대로 하였고, 학위논문은 학술연구정보서비스(RISS)에서 아유르베다 검색한 키워드 109개의 논문 중 ‘한국형아유르베다’에 관련된 연구를 참조하였으며, 2018년 이후 기준으로 석·박사학위논문과 학술지에 대하여 고찰하였다. 연구의 목적은 무한 경쟁사회 및 경제시장에서 위기를 대처할 기업경영에 필요한 이론 중 현재 경영자들에게 유용하다고 판단되는 한국형아유르베다 심리유형 을 통한 경영자 사례분석을 통해 경영자들에게 안정감을 주는 한국형아유르베다 균형유형 시사점을 도출하고자 한다. 본 연구의 한계점과 이를 발전시킬 향후 연구방향은 첫째, 한국형아유르베다 심리유형에 대한 국내외 선행연구가 부족하여 선행연구를 통해 개념화하기 부족하므로, 한국형아유르베다 심리유형 검사의 연구와 기존에 많이 이루어졌던 심리유형 검사를 비교분석하는연 구가 더 활발하게 진행되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 기존의 경영자 연구를 한국형아유르베다 심리유형 검사를 투입하여 각 유형이 가지는 장점과 특성을 바탕으로 연구한다면 다양한 연구 사례를 만들 것으로 판단된다. This study judged that the management ability of managers in the crisis situation of the Corona 19 virus was the most important ability to overcome the crisis situation, and analyzed the case of managers through the Korean Ayurveda psychological pattern. The literature was based on the Korean Ayurveda textbook published in Korea by Chun-Sung Yun (2017), and the thesis is a study related to the Korean Ayurveda among 109 papers with keywords searched for Ayurveda by the Academic Research Information Service (RISS), And reviewed master s and doctoral dissertations and academic journals as of 2018. The purpose of the study is to provide a sense of stability to managers through the analysis of manager cases through the Korean Ayurveda psychology type that is considered useful to current managers among the theories necessary for corporate management to cope with crises in a competitive society and economic market. This is to derive the implications of Ayurveda Balance Type . The limitations that can be brought about as a result of this study and the future research direction to develop it are: First, there is a lack of domestic and foreign prior studies on Korean Ayurvedic psychological types, so it is insufficient to conceptualize through prior studies. It is necessary to conduct a more active study comparing and analyzing the psychological pattern tests that have been conducted a lot in the past. Second, if the existing managerial research is studied based on the strengths and characteristics of each type by introducing the Korean Ayurveda psychological type test, it is believed that various research cases will be made.

      • KCI등재

        Regulation of Pipernonaline on Biological Functions of Human Prostate Cancer Cells Based on Microarray Analysis

        Sang-Hun Kim(김상현),Kwang-Youn Kim(김광연),Sun-Nyoung Yu(유선녕),Seul-Ki Park(박슬기),In-Seok Kwak(곽인석),Moon-Soo Rhee(이문수),Byung-Ho Bang(방병호),Sung-Sik Chun(전성식),Soon-Cheol Ahn(안순철) 한국생명과학회 2012 생명과학회지 Vol.22 No.11

        Pipernonaline은 후추나무과에 속하는 필발(Piper longum Linn.)의 유도체로서 전립선 암세포에 대한 항암활성이 보고되고 있다. 하지만 실제 암세포 내에서 생물학적 정보를 가진 수 많은 유전자들에 대한 발현이 어떻게 이루어지고 있는지 알려진 바가 없다. 본 연구에 사용된 microarray 분석은 동시에 수 만개 이상의 유전자 발현양상을 한번에 관찰할 수 있는 기술로서 특정 질병의 유전학적 특성과 기전 연구를 더 광범위하게 연구 할 수 있는 기술이다. 본 연구에서는 전립선 암세포인 PC-3 세포에 pipernonaline을 처리하여 cDNA microarray를 실시하였다. 이후, DAVID database를 이용하여 gene ontology의 Biological Process를 분석하여 세포사멸과 세포주기, 세포성장 및 증식에 관련된 유전자들을 우선적으로 분석하였다. 그 결과, 세포주기관련 256개, 세포사멸관련 197개, 세포성장 및 증식관련에 154개의 유전자가 확인 되었다. 이러한 결과는 pipernonaline은 전립선 암세포 내에 존재하는 생물학적 신호전달체계에 관련된 유전자 발현을 조절함으로써 항암활성을 나타내 것을 알 수 있었고, 이후 이러한 microarray의 추가적인 분석은 암세포 내 새로운 유전자의 탐색 및 메커니즘을 규명하는데 유용하게 사용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. It has been reported that pipernonaline isolated from Piper longum Linn. has a wide biochemical and pharmacological effect, including antitumor activity in prostate cancer PC-3 cells. However, its mechanism and expression pattern of many genes involved in biological functions are not clearly understood. To perform the gene expression study in PC-3 cells treated with pipernonaline, a cDNA microarray chip composed of 44,000 human cDNA probes was used. As a result, cell cycle-related genes, apoptosis-related genes, and cell proliferation/growth-related genes have been identified in gene ontology of the DAVID database. These results suggest that pipernonaline has antitumor activity by regulating the expression pattern of genes involved in biological signaling pathway in prostate cancer PC-3 cells. Further, additional analysis of these microarray data can be a useful tool to identify the mechanism and discovery of novel genes in cancer therapy.


