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      • K-POP 팬덤 활동이 아이돌 광고 온라인 크라우드 펀딩에 미치는 영향 : 중국 K-POP 팬 커뮤니티를 중심으로

        FAN, HUA 이화여자대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Today, rather than using official Korean fan cafes, Chinese K-pop fans use various social networking sites, especially Weibo. And one of the trends is to raise money in the form of online crowdfunding through the fan community and invest promotional advertisements to support the star they love. It has already been revealed that the trust of an online community is closely related to the voluntary participation of fans. Therefore, community trust is a key factor in the interaction that occurs in the online environment. Meanwhile, high loyalty to the fan community makes fans more likely to join and participate in online fandom activities. So this study examines how the engagement of online fan activities and the perceived value of fans affect the crowdfunding of idol advertisements and how the fans' trust and loyalty of the group affect the relationship between participation of fan activities and idol crowdfunding. According to the survey, every responders of this study have their favorite K-pop idols and use the Weibo K-POP fan community. The relationship among variables was verified through simple regression analysis and multi-return regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, the participation of K-pop fandom activities has a positive effect on both the strength and intention of crowdfunding for idol commercials. In other words, the higher the participation of K-pop fandom activities, the higher the strength and intention of crowdfunding for idol commercials. Second, the perceived value for fan's crowdfunding has a positive effect on both the strength and intention of idol advertising crowdfunding. The higher the perceived value, the higher the strength and intention of crowdfunding for idol commercials. Third, trust and loyalty only have a positive effect on the intention of crowdfunding. Last but not least, trust and loyalty mediated the relationship between K-pop fandom activities and the intention of crowdfunding. Overall, this study considers fandom as an independent group of crowdfunding behavior, which gives an academic significance to this study. Besides, while most studies analyzed online and offline fandom activities, this study is only focused on online fandom and looked at participation in online fandom activities. Furthermore, this study suggests that focusing fans' trust and loyalty to the fan community helping to provide a new direction to research on the psychological characteristics of fandom. Finally, the results of the research help advertising companies and celebrity agencies manage the fan economy. 오늘날 중국 K-POP 팬들은 웨이보를 이용해 팬 활동을 한고 있다. 최근에는 대부분 팬 커뮤니티를 통해 온라인 크라우드 펀딩의 형식으로 진행하고 있으며, 자신이 지지하는 스타를 응원하기 위해 광고를 투자하는 것이 특징이다. 온라인 환경에서 형성된 신뢰는 팬의 자발적 참여와 밀접한 관계가 있다. 따라서 커뮤니티에 대한 신뢰는 온라인 환경에서 상호작용을 유도하는 핵심요인이며, 커뮤니티가 유지되도록 하는 원동력이다. 한편, 기존 연구에서는 팬 커뮤니티에 대한 충성도가 높다면, 팬들이 온라인 팬덤 활동에 가입하고 참여할 가능성이 더 높다고 보고하고 있다. 또한, 응원하는 아이돌을 위해 크라우드 펀딩을 진행하고 광고를 게재하는 것은 팬덤 전체의 명분이고, 팬 개개인이 기여하는 수준은 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 이러한 맥락에서, 본 연구는 팬덤 활동이 크라우드 펀딩에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 구체적으로, 팬덤 활동에 참여하는 정도와 팬의 지각된 가치가 팬덤 활동의 일종인 아이돌 광고 크라우드 펀딩에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지, 그리고 팬 커뮤니티에 대한 신뢰와 충성도가 팬덤 활동 참여도와 아이돌 크라우드 펀딩 간 관계에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 분석했다. 본 연구는 좋아한 K-POP 아이돌이 있고, 중국 웨이보 K-POP 팬 커뮤니티를 이용해 본 경험이 있는 대상자를 선정해 설문조사를 실시, 단순회귀분석과 중다회귀분석을 통해 변수 간의 영향관계를 검증하였다. 구체적인 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, K-POP 팬덤 활동은 아이돌 광고 크라우드 펀딩 참여정도와 크라우드 펀딩 의도에 모두 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 즉, K-POP 팬덤 활동 참여도가 높을수록 아이돌 광고 크라우드 펀딩 참여정도와 의도는 더욱 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 팬의 크라우드 펀딩에 대한 지각된 가치는 아이돌 광고 크라우드 펀딩 참여정도와 크라우드 펀딩 의도에 모두 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 즉, 지각된 가치가 높을수록 아이돌 광고 크라우드 펀딩 참여정도와 의도가 더 높게 나타난 것이다. 셋째, 팬 커뮤니티에 대한 신뢰와 충성도는 K-POP 팬덤 활동 참여도와 아이돌 광고 크라우드 펀딩 의도 간 관계에만 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으며 크라우드 펀딩 참여정도에는 영향을 미치지 못했다. 즉, 팬 커뮤니티에 대한 신뢰와 충성도의 매개효과를 증명했다. 넷째, 팬 커뮤니티에 대한 신뢰는 충성도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 측, 팬 커뮤니티에 대한 신뢰가 높을수록 팬 커뮤니티에 대한 충성도가 높게 나타난 것이다. 이러한 연구는 기존에는 시도되지 않았던 팬덤을 하나의 독립적인 소비자 집단으로 여기고 팬의 크라우드 펀딩 행위에 대해 연구했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 또한, 대부분의 팬덤 연구에서는 팬 활동 유형을 온라인과 오프라인으로 나눠서 분석하였지만, 본 연구는 온라인 팬덤 활동에만 집중해 이들의 활동을 살펴보았다는 데에 연구의 의미가 있다. 마지막으로, 본 연구는 팬 커뮤니티에 대한 신뢰와 충성도라는 팬덤의 심리적 특성에 대해 연구하였다는 점에서 후속 연구에 또 다른 방향을 제시하고 관련 산업에도 유의미한 함의를 제공했다는 점에서 의의를 강조할 수 있다.

