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      • 테러 위협이 한국 안보에 미치는 영향

        이강무 경남대학교 행정대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        테러에 대한 인식이 세계적으로 변화되고 있다. 이제 단지 일부 나라의 전유물인 것처럼 인식되었던 사고가 변화되어 보편적인 현상으로 그 위협을 느끼게 된 것이다. 특히 미국의 9. 11테러 사건 이후 대테러 전쟁 중에도 세계도처에서 테러는 계속해서 일어났고, 심지어는 전쟁이 끝난 후에도 국제적인 테러는 지속적으로 발생하고 있다. 테러리즘의 양상은 더욱 흉폭화 되어가고 있다. 이러한 테러는 한국의 경우에도 예외가 될 수 없으며, 특히 북한이라는 적을 남.북으로 대치하고 있는 특수한 상황과 지리학적으로 인접 국가로부터 항상 위협받고 있는 한국으로서는 테러에 대한 위협성은 더욱 높다고 할 것이다. 심지어 한.미 동맹관계를 국가안보전략의 중요한 주축으로 하는 한국은 미국과 더불어 이라크 전쟁에 참여함으로써 국제 테러리스트 조직들에게 표적이 되어 주요 테러위협 대상국이 되었으며, 이는 한국의 안보에도 많은 영향을 미치고 있다. 본 연구는 미래에 발생 가능한 테러유형을 분석하여 국제질서와 한반도의 안보적 여건 하에서 테러에 대한 국가안보의 위협요소를 고찰하였고, 현 한국의 대테러 정책의 문제점을 분석하여 향후 한국 안보상황에 적합한 국가적 정책제시와 중장기 군사전략을 제시하였다. 그 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 근대화 이후 나타나고 있는 테러 양상은 탈 국가적이고 대량 살상이라는 특징을 갖는다. 과학이 발달하고, 정보화가 되면서 다양한 수단을 활용할 수 있게 된다. 그중 가장 위협이 되는 것은 대량으로 살상할 수 있는 무기를 사용한다는데 있다. 대량으로 살상함으로써 파급효과를 증대하여 테러의 목적을 달성하고자 하는 것이다. 이러한 테러의 양상의 특징은 요구조건이나 공격주체가 불분명하여 추적이 곤란하며, 전쟁수준의 무차별 공격으로 그 피해가 상상을 초월하며, 그물망 조직으로 무력화가 어렵고, 테러의 긴박성으로 대처하기가 어렵다. 이처럼 오늘날 국제테러리즘은 과거의 테러리즘과 전혀 다른 성격과 내용을 갖고 있기 때문에 그에 대한 대응도 새롭게 요구된다. 특히 이러한 변화는 안보상황의 변화와 밀접한 상관관계를 갖고 있어 테러에 대한 대응방식에 대한 새로운 대책을 강구해야만 한다. 또한, 이러한 대량 살상무기 외 사이버 테러 등 다양한 수단을 활용한 테러가 등장하고 있으며, 국제 테러조직의 활동도 여전히 활성화 되고 있어 그 위협은 더욱 증가되고 있다. 특히, 테러리즘의 위협에 있어서 테러리즘의 수행 목적이 변화되면서 과거와 다른 형태로 발전하고 있다는 것이다. 현대적 테러는 과거의 종교, 종족 등과 같은 갈등의 요인과 더불어 특정한 목적을 달성하기 위한 저항의 요인에 의해 발생하고 있어 더욱 살상적이고, 대량 피해를 입히는 형태로 발전하여 정치적 / 사회적 혼란을 더욱 야기 시키고 있다. 따라서 국제 안보환경도 변화되어 국가 간 협력체제가 이뤄지고 있으며, 국가별 자국의 안보상황에 적합한 테러 대응체제를 구축하고 있다. 특히 미국의 대테러 전쟁을 고려해 볼 때 미국의 우월적인 패권적 지위가 강화되고, 향후 국제정치의 관심은 ‘국제협력’이 될 것이며, 다시 안보가 중요시되는 세계질서가 되고 있다는 것이다. 따라서 국가의 안보상황은 더욱 경계적일 수밖에 없고, 이를 위해 자국의 안보를 지키기 위한 대테러 정책과 군사적 대응책은 필수적이며, 반드시 선행되어야 할 과제이다. 둘째, 한반도의 테러에 대한 위협은 더욱 높아만 가고 있다. 북한이라는 적과 대치하고 있으면서 언제든지 북한의 테러 도발의 위협이 상존하고 있으며, 미국과의 동맹관계를 유지함으로써 국제 테러리스트들의 목표가 되고 있다. 더욱이 남.북 분단이라는 상황 하에서 북한의 전략의 미 변화와 대량 살상무기 개발의 유지로 인접 국가들의 군사력 증비의 빌미를 제공함으로써 한반도 일대를 긴장지역으로 형성시키고 있어 전 세계 이목을 집중시키고 있다. 따라서 일본의 자위대 역할 확대 및 중국의 군사증비는 향후 동북아 안보환경의 중.장기적 변화에 거대한 영향을 미칠 것이다. 왜냐하면, 북한과 중국, 일본과 미국의 이해관계 속에서 북한의 테러에 대한 확실한 대책수립이 어려울 수밖에 없으며, 일본, 중국의 군사력 증대는 결국 한국안보에 커다란 위협일 수밖에 없어 한국 또한 군사력 증대에 관심을 가질 수밖에 없게 함으로써 한반도의 긴장은 커질 수밖에 없기 때문이다. 따라서 테러 또한 전쟁양상의 한 부분으로써 결국 전면전 양상으로의 확대 가능성으로 결국 안보의 심각성은 크다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 북한은 요인암살, 납치, 폭탄 / 가스 테러, 항공기 납치 / 폭파, 해상선박 납치 및 폭탄 테러, 사이버 테러 등의 다양한 테러양상을 보일 것이며, 한반도의 안보상황은 더욱 심각해 질것이다. 셋째, 국가 안보차원에서 테러리즘의 개념을 명확하게 재정립하고 국가이익과 국제사회의 공동이익이 조화를 이루는 범위 내에서 분명한 정책방향을 수립해야 한다. 또한 대테러 기구를 사후 현장관리 위주의 정책기구에서 사전 대응책 개발 정책기구로 활동중점을 전환하고, 테러리즘을 국가 재난의 성격으로 규정하여 국가차원의 민.관.군을 통합적으로 참여시켜 통합 위기관리 전담기구를 상설해야 한다. 또한 사이버 테러리즘에 대비한 사이버대테러부대 창설도 검토되어야 할 것이다. 그리고 효과적인 테러리즘에 대응하기 위한 정부의 대응모형을 개발하고, 새로운 테러 양상에 대처할 수 있는 법규를 정비하고 보완해야 한다. 특히, 테러리즘에 대한 자체 대처능력을 보유하여 테러를 사전에 예방하고, 한반도 안보상황을 동시에 고려한 군사적 대응책 마련도 시급하다고 할 수 있다. 