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        Multi-attention-based soft partition network for vehicle re-identification

        Lee Sangrok,Woo Taekang,이상헌 한국CDE학회 2023 Journal of computational design and engineering Vol.10 No.2

        Vehicle re-identification helps in distinguishing between images of the same and other vehicles. It is a challenging process because of significant intra-instance differences between identical vehicles from different views and subtle inter-instance differences between similar vehicles. To solve this issue, researchers have extracted view-aware or part-specific features via spatial attention mechanisms, which usually result in noisy attention maps or otherwise require expensive additional annotation for metadata, such as key points, to improve the quality. Meanwhile, based on the researchers’ insights, various handcrafted multi-attention architectures for specific viewpoints or vehicle parts have been proposed. However, this approach does not guarantee that the number and nature of attention branches will be optimal for real-world re-identification tasks. To address these problems, we proposed a new vehicle re-identification network based on a multiple soft attention mechanism for capturing various discriminative regions from different viewpoints more efficiently. Furthermore, this model can significantly reduce the noise in spatial attention maps by devising a new method for creating an attention map for insignificant regions and then excluding it from generating the final result. We also combined a channel-wise attention mechanism with a spatial attention mechanism for the efficient selection of important semantic attributes for vehicle re-identification. Our experiments showed that our proposed model achieved a state-of-the-art performance among the attention-based methods without metadata and was comparable to the approaches using metadata for the VehicleID and VERI-Wild datasets.

      • Beyond Statism and Perception of the Cold War, Exhibiting the Lives and Memories of People

        ( Lee Sangrok ) 대한민국역사박물관 2021 Public History & Museum Vol.4 No.-

        The History Gallery, the permanent exhibition at the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, has been reorganized after consultation during the preparation process with a variety of experts in different fields. The direction of this reorganization is to introduce the lives of ordinary people in an easy manner to visitors, and distance itself from the state-centered understanding of modern and contemporary history. Exhibitions that show people, such as “Stories within History,” which is uniquely composed of eight themes, and “Oral History Collection,” which tells of contemporary memories of ordinary people at the time, are effectively realized. Despite new attempts and meaningful achievements in terms of exhibition technology, it is somewhat disappointing that the basic historical narrative of the History Gallery is similar to what can be found in middle and high school history textbooks and that too much information is listed. Nevertheless, the History Gallery will be remembered as a meaningful permanent exhibition in the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, which aims for the democratization of memory.

      • 탈식민 지식인의 구미歐美여행 경험과 자아 인식, 그리고 민족주체성의 재구축 : 1960~70년대 함석헌의 미국 ․ 유럽 여행기를 중심으로

        Sangrok Lee 문화사학회 2011 역사와 문화 Vol.22 No.-

        In 1960~70s, when Korean society was filled with longing for being modernized country, Ham Seok-heon was a rebel of the time, who criticized Western civilization view itself which distinguished ‘undeveloped’ from ‘developed’ by material civilization. Unlike other intellectuals who were overwhelmed by modern civilization, introducing the West as being universal or standard, following it, Ham Seok-heon, while traveling to the West, met the capitalist modern civilization the West built with a critical eye. He recognized a trip as an act of crossing differences between ‘You and I’ and ones between ‘These people and Those people’. It was an experience of looking for ‘I’ deeper by looking at ‘You’. He visited America and Europe with a critical attitude toward western material civilization, but after seeing it himself, he gave an ambivalent response. He felt and criticized avaricious capitalism through the trip and recognized that behind spotlessness of material civilization, there was violent relationship between the center and surroundings, in which the West left dirtiness of material civilization with so-called underdeveloped country of non-western areas. On the other hand, he envied America and Europe their comfortableness and richness, showing a desire to imitate and learn ‘steadiness’ under the spiritual base. Sometimes, he expressed such a desire in a vagarious way like imaging a glorious past of the Korean people, seeing the broad plain of America. This reflected the post-colonial period’s intellectuals‘ psychological complex. Every time he crossed borders, he criticized contradiction of civilization that humans themselves made a boundary of discrimination. While he intensely criticized nationalism, he wanted the Korea to be strong nation in religious and ethical aspects. He emphasized that the Korean people should be at the head of making new world history as a religious and ethical subject by throwing away western old civilization, not want to be a developed country by just accepting western civilization resulting in imperialism. It showed trauma and distinctive healing method of the Post-colonial period’s Korean intellectuals.