        A review on viscocapillary models of pre-metered coating flows

        Youn, Suk-Il,Kim, Su-Yeon,Shin, Dong-Myeong,Lee, Joo-Sung,Jung, Hyun-Wook,Hyun, Jae-Chun The Korean Society of Rheology 2006 Korea-Australia rheology journal Vol.18 No.4

        Recent research results on viscocapillary models of various pre-metered coating flows such as curtain, slide, and slot coatings have been reviewed in this paper. Such one-dimensional models have been simplified from two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for viscous coating flows with free surfaces, using integral momentum balances and lubrication approximation. It has been found that these viscocapillary models is capable of predicting flow dynamics in various coating systems, providing the good agreement with results by 2-D models.


        Myristoleic Acid Promotes Anagen Signaling by Autophagy through Activating Wnt/β-Catenin and ERK Pathways in Dermal Papilla Cells

        ( Youn Kyung Choi ),( Jung-il Kang ),( Jin Won Hyun ),( Young Sang Koh ),( Ji-hoon Kang ),( Chang-gu Hyun ),( Kyung-sup Yoon ),( Kwang Sik Lee ),( Chun Mong Lee ),( Tae Yang Kim ),( Eun-sook Yoo ),( H 한국응용약물학회 2021 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.29 No.2

        Alopecia is a distressing condition caused by the dysregulation of anagen, catagen, and telogen in the hair cycle. Dermal papilla cells (DPCs) regulate the hair cycle and play important roles in hair growth and regeneration. Myristoleic acid (MA) increases Wnt reporter activity in DPCs. However, the action mechanisms of MA on the stimulation of anagen signaling in DPCs is not known. In this study, we evaluated the effects of MA on anagen-activating signaling pathways in DPCs. MA significantly increased DPC proliferation and stimulated the G2/M phase, accompanied by increasing cyclin A, Cdc2, and cyclin B1. To elucidate the mechanism by which MA promotes DPC proliferation, we evaluated the effect of MA on autophagy and intracellular pathways. MA induced autophagosome formation by decreasing the levels of the phospho-mammalian target of rapamycin (phospho-mTOR) and increasing autophagy-related 7 (Atg7) and microtubule-associated protein 1A/1B-light chain 3II (LC3II). MA also increased the phosphorylation levels of Wnt/β-catenin proteins, such as GSK3β (Ser<sup>9</sup>) and β-catenin (Ser<sup>552</sup> and Ser<sup>675</sup>). Treatment with XAV939, an inhibitor of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, attenuated the MA-induced increase in β-catenin nuclear translocation. Moreover, XAV939 reduced MA-induced effects on cell cycle progression, autophagy, and DPC proliferation. On the other hand, MA increased the levels of phospho (Thr<sup>202</sup>/Tyr<sup>204</sup>)-extracellular signal regulated kinases (ERK). MA-induced ERK phosphorylation led to changes in the expression levels of Cdc2, Atg7 and LC3II, as well as DPC proliferation. Our results suggest that MA promotes anagen signaling via autophagy and cell cycle progression by activating the Wnt/β-catenin and ERK pathways in DPCs.

