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      • 工業係 高等學校 學生의 성격유형에 따른 근로의식의 차이분석

        황대성 水原大學校 行政大學院 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        In this essay Work-value was analyzed according to the personality types of Technical High School students. The results are as follows. First, the students who possessed strong leadership had the highest Work-value(p< .001). So, in order to elevate Work-value it came out to be a very effective means tr develope the leadership of students. Second, Work-value was analyzed according to the regions where the students live. There was found a considerable Work-value difference among three cities - a small city, a mid-sized city and a large city(p< .001). Work-value was the highest in the mid-sized city, the next the small city and the last the large city. So the students who live in the mid-sized city turned out to be the best in perception the importance of Labour. Third, how person types are correlated with Work-value was analyzed. A significant difference appeared in the lower domains of personality types, and also in the correlation coefficients showing Work-value. And the confrontation ability to meet difficult problems turned out as the highest correlation coefficient of the other lower domains, and the cheerfulness as the lowest. In conclusion, as one of the ways to improve the Work-value of Technical High School students, the teachers' guidance is required for the development of the students' leadership. And the Technical High School students in small and large cities should be provided with a proper education program to increase the Work-value, comparing to the Work-value of the students in mid-sized city. Accordingly, a new education program is needed for Technical High School students to face possible hardships wisely and actively and to become good engineers who have flexibility in everyday life. And also, Technical High School teachers must try to give the students proper education according to their personality types, considering their Work-value.

      • 한국과 중국 디지털문화산업의 교류 확대에 대한 연구

        황대성 숭실대학교 대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        자동차 200만대 수출대금과 같은 액수인 18억4천만달러 흥행수입을 올렸던 <타이타닉>, 2009년 전세계 극장가를 강타하며 27억달러를 벌어들인 영화 <아바타> 은 문화산업의 위력을 세계에게 일깨워준 대표적인 문화상품 이다. 중국 문화산업의 산업 별 규모를 살펴보면, 중국 영화 시장규모는 연간 834.6백만 달러, 음반은 4,400백만 달러, 게임은 1,874백만달러의 시장규모를 보이고 있다. 오늘날은 과학 기술의 발달과 컴퓨터의 발달, 그리고 인터넷의 발달로 전자와 디지털 등에 익숙하지 않고 그것들에게서 정보를 얻을 수 없는 다른 사람들보다 뒤쳐질 수밖에 없는 세상이다. 2010년 중국국가통계국 자료에 따르면 중국 이동전화 사용자는 74738만 명이며, 인터넷 사용자는 3.8억 명에 이르렀다. 이처럼 방대한 소비자를 가지고 있는 중국은 핸드폰과 인터넷의 발전에 따라 새로운 형태의 문화콘텐츠 시장이 발생하고 있다. 한국 문화콘텐츠는 중국시장에서 한류를 통해 뚜렷하게 그 존재를 각인시켰다. 한류의 성공은 한국 문화콘텐츠산업의 글로벌 시장 진출에 대한 가능성을 타진하는 동시에 자신감을 확보하게 된 의의를 지닌다. 한중 문화산업 분야의 합작과 교류는 ‘상품무역’에 치우친 현재 양국의 교역을 부가가치가 높은 ‘문화무역’으로 전환시키는 기폭제 역할을 할 것으로 전망된다. ABSTACT Box-office receipts of “Titanic” amounted to 1.84 billion dollars equivalent to gross income of exportation of two million cars. In 2009, “AVATAR” was on cinemas around the world. 2.7 billion dollars of box-office receipts made it become a representative cultural product to show the power of cultural industry to the world. Observing culture industry of China according to the scale of industrial category, annual market scale of Chinese film industry amounts to $834.6 million; audio and video industry come to $4.4 billion; and games industry is 1.874 billion dollars. With the advancement of science and computer technology and the continuous progress of Internet technology, as for people who can’t take advantage of electronic digital media to obtain information, they have no choice but adapting rapidly. The 2010 statistics from National Statistics Bureau of China shows that the number of Chinese mobile phone user is 747.38 million and the number of internet user is 380 million. With the development of mobile phone and Internet, a new type of cultural industry market generated. Culture industry of South Korea entered Chinese culture industry market in the form of hallyu. The success of hallyu is a test, conducted by some culture industry groups and companies of South Korea, for the posibilty of culture exportation so as to ensure the success. Hope that cooperations and exchanges between South Korea and China in the field of culture industry become a transfer cord which leads the two countries from stressing on the fomat of commodities trade to culture trade with high additional value. Key words: culture industry of Korchina, digital culture industry, cultural exchange between South Korea and China, expansion of cultural exchange

