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        A Case of Hobnail Hemangioma

        (Shin Taek Oh),(In Gang Jang),(Sung Wook Kim),(Baik Kee Cho),(Seung Dong Lee) 대한피부과학회 2002 Annals of Dermatology Vol.14 No.1

        N/A Hobnail hemangioma(HH)is a benign acquired vascular tumor of endothelial origin which should be differentiated from other malignant vascular neoplasm such as Kaposi`s sarcoma or angiosarcoma.We report a case of hobnail hemangioma in a 21-year-old woman who had a dusky-red patch on her left shin.Histologically,ectatic vascular channels with a single layer of plumped endothelial cells were seen and the vascular channels seemed to dissect the collagen bundles.She underwent treatment with surgical excision with primary closure. (Ann Dermatol 14(1)45-47, 2002).

      • 8-Azaxanthine과 그 유도체의 합성 및 시험관내 항암 활성

        李奉憲,辛貞姬,張太植,朴章洙,姜信源 부산대학교 유전공학연구소 1997 분자생물학 연구보 Vol.13 No.-

        8-Azaxanthine(1), 3-β-D-ribofuranosyl-8-azaxanthine(2),3-β-D-ribofuranosyl-8-azaxanthine-5'-monophosphate(3), 그리고 3-β-D-ribofuranosyl-8-azaxanthine-5'-(3-pyridinylcarbonyl)monophosphate(4)를 합성한 후 Mouse leukemia P388,Murine mammary carcinoma FM3A, Human histiocytic lymphoma U937암세포들에 대해 시험관내 항암활성을 MTT를 이용한 방법으로 예측하고 IC_50(μmol/mL)으로 나타내었다. 그 결과, 비정상적인 염기의 N-3와 당의 C-1'glycoside결합을 가진 2는 세가지의 암세포에 대해 감수성이 좋아 IC_50이 각각 0.05, 0.06,0.06μmol/mL이었으나 항세균 활성 예측에서는 감수성을 보이지 않았다. Human histiocytic lymphoma U937세포에 대한 IC_50은 1이 0.33,2는 0.06,3은0.25그리고 4는 0.33μmol/mL로 구조 변화에 따라 서로 다른 값을 보였다. 8-Azaxanthine(1), 3-β-D-ribofuranosyl-8-azaxanthine(2),3-β-D-ribofuranosyl-8-azaxanthine-5'-monophosphate(3), 3-β-D-ribofuranosyl-8-azaxanthine-5'-(3-pyridinylcarbonyl)monophosphate(4) were synthesized. The in vitro antitumor activities of the synthesized compounds against P388 mouse leukemia,FM3A mammary carcinoma, and U937 human histiocytic lymphoma cells were determined by MTT assay. 2 with unnatural N-3 and C-1'glycoside bond had activityagnist three tumor cell lines and IC_50s of these compounds were 0.05,0.06μmol/mL against three tumor cell lines, repectively. But these compounds had no antibacterial activity. IC_50s aganist U937 human histiocytic lymphoma cells were verfied with the structural modification:IC_50s of 1,2,3, and 4 were 0.33,0.06,0.25, and 0.33μmol/mL, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        지하역사 승강장 및 대합실 평상시/비상시 급ㆍ배기 환기 Large Eddy Simulation

        장용준(Yong-Jun Jang),류지민(Ji-Min Ryu),박덕신(Duck-Shin Park) 한국전산유체공학회 2013 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        The turbulent flow behavior of air supply and exhaustion in the Shin-gum-ho subway station is analyzed for ordinary and emergency state. The depth of Shin-gum-ho station is 43.6m which consists of the island-type platform(8th floor in underground) and a two-story lobby (first & second floor in underground). An emergency stairway connects between the platform and the lobby. Ventilation operation mode for ordinary state is set up as a combination of air supply and exhaustion in the lobby and platform, while for emergency state it is set up as a full air supply in the lobby and a full exhaustion in the platform. The entire station is covered for simulation. The ventilation diffusers are modeled as 95 square shapes of 0.6m?0.6m in the lobby and as 222 square shapes of 0.6m×0.6m and 4 rectangular shapes of 1.2m×0.8m in the platform. The total of 7.5million grids are generated and whole domain is divided to 22 blocks for MPI efficiency of calculation. Large eddy simulation(LES) is applied to solve the momentum equation and Smagorinsky model(C<SUB>s</SUB>=0.2) is used as SGS subgrid scale) model. The time-averaged velocity fields are compared to experimental data and show a good agreement with it.

