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      • KCI등재

        ‘오타쿠 현상’과 전후 일본 사회의 변화 -오타쿠론과 내셔널리즘의 부상을 중심으로

        장진호 ( Jang¸ Jinho ) 고려대학교 역사연구소 2022 사총 Vol.105 No.-

        ‘오타쿠’는 미디어 문화 혹은 서브컬처를 매개로 규정된 주체로서, 이와 관련된 현상은 일본에서 유래하지만 현재 국내와 아시아 각국에서만이 아니라 글로벌한 범위에서 등장한 현상이 되어왔으며, 최근에는 보다 진지한 학술적 연구의 대상이 되고 있다. 오타쿠란 만화, 애니메이션, 게임, PC, SF, 특수촬영(특촬), 피규어, 그 밖에 서로 깊이 연관된 일군의 서브컬처에 탐닉하는 사람들의 총칭으로 정의된다. 일본에서 전후 오타쿠 현상에 대한 다양한 논의들이 있어왔는데 대표적 논자들의 입장으로는 1) 오타쿠 변호론/진화론, 2) 비판적 오타쿠론, 3) 정치사/사상사적 오타쿠론, 4) 포스트모던 오타쿠 분석/ 데이터베이스 소비론, 5) 오타쿠 섹슈얼리티의 정신분석, 6) 오타쿠 공간의 분석 등을 들 수 있다. 전후 오타쿠계 문화 혹은 서브컬처는 전후 일본인들의 ‘이중 망각’ 즉 전시 경험에 대한 망각과 망각 사실 자체에 대한 망각에 균열을 내고 은유적으로 상기시키는 기능을 해왔다. 전후 ‘이상의 시대’(1945-70년), ‘허구의 시대’(1970-95년), 그리고 특히 ‘불가능의 시대’(1995-현재)를 거치며, 이와 같은 오타쿠 서브컬처의 기능은 현재 은유에서 이탈해 보다 직접적으로 보수적인 내셔널리즘이라는 현실로 도피하는 측면이 강화되고 있다. Otaku are subjects whose definition has been made through media culture or subculture. Otaku-related phenomena originated from Japan, but the phenomena now have been regional and even global ones, becoming the subject of serious academic researches. Otaku are the name of people who are engaged in various hobby-related activites, and those hobbies include manga, anime, videogame, personal computer, sci-fi, SFX film, figure and so on. Until recently, there have been key researchers and theorists engaging in studies of otaku and otaku-related phenomena in Japan. Their views can be summarized as follows: 1) otaku-defending/evolutionary view, 2) critical otaku research, 3) intellectual-history approach, 4) postmodern view/database-consumption theory, 5) psycho-analysis of otaku sexuality, 6) otaku -space analysis. Post-WWII otaku subculture has functioned as a metaphorical reminder of history for Japanese people who have lived with ‘double forgetting’, which means forgetting not only wartime experiences, but also the fact that they have forgotten those experiences. Having functioned as such during the periods of ideal(1945-70), fiction(1970-95), and impossibility (1995-present) in postwar Japanese history, otaku subculture now seems to be going toward the terrain of reality of conservative nationalism with a less metaphorical face than before.

      • KCI등재

        도시재생을 통한 화랑대역사관 디자인 개발

        박진호 ( Park¸ Jinho ),이주형 ( Yi¸ Joohyoung ) 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.6