      • 백화점 의류물류 공동화 시스템 개발에 관한 연구

        황대성 명지대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        국내의류시장은 2012년 기준으로 34조 7,300억 원의 규모이며 의류물류 납품시장은 연간 1,420억원으로 추정되고 있으며 수도권지역에서 이루어지는 백화점 납품업체는 11개 업체가 20년동안 꾸준히 시장을 형성해 왔다. 백화점 납품시장이 20년 세월이 지나왔는데도 불구하고 백화점 납품업계는 정형화된 업무매뉴얼이 작성되어 있지 않으며 수도권 39개 백화점에 근무하는 641명의 처우는 지금까지 아르바이트 신분으로 근무하고 있다. 백화점 납품업을 하는 11개 업체가 각각의 인원을 배치하여 업무를 진행하는 실정으로 백화점 내에서 행하여지는 점내 이동물류의 업무공동화가 이루어지지 않고 있어 인원관리의 문제와 업무 효율성과 서비스 질 저하로 연결되고 있다. 의류물류는 계절적요인과 요일별 물량의 편차가 크게 발생하여 계절별로 인원 수급조절에 많은 불편함이 발생되고 있으며, 근무기간은 1년 미만자가 75.64%로 단기간 근무자가 많은 현실이며 단기간 근무자는 소속감 결여되어 있으며 근무복장은 편리함만을 추구하여 미관상 피해를 주고 있으며, 또한 소속감이 적어 경거망동한 행동으로 백화점고객에게 혐오감을 주기도 한다. 백화점 내에 근무하는 안정된 직장과 수입을 보장 받지 못하여 불안정한 삶을 영위하고 있으며 백화점에서는 보안을 이유로 백화점 내 진입시간을 통제하여 백화점 납품업체는 짧은 시간에 주어진 업무를 처리해야 하기에 직접원가의 상승으로 직결된다. 이를 해소하기 위하여 백화점 내 의류물류 공동화시스템을 연구하게 되었으며 연구 방법으로는 11개업체중 1차적으로 7개 업체 업무를 통합하여 추진하고자 한다. 운영 조직은 별도의 회사를 설립하고 IT개발을 통하여 업무의 신속성과 단순화를 추구하였으며 백화점의 주차장의 진입시간 개방과 점내 매장 진입시간을 앞당겨서 백화점 납품업체의 근무형태 및 업무방법을 조정하여 백화점 납품업체의 효율성을 높이고자 한다. 백화점 내 물류 공동화시스템 구축방법은 별도의 회사를 설립하고 최초에는 7개업체가 참여하며 최종적으론 11개 업체 전체가 참여하는 방법으로 방향을 설정하며 설립된 “공동화 회사”가 시작에서 안정화 단계까지 IT개발에서 부터 업무의 정착에 필요한 모든 부분을 지원하며 필요한 구성요소를 순차적으로 협력한다. 공동화회사가 설립되면 인원과 장비를 통폐합 하고 차량의 도착시간을 조정하고 업무 매뉴얼을 만들어서 각 백화점별로 순서를 정하여 백화점 내 이동공동화를 시행 하고 자 하며 업무진행시 백화점에 업무환경 개선을 요구하고 이동대행업체에서 백화점과의 긴밀한 협조체계를 유지하여 상호 협조사항에 대하여는 최선의 노력을 하여 빠른 시간에 업무가 정착될 수 있도록 한다. 현재 일부에서 부분적으로 진행되고 있는 백화점을 모델로 백화점 내 물류공동화 시스템의 기본을 설계하고 설계된 공동화 시스템을 접목하여 백화점 내 물류공동화 시스템을 진행한다. 백화점 납품업체들의 안정적인 서비스 진행과 경쟁력을 확보하여 수익을 추구하고 백화점에 근무하는 아르바이트에게 안정적인 일자리를 제공하며 현재 11개 업체가 공생하기에는 시장이 너무 적어 생존이 어려운 현실에 업체간 M&A를 위한 초석을 다지기 위한 기초 단계로 11개 업체의 공통분모인 “의류 물류공동화 시스템”을 백화점 중심으로 추진하는 방법을 제시 하였다. 결론적으로 현재까지 이루어지고 있는 공동화는 동업종이나 이(異)업종의 공동 공간사용이나 공동배송까지 진행하는 1차공동화 단계에 머물고 있다. 1차 물류공동화 업무를 진행하는 여러 업체에서 최종 소비자 직전단계에 발생하는 물류 업무에서 공통발생 업무를 취합하여 그 업무만을 전문적으로 진행할 수 있는 “2차 물류 공동화 방법”을 제시한 것이다. 이와 같은 연구결과를 바탕으로 국내 산업별 “2차 물류 공동시스템” 도입 시 이를 모델로 절차에 따라 적용하면 될 수 있도록 물류공동시스템 도입의 표준을 제시하였다. As of 2010, the domestic clothing market is worth 34.73 trillion won and clothing logistics is estimated to be 142 billion-won market annually. And also 11 suppliers have had business with department stores in Seoul Metropolitan area for 20 years. Although it has been 20 years in the business, department store suppliers do not have standardized manuals, and 641 employees, who work at 39 department stores in metropolitan area, are part-timers. Since 11 suppliers arrange personnel individually, the logistics cooperation conducted inside the department store building is not accomplished. This is connected to problems in supervising personnel, low job efficiency, and falling-off in service quality. There are wide variations in supply by seasons and even days in clothing logistics, and it makes it difficult to control manpower