보병 위주의 전략을 이제는 공군, 해군 등 최첨단 과학화에 중점을 둔 군사전략으로 변경해야하며, 중.장기적으로 체계적으로 추진되어야 할 것이다. 결론적으로 앞으로의 테러리즘은 다양한 수단과 복잡한 조직으로 대처하기가 더욱 어려워지고 있으므로 단지 치안유지 차원에서 한 부서나 기관에서 담당하기에는 역부족이 될 것이다. 또한 테러리즘의 위협은 정치.외교.경제.사회.문화.군사 등 국가안보요소에 심각한 영향을 주는 관계로 국가차원에서 비군사적 측면과 군사적 측면까지 전 국가 방위적 개념을 적용한 중.장기 대응전략이 강구되어야 한다. The way the world see terrorism has been varied vastly for the last few years. Terrorism, once believed to be exclusive incident for a few nations, is changed and now accepted as a general threat to the whole world. Since the 9.11 terrorists attack on United States, terrorism has been happening continuously throughout the every corner of the world. Moreover, international terrorism is happening even in this very moment and it grows a lot more violently. Such terrorism is no exception to Korea, but rather exceptionally intimidating, considering our geological state that is confronting North Korea in north and hostile adjacent nations around. In addition, Korea, having U.S-Korea alliance as one of the main national security strategy, has become a target for international terrorists since we have joined the war in Iraq along with United States and this fact does affect national security. This research has analyzed the types of terrorism that are possible to happen in future, while considering how terrorism may rise as a menace within this new international order and endanger our national security. Furthermore, this paper examines the problem of current Korean counter-terrorism and offers appropriate national policy and long term military strategy, as a result. First, after the modernization, terrorism is characterized as denationalization and mass-destructive. Due to technological advancement and digitalized intelligence, terrorists have become capable of using many means to terrorize their target; however, the most deadly fact is they can use mass-destruction weapon. By mass-destruction, terrorists duplicate the fear and achieve their goal. Such type of terrorism has certain characteristics: difficult tracking because of their ambiguous demand and target of terrorism; immense damage and unconditional attack, as deadly as a war; and, trouble to debilitate due to their web-like system, as well as imminentness of terrorism. As shown above, the international terrorism of the present days is far too different from the one of the past; thus, requiring a new countermeasure. In particular, such modification of terrorism is closely related to the change of national security, inducing another method to block terrorism. Moreover, international terrorists are not limiting their weapon within physical attack, but also using other kinds of attack, like cyber-terrorism, possessing more threat. Another important fact to consider is that the object of present terrorism differs from the past one. Terrorism of today is a complex of the conflicts from the past terrorism, religious and racial trouble, and conflicts for achieving certain purposes, political and social