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      • Development of Weight-Based Occupant Classification System in Advanced Airbag System

        Jaeho Hwang(황재호),Seung-Gyu Oh(오성규),Do-Yoon Kim(김도윤),Myung-Hoon Keum(금명훈) 한국자동차공학회 2006 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        As occupant injuries induced by airbag deployment had become a critical issue, revisions to FMVSS 208 were made to mandate the adoption of advanced airbag which can protect occupants of varying statures. As a result, OCS(occupant classification system) has become a important part of advanced airbag technologies. In this paper, we review the existing OCS technologies and investigate the details of development issues and solutions for weight-based OCS..

      • KCI등재

        The Political and Strategic Implications of Sino-Russian Joint Military Exercises

        HWANG Jaeho(황재호) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2010 신아세아 Vol.17 No.3

        연합훈련은 평화시기 군사훈련으로서는 최고형식으로서, 참가국들은 공동 훈련을 통해 여러 성과를 기대하게 된다. 최근 국제적으로 비전통안보 위협이 점증하면서 각국들의 연합훈련이 빈번해지고 있다. 평화의 사명 또한 이러한 훈련 중 하나이며, 2009년에 상해협력기구의 틀 내에서 세 번째로 실시되었다. 2010년 올해에도 훈련을 예정하는 가운데 본문은 평화의 사명이 이토록 큰 규모의 정례적 훈련으로 발전하게 된 배경과 함의를 파악하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 지난 2005년과 2007년 훈련의 사례 연구를 통해 차후 훈련의 발전 가능성과 한계를 찾고자 하였다. 양국의 참여 목적에 있어서 대외적으로 내세우는 것은 반테러협력이다. 그러나 양국은 자국의 역량을 대외적으로 과시하면서 미국의 역내 영향력 확대를 견제하고자 하였다. 또 양국의 분리주의 운동세력에 대해 대비하면서 상호간 방산협력의 기회로 활용하였다. 그러나 훈련의 한계도 적지 않았는데, 양측의 여러 병종부대 참가로 인한 상호간 소통에 문제가 있었으며, 작전, 군수, 무기 지원체제의 비효율성도 발생하였다. 또한 훈련장소 선정 과정에서 보듯 중․러 양국 간 이견이 있었으며, 카자흐스탄의 예에서 보듯 중․러 양국과 여타 참여국들의 입장에도 일정한 간격이 존재하였다. 이를 빌미로 중국의 군사적 위협론 재부상과 미국과 동맹국들의 대중국 경계심 강화는 결코 중국이 바라는 바가 아니었다. 그럼에도 평화의 사명은 계속될 것으로 전망되는데, 이는 중․러 양국이 많은 부분에서 그 국익을 일치시키고 있기 때문이다. 따라서 한국은 이 훈련에 참관단의 파견 타진 및 정확한 정보 획득을 위한 대중국, 대러시아 군사외교를 강화할 필요가 있다. 무엇보다도 한미동맹과 한중동반자관계 사이에서 한국의 딜레마적 상황을 야기하지 않도록 능동적이고 유연한 대응전략이 필요하다. The first joint military exercise between the PRC and Russia was “Peace Mission (Heping Shiming) 2005,” and “Peace Mission 2007,” the latter expanding in scope and capacity to include all Shanghai Cooperation Organization member countries under a Sino-Russian leadership. These exercises operated under the objective of combating terrorism, separatism, and extremism, but they were not implemented without considering Chinese and Russian political, economic, and security concerns. In addition, although there are technical problems to these exercises, the deciding factors that will influence the future of the Peace Mission include conflicting national interests of Russian and China. Therefore, it is unlikely that the SCO will become an alliance under the framework of a Sino-Russian leadership, but rather it will maintain its status quo as an anti-terror coalition. As far as South Korea is concerned, Seoul should consider sending observers to the exercises, at the same time, enhancing the Sino-Korean and Russo-Korean military relations to obtain accurate intelligence about the exercises rather than interpreting the Peace Missions as a burden in having to balance Sino-Russian cooperation and a U.S.-Japan alliance.


        70 Years after WW2: The Dynamics of the Northeast Asian Security Environment : The Rise of a New Regional Order and South Korea`s Deepening Strategic Dilemma

        ( Jaeho Hwang ) 한국국방연구원 2015 The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol.27 No.2

        The year 2015 has many implications for South Korea. It marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in 1945, the subsequent independence of the Korean Peninsula from the rule of Imperial Japan, and the division of the Peninsula into two Koreas based on two different ideologies and political systems. South Korea, based on liberal democracy, has renovated itself and emerged as a middle power with diplomatic and economic strength. However, the unhappy legacy of 1945 still haunts today’s ROK despite its growth, both in quantity and quality. The U.S.-led regional order in the post-War period is experiencing a massive upheaval, as the United States seeks to maintain the status quo by using Japan, and China intends to shape a new regional order. Against this backdrop, South Korea is being demanded to choose a position. In order to deal with this situation, Seoul should put its national interest as its top priority, while taking into account which option serves better for regional peace and prosperity.