      • K-pop 아이돌의 중국 팬덤 연구 : 방탄소년단의 팬덤을 중심으로

        ZENG Fan 서강대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247806

        본 논문은 K-pop 아이돌의 중국 팬덤, 특히 K-pop 아이돌 남자 그룹 중에서 방탄소년단의 팬덤을 둘러싼 다양한 기능과 갈등에 관해서 포괄적으로 연구하였다. 본 논문의 연구질문은 프로슈머로서 팬덤이 생산하는 문화 산업의 특성, 하위문화 집단으로서 팬덤 간의 경쟁을 통해서 전개되는 인정투쟁, 그리고 사회적 기여활동과 팬덤을 둘러싼 갈등의 양면성 등이 어떻게 드러나는지에 관한 것이다. 2장에서는 문화 산업 (cultural industry)으로서 기획사, 아이돌, 팬덤의 상호의존적 관계와 역학에 대해서 기존 문헌을 중심으로 설명하였다. 3장에서는 본 연구의 이론적 프레임을 소개하고 있는데, 프로슈머로서의 팬덤, 하위문화집단으로서 팬덤 간의 갈등, 팬덤의 사회적 기여와 시장자본주의의 한계를 포괄하고 있으며, 4장 연구 방법론에서는 본 연구에서 적용한 ‘인터넷 참여관찰’ 방법에 대해서 설명하였다. 5장에서는 경험분석의 내용을 이론적 프레임에 맞춰서 세 개의 절로 구성하였다. 5장 1절에서는 방탄소년단의 중국인 팬덤은 한류문화의 소비자이기도 하지만, 생산자로서 프로슈머의 역할을 하기도 한다. 배너와 굿즈 생산을 통한 기호학적 생산, 외국어를 번역하여 자국어로 소개하는 언술적 생산, 인터넷 상에서 기호와 내러티브가 혼재된 콘텐츠로서 텍스트를 생산하는 기능을 찾아볼 수 있었다. 5장 2절에서는 팬덤 간의 인정투쟁을 분석하였는데, 팬들은 하위문화 집단을 구성하며 일종의 취향공동체로서 다른 팬덤들과 가요차트 우선 순위 혹은 홍보전에 주력하여 때론 지나친 경쟁에 몰두하기도 한다. 한편, BTS의 ‘항미원조’ 논란 이후에 중국 내 BTS 팬덤은 주류사회의 국민(민족)공동체와 긴장과 갈등을 빚기도 했는데, 많은 팬들은 BTS 팬덤을 이탈하였으며 그중 일부 팬들은 BTS로부터 사과를 요구하기도 하였고, 또 다른 일부는 ‘찐 팬’ 들은 팬덤을 계속 유지하기도 하였다. 이로써 BTS를 둘러싼 민족주의 논쟁은 팬덤 내부의 균열과 갈등으로 확장되었지만, 찐팬들의 팬덤 현상은 국가(민족)주의를 넘어서서 예술(음악)을 통한 보편주의 혹은 세계주의의 가치를 지향하는 문제를 반영하고 있다. 논란이 된 방탄소년단의 발언에서 충돌한 가치관에 대한 팬들의 이해를 분석해 볼 때 떠나는 팬이든, 지켜보면서 응원하는 팬이든 발언의 공통점은 방탄소년단이 정치적 측면의 싸움에 휘말리지 않도록 음악가로서의 중요성을 강조한 것이다. 이 과정에서 팬덤 공동체가 경제적 이익이나 정치적 애국심과 같은 폐쇄적 세속성을 넘어서는 욕구, 특히 아이돌과 그 팬덤문화가 개인의 정신적인 측면에 주는 치유와 만족을 높이 인정했다는 것을 알 수 있다. 또 5장 3절은 팬덤 문화의 양면성에 대해서 논의한다. 한편으로 팬덤 문화는 사회기여 활동에 무시할 수 없는 힘을 발휘하고 있다. BTS의 중국 팬들은 중국뿐만 아니라 한국사회에 사회적 소외계층에게 헌미와 기부 등을 통해 도움의 손길을 뻗쳐왔다. 예컨대 BTS의 ‘항미원조를 둘러싼 사회적 갈등’ 논란 사건 이후에도 팬들은 사회기여 활동을 멈추지 않고 적극적인 자세로 ‘BTS 팬’을 대변하며 사회공익 분야에서 역할을 해 왔다. 다른 한편으로 중국 정부에서는 문화 산업에서 기획사를 통한 경제적 이익 전유를 시장 자본주의의 착취 문제로 인식하여 연예계의 팬덤 활동을 전면적으로 규제하는 정책을 시작하였다. 본 연구의 의의는 먼저 팬덤문화에 대한 기존 선행연구의 주제가 대개 아이돌과 팬이 만들어내는 경제적 또는 문화적 가치에 국한되었고 팬덤문화에서 팬덤이 주체로서 인식되지 못 하고 여전히 수동적이라는 인식과 판단의 한계를 비판적으로 재구성하였다는 데 있다. 여전히 K-pop 연구가 시장화와 마케팅 논의에 초점을 맞추고 있는 상황에서, 팬덤의 가치는 하위 문화의 주체가 아니라 자본의 도구로만 여겨지기 쉽다. 본 연구는 이를 벗어나 팬들은 ‘취향 공동체’로 인식돼 주류 사회에서 중요시되어야 할 필요성에 대해 논의하고 있다. 요약컨대, 본 연구에서 아이돌 팬덤문화가 실제로 양면성을 갖고 있지만 , 팬덤은 수동적 소비자가 아니라 능동적 주체로서 프로슈머의 기능 뿐 아니라 사회 기여의 측면에서 큰 영향력과 강점을 가지고 있다는 현상을 인터넷 참여관찰을 통해서 다양하게 분석할 수 있었다. 하지만, 팬덤 문화로 인한 다양한 사회적 갈등에 대해서 더 많은 차원에서 연구가 보완될 필요가 있다. 특히 팬덤의 인정투쟁은 팬덤이 지지하는 가수들의 순위경쟁 뿐 아니라 사회적인 가치와 인정을 얻기 위한 공적인 기여를 전략적으로 모색하고 있다. 본 연구는 아이돌 팬덤의 영향력을 중시하고 긍정적으로 평가하면서 다원화된 관점을 사회과학적으로 해석하였다. 따라서 현대사회에서 개인의 정신적 배려와 가치추구의 자유가 중시되고 보장되어 팬덤이 사회적 기능을 더 구현할 수 있는 방안에 대해서 성찰적으로 제시하고 있다. This paper comprehensively studied the various functions and conflicts surrounding the fandom of BTS among the Chinese fandom of K-pop idols, especially K-pop idol male groups. The research question in this paper is about the characteristics of the cultural industry produced by fandom as a prosumer, the struggle for recognition developed through competition between fandom as a sub-cultural group, and the ambivalence of social contribution activities and conflicts surrounding fandom. Chapter 2 describes the interdependence and dynamics of agencies, idols, and fandom as a cultural industry, focusing on existing literature. Chapter 3 introduces the theoretical frame of this study, encompasses fandom as prosumer, conflict between fandom as subcultural group, social contribution of fandom, and limitations of market capitalism, and Chapter 4 research methodology explains the 'Internet Participation Observation' method applied in this study. In Chapter 5, the contents of the empirical analysis were composed of three sections according to the theoretical frame. In Chapter 5.1, BTS’s Chinese fandom is also a consumer of Hallyu culture, but also serves as a prosumer as a producer. Semiotic production through banner and goods production, verbal production that translates foreign languages and introduces them into local languages, and