supply. Moreover, 75.64% of the employees have worked less than a year, and these short-term employees are lack of the sense of belonging. Their imprudent behaviors often make customers unpleasant and their uniforms are too convenience oriented. The Employees lead anxious lives due to unstable position and income, and the department stores control access time for a security reason, which allows suppliers limited time to handle business and is led to increase of direct cost. This study is conducted to solve these problems and the business of 7 suppliers out of 11 is integrated primarily in the study. The management establishes a separate company and aims to handle task quickly and easily through IT development. By opening parking area entirely and advancing entry time, suppliers can adjust pattern and method of duties and improve efficiency. To develop logistics cooperation system in the department store, it will be proceeded with a company of 7 suppliers first and all 11 suppliers eventually. Also, the “cooperation company” supports entire steps needed including IT development and collaborates gradually from beginning to stabilizing When the cooperation company is founded, they merge their workers and equipment, adjust arrival time of vehicles, and conduct cooperated logistics in order by department stores with standardized manuals. They request business environment improvement from the department stores and do their best to settle down the process by maintaining intimate cooperation system with the department stores. The logistics cooperation system should be preceded by planning the foundation of the system on model of department stores which are partially in progress and by grafting this system onto existing one. The market is too small for 11 suppliers to survive, and as one way to resolve this problem, it is suggested to develop logistics cooperation system focused on department stores since it is a common denominator among them. This will be the basic phase to lay groundwork for future M&A between suppliers and enable suppliers to provide stable service, seek profitability, and provide stable jobs to part-timers. In conclusion, previous cooperation is staying at the first cooperative stage of using joint place or progressing joint delivery between same business field or different business fields. Several enterprises for the first physical distribution cooperation collected commonly duties in distribution works before the final consumer stage and suggested “the second physical distribution cooperation” for only the duty professionally Based on the above results of research, introduction standard of physical distribution cooperation system was suggested so as to introduce “the second physical distribution cooperation system” by domestic industries if applying the procedure with the model.