      • Do Long Term Cancer Survivors Have Better Health-Promoting Behavior than Non-Cancer Populations?: Case-Control Study in Korea

        Chun, Sung-Youn,Park, Hyeki,Lee, Tae Hoon,Park, Eun-Cheol Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.4

        Background: We compared the health-promoting behavior of long-term cancer survivors with those of the general population to identify necessary behavioral interventions to reduce the health risk among cancer patients. Materials and Methods: We used data from the 2007 and 2012 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (KNHANES IV [2007~2009] and KNHANES V [2010~2012]) on smoking status, alcohol use, physical exercise, and disease screening. We compared long-term cancer survivors with members of the general population; the controls were matched by propensity score matching. A multiple logistic regression model was used to investigate the association between cancer status and health-promoting behavior. Results: Long-term cancer survivors had a lower risk of smoking than the general population controls (OR: 0.42, 95%CI: 0.25-0.71). In addition, the long-term cancer survivors had a lower risk of alcohol use than the general population controls (OR: 0.70, 95%CI: 0.50-0.98). However, in terms of physical exercise and disease screening, no statistically significant differences were detected (physical exercise OR: 1.01, 95%CI: 0.75-1.35; disease screening OR: 1.27, 95%CI: 0.93-1.74). All covariates were adjusted. Conclusions: The long-term cancer survivors had a much lower risk of smoking and alcohol use than the general population controls. However, almost no differences in physical exercise and screening for cancer recurrence or secondary disease were detected between the long-term cancer survivors and general population controls. To reduce the health risks and challenges facing long-term cancer survivors, interventions to encourage physical exercise and screening for cancer recurrence and secondary disease should be implemented.

      • Stress distributions in peri-miniscrew areas from cylindrical and tapered miniscrews inserted at different angles

        Sung-Hwan Choi,Seong-Jin Kim,Kee-Joon Lee,Sang-Jin Sung,Youn-Sic Chun,Chung-Ju Hwang 대한치과교정학회 2016 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.46 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze stress distributions in the roots, periodontal ligaments (PDLs), and bones around cylindrical and tapered miniscrews inserted at different angles using a finite element analysis. Methods: We created a three-dimensional (3D) maxilla model of a dentition with extracted first premolars and used 2 types of miniscrews (tapered and cylindrical) with 1.45-mm diameters and 8-mm lengths. The miniscrews were inserted at 30°, 60°, and 90° angles with respect to the bone surface. A simulated horizontal orthodontic force of 2 N was applied to the miniscrew heads. Then, the stress distributions, magnitudes during miniscrew placement, and force applications were analyzed with a 3D finite element analysis. Results: Stresses were primarily absorbed by cortical bone. Moreover, very little stress was transmitted to the roots, PDLs, and cancellous bone. During cylindrical miniscrew insertion, the maximum von Mises stress increased as insertion angle decreased. Tapered miniscrews exhibited greater maximum von Mises stress than cylindrical miniscrews. During force application, maximum von Mises stresses increased in both groups as insertion angles decreased. Conclusions: For both cylindrical and tapered miniscrew designs, placement as perpendicular to the bone surface as possible is recommended to reduce stress in the surrounding bone.

      • Genotoxicity Study of Sophoricoside, a Constituent of Sophora japonica, in Bacterial and Mammalian Cell System

        Youn-Jung Kim,Hyo-Joung Park,Youngsoo Kim,Mi-Kyung Kim,Seung-Ho Lee,Sang-Hun Jung,Jae-Chun Ryu 한국환경성돌연변이발암원학회 2001 한국환경성돌연변이·발암원학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        Sophoricoside was isolated as the inhibitor of IL-5 bioactivity from Sophora japonica (Leguminosae). It has been reported to has an anti-inflammatory effect on rat paw edema model. To develope as an anti-allergic drug, genotoxicity of sophoricoside was investigated in bacterial and mammalian cell system such as Ames bacterial reversion test, chromosomal aberration assay and single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet) assay. As results, in the range of 1,250~40 ㎍/plate sophoricoside concentrations was not shown significant mutagenic effects in Salmonella typhimurium TA 98, TA 100, TA 1535 and TA 1537 strains in Ames test. The 80% cell growth inhibition concentration (IC80) of sophoricoside was determined as above 5,000 ㎍/ml in Chinese hamster lung (CHL) fibroblast cell and L5178Y mouse lymphoma cell line for the chromosomal aberration and comet assay, respectively. Sophoricoside was not induced chromosomal aberration in CHL fibroblast cell at concentrations of 700, 350 and 175 ㎍/ml or 600, 300 and 150 ㎍/ml in the absence or presence of S-9 metabolic activation system, respectively. Also, in the comet assay, the induction of DNA damage was not observed in L5178Y mouse lymphoma cell line both in the absence or presence of S-9 metabolic activation system. From these results, no genotoxic effects of sophoricoside were observed in bacterial and mammalian cell systems used in these experiments.

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