matter thereby inducing far more cruelty and greater damage. As a result, each nation are requested to develop own method to deal with terrorism in their border, and establishing cooperational organization for global anti-terrorism at the same time. Particularly, considering United States’war against terrorism, States’ supremacy will be intensified; politics will concentrate on international order and return to take security seriously. Therefore, national security will be on more guard, preparing counter-terrorism policy and military activity is to be taken as prior assignments. Second, the risk of terrorism in Korean peninsula is increasing rapidly. Korea is exposed to the threat of North Korean terrorists, while keeping them as an enemy, and has become a target of international terrorists groups by having alliance with United States. Furthermore, North Korea is listed as a terror-supporting nation and possessing mass-destruction weapon, while Japan is expanding its Self-Defending Force and China is developing high-technology weapons. These facts simply show insecurity of current North East Asia and will affect long-term change of North East Asia. Additionally, the terrorism that may occur is kidnapping and assassination of leading figures, bomb/gas terror attack, high jacking plane/ship, and cyber-terrorism, and these are not everything threatening Korea considering what North Korea is capable of. Third, it is necessary to reestablish the concept of terrorism firmly and found new policy while keeping the harmony of national benefit and commonwealth of global community. Also, set main activity of the anti-terrorism organization as preventing and developing any threat that might result in terrorism, as well as define terrorism as national disaster and have civilian, government, and military to participate and build a system to control crisis. Moreover, founding anti-cyber-terrorism group should also be considered. In order to suppress terrorism effectively, the government needs to develop corresponding system and law to take care of new kinds of terrorism. More importantly, military system should be developed the system, which can undertake terrorists and other hostile forces at the same time. To do so, it is necessary to alter old the strategy, catered on army, to long-term strategy that put more weight on air force and navy with up-dated high technology. In conclusion, the future terrorism will grow to bigger and more complex organization with many means and ability to hazard democratic world. Single national security organization will reach its limit to undertake the threat of terrorism. In addition, the act of terrorism posses serious jeopardy in politics, diplomacy, economy, society, culture and military, in which compose national security. This is why the entire nation, legislation, judicature, administration parts and military, needs come together and devise a long-term defense mechanism to defeat terrorism.