        (연구배경 및 목적) 서울시는 경춘선 복선 전철화사업이 2010년에 마무리됨에 따라 기존 경춘선의 성북역에서 서울시 경계까지 약 6.3㎞ 폐선부지구간을 공원화하기로 하였다. 이 사업은 2013년부터 전체구간을 3단계로 나눠‘경춘선숲길공원 조성사업’으로 명명되어 공사가 진행되었다. 2017년 하반기부터 진행된 3단계 사업에서는 성북역과 육사삼거리에서 구리시 경계까지의 철도 및 주변공간을 공원화하기로 하고 화랑대역사(驛舍)를 전시관으로 변경하도록 계획하였다. 본 디자인제안에서는 화랑대역을 활용하여 역사적 가치를 보존하며 경춘선이 지닌 의미를 방문객과 공유할 수 있는 전시관을 계획하였다. (연구방법) 디자인의 범위는 크게 건축 공간부분과 내부전시계획부분으로 나뉜다. 건축 공간에서는 기존의 역사(驛舍)를 전시공간으로 사용할 수 있도록 부분적으로 개보수하고 마감재를 변경하였다. 전시계획 부분에서는 현황 및 사례분석, 전시개념설정, 전시 시나리오, 공간연출과 세부적인 전시물 제작설치 방법을 제안하였다. (결과) 현황 및 사례 분석을 통해 전시기본방향을 첫째, 실물전시 중심의 연출과 원형의 보존 둘째, 공감각적 연출을 통한 역의 과거 모습 표현 셋째, 사람들의 이야기와 기억의 표현으로 설정하였다. 이러한 기본방향을 전제로 전시개념을‘간이역, 시간의 향기로 물들다’로 설정하고 화랑대역의 역사, 화랑대역의 기억과 화랑대역과 사람들의 이야기로 공간 시나리오를 전개하였다. 건축 리모델링 계획은 크게 세 가지 방향에서 접근하였다. 첫째, 색채, 마감재 및 공간의 부분요소가 전체적인 조화를 이루도록 하였다. 둘째, 여행의 흥겨운 감정이 그대로 유지될 수 있도록 공간을 연출하였다. 셋째, 비대칭 삼각형 지붕구조의 조형성을 그대로 살릴 수 있도록 하였다. 구체적인 전시계획으로서 첫 번째 존인‘화랑대역, 우리의 역사와 함께하다’는 화랑대역사관에서 가장 큰 공간인 대합실을 활용하여 관람객이 역과 관련된 문학과 음악자료를 읽고 들어봄으로써 그 당시 이 역을 이용했던 사람들의 느낌과 감정을 이해 할 수 있도록 하였다. 두 번째 존‘화랑대역, 우리의 기억을 담다’는 화랑대역의 공간과 관련된 이야기를 주제로 하며 등록문화재로 지정된 화랑대역의 건축적 특징과 현재의 모습이 유지되기까지의 복원과정을 모형으로 설명하였다. 세 번째 존‘화랑대역, 수 많은 사람들의 이야기를 담다’에서는 공간 중앙에 역의 플랫폼과 승강장을 재현하여 분주한 모습을 생동감 있게 표현하였다. (결론) 본 디자인제안에서는 ‘경춘선숲길공원 조성사업’의 마무리 과정으로서 기존 화랑대역을 활용하여 화랑대역사관으로 변화시켰으며 건축물의 개보수와 전시콘텐츠개발 부분으로 나누어 접근하였다. 향후, 지속적 관람객 유입을 위해서는 전시관 내부와 경춘선숲길공원의 외부시설물을 연계하여 체험할 수 있는 행사가 지속적으로 개발되어야 한다. 또한 화랑대역사관 주변공원을 체험형 테마파크로 변화시키고 어린이를 대상으로 한 다양한 프로그램이 제공되어야 한다. (Background and Purpose) In 2010, the double electric track of Kyungchun railroad was finished. Seoul municipal authority decided to develop a park that the area from Seongbuk Station to border of Seoul. This project was proceeded by three stages and named as ‘Developing project of Kyungchun railroad forest park’from 2013 to 2017. In 2017, the third stage of project included that not only making park the nearby rail road from Seongbuk Station to a crossing with the three corners of Korea Military Academy, but changing Hwarangdae Station to a historical museum. This study proposed a plan for preserving historical value of the station and sharing the significance of Kyungchun railroad with visitors. (Method) The overall design project was divided by two parts; planning architectural space and exhibition contents. For planning architectural space, exiting station space was partially renovated and applied finishing materials to change the space as a museum. For planning exhibition contents, Analysing existing circumstances, establishing concept, exhibition scenario, producing space, and plan for fabricating media were proposed for the historic museum. (Results) By analyzing circumstances and example works, the directions of project was established by which are to preserve the archetype by displaying real objects, to produce the past station features by synesthetic presentation and to describe stories and memories of people. This study proposed not only the exhibition concept ‘Station, saturated by scent of time’ as the design directions, but spatial scenario with history, memories, and people of Hwarangdae Station. There were three ways to renovate the exiting architecture of the station. Most of all, color, material, and spatial factors are well matched with overal architectural structure. The second, exhibition space is well produced to make visitors being felt the hilarious atmosphere. The last, asymmetric roof structure is maintained to presenting unique configuration. The exhibition planning details are compromised as three parts. Renovated waiting lounge, first exhibition zone ‘Hwarangdae Station is holding our history’is the largest space. Visitors are able to understand the feeling and emotion of passengers through watching literary and musical items. The next zone ‘Hwarangdae Station has our memories’focused on architectural space that is made by a scale model and registered as a cultural property. The last zone ‘Hwarangdae Station shows stories of passengers’ described vivid and packed scenary of platforms in the center of the museum. (Conclusions) This study approached design in two parts which are architectural reconstruction and exhibition scenario to change the exiting station as a historical museum. To attract visitors constantly, experiencing events relevant to external facilities are being developed. In addition, the surrounding park of historical museum is needed to change as a theme park and to provide various hands-on program for children.