      • KCI등재

        트위터 안의 정치 담론에 나타난 매개 유력자 분석

        이상록(Sangrok Lee),이지연(Jiyeun Lee),성경(Cheng Qing) SBS 2012 미디어경제와 문화 Vol.10 No.4

        정보통신기술(ICT) 발달로 소셜미디어(social media)의 영향력이 갈수록 커져 가고 있다. 본 연구는 2012년 4·11 총선 과정에서 논란이 됐던 민주통합당 김용민 국회의원 후보의 막말 논란과 북한 미사일 발사 위협, 투표라는 세 가지 주요 이슈를 중심으로 트위터 상에서 나타난 정치적 행위를 네트워크 구조상의 매개유력자에 초점을 맞춰 살펴봤다. 분석결과 유력자는 대부분 유명인이나 공인(公人)일 것이라는 생각과 달리 전체의 63%가 일반 개인(私人)인 것으로 나타나 뉴미디어 환경에서 일반인의 영향력이 커지고 있다는 것을 보여줬다. 또 매개유력자의 트윗 가운데 리트윗(RT)이 43%로 유력자가 리트윗(RT)으로 영향력을 발휘하는 것으로 나타났다. 매개유력자의 73%가 정부비판 성향으로 친정부 성향(23%)보다 3배 이상 많아 정부비판 성향의 트위터 매개유력자가 많다는 것을 실증적으로 입증했다. Due to the rapid development of the Internet and Information Communication Technology (ICT), the Social Network Service (SNS) gradually makes bigger and bigger influence. In this paper, we will describe how Twitter deliberate the political discourse in this whole new media circumstance, which as well focus on the mediating influential media structure. It presents recent matter of facts - rough words from Kim Youngmin- a candidate of United Democratic Party in the general election period of April 11th, 2012; the missile launching threat from North Korea and the referendum. The research shows that it tends to be the ordinary citizens which of 63% of the mediating influential people through these issue, not the famous or public ones as it"s supposed to be. Further more, 43% of the mediating influential people, who is found the specific 60 amount of Twitter, make their influence via Retweet (RT) access. And otherwise the 73% of the people tend to be anti government compared with 23% pro-government ones, which is more than 3 times.

      • 1980년대 중후반 냉전 질서의 변화와 한국 자유민주주의의 행방3)