      • 산후출혈 처치를 위한 자궁내 풍선 카테터의 간접식 압력측정 시스템

        이강무 충북대학교 일반대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        The goal to decrease the global maternal mortality ratio to below 70 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030 was established within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. However, the maternal mortality rate has not declined in the past five years. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is one of the main causes of maternal mortality. Particularly in low- and middle-income countries, PPH constitutes a significant proportion of all causes of maternal mortality. In this study, a novel method was proposed for monitoring the amount of saline solution injected into the balloon catheter and measuring the extent of pressure applied to the uterine wall during the performance of intrauterine balloon tamponade, one of the methods for treating PPH. A method was devised to indirectly measure the pressure applied to the uterine wall by measuring the hydraulic pressure of the saline solution inside the catheter without directly contacting the saline solution. In this method, the Indirect Pressure Sensing tube (IPS tube), which is sensitive to changes in saline pressure, was applied. The degree of expansion of the IPS tube, which varies depending on the pressure change, was measured using a laser sensor and the pressure was determined by applying the relationship equation between the outer diameter of the IPS tube and the pressure. The performance verification experiment using gauge blocks for the laser sensor measuring the outer diameter of the IPS tube resulted in a measurement error within 0.078 mm. The absolute value of error between the calculated voltage value and the measured value was found to be within 0-0.0017 V, and the error rate was within 0.035 % except for the experimental results at the 10 mm and 10.5 mm gauge blocks, where measurements were close to 0 V. The relationship between the outer diameter of the tube and the voltage was derived through the results of the performance verification experiment of the laser sensor. Furthermore, an experiment was conducted to validate the relationship between the voltage value and the pressure by simultaneously measuring the pressure and voltage value reflecting the changes in the outer diameter of the IPS tube using ten IPS tubes. As a result of performing a curve fitting analysis on IPS tubes, except one that had a measurement error, the adjusted R-square values ranged from 0.9997 to 0.9999, and the root mean square error (RMSE) values ranged from 0.0020 to 0.0039. Through curve fitting analysis on the complete dataset of nine IPS tubes, the relationship equation between the measured voltage of the laser sensor and pressure was derived, resulting in an adjusted R-square of 0.9500. As a result of regression analysis between the pressure value derived by applying the voltage-pressure relationship equation and the pressure value measured directly using the pressure sensor, the correlation coefficient was 0.9719. Applying relationship equation between the tube outer diameter and the pressure derived from the experiments, the pressure measurement and control system was designed. In conclusion, through further research and commercialization of the indirect pressure measurement method and system proposed in this study, it could become widely utilized during the performance of intrauterine balloon tamponade at hospital sites.