      • 高速道路 休憩所의 居住後 評價 方法論에 관한 硏究

        황대성 연세대학교 대학원 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        고속도로 휴게소에서의 거주후 평가(POE : post occupancy evaluation)는 고속도로 휴게소 이용객이 각종 시설과 공간을 이용한 후 휴게소의 物理的 環境에 대한 만족수준의 主觀的인 의사표현이라고 정의할 수 있다. 고속도로 휴게소는 利用客이 휴식을 취하고 차량의 주유, 정비, 기타 서비스를 제공받음으로써 快適하고 안전하게 운행할 수 있는 環境을 조성하는데 그 설치 목적이 있다. 고속도로 휴게소는 고속도로에 必須的인 시설로써 이용객들에게 식사, 휴식, 전망 등의 서비스를 提供하고 車輛의 점검 및 세차, 간단한 수리, 화물의 점검, 연료보급 등의 서비스를 제공한다. 고속도로 휴게소는 건축계획, 건설, 감리, 운영 등 휴게소의 全般的인 企劃을 擔當하는 韓國道路公社 職員(이하 '기획자'), 휴게소 설계도면을 작성하는 建築設計事務所(이하 '설계자'), 일정기간 휴게소를 賃借하여 운영하는 運營者(이하 '운영자') 및 고속도로 휴게소를 이용하는 利用客(이하 '이용객')으로 구성되어 있다. 이들은 휴게소의 계획·건설·운영·이용·관리·평가에 直·間接的으로 상호 유기적인 關係가 있으며 보다 발전된 고속도로 휴게소 건설을 위하여 지속적인 意思疏通과 정보교환은 물론 體系的이고 組織的인 거주후 평가가 요구된다. 고속도로 휴게소의 건설과정, 이용 및 유지관리에 직·간접으로 참여하는 기획자, 설계자, 운영자, 이용객(이하 '휴게소의 거주후 평가 4축'이라 한다)의 거주후 평가가 要求된다. 고속도로 휴게소 건설에 관여하는 '휴게소의 거주후 평가 4축'의 綜合的인 거주후 평가와 과학적인 分析으로 고속도로 휴게소 建設에 정확한 情報를 제공하여 合理的이고 經濟的인 고속도로 휴게소 건설에 연구목적이 있다. 고속도로 휴게소의 거주후 평가는 기획자, 설계자, 운영자, 이용객의 중요도와 이용객의 만족도를 綜合的으로 分析된 기법이 요구되며 본 硏究課程을 통하여 도출된 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 고속도로 휴게소의 거주후 평가는(POE : post occupancy evaluation) 고속도로 휴게소의 건설은 물론 휴게소의 全般的인 管理, 監督의 기능을 가지고 있는 企劃者(한국도로공사에 所屬된 직원으로서 휴게소 業務를 擔當하고 있거나 경험한 실적이 있는 자), 設計者(건축설계사무소 직원으로서 고속도로 휴게소를 직접 설계한 경험이 있는 소장과 직원), 運營者(고속도로 휴게소를 賃借하여 실제로 휴게소를 관리, 운영하는 자), 利用客(고속도로 휴게소를 이용하는 자)을 포함한 '휴게소의 거주후 평가 4축'의 거주후 평가가 이루어져야 한다. 둘째, 고속도로 휴게소의 거주후 평가는(POE : post occupancy evaluation)평상 시 '휴게소의 거주후 평가 4축'이 認識하고 있는 重要度와 이용객이 실제로 이용하면서 感覺的으로 느끼는 滿足度를 조사하여 綜合的으로 분석해야 한다. 셋째, 상기 조사와 분석과정을 통하여 도출된 개선우선 순위에 따라 휴게소의 증·개축은 물론 此後에 건설되는 고속도로 휴게소의 설계자료(data base)로 활용해야 한다. 넷째, 고속도로 휴게소에 대한 거주후 평가(POE : post occupancy evaluation)는 時代的, 社會的, 經濟的 여건에 따라 변하기 때문에 거주후 평가 목적에 따라 週期的으로 실시하여 기대효과를 상승시켜야 한다. 다섯째, 상기 節次에 따라 도출된 개선 우선 순위는 다음과 같다. 1) 1순위 인자 : 실내환경 2) 2순위 인자 : 정보시설 3) 3순위 인자 : 휴게소 위치 및 배치/평면계획 4) 4순위 인자 : 휴게소의 규모 및 미적 요소 5) 5순위 인자 : 유아·장애자 시설 6) 6순위 인자 : 녹지공간 7) 7순위 인자 : 부대시설 8) 8순위 인자 : 문화·체육시설 The definition of highway service area' POE(post occupancy evaluation) is subjective expression of user' intention the level of satisfaction about physical environment after use of many kinds of the utilities and space. Highway service area are users take the rest and put gasoline, complete provision, and provide other service and safety during the drive. Environment composition is the purpose of establishment. Highway service area are composed with architectural planning, construction, supervision, manager and other parts and the persons of Korea Highway Corporation(next planner') is charged over-all the planning about highway service area. The office of architectural design is drawing the draft of highway service area(next 'designer'). Private enterprise rent a highway service area from Korea Highway Corporation(next 'manager'). They are related with directness or Indirection to highway service area planning, construction, manage, use, evaluation. For the developer highway service area construction request the continuous communication, transmissive the information, and systematic evaluation. The planner, designer, manager, user(next 'highway service area' evaluation 4axis') is related with directness or indirection to the construction, use and maintenance. For the rational and economic highway service area construction highway service area 'evaluation 4axis' synthetic post occupancy evaluation and scientific analysis is request to the exact information about the highway service area. Highway service area' post occupancy evaluation is planner, designer, manager, user' level of satisfaction which is synthetic and technical method is to be developed and the techniques arrived at fellowing conclusion. First, highway service area' POE(post occupancy evaluation) have to comprehense the planner who is highway service area' construction and have the function about the highway service area' management, suporvisory role(person who is charge of highway service area' affairs or experienced highway service area' affairs), he is belong to Korea Highway Corporation and designer, manager, user. Second, highway service area' POE(post occupancy evaluation) have to be synthetic analysis after highway service area 'evaluation 4axis' is ordinary times recognized the level of significance and users are feeling the satisfaction by use the highway service area with sensitive. Third, through above-mentioned inquiry and process of analysis have to be applied practically and highway service area' data base have to use the construction and extense the building or rebuilding later on. Forth, highway service area' post occupancy evaluation is changed by the historical social, economic datum in order to raise the effect by practice periodically. Fifth, as the above-mentioned inquiry and process of analysis, the determining improvement priorities is following 1) the first ranking factor : the interior environment 2) the second ranking factor : the information utilities 3) the third ranking factor the site plan and ground plan 4) the forth ranking factor the scale and aesthetic factor 5) the fifth ranking factor : the baby and the handicapped 6) the sixth ranking factor : the green space 7) the seventh ranking factor the accessory facilities 8) the eighth ranking factor : the culture and physical facilities