the ability to produce text as a mixture of symbols and narratives on the Internet could be found. In Section 5.2, the struggle for recognition among fans was analyzed, and fans formed a sub-cultural group and sometimes concentrated on excessive competition by focusing on music chart priorities or promotional exhibitions with other fans as a kind of taste community. Meanwhile, after the controversy over BTS’ “anti-American aid” controversy, BTS fandom in China had tensions with the mainstream national community, with many fans leaving the BTS fandom, some of which demanded an apology from BTS, and others maintaining their fandom. As a result, the nationalist debate over BTS has expanded into cracks and conflicts within the fandom, but the fandom phenomenon of real fans reflects the problem of aiming for the value of universalism or globalism through art (music) beyond nationalism. When analyzing fans’ understanding of conflicting values in BTS’s controversial remarks, whether it is a fan leaving or a fan watching and cheering, the common point of the remarks is that BTS emphasizes the importance as a musician to prevent him from getting into a political battle. In the process, it can be seen that the fandom community highly recognized the desire beyond closed secularity such as economic interests and political patriotism, especially the healing and satisfaction of idols and their fandom culture on the individual’s mental side. Chapter 5.3 also discusses the two sides of fandom culture. On the one hand, fandom culture is exerting a force that cannot be ignored in social contribution activities. Chinese fans of BTS have reached out to help not only China but also neighbors living in poverty and difficulty in Korean society through dedication and donations. For example, even after the controversy over BTS’ “the tight social conflict of anti-American aid”, fans have played an active role in the field of social and public interest, representing “BTS fans” with an active attitude without stopping social contribution activities. On the other hand, the Chinese government has initiated a policy to fully regulate fandom activities in the entertainment industry by recognizing the transfer of economic interests through agencies as an exploitation problem of market capitalism. The significance of this study is that the subject of previous studies on fandom culture was usually limited to the economic or cultural values created by idols and fans, and the limitations of perception and judgment that fandom is not recognized as a subject and is still passive in fandom culture were critically reconstructed. With K-pop research still focusing on marketization and marketing discussions, the value of fandom is likely to be regarded only as a tool of capital, not as a subject of subculture. Beyond this, this study discusses the need for fans to be recognized as a “taste community” and to be important in the mainstream society. In summary, in this study, although idol fandom culture actually has two sides, it was possible to analyze in various ways through Internet participation observation that fandom has great influence and strength in terms of social contribution as well as the function of prosumer as an active subject. However, research needs to be supplemented in more dimensions on various social conflicts caused by fandom culture. In particular, the fandom’s struggle for recognition is clearly strategically seeking public contributions as well as among fandom members. This study emphasized and positively evaluated the influence of idol fandom and interpreted the diversified perspective socially. Therefore, in modern society, only when individuals’ freedom of mental consideration and value-seeking is valued and guaranteed, the fandom presents ways to further implement social functions.