      • Research on genes related to regulation of γ-butyrolactone autoregulator in streptomyces natalensis ATCC27448, a natamycin producer

        이강무 慶南大學校 2005 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Streptomyces속의 γ-butyrolactone autoregulator receptor는 DNA에 결합하는 전사 억제자로서의 일반적인 활성을 가지며 이차대사 및 형태학적인 분화를 조절하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 항생물질 natamycin을 생산하는 방선균인 Streptomyces natalensis ATCC27448로부터 γ-butyrolactone autoregulator receptor 유전자를 클로닝하고 in vivo에서의 기능을 분석하였다. 기존에 알려져 있는 Streptomyces속의 γ-butyrolactone autoregulator receptor 유전자들의 잘 보존되어 있는 영역을 이용하여 특이적인 primer를 제작하고 PCR을 수행하여 102-bp의 PCR산물을 얻었으며 본 단편의 염기서열을 결정한 결과 autoregulator receptor 유전자들의 일부분에 높은 상동성을 가짐을 확인하였고 본 PCR 산물을 probe로 사용하여 southern hybridization을 수행하여 687-bp의 receptor 유전자(sngR)를 S. natalensis로부터 획득하였다. In vivo에서 sngR의 기능을 분석하기에 앞서 대장균으로부터 S. natalensis로 plasmid DNA를 직접 도입하는 형질전환법을 확립하였다. 이러한 S. natalensis의 형질전환은 oriT와 attP 단편을 가지고 있는 ΦC31 유래의 integration 벡터인 pSET152를 이용하여 Escherichia coli ET12567/pUZ8002를 DNA 공여체(donor)로 이용한 접합전달법(conjugal transfer)을 사용하여 확립하였다. 접합전달의 가장 높은 효율은 10 mM의 MgCl₂를 포함한 MS 배지에서, 6.25 × 10^(8)의 E. coli 공여체와 열처리를 하지 않은 S. natalensis의 포자를 사용하여 얻어졌다. 또 얻어진 접합전달체(exconjugant)에 대하여 southern blot hybridization과 벡터가 삽입된 염색체부분의 염기서열분석을 통해 attB site와 pseudo-attB site를 확인하였다. attB site의 경우에는 다른 방선균들처럼 S. natalensis 염색체의 pirin 상동체를 코드하는 ORF내에 존재하였으나 pseudo-attB site는 염색체내 다른 site(GenBank accession no. YP_117731)에 존재하였고 그 염기서열은 attB 염기서열과 차이를 나타내었다. In vivo에서 sngR의 기능을 분석하기 위해 앞에서 획득된 최적의 형질전환 조건을 사용하여 sngR-disrupted 균주를 구축하고 야생주에 대해 phenotype의 차이를 비교하였다. sngR-disrupted 균주는 야생주에 비해 natamycin의 생산시기가 6시간 정도 빨라졌으며 생산량에 있어서도 4.6배의 증가를 나타내었다. 또한 포자형성도 그 시기가 빨라졌으며 포자의 수도 약 10배 정도의 증가를 나타내었다. 이러한 phenotype의 변화는 완전한 sngR의 complementation에 의해 야생주의 phenotype으로 복귀되었으며 이러한 결과로부터 S. natalensis의 autoregulator receptor 단백질이 natamycin의 생합성에 대해 primary negative regulator로 작용하며 또한 포자형성의 조절에도 관련이 있음을 확인하였다. S. natalensis의 γ-butyrolactone autoregulator 유전자(sngR)의 오른쪽 영역의 염기서열 결정에 의해 972-bp의 크기를 가지는 유전자(sngA)의 존재를 확인하였고 SngA가 S. virginiae의 pleiotropic regulator로 알려진 BarX에 대해 높은 상동성 (34.2% identity, 44% similarity)을 가짐을 확인하였다. In vivo에서 sngA의 기능을 분석하기 위해 sngA-disrupted 균주를 구축하고 야생주에 대해 natamycin 생산 및 형태학적인 분화를 포함하는 phenotype의 차이를 비교하였다. sngA-disrupted 균주는 natamycin 생산의 감소, blue pigment의 생산을 나타내었으며 야생주 내로 sngA 유전자가 삽입된 균주는 natamycin 생산이 1.7배 정도 증가하였다. 또한 sngA-disrupted 균주의 형태학적인 분화가 YEME, MS, ISP4 고체배지에서 야생주와 비교할 때 sngA-disrupted 균주의 포자형성은 야생주에 비해 급격히 감소되었다. 이러한 phenotype의 변화는 완전한 sngA의 complementation에 의해 야생주의 phenotype으로 복귀되었으며 이러한 결과는 S. natalensis의 SngA 단백질이 natamycin의 생합성과 포자형성의 조절에 positive regulator로 작용하며 또한 blue pigment 생산의 조절에도 관련이 있음을 나타내는 것이다. A gene encoding a γ-butyrolactone autoregulator receptor that has a common activity as DNA-binding transcriptional repressors, controlling secondary metabolism and/or morphological differentiation in Streptomyces was cloned from a natamycin producer, Streptomyces natalensis, and its function was evaluated by in vivo. PCR using the primers designed from two highly conserved regions of Streptomyces autoregulator receptors (BarA, FarA, ScbR, and ArpA) gave a 102-bp band, the sequence of which revealed high similarity to the expected region of a receptor gene. By genomic Southern hybridization with 102-bp insert as a probe, a 687-bp intact receptor gene (sngR) was obtained from S. natalensis. Prior to clarification of the function of sngR in vivo, I have developed a system for introducing DNA into S. natalensis via conjugal transfer from Escherichia coli. An effective transformation procedure for S. natalensis was established based on transconjugation from E, coli ET12567/pUZ8002 using a ΦC31-derived integration vector, pSET152, containing oriT and attP fragments. The high frequency was obtained on MS medium containing 10 mM MgCl₂using 6.25×10^(8) of E.coli donor cells without heat treatment of spores. In addition, southern blot analysis of exconjugants and the sequence of plasmids containing DNA flanking the insertion sites from the chromosome revealed that S. natalensis contains a single ΦC31 attB site and at least a