      • Colloidal Single-Layer Quantum Dots with Lateral Confinement Effects on 2D Exciton

        Jin, Ho,Ahn, Minji,Jeong, Sohee,Han, Jae Hyo,Yoo, Dongwon,Son, Dong Hee,Cheon, Jinwoo American Chemical Society 2016 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - Vol.138 No.40

        <P>Controlled lateral quantum confinement in single-layer transition-metal chalcogenides (TMCs) can potentially combine the unique properties of two-dimensional (2D) exciton with the size-tunability of exciton energy, creating the single-layer quantum dots (SQDs) of 2D TMC materials. However, exploring such opportunities has been challenging due to the limited ability to produce well-defined SQDs with sufficiently high quality and size control, in conjunction with the commonly observed inconsistency in the optical properties. Here, we report an effective method to synthesize high-quality and size-controlled SQDs of WSe2 via multilayer quantum dots (MQDs) precursors, which enables grasping a clear picture of the role of lateral confinement on the optical properties of the 2D exciton. From the single-particle optical spectra and polarization anisotropy of WSe2 SQDs of varying sizes in addition to their ensemble data, we reveal how the properties of 2D exciton in single-layer TMCs evolve with increasing lateral quantum confinement.</P>

      • Preparation of MultilayeredCdSe Quantum Dot Sensitizersby Electrostatic Layer-by-Layer Assembly and a Series of Post-treatmentstoward Efficient Quantum Dot-Sensitized Mesoporous TiO<sub>2</sub> Solar Cells

        Jin, Ho,Choi, Sukyung,Velu, Ranganathan,Kim, Sungjee,Lee, Hyo Joong American ChemicalSociety 2012 Langmuir Vol.28 No.12

        <P>A multilayer of CdSe quantum dots (QDs) was preparedon the mesoporoussurface of a nanoparticulate TiO<SUB>2</SUB> film by a layer-by-layer(LBL) assembly using the electrostatic interaction of the oppositelycharged QD surface for application as a sensitizer in QD-sensitizedTiO<SUB>2</SUB> solar cells. To maximize the absorption of incidentlight and the generation of excitons by CdSe QDs within a fixed thicknessof TiO<SUB>2</SUB> film, the experimental conditions of QD depositionwere optimized by controlling the concentration of salt added intothe QD-dissolved solutions and repeating the LBL deposition a fewtimes. A proper concentration of salt was found to be critical inproviding a deep penetration of QDs into the mesopore, thus leadingto a dense and uniform distribution throughout the whole TiO<SUB>2</SUB> matrix while anchoring the oppositely charged QDs alternately ina controllable way. A series of post-treatments with (1) CdCl<SUB>2</SUB>, (2) thermal annealing, and (3) ZnS-coating was found tobe very critical in improving the overall photovoltaic properties,presumably through a better connection between QDs, effective passivationof QD’s surface, and a high impedance of recombination, whichwere proved by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electrochemicalimpedance spectroscopy (EIS) experiments. With a proper post-treatmentof multilayered QDs as a sensitizer, the overall power conversionefficiency in the CdSe QD-sensitized TiO<SUB>2</SUB> solar cells couldreach 1.9% under standard illumination condition of simulated AM 1.5G(100 mW/cm<SUP>2</SUP>).</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/langd5/2012/langd5.2012.28.issue-12/la202892h/production/images/medium/la-2011-02892h_0007.gif'></P>

      • Strong polyelectrolyte quantum dot surface for stable bioconjugation and layer-by-layer assembly applications

        Jin, Ho,Nam, Jutaek,Park, Joonhyuck,Jung, Sungho,Im, Kyuhyun,Hur, Jaehyun,Park, Jong-Jin,Kim, Jong-Min,Kim, Sungjee Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Chemical communications Vol.47 No.6

        <P>A series of quantum dot (QD) ligands are reported that can make strong polyelectrolyte QD surfaces with sulfonates or quaternary ammoniums, which can endow QDs with excellent colloidal stability independent of the pH and ionic strength, minimal hydrodynamic size, and can be exploited to achieve stable and flexible bioconjugations and layer-by-layer assembly.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>Strong polyelectrolyte quantum dot surface ligands with sulfonates or quaternary ammoniums are reported that can provide excellent colloidal stability, minimal hydrodynamic size, and applicability to stable and flexible bioconjugations and layer-by-layer assembly. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c0cc04524a'> </P>

      • Sustained overexpression of Redd1 leads to Akt activation involved in cell survival

        Jin, H.O.,Hong, S.E.,Kim, J.H.,Choi, H.N.,Kim, K.,An, S.,Choe, T.B.,Hwang, C.S.,Lee, J.H.,Kim, J.I.,Kim, H.A.,Kim, E.K.,Noh, W.C.,Hong, Y.J.,Hong, S.I.,Lee, J.K.,Park, I.C. Elsevier Science Ireland 2013 Cancer letters Vol.336 No.2

        Herein, we show that the constitutive overexpression of Redd1, a negative regulator of mTORC1, induces Akt activation in lung cancer cells. Akt phosphorylation was reduced to basal levels by Rictor siRNA, suggesting the involvement of mTORC2 in this process. Perifosine and PP242, selective inhibitors of Akt and mTORC½, respectively, efficiently suppressed the Akt phosphorylation that was induced by the sustained overexpression of Redd1 and increased the sensitivity of the cells to cisplatin. Therefore, the sustained overexpression of Redd1 leads to mTORC1 inhibition and to consequent Akt activation that is involved in cell survival. This finding highlights the importance of Akt activation as a therapeutic target to overcome resistance to chemotherapy.