      • 아스피린 투여가 고온·최대운동 중 체온과 운동수행능력에 미치는 영향

        신장호 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of the present study was to determine whether aspirin affects on exercise performance and body temperature during exercise in high temperature, 20 college-age men performed a 70% VO₂max exercise on a treadmill on two different occasions, after aspirin(1000㎎ of aspirin) and placebo administration, Measurement of rectal temperature, mean body temperature, VO₂max, VEmax, fRmax Rmax and HRmax was carried out. There were no significant differences in rectal and mean body temperature between the two exercises, The analysis of HRmax, VEmax and fRmax showed statistically significant differences between before and aspirin administration, Duration of exercise did not change after aspirin administration, suggesting that aspirin administration(1000㎎) does not affect exercise performance in high temperature.

      • KCI등재

        일본 종합상사의 삼국간무역 현황과 확대방안 : 전전(戰前)에서 1980년대의 사례를 중심으로

        申章澈 韓日經商學會 1997 韓日經商論集 Vol.14 No.-

        日本における三國間貿易の歷史はかなり古く, 今から約100年前の明治(1895)時代にまで逆れる.すなわち, 當時の三正物産上海支店による中國産生絲の歐米輸出からであると言われている. さて, 近年における日本總合商社の三國間貿易は, 輸出·入, 國內取引とともに, 總合商社が商社機能を多角かつ總合的に展開するにあたって中心的な役割を果している. いわゆる「中核機能」の形成において一因を擔っているが,その取引形態が日本總合商社の總賣上高のなかで占める構成比率は增加傾向にある. 具體的には, 1970年以降から1990年までの約20年間における三正物産, 三菱商社, 住友商社, 伊藤忠などの總合商社9社の總賣上高は, 金額において約24倍增となっているが, 三國間貿易は同時期におよそ約270培增という高い伸びとなったっている. しかも, 總合商社が取り扱う三國間貿易の商品構成は多樣化しつつある. かつてその取引形態の取扱商品の中心は, 燃料·穀物などのバルキ-的な商品であつたが, 今日においてはプラント·プロジェツトに付隨する機械設備·化學品·木材など廣範な商品と事業領域にまで擴がつづけている. さて, 日本總合商社の上記のようなパフォ-マンスに對して, 韓國總合商社の場合は, 政府規制, 情報不在, 專門人員の不足, 經驗未熟などの諸限界要素によって, 三國間貿易は停滯狀態をつづけてている. 1975年における總合商社の指定制度導入をきっかけで-一時的にしろ增加傾向を示した三國間貿易であったが, 90年代に入ってからは再たび減少しているのである. いずれにせよ, 最近における經濟の國際化, 情報化の波は 企業活動のグロ-バル化を强く促しつつある. このような時代變化を反映し, 日本はもとより韓國においてもかつて貿易發展に大きく貢獻した總合商社に業して高い關心と期待が寄せられている. 本稿では, 上記でかいつまんで指摘したように, 三國間貿易を總合商社の將來において進展させるべきグロ-バル戰略の1つとして位置付けている. 要するに, 三國間貿易は近い將來, 深刻に擡頭されうる國際貿易における通商摩擦の問題を效果的に回避することができる總合商社の得意分野であり,今後とも國家および企業の競爭力强化という觀點で, より戰略的に檢討されるべき課題であると强調しているである.

      • KCI등재

        재벌의 개념 정립을 위한 소고(小考) : 일본의 사례를 중심으로

        申章澈 韓日經商學會 2000 韓日經商論集 Vol.19 No.-

        韓國では, 去る1997年末以降のいわゆる'IMF體制"のもとで, かつてない强硬な財閥改革が行われた. このIMF體制は政權交代と時期的に重なってはじまり, 現政權によって本格的に行われた一連の諸改革措置は, どの政權より强力なものであった. 經營實積が惡かった機つかの銀行に大する經營停止措置등に代表されるような金融機關に大する嚴しい內容の改革措置, とともに行われた大手企業(主に, 三星, 現代, 大宇, LG, SK)に對する構造改革の要求は相當キッイものであった. その煽りで, ごく最近まで財界第2位の地位を守ってきだ'大宇グル- プ'が解散を余儀なくされた. さて, 日本では, 戰後行われた財閥解體は徵底的に行われたという点において, 近代において政治權力が行使した獨占禁止政策の事例としては稀であろう. しかも, その措置は, GHQによるものであり, 經濟民主主義の實現という戰後改革の一環として行われ. 現在の日本の産業組織および産業構造に大きな影響をおよぼしている. 特に, 戰後新たに再編成された舊財閥系をはじめとする기つかの企業集團は戰後日本の經濟大國化において大きな役割を果たした. 以上, 韓國と日本の二國間におけるいわゆる'財閥改革'に關して, ??い摘んでのべたが, 本硏究を通じて, 改革の背景, 內容,そしてその特徵において差があるのを指摘して置く. また, 韓日兩國における財閥または企業集團に對する槪念はもとより, 生性背景, 歷史的位置, そしてその性格においても明らかに遠う, という点も指摘して置きたい. 特に, 本硏究では韓國で亂用されている財閥の槪念を개め, 財閥政策の目標と手段を明確にし, 實效性を高める必要があることを主張する一方, 日本で議論され論爭になって財閥の槪念定義をめぐる一連の論議を整理し, 紹介した. これにより, より明確な財閥の槪念定義を試みると同時に, 財閥硏究の現住所を確かめることにした.