secondary or pseudo-attB site. Similar to the case of various Streptomyces species, a single ΦC31 attB site of S. natalensis is present within an ORF encoding a pirin-homolog, but a pseudo-attB site is present within a distinct site (GenBank accession no. YP_117731) and also its sequence deviates from the consensus sequences of attB sequence. In vivo to clarify the function of sngR, a sngR-disrupted strain was constructed, and a phenotype was compared with the wild-type strain. The sngR disruptants started natamycin production 6 hr earlier and showed a 4.6-fold-higher production of natamycin than the wild-type strain. In addition, sporulation was earlier and 10-fold abundant. The phenotype was restored back to the original wild-type phenotype by complementation with intact sngR, indicating that the autoregulator receptor protein of S. natalensis acts as a primary negative regulator of the biosynthesis of natamycin and is related to the regulation of sporulation. Sequencing of the DNA region on right-hand of γ-butyrolactone autoregulator receptor gene (sngR) of Streptomyces natalensis revealed the presence of a 972-bp gene, sngA, whose deduced product (323 amino acid residues) was found to have amino acid sequence homology with BarX of S. virginiae (34.2% identity, 44% similarity). The in vivo function of sngA from S. natalensis was investigated in this study by comparison of natamycin production and morphology between wild-type strain and a sngA-disruptant. Deletion of sngA from S. natalensis results in a decrease of natamycin production and production of blue pigment, and insertion of intact sngA with its own promoter into wild-type strain shows 1.7 times increase of natamycin production. Also, when the sngA-disruptant was grown on YEME, MS, and ISP4 medium, the sporulation of sngA-disruptant was decreased than that of wild-type strain. These changes of phenotype were restored back to the original wild-type phenotype by the introduction of intact sngA to the sngA-disruptant, implying that SngA participates in the regulation of the sporulation and natamycin production as a positive regulator and is also involved in the regulation of blue pigment production.

      • 놀이활동 프로그램을 통한 언어지도가 정신지체아의 언어능력 향상에 미치는 영향

        이강무 대구대학교 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The purpose of this research is to reveal the effect of linguistic mediation through play activity onto the linguistic ability of mentally retarded children. The play activity program is composed with riddle activity, play game, puzzle game, cooking, moving, making/painting, role play, treasure hunt, etc. According to the purpose of this research, the results on linguistic mediation through play activity program were gotten as follows, on the basis of the results and observation; First, the linguistic mediation through play activity program showed positive change in the fact of their pragmatics. In the facts of pragmatics, their diversity of communication intention showed increased after the experiment. Second, the linguistic mediation through play activity program showed positive change in the fact of their semantics. Their lexical diversity showed very high increase after the experiment. Third, the linguistic mediation through play activity program showed positive change in the fact of their general linguistic ability. Their general linguistic ability including ability for acceptance & expression, sentence understanding, linguistic recognition, and pictorial lexicon showed increase after the experiment. On the basis of these results, I'd like to suggest as follows; First, on the basis of research objects, this research was composed with ten of mentally retarded children to study the effect of linguistic mediation through play activity program. It requires following research with more various group and more number of mentally retarded children. Second, the activities of linguistic mediation program used in this thesis was composed to regulate its difficulty, according to periods pass by. Thus, I expect to adapt them in the actual education field on the basis of this linguistic mediation program.