      • 중국 녹색성장에 대비한 우리나라 기업 진출 확대에 관한 연구

        황대성 창원대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The earth we live is always changing. For the name of economic development, the environment experienced serious ordeal and that is threaten survive of the human race. The environment destruction became a huge issue around the world. For that reason, South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak suggested "Low carbon Green growth" for a new national development paradigm of Korea. And he addressed eco-friendly industries, technologies will become a dynamic force and new vision for economic growth of Korea through the National Liberation Day commemoration message. Barack Obama, the President of United States also made clear that there will be investment about 150 billion dollar to make 5 million green job. And that is Obama's ambitious plan to make the United States independent country in the field of energy industries and to development green growth businesses. The China mainly featured in this thesis, achieved eye-opening economic growth on the basis of the 11th 5-year plan for economic growth. And that plan made by manufacturing business as the core. But the hidden side of the economic growth, China the biggest factory in the world is pressured for environment destruction responsibility and that is growing up. However China insists innocence for environment destruction problem. And they say existing environment destruction matter have started from the advanced country not from the developing country like us. For such reasons China have avoided for the environment destruction problem. But China needs to be changed because of the invisible trade barrier. So they can't make a decision on their own. The 12th 5-year plan for economic growth, beginning 2011, consisted of 5 purposes and 10 tasks ecopolicy has made. And that plan changes rapidly many corporations in China into eco-friendly. Eco-industries in China have no foresight. But China is trying to attract corporations as much as possible by offering various benefits. Besides offer a free space and tax benefits, there are lot of benefits. But there are many contract clause. For example, the corporation must use certain percentage material from China when make products. And corporation must give the technologies to the China within a certain period of time. So many corporation that have plan to enter the China market need to be careful. If corporations in Korea go to the China without preparing against the risk caused by enormous changes with China industry, there will be unfortunate result only. In this paper I suggest several ways to enter the China market. In the field of environmental industries, there are only little chance to make a deal with general ways like export and import. So the best way to enter the China market successfully will be technology transfer or direct investment. Eco-friendly industry market of China is at an early stage so there are lot of chances to make profits. But there are many risks as much as chances to make profits existed. Almost corporations in the Korea have much more advanced technologies than the China. (except relatives with water power) So we must use the chance provided by China government and we need their close cooperation among the corporation, China government and city government. Except east coast special development area, almost chinese are not available for electricity. Especially west north area is worst section but there are many possibilities to use renewable energy sources like wind and water. So if corporations in Korea go there with technology and equipment, China government will welcome us. Like almost countries, China is also just started eco-friendly business. So if corporations in Korea will start early than other countries with close cooperation between China government, we can dominate the market in advance. And China has loyalty between other country which started make a deal so that characteristic will help our corporations to make a competitive power against the other countries. Enter the China market with using the method that export by turnkey system or direct investment can present a good image to Chinese government and Chinese. If enter the China market with using the turnkey system, we can save a lot of cost for investment in equipment. When everything finished, all our rights are transfer to China