        이상록 ( Lee Sangrok ) 강원대학교 통일강원연구원 2024 평화들 PEACES Vol.3 No.1

        1980년대 한국의 자유민주주의는 보수주의 정치사상으로만 이해되었지만, 냉전 질서의 변화와 맞물려 자유민주주의는 다양한 스펙트럼을 드러내고 있었고 급진적인 사상과 접합되기도 했다. 이 논문은 냉전의 지각변동ㆍ해체와 남북관계의 변화가 요동치던 1980년대 중후반기 한국의 자유민주주의가 어떤 담론적 기능을 수행했는가 하는 문제를 분절되면서도 연관되어있는 세 가지 주체의 흐름으로 다루었다. 전두환ㆍ노태우 정권과 지배이데올로그들은 민주주의의 실질화에는 거의 관심을 두지 않은 반면, 급진적 저항운동의 공세에 맞서 자유민주주의를 체제방어의 수단으로 삼았다. 일부 지배이데올로그는 기존의 반공정책을 비판하면서 자유민주주의를 긍정적인 방향으로 정정하려는 시도를 하는 등 자본주의적 주체 만들기에 몰두하기도 했다. 김대중은 ‘비폭력 민주주의, 비용공 남북통일, 비반미 민족자주’를 내세울 만큼 자칭 ‘온건개혁주의자’였고, 기본적으로 시장경제를 옹호하는 자유주의자였다. 그는 분배정의 실현 등을 위해 경제민주화를 적극적으로 제기하였고, 냉전ㆍ분단이 유발하는 자유민주주의의 파행에 대해 비판적이었다는 점에서 대안적 자유민주주의자였다고 볼 수 있다. 민중민주주의를 주장했던 문익환은 1980년대 급진적 좌파운동의 흐름이 저항적 자유민주주의에 끼친 강력한 영향의 흔적을 보여준다. 그의 탈냉전적이고 탈식민주의적 태도는 시대의 고난을 받는 존재로서의 민중을 환기시키고 있으며, 동시에 민주주의의 문제가 한반도를 둘러싼 강대국들과의 불균등한 관계의 문제로부터 자유롭지 못함을 드러내고 있다. In the 1980s, Korea’s liberal democracy was understood only as a conservative political ideology, but in conjunction with changes in the Cold War order, liberal democracy revealed a diverse spectrum and was sometimes combined with radical ideas. This paper addresses the question of what discursive function South Korea’s liberal democracy performed in the mid-to-late 1980s, when the tectonic shift and dissolution of the Cold War and changes in inter-Korean relations were turbulent, through the flow of three separate but related subjects. While the Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo regimes and ruling ideologues paid little attention to the substantiation of democracy, they used liberal democracy as a means of defending the system against the offensive of radical resistance movements. Some ruling ideologues focused on creating capitalist subjects by criticizing existing anti-communist policies and attempting to correct liberal democracy in a positive direction. Kim Dae-jung was a self-described ‘moderate reformist’ who advocated ‘non-violent democracy, unification of North and South Korea through non-communist relations, and non-anti-American national independence’, and was basically a liberal who advocated a market economy. He can be seen as an alternative liberal democrat in that he actively raised economic democratization to realize distributive justice and was critical of the breakdown of liberal democracy caused by the Cold War and division. Moon Ik-hwan, who argued for people’s democracy, shows traces of the strong influence that the radical leftist movement of the 1980s had on resistant liberal democracy. His post-Cold War and post-colonial attitude evokes the people as suffering beings of the times, and at the same time reveals that the problem of democracy is not free from the problem of uneven relations with the powerful countries surrounding the Korean Peninsula.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        IMS 센서를 활용한 안정적인 호버링 기능을 갖는 쿼드콥터 설계 및 구현

        이상록(Sangrok Lee) 융복합지식학회 2019 융복합지식학회논문지 Vol.7 No.1

        본 논문은 IMS 센서인 가속도센서와 자이로센서를 적용하여 안정적인 호버링 기능을 갖는 쿼드콥터 시스템을 설계하고 구현하였다. 쿼드콥터 시스템은 크게 원격제어 리모컨과 쿼드콥터 본체로 구성된다. 원격제어 리모컨은 8비트 MCU인 ATmega8A로 설계하였고, 2개의 조이스틱으로 쿼드콥터의 상승/하강, 전진/후진, 좌우진, 회전의 제어를 통해 방향전환이 자유롭게 가능하다. 원격제어 통신은 2.4GHz ISM 대역을 적용하여 최대 통신거리는 1km를 지원한다. 쿼드콥터 제어 모듈은 32비트 MCU인 STM32F103RB를 적용하여 설계하였고, IMS 센서는 3축 가속도센서와 3축 자이로센서를 적용하였다. IMS 센서로부터 얻은 현재의 자세 상태의 데이터를 마호니 필터를 거쳐 처리한 후 PID 제어기를 통해 보다 안정적인 호버링이 가능하도록 구현하였다. 최종적으로 PID 제어기에서 각각의 이득이 미치는 영향을 분석하였고, 롤의 목표 각도를 순간적으로 변화하면서 안정적인 제어가 가능함을 확인하였다. In this paper, we designed and implemented quadcopter system with stable hovering based on IMS sensor of accelerometer and gyroscope. Quadcopter system consists of remote controller and quadcopter main frame. The remote controller is designed using ATmega8 of 8-bit microcontroller. 2 joystics in the remote controller can control throttle, pitch, roll, and yaw of quadcopter, which results in the control of direction and attitude. Remote control communication is implemented using 2.4GHz ISM band, and it supports maximum communication distance of 1km. Quadcopter control module is designed using STM32F103RB of 32-bit microcontroller and using IMS sensor of 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope. The data of current attitude of quadcopter obtained from IMS sensor is filtered by Mahony filter in order to remove the sensor noise and estimate the orientation. And then the PID controller drives brushless DC motors of quadcopter. We confirmed that the implemented quadcopter can support the stable hovering and the remote control using joystics. Finally, the effects of gain parameter at the PID controller is analyzed and the stable PID control is demonstrated as the target roll angle is changed abruptly.

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