      • KCI등재

        China’s Policy towards North Korea in Xi Jinping's Second Term: Policy Suggestions for South Korea’s Policy toward China

        ( Jaeho Hwang ) 국방대학교 안보문제연구소 2019 The Korean Journal of Security Affairs Vol.24 No.2

        Sino-North Korean relations were worse than ever during Xi Jinping's first term (2013-2017). Since 2012, when Kim Jung-un became the leader of North Korea, the country has held more intensive nuclear tests and missile launches. Xi Jinping was deeply disappointed and enraged at how North Korea did not consider Chinese interests by not consulting with the Chinese prior to the tests or offering an explanation after the fact. China did not oppose U.S.-led UN sanctions on North Korea, and in fact, it partially participated in the sanctions. However, the relationship evolved as China entered into Xi Jinping's second term in 2018. Through five summit meetings in the last 15 months, the two countries have established a new type of Sino-North Korean relations (xinxing zhongchao guanxi). Besides the already known 3 Principles on North Korea and 3 No Changes on North Korea, China is pursuing the new policies of New 3 Principles on the Korean Peninsula and 3 Pursuits for North Korea. Consequently, South Korea should take steps for its own sake in addition to its U.S. and North Korea policies with the goal of giving China the opportunity to play a more constructive role on the Korean Peninsula.

      • KCI등재

        비선형 구도해석에 의한 강관 CR영상의 기하학적 영역복원

        황재호(JaeHo Hwang) 大韓電子工學會 2009 電子工學會論文誌-SP (Signal processing) Vol.46 No.6

        강관튜브를 엑스레이 선원의 방사선에 노출 시, 투과방사선은 통상 필름이나 근래 많이 사용되는 CR의 영상판 등에 검출된다. 검출된 방사선은 대상체의 양면 영역을 중복하여 관통하여 방사선 영상에는 내외부 매질 상태가 겹쳐서 나타나며 동시에 방사선 투과와 기하학적 배치에 기인한 비선형 왜곡이 영상에 반영된다. 본 논문에는 강관튜브 CR영상으로부터 영상을 복원하는 해석적 접근법을 제시한다. 방사선 강도, 매질에서의 흡수 및 방사선 입사에 따른 시준(視準)성분들과 연관된 기하학적 사양 등으로부터 특징 파라미터를 추출하여 원형인 강관튜브의 두 영역에서의 영상을 복원한다. 보정절차를 통해 실제 튜브에 근접한 영역 복구를 설계한다. 이러한 접근법을 CR영상에 적용하여 유용성을 확인한다. The steel-tube is exposed to a radiation from X-ray source. The transmitted radiation is detected by a detector, usually film or more recently an imaging plate(IP) of Computed Radiography(CR). The detected radiation overlaps the region of both sides of the object. The radiographic images reflect the projections of the rays, passing twice through both external and internal tube material. Nonlinear distortion due to the radioactive transmission and geometric disposition also appears on images. In this paper, an analytical approach is presented to achieve image reconstruction from the steel-tube CR images. Parameters related to radiation and measuring structure, such as intensities, absorption in material and geometric specifications linked with the collimating components, are calculated and identified in order to construct the renoval images for twofold regions of circle-type steel tubes. A correction procedure for region recovery most similar to the true tube is designed. The application of this approach on CR images is shown and reconstructed results are discussed.

      • 다중 와류 고리 생성기를 활용한 비접촉식 햅틱 인터페이스

        황재호(Jaeho Hwang),박창현(Changhyeon Park),박재영(Jaeyoung Park) 대한기계학회 2023 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2023 No.11

        This paper proposes a haptic interface that provides tactile feedback using a vortex ring without wearing a physical device on the body. Multiple woofer speakers were used to generate a toroidal vortex. This interface was designed to emit the vortex ring in an arbitrary direction, and the intensity of the haptic feedback was increased by using multiple vortex ring actuator units.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 여성 노인 음성의 음향학적 특성

        황재호(Hwang, Jaeho),김정완(Kim, JungWan) 한국음성학회 2012 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.4 No.4

        The population of Korea is ageing as the number of elderly people increases due to improvements in health care and diet. Accordingly, it is expected that interest in how to live actively during the years after retirement and how to communicate effectively will increase the demand for voice improvement methods and technology. However, the criteria to evaluate the voice strength and characteristics of the elderly are lacking. In this study, we analyzed the acoustic characteristics of elderly women living in the community according to residential status and mental health status (e.g. depressive mood). Accordingly, we selected women (n=63) above the age of 65 age who were living in the Seoul metropolitan area and Daegu·Gyeongbuk. The selected subjects were divided into two groups: a normal speaker group (n=40) and a speaker group comprised of those suffering from depressive mood (n=23). This study analyzed the voice characteristics of subjects based on collected data through the sustained phonation of the vowel /a/. It was shown that there were differences among MPT, F0, Jitter, Shimmer and NHR depending on location of residence but no difference with regard to depressive mood. Therefore, we must consider location of residence in elderly as the key factor in demonstrating the voice norms of seniors.

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