      • 아라키돈산 및 아이코사펜타엔산 생성 곰팡이의 분리 및 생산

        신효선,오인호,이장한 동국대학교 산업기술환경대학원 1994 산업기술논총 Vol.2 No.-

        Fungal strains producing extraordinary high amounts of arachidonic acid(ARA) and eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA) were isolated from soil samples and the effects of various culture condition on the production of ARA and EPA were investigated. Three strains of fungi with the high acids yields were identified as Mortierella alpina 49, M. parvispora 58 and M. horticola 73. Highest amounts of EPA and ARA were produced when three strains were cultivated at 18℃ for 4 and 6 days, respectively. When the three strains of fungi were grown in a medium with increase of 5% glucose, EPA production was decreased in every case, whereas ARA production not decreased in every case. There was no significant effect of oxygen on the fungi growth. But the production of EPA and ARA as well as the total fatty acids decreased when cultivated in 200 ml of culture volume in 500 ml flask. When the fungi cultivated for 6 days at 18℃ and stand for 6 days at room temperature, there was no difference in growth amount, while there was increase in the total fatty acid production, i.e., 36% increase as for M. parvispora 58 and 10∼20% as for the other two fungi. Aging didn't influence the EPA production much. the amount of the fungi growth and the total fatty acid production increased with more soybean oil addition as a nutrient of culture medium.

      • 苛性소다 處理에 依한 볏짚 Silage 의 飼料價値 增進硏究

        辛炯泰,朴昌學,金章鎬,金贊昊 成均館大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        Nylon bag dry matter digestibility (NBDMD, %) and nylon bag organic matter digestibility(NBOMD, %) were measured to evaluate the nutritive value of Tongil and Akibare rice straws ensiled after NaOH treatment by using Korean native male goats. Experimental Korean native male goat, weighing approximately 30㎏ each, was equipped with rumen cannula. Three grams of dried samples by grinding with 2.45㎜ Wiley mill screen were put into a bag 9×14 ㎠ made of 100 mesh nylon. Nylon bags were put into the ventral sac of the rumen and taken out at the end of 72 hours. They were washed, dried in an oven at 90-100℃ for 24 hours and weighed “NBDMD (%)” and ashed in an muffle furnace at 550-600℃ for 2 hours and weighed “NBOMD”(%)”. The results which were obtained with this experiment were as follows: 1. The NBDMD (%) and NBOMD (%) of NaOH-treated Tongil and Akibare silage were highly significant different (p〈0.01) in different levels of NaOH and variety of rice straw, but NBDMD(%) and NBOMD(%) were not affected by moisture content of rice straw silage (p〉0.05). 2. The relationship between NBDMD (Y_1, %) of Tongil and Akibare rice straw silage and NaOH concentration (X, %) at 72 hours rumen incubation was: Tongil rice straw silage (50%) : Y_1=4.70X+43.67 (r=0.96^*) Tongil rice straw silage (70%) : Y_1=4.61X+46.23 (r=0.99^**) Akibare rice straw silage (50%) : Y_1=4.61X+32.93 (r=0.95^*) Akibare rice straw silage (70%) : Y_1=4.97X+35.68 (r=0.97^*) 3. The relationship between NBOMD (Y_2, %) of Tongil and Akibare rice straw silage and NaOH concentration (X, %) at 72 hours rumen incubation was: Tongil rice straw silage (50%) : Y_2=4.74X+40.21 (r=0.97^*) Tongil rice straw silage (70%) : Y_2=4.05X+43.55 (r=0.99^**) Akibare rice straw silage (50%) : Y_2=4.24X+30.26 (r=0.95^*) Akibare rice straw silage (70%) : Y_2=4.34X+30.27 (r=0.97^*) 4. The optimum level of NaOH for improving NBDMD (%) and NBOMD (%) from Tongil and Akibare rice straw silage, on the basis of Blaster et al (1961), was 3% NaOH for Tongil and 4% NaOH for Akibare. But the optimum level of NaOH for rice straw silage, on the basis of Dr. McCullough's theory, was 6% NaOH for Tongil and Akibare. 5. The NBDMD (%) of ensiled NaOH-treated rice straw were more improved 20-30% than freshly-treated rice straw. It is concluded that the nutritive value of stored straw is higher than that of freshly-treated material.

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