and that is the advantage of China because they don't need to pay cost for investment in equipment and can get rid of the burden for build infrastructure. And if we provide services that give a special technology by our expert researchers with stay in China within a certain period of time, that will be very helpful way to improve the image of Korea. Enter the market by using the FDI method can be better way to get the benefits. In case of running the business by the method of foreign direct investment, Korean corporations can employ native for their manpower. Then they can invest in equipment for less cost than when they do the same process in Korea. If things come to this stage, a lot of jobs will be created and that makes the local government to support corporations in Korea which have the plan to enter the China market. When the every situation become stabilized, relationship between corporation in Korea and China will be parent company and subsidiary company. And because of this relationship, business cooperation between corporations in Korea and China will be more flexible and simple. For such a reason, China's environmental industry business is still in its infancy like other countries. The incipient stage of eco-friendly industry is in progress now. If corporation in Korea enter the market of China directly and fightingly, they can make entry barrier and that makes corporations in Korea conquer the environmental industry market of China which has huge potential with low cost. In other words, Korea government should invest to the corporation which has environmental technology or ability to invest in equipment not only for low carbon green growth and sustainable development industry. The government must know that this is the time to support corporations in Korea and that support makes corporations in Korea the best.

      • 무선 센서 네트워크와 위치 패턴을 이용한 위치 인식에 관한 연구

        황대성 인하대학교 일반대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        최근에 무선 통신 및 센서 네트워크 기술, 로봇 인프라 기술의 발달에 따라 지능형 로봇 서비스나 유비쿼터스 환경에 대한 수요가 커지고 있다.위치 인식은 유비쿼터스 환경에 있어서 핵심적인 기술로 공간 정보와 방향을 인식하는 것이다. 이러한 서비스를 제공하려면 위치 인식이 가장 필수적인 기술이다. 위치 인식 방법에는 다양한 방법이 존재하는데 그 중 센서 네트워크를 이용한 위치 인식 방법은 기존의 장치들을 이용한다는 장점으로 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다. 하지만 실내에서는 전파의 특성으로 인하여 정확한 위치 인식이 힘든 단점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 무선 센서 네트워크만을 이용한 위치 인식의 단점을 극복하고자 위치 패턴을 이용한 위치 인식 방법을 이용하여 위치 인식을 하는 방법을 제안한다. 위치 패턴을 이용한 위치 인식 방법은 무선 센서 네트워크를 이용한 위치 인식 방법의 오차 범위 내에서 위치 인식을 수행하게 되어 최종적으로는 위치 인식 오차를 없앨 수 있다. 무선 센서 네트워크를 이용한 위치 인식 방법 중에 Ecolocation 알고리즘을 이용하여 최대 위치 인식 오차 범위를 구하고 그 오차 범위에 맞는 위치 패턴을 설계 및 구성하여 최종적으로 위치 인식을 할 수 있는 알고리즘을 제안하고 기존연구와 비교한다. Recently, it is increasingly rounding up the demands for the intelligent service robot or ubiquitous environment under the conspicuous development of the wireless communication or sensor network technology and robot infra technology. As a key technology, the robot infra technology based on the relative localization deals with the sensor to detect the 2-dimensional information and direction systemized by the ubiquitous environment. To be practicable in these technology, it should be essentially embodied by the relative localization. Along with a variety of technologies to build up the relative localization, most of studies are largely focused on the advantages of the relative localization supported by the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Notwithstanding its advantages, it unfavorably fails to work out the accurate relative localization indoors by the nature of the radio propagation. In this paper, it suggests the effective ways of the relative localization applied by the position pattern so as to make up for such a fragility of the WSN relative localization. Within the error bound of the relative localization, it performs the WSN relative localization with the relative localization applied by the position pattern and finally it can eradicate the error of the relative localization. The orientations of this paper lies in suggesting the algorithm which enables the relative localization, and compares the final performance evaluation with that of the existing study after extracting the maximum error bound of the relative localization adopting the Ecolocation algorithm out of the WSN relative localization and designing or constituting the adequate position pattern for the error bound.