        Effects of Direct Solvent-Quantum Dot Interaction on the Optical Properties of Colloidal Monolayer WS<sub>2</sub> Quantum Dots

        Jin, Ho,Baek, Bongkwan,Kim, Doyun,Wu, Fanglue,Batteas, James D.,Cheon, Jinwoo,Son, Dong Hee American Chemical Society 2017 NANO LETTERS Vol.17 No.12

        <P>Because of the absence of native dangling bonds on the surface of the layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), the surface of colloidal quantum dots (QDs) of TMDCs is exposed directly to the solvent environment. Therefore, the optical and electronic properties of TMDCS QDs are expected to have stronger influence from the solvent than usual surface-passivated QDs due to more direct solvent-QD interaction. Study of such solvent effect has been difficult in colloidal QDs of TMDC due to the large spectroscopic heterogeneity resulting from the heterogeneity of the lateral size or (and) thickness in ensemble. Here, we developed a new synthesis procedure producing the highly uniform colloidal monolayer WS2 QDs exhibiting well-defined photoluminescence (PL) spectrum free from ensemble heterogeneity. Using these newly synthesized monolayer WS2, QDs, we observed the strong influence of the aromatic solvents on the PL energy and intensity of monolayer WS2, QD beyond the simple dielectric screening effect, which is considered to result from the direct electronic interaction between the valence band of the QDs and molecular orbital of the solvent. We also observed the large effect of stacking/separation equilibrium on the PL spectrum dictated by the balance between inter QD and QD-solvent interactions. The new capability to probe the effect of the solvent molecules on the optical properties of colloidal TMDC QDs will be valuable for their applications in various liquid surrounding environments.</P>


        Layer‐by‐Layer‐Assembled Quantum Dot Multilayer Sensitizers: How the Number of Layers Affects the Photovoltaic Properties of One‐Dimensional ZnO Nanowire Electrodes

        Jin, Ho,Choi, Sukyung,Lim, Sang‐,Hoon,Rhee, Shi‐,Woo,Lee, Hyo Joong,Kim, Sungjee WILEY‐VCH Verlag 2014 ChemPhysChem Vol.15 No.1

        <P><B>Layer cake:</B> Multilayered CdSe quantum dot (QD) sensitizers are layer‐by‐layer assembled onto ZnO nanowires by making use of electrostatic interactions to study the effect of the layer number on the photovoltaic properties. The photovoltaic performance of QD‐sensitized solar cells critically depends on this number as a result of the balance between light‐harvesting efficiency and carrier‐recombination probability.</P>


        TXNIP potentiates Redd1-induced mTOR suppression through stabilization of Redd1

        Jin, H-O,Seo, S-K,Kim, Y-S,Woo, S-H,Lee, K-H,Yi, J-Y,Lee, S-J,Choe, T-B,Lee, J-H,An, S,Hong, S-I,Park, I-C Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011 Oncogene Vol.30 No.35

        The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a highly conserved serine–threonine kinase activated in response to growth factors and nutrients. Because of frequent dysregulation of the mTOR signaling pathway in diverse human cancers, this kinase is a key therapeutic target. Redd1 is a negative regulator of mTOR, mediating dissociation of 14-3-3 from tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)2, which allows formation of a TSC–TSC2 complex. In the present study, we identify TXNIP that inhibits mTOR activity by binding to and stabilizing Redd1 protein. Redd1 and TXNIP expression was induced by a synthetic glucose analog, 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG). Moreover, Redd1 expression in response to 2-DG was regulated by activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4). Overexpression of TXNIP was associated with reduced mTOR activity mediated by an increase in Redd1 level, whereas knockdown of TXNIP using small interfering RNA resulted in recovery of mTOR activity via downregulation of Redd1 during treatment with 2-DG. Interestingly, Redd1 was additionally stabilized via interactions with N-terminal-truncated TXNIP, leading to suppression of mTOR activity. Our results collectively demonstrate that TXNIP stabilizes Redd1 protein induced by ATF4 in response to 2-DG, resulting in potentiation of mTOR suppression. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to identify TXNIP as a novel member of the mTOR upstream that acts as a negative regulator in response to stress signals.

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