      • Effect of language usage on the emotional experience of Chinese students in South Korea

        Fan, Fan 서울대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        ABSTRACT Effect of Language Usage on Emotional Experience of Chinese Students in South Korea Fan Fan Educational Counseling Graduate School of Education Seoul National University In the current globalized era, the number of foreigners living in Korea have increased rapidly. This means that the counselors in Korea are having to deal with a growing number of non-Korean speaking clients. Therefore, counselors need to have a better understanding of their clients’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds to do their jobs more effectively. Language is essential in counseling. When clients are not capable of effectively communicating in their second language, they were observed to be less emotionally engaged. Since emotional experience plays an irreplaceable role in counseling, it is necessary to investigate the effect of foreign clients' language usage on their emotional experience. Chinese students are the majority of international students in Korea, and their mental health has received increasing attention. For this study, we chose Chinese students in Korea as subjects. The purpose of the current study is to investigate the effects of the first or second language usage on Chinese students' emotional experience by partially replicating Arrachea's(1996) study. A total of fifty two Chinese undergraduates and graduate students of different universities in Seoul participated in this study. The subjects were randomly separated into two groups and were asked to recall their saddest moment during their life time. Then they were asked to express their feelings in either their mother tongue (Chinese) or their second language(Korean). Before and after the emotion induction phase, the magnitude of anxiety was measured by STAI(State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) and DACL(Depression Adjective Check List). In addition, two independent raters coded the narrative negative affect terms' intensity based on Magai's(1989) coding system. After excluding six invalid data, of 52 participants, there were 46 subjects’ (Male=11, Female=35) data were analyzed. In order to examine whether the Chinese students of the first language group experienced more intensive anxiety and depression than the students in second language group, ANCOVA was utilized to compare the two groups' STAI and DACL's post-test results with the pre-test scores as covariance. The two groups described their emotional intensity, which was then compared through a two-sample t-test. The result demonstrated that the Chinese language group's anxiety and depression level was significantly higher than the Korean language group. Meanwhile, the narrative negative affect intensity in Chinese group was also significantly stronger than the Korean language group. Thus all the 3 hypotheses were supported. These results proved that when Chinese students speak their first language(Chinese) they feel and express more intensive emotional experiences than that when they speak their second language(Korean in this study). It exhibits the importance of taking such characteristics into consideration during counseling sessions. In addition, it is necessary to cultivate more bilingual counselors who are able to speak the mother tongue of foreign clients.