      • 쇠고기 등급제 개편 전후의 비육한우 경영성과 비교 연구

        황대성 전북대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The growth of Korean economy and increase in national income has brought the increased consumption of livestock products. The increase in national income has resulted in consumers′ interest in the high quality meat, and Korean beef industry has achieved the continuous growth along with the consumption expansion. This study reviews the development process of Korean beef industry, and conducted on the empirical analysis of how the beef grading system reform in 2019 had an effect on the management of Korean beef farms. In order to conduct this study, the types of management performance indicators were reviewed through previous studies and the management performance of Korean beef-fed cattle was conceptualized. The development process of beef grading system was reviewed according to the development of Korean beef industry. The effect of the beef grading system reform on the management performance of Korean beef-fed cattle farms was examined with focusing on the technical performance indicators. For the data of this study, the data on the marketing records of Korean beef-fed cattle by Jeonbuk Korean brand for 2 years was used. In order to compare the difference in management performance before the beef grading system reform(Nov 2018~ Nov 2019) and after the beef grading system reform(Dec 2019 ~ Dec 2020), the data of carcass quality selected from the 50 sample farms records selected 50 farms was analyzed. The difference in average was verified through independent t-test. As a verification on the distributional difference before and after the beef grading system reform, the management performance indicators were comparatively analyzed through Chi-square analysis. The analysis results of this study can be summarized as follow. For the difference in management performance before and after the beef grading system reform, first, the data showed that the appearance rate of 1++grade and 1+ grade increased, and the 1 grade appearance rate decreased. Next, the appearance rates of A grade and B grade increased while C grade rate decreased. Second, the shipment age decreased into 28 ∼30 months of age. Third, the auction price showed the price increase at all the grades. For the sales price, the proportion of 7.5 million Won ~ 9 million Won decreased while the proportion of 9 million Won ~ 10 million Won increased. Fourth, the carcass weight and the live weight are discovered to have no change when compared before and after of the beef grading system reform. According to (Chi-square) test results, the distributional difference exists in the meat quantity grade, meat quality grade, shipment age, auction price and sales price before and after the revised beef grading system reform. There were no distributional difference between the carcass weight and the live weight. With the introduction and reorganization of the beef grading system, the production of high-quality meat has expanded, and the standard for distribution prices of Korean beef has been established. In addition, the price difference occurred according to the difference between grades, and it helped to improve the income of Korean beef-fed cattle farms. However, in the beef grading system, the level of the grade was determined mainly with marbling, resulting in problems of excess increase of purchasing feed costs and delayed in the shipment age of beef cattle. The purpose of the beef grading system reform is intended to improve the meat quality and the appearance rate of meat quantity grade, shorten the shipment age, and increase the sales price. The limitations of this study are as follows. First, it is related to way of the selection for key management performance indicators. There are various indicators to figure out management performance of Korean beef-fed cattle, such as technological efficiency, producibility, profitability, and financial stability. However, this study conducted an analysis focusing on technical performance indicators. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze including other indicators such as productivity profitability, technical efficiency, fanancial stability. The target period for comparison study before and after grading system revision was selected by only 1 year. That is because only 2 years have passed since the revision of beef grading system. It is necessary to measure the effect of the beef grading system reform from more comprehensive perspectives by expanding the comparison target period.

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