      • Photonic Frequency Engineering for Efficient Thermal Energy and Computation Hardware

        Fan, Lingling Stanford University ProQuest Dissertations & These 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        As information explosion and climate change bring increasingly detrimental impacts, my research is committed to sustainability goals to develop clean energy sources, sustainable building materials, and efficient computation hardware. This goal lies at the intersection of electromagnetics, thermal management, and photonic computing. Achieving these goals would significantly impact multiple fields such as carbon neutralization and artificial intelligence. However, it faces fundamental limitations such as unpredictable environments, inflexible controls, and spatial footprints to build photonic systems that can preserve energy sustainably and process information intelligently. During my Ph.D., to achieve these goals, my research focused on 1. passive radiative cooling-based nighttime power generation, smart buildings, and water harvesting and 2. photonic frequency dimension-based computational hardware that is compact and consumes minimum control energy. Driven by sustainable energy applications, I also bridged disciplines to solve fundamental scientific problems in near-field heat transfer and optical-mechanical control, which provide implementable and scalable solutions to thermal transport and light sails.Even though achieving these goals can bring a significant difference in overcoming the technological barriers, we are well aware that, many challenges remain unsolved before we could design energy generation and building systems in real-time at a large scale, to prevent information overload and climate crisis before it even occurs, and deploy scalable photonic computing architecture. This is the promise of my Ph.D. research: I integrate analysis, simulation, and experiment methods from materials and control for light and heat to generate and preserve high-grade energy, to enable compact high-speed photonic computation hardware, to comprehensively understand and rationally design multiscale and multimodal energy systems.Toward this end, my Ph.D. focuses on the following aims.• Develop inverse design of composite photonic structures for specific emissivity spectra. Discover new materials to realize multimodal control mechanisms such as phase-change materials. Realize multi-wavelength (visible, near-infra-red, and long-wave infra-red), and multi-purpose (heating, cooling, power generation) in multi-component (wall, window, roof) building envelopes.• Enable compact convolution processors with arbitrary kernels based on frequency synthetic dimensions in both classical and quantum domains, with applications including multidimensional entangled photon generation. Enable frequency conversion from ultraviolet and mid-IR wavelengths by linear transform in frequency synthetic dimensions. Demonstrate deterministic generation of optical frequency comb of arbitrary shape by convolving a pre-designed kernel with a continuous wave laser.• Realize physical models and digital twins that can analyze, simulate, and predict a physical quantity from physics-informed differential equations and data-driven training. Establish virtual models which interface physics-level thermodynamics, frequency comb metrology, optical mechanics with emissivity spectra, modulation waveforms, and optical wavefront mechanical controls at device levels, emphasizing predictable controls.

      • High frequency ultrasonic phased array system and its applications

        Zheng, Fan University of Southern California 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247630

        While similar to a linear-switched array in structure, an ultrasound linear phased array (simply called phased array) is quite different in operation. It is capable of beam steering to form fan-shaped sector images without inducing grating lobes. Moreover, the relative smaller array footprint is useful where only very limited contact surface is permitted. High frequency phased arrays combine the advantages of the phased array and high frequency ultrasound, which offer both small footprint and high spatial resolution. This dissertation reports the design and development of a digital ultrasonic imaging platform with raw RF data acquisition capability, which can be paired with a prototype 64-element 26 MHz phased array transducer. A wire phantom image showed that -6 dB lateral and axial resolutions were 209 and 104 μm, respectively, which were in good agreement with the Field II simulation. Anechoic cyst tissue-mimicking phantom images demonstrated its capability to detect cysts of 300 μm in diameter. An image of an rabbit eyeball <italic>in vitro</italic> was also acquired. This imaging platform is designed for the purpose of testing high frequency phased arrays under development as well as facilitating the development in novel array signal processing algorithms. Without additional change in the system hardware, the current high frequency array system can be also applied in the industrial non-destructive testing (NDT) applications. A motorized XY stage allows the array system to acquire C-mode scan as well as normal B-mode scan with bigger scanning area. Electronic scanning in array system could dramatically reduce the total scanning time compare to single element system. An aluminum sample and a silicon carbide sample were examined to test the system in non-destructive testing. Besides the applications in biomedical imaging and non-destructive testing, the high frequency ultrasonic phased array and system are shown to be capable of trapping and translating microparticles precisely and efficiently, made possible due to the fact that the acoustic beam produced by a phased array can be both focused and steered. Acoustic manipulation of microparticles by a phased array is advantageous over a single element transducer since there is no mechanical movement required for the array. Experimental results show that 45 μm diameter polystyrene microspheres can be easily and accurately trapped and moved to desired positions by a 64-element 26 MHz phased array.

      • Topics and Applications of Weighting Methods in Case-Control and Observational Studies

        Li, Fan Frank ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Duke University 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247630

        Weighting methods have been widely used in statistics and related applications. For example, the inverse probability weighting is a standard approach to correct for survey non-response. The case-control design, frequently seen in epidemiologic or genetic studies, can be regarded as a special type of survey design; analogous inverse probability weighting approaches have been explored when the interest is the association between exposures and the disease (primary analysis) as well as when the interest is the association among exposures (secondary analysis). Meanwhile, in observational comparative effectiveness research, inverse probability weighting has been suggested as a valid approach to correct for confounding bias. This dissertation develops and extends weighting methods for case-control and observational studies. The first part of this dissertation extends the inverse probability weighting approach for secondary analysis of case-control data. We revisit an inverse probability weighting estimator to offer new insights and extensions. Specifically, we construct its more general form by generalized least squares (GLS). Such a construction allows us to connect the GLS estimator with the generalized method of moments and motivates a new specification test designed to assess the adequacy of the inverse probability weights. The specification test statistic measures the weighted discrepancy between the case and control subsample estimators, and asymptotically follows a Chi-squared distribution under correct model specification. We illustrate the GLS estimator and specification test using a case-control sample of peripheral arterial disease, and use simulations to shed light on the operating characteristics of the specification test. The second part develops a robust difference-in-differences (DID) estimator for estimating causal effect with observational before-after data. Within the DID framework, two common estimation strategies are outcome regression and propensity score weighting. Motivated by a real application in traffic safety research, we propose a new double-robust DID estimator that hybridizes outcome regression and propensity score weighting. We show that the proposed estimator possesses the desirable large-sample robustness property, namely the consistency only requires either one of the outcome model or the propensity score model to be correctly specified. We illustrate the new estimator to study the causal effect of rumble strips in reducing vehicle crashes, and conduct a simulation study to examine its finite-sample performance. The third part discusses a unified framework, the balancing weights, for estimating causal effects in observational studies with multiple treatments. These weights incorporate the generalized propensity scores to balance the weighted covariate distribution of each treatment group, all weighted toward a common pre-specified target population. Within this framework, we further develop the generalized overlap weights, constructed as the product of the inverse probability weights and the harmonic mean of the generalized propensity scores. The generalized overlap weights corresponds to the target population with the most overlap in covariates between treatments, similar to the population in equipoise in clinical trials. We show that the generalized overlap weights minimize the total asymptotic variance of the nonparametric estimators for the pairwise contrasts within the class of balancing weights. We apply the new weighting method to study the racial disparities in medical expenditure and further examine its operating characteristics by simulations.

      • CFD Analysis of Temperature&Flow around Refrigerator Fan Module in Household Refrigerator

        판, 진성 부산대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247484

        In refrigerator, the frost accumulated at the evaporator surface and melt with the defrost heater over the operation cycles. While the undesirable airflow from a drain hole in the refrigerator fan (R-fan) module can deteriorate the frost layer formation and defrost process. The thermal resistance increased by the frost layer can significantly affect the cooling capacity and power consumption of refrigerators. Different from the research on frost generation mechanisms, this study focused on product performance related to frost accumulation and flow features. The airflow passing through the drain hole can disturb flow features around the evaporator. Since this backflow from the drain hole led to an increase in flow loss, accurate experimental and numerical analysis was essential to understanding the flow characteristics around the R-fan module. Considering the complex geometry around the R-fan module, different turbulence models (Standard k-ε model, RNG k-ε mode, Realizable k-ε mode, SST k-ω model, Reynolds stress model) were used in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. According to the quantitative and qualitative comparison with the PIV experiment results, the Standard k-ε model was most suitable for the R-fan module airflow states research in this study, which can extract a high-accuracy result well matched with the experiment result and overcome the limitation of the experiment setup. The relationship between frost accumulation and airflow from the drain hole was investigated by combining the in-situ experimental method and the Standard k-ε turbulence model simulation without phase change. Considering Laplace pressure for stable drainage, a new drain hole design with a circular shape was selected. In CFD results, the proposed model showed a significant reduction of disorderly airflow around the evaporator and improved performance, including the flow rate delivered to the refrigerator and temperature distribution around the evaporator. The validation test of the proposed model fabricated by 3D printer was also conducted. The results corresponded well with the simulation result. The in-situ experimental results showed that the flow loss from the R-fan module drain hole and the average defrost cycle time were improved with a reduction of 28.7% and 8.0% compared with the original model, respectively. Although the internal structure of various products may be slightly different, the research results can be applied to products with similar defects for product development and improvement.

      • Surrogate China Brazilian Production in the Chinese Age (1800s - Present)

        Fan, Fan ProQuest Dissertations & Theses New York Universit 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247375

        My dissertation, Surrogate China: Brazilian Production in the Chinese Age (1800s-present), examines how two centuries of trade between Brazil and China underpins Brazilian narratives of national identity and its place in the world. Each of my four chapters narrates how the material objects that circulated between the two regions-tea, opium, cheap plastics, and mineral ores- not only impacted Brazilian views of China, but also shaped Brazil's own geopolitical positioning across two centuries of political change. While most transnational scholarship on Brazil focuses on the influence of European imperialism on Brazilian culture, I recuperate the essential but previously overlooked presence of Chinese commodities in Brazilian art and literature. I contend that analyzing China-Brazil ties is not only urgent for a nuanced reflection of Brazilian identity in the contemporary economic moment of Chinese investments in Latin America, but foundational for understanding a longer trajectory of Brazilian modernity, from its imperial foundations to the present day. In examining textual and visual materials in which the production and circulation of Chinese objects narrate how Brazil imagines its place in the world, my research destabilizes long-established transnational frameworks-Brazil as a "tropical Paris" -and places China as an integral but vastly understudied coordinate of the Brazilian imaginary. Given the ambivalence of Brazilian representations of China as racially degenerate on the one hand and economically aspirational on the other, designating Brazil as a "surrogate" or alternative China functions as a provocative strategy that pushes the boundaries of thinking through national formation.

      • A Comparative Study of the Macro-event in English and Chinese

        Fan, Xing 이화여자대학교 대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 247375

        지난 수십 년 동안 Talmy(2000)의 매크로 사건 유형론(macro-event typology)은 인지 언어학 분야에서 큰 관심을 불러일으켰다. 매크로 사건은 운동(motion), 상태 변화(state change), 실현(realization), 시간적 윤곽(temporal contouring), 운동 연관성(action correlating) 등을 포함한다. 지금까지 이동 운동 사건(translational motion event)에 대해서는 많은 연구가 진행되어 왔지만, 정지 운동(stationary motion event)과 다른 네 종류의 매크로 사건은 유형학의 관점에서 거의 주목을 받지 못했다. 따라서 본 논문은 네 가지 유형의 매크로 사건에 있어서(시간적 윤곽 제외) 영어와 중국어의 유형학적 위상을 검토한다. 구체적으로, 본 논문은 언어 구조와 언어 사용의 관점에서 이동 및 정지 운동 사건을 조사하고 나머지 세 가지 유형의 매크로 사건에서 사용된 어휘화 패턴을 조사하였다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 영어와 중국어 코퍼스에서 구어와 문어로 된 매크로 사건 예문들을 무작위로 대량으로 추출하여 분석하고 로그 가능도 테스트(Log likelihood test) 방법으로 영어와 중국어의 매크로 사건 데이터 사이의 유사성과 차이성을 분석하였다. 본 논문은 두가지 중요한 연구 결과를 포함한다. 첫째, 본 논문의 연구 결과는 영어와 중국어가 네 가지 유형의 매크로 사건에 대해 모두 일관되게 단일 언어 유형으로 분류되지 않음을 보여주었다. 둘째, 본 논문은 운동 사건에 관해 볼 때, 영어와 중국어가 절과 담화 수준에서 모두 정지 운동 사건에 대해 전형적인 S-언어로 분류될 수 있다는 것을 발견하였다. 또한 영어는 언어 구조와 언어 사용 관점으로부터 모두 이동 운동 사건에 대해 전형적인 S-언어로 일관되게 분류될 수 있다. 반면, 중국어는 절 수준에서는 이동 운동 사건에 대해 비전형적인 S-언어로 분류되고, 소위 연속 동사 구문의 빈도도 상당히 제한적이지만, 담화 수준에서는 다섯 가지 매개 변수를 거쳐 다양한 언어 유형(즉, V-, P-, E- 및 S-언어)의 특성을 나타낸다. 또한 문맥, 운동 방향, 운동의 하위 영역 등 세 가지 요소가 중국어 사용자가 이동 운동 사건을 표현하기 위해 사용하는 어휘화 패턴에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. Talmy’s (2000) macro-event typology has sparked great interest within the field of cognitive linguistics over the past decades. The macro-event encompasses events of motion, state change, realization, temporal contouring, and action correlating. Up to now, a large number of studies have explored the translational motion event, while the stationary motion event and the other four types of the macro-event have received little attention from a typological point of view. In this context, this thesis investigates the typological statuses of English and Chinese in the four types of the macro-event (except the temporal contouring event). Specifically, this thesis examines not only the translational and stationary types of the motion event from both the language structure and language use perspectives, but also the lexicalization patterns employed in the remaining three types of the macro-event. To this end, this thesis has analyzed a large number of the macro-event examples in both the spoken and written files randomly selected from the English and Chinese corpora. The Log likelihood test was used to analyze the similarities and differences between the results of the macro-event data sets in English and Chinese. There are two important findings in this thesis. First, the results show that neither English nor Chinese is consistently classified as a single language type for the four types of the macro-event. Second, when it comes to the motion event, this thesis has found that both English and Chinese could be categorized as typical S-languages in the stationary motion event at both the clausal and discourse levels. Besides, English could be consistently categorized as a typical S-language in the translational motion event from both the language structure and language use perspectives. On the other hand, Chinese could be categorized as an atypical S-language in the translational motion event at the clausal level while exhibiting traits of multiple language types (i.e., V-, P-, E-, and S-languages) across five parameters in discourse. Importantly, the results show that the frequency of the so-called serial verb construction in the Chinese data is quite limited. In addition, the three factors, i.e., contexts, direction of motion, and sub-domains of motion, were found to have an effect on the lexicalization pattern employed by the Chinese language users to express the translational motion event.

      • A Study on Cruise Tourism Law in China

        Fan Shuo 국립한국해양대학교 대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 247359

        As an emerging market, the cruise industry's development in China has yet to be smooth sailing. At the current stage of cruise development, China has not yet established universally accepted “rules of the game” that could regulate the rights and obligations of all stakeholders. This paper systematically reviews the related areas of international cruise regulations based on extensive research of international legal literature and industry contracts. It discusses common legal issues over the past decade. This paper focuses on three main issues within the cruise tourism system: cruise tourism contract relationships, personal injuries in cruise tourism, and itinerary changes in cruise tourism. It proposes suggestions for problems existing in China's cruise tourism industry and references other countries formulating and amending cruise tourism laws. Regarding cruise itinerary changes, due to the restrictions imposed on outbound tourism operators by Article 23 of China’s “Regulations on Travel Agencies,” China relies on travel agencies to sell tickets and organize outbound tourism through chartering models. This results in unclear responsibility for cruise itinerary changes, leading to errors in court jurisdiction. Moreover, current Chinese laws lack provisions for the scope of compensation for damages due to cruise itinerary changes, resulting in significant discrepancies between the losses suffered by passengers and the compensation received, leading to incidents of passengers “ship-jacking.” The uncertainty of whether the responsible party for itinerary changes can enjoy liability limitations and the imperfections in cruise itinerary change insurance are also significant constraints on the development of China's cruise industry. Based on analyzing the above issues , this paper proposes constructing a cruise ticket system, clarifying the responsible party for itinerary changes through maritime law, and adding a case classification standard to determine if maritime factors influenced the case. These measures aim to encourage passengers to use cruise tickets as the basis for litigation, handling cruise itinerary change cases within the jurisdiction of maritime courts. Additionally, suggestions include increasing “non-property damage” compensation, limiting the responsibility of the party liable for cruise itinerary changes to 200% of the ticket price, and optimizing cruise itinerary change insurance. These recommendations aim to provide a reference for solving the aforementioned problems. In the cruise tourism contract system section, China has formed a distinct cruise contract legal system due to the special provisions of Article 23 of the “Regulation on Travel Agencies.” This system includes three foundational contracts: the cruise ticket sales contract, the package cruise tourism contract, and the contract of carriage of passengers by sea. This paper identifies the main issues currently facing these three contracts, including the contractual nature of cruise ticket sales contracts, liability issues for passengers under package cruise tourism contracts, legal status issues for cruise companies, and disputes over carrier responsibilities and breach of tort liability pathways for operators of cruise leisure and entertainment services. Based on these issues, suggestions for resolution are proposed. The paper referencing Korea Civil Act, Commercial Act, Tourism Promotion Act, Marine Transportation Act and relevant legal provisions, argues that the cruise ticket sales contract under Chinese law should be recognized as an atypical contract. A “network” legal relationship should exist in package cruise tourism contracts where the travel agency assumes overall responsibility and specific assistants bear concrete responsibilities. For the contract of carriage of passengers by sea, the legal pathways for cruise leisure and entertainment service operators to assume breach of contract and tort liability are analyzed according to current legal provisions. Solutions, including new laws and legal interpretations, are proposed to allow travel agencies to invoke carrier liability limitation clauses. These solutions aim to establish a more reliable and equitable legal framework for developing the cruise industry. In terms of personal injuries during cruise tourism, this paper suggests improvements in four areas: the inadequacies in Article 44 of China's “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Choice of Law for Civil Relationships” concerning cruise regulation, the absence of provisions for recognizing the habitual residence of multinational cruise companies, the application of carrier liability limitations in non-shipping incident accidents, and the validity of cruise travel agents' liability limitation clauses. Proposed measures for improvement include applying the law of the cruise homeport in the event of an infringement occurring on the high seas, adding presumptive rules to recognize the habitual residence of multinational cruise companies, prohibiting the application of carrier liability limitation clauses for personal injuries resulting from non-shipping incidents, and examining whether cruise travel agencies can apply carrier liability limitation clauses through new legal regulations and interpretations. The “Quantum of the Seas” and “Sapphire Princess” cases were analyzed to identify these issues. This research's legal improvement attempts are necessary for developing China’s cruise industry, effectively protecting customers using the cruise services and the carriers. This article follows a research path of raising questions, analyzing issues, proposing solutions and legislative suggestions, and attempting to apply theoretical research results concretely to specialized legislation for cruise tourism. It aims to offer specific legal adjustments to address nationally relevant issues while maintaining cruise tourism law’s universality and general applicability. It provides references for other countries to solve practical problems.

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