      • コンピュㅡタグラフィックスにおけるオㅡトノㅡモスコンポジション : Autonomous Composition in Computer Ggraphics

        이강무 筑波大學大學院 2001 해외박사

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        The purpose of this thesis is to search a way between autonomous graphic algorithm of computer and creativity of human designer. Autonomous (self-governed) operation had been main theme in developing computer technology and adopted by many artist who use a computer as a artistic medium. But, this trend is not a mainstream of computer graphics in nowadays. The common process of computer graphic is consist of command of user and performing of computer. This process often called `interactive' but true meaning of `interactivity' will be accomplished when computer could suggest various form and pattern instead of mere reflection of input of user. In this thesis, I coined the term `autonomous composition' to indicate the creative feedback between user and computer, and research its concepts, historical aspects, and application. This thesis is composed of three parts. Main themes of each parts are given below. part 1 : concept of autonomous composition part 2 : historical development of autonomous composition part 3 : application of autonomous composition Part 1 is consist of chapter 1 and chapter 2. The main theme of chapter 1 is confusion of concepts in term` computer graphics '. In chapter 2, I suggest the new term `autonomous composition' and defined it as a ` form synthesis process through feedback loop between autonomous graphic algorithm and user'. Part 2, I divide historical development of autonomous composition into cybernetic art era (chapter 3) and morphogen esis era (chapter 4). Through the historical research of part 2, I realize that the algorithm of morphogenesis will be very useful method of design and fine art, but to accomplish the aesthetic goals, creativity of user plays very important role. Part 3 is consist of two case study. Chapter 5 is not a direct application of autonomous composition. It is a case study of relationship between geometrical system and artist's intuition. In chapter 5, I analyze the Architectons of Kazimir Malevich. The method of analysis is that comparing the models generated by fractal simulation and original work. As a results, the vertical Architectons basically have a self-similar structure, but the size and the number of elements are decided by the aesthetic selection of author. Chapter 6 is a case study that apply autonomous composition to pattern design. Using Pickober's basic algorithm, I make the prototype of `pattern generator program', and investigate the way to improve user's participation in process of generating pattern. The conclusion of this thesis is that fusion of designer's creativity and autonomous graphic algorithm is not a difficult thing, and this fusion will play a important role in computer graphics from now on. 第I部 用語と槪念 第1部では, 本論の基礎的段階として「コンピュ一タ·ダラアイツクス」とう用語の中に存在する槪念的な未分化狀態とその問題点を指摘し, 新しい用語を作った背景やその槪念に關して論じる. 第1章では, 「コンピュ-タ·ダラフィックス」という用語を分析の對象にして, 語源と槪念, 用語としての開題点を考察する. 問題点は, 指示內容の廣さにによつて生じる槪念的な錯綜であり, 特に「支援」と「生咸」の問題, つまり製作のプセスの方式が明確ではないことが「コンピュ一タ·グラフィックス」が抱えてかる何よりの問題点であると指摘する. 續く第2章では, コンピュ-タの「生成」の部分を示すために「オ一トノ一モス·コンポジション」という用語を提案し, その槪念と意義, 分類方法に關して述べる. なお, 自律惟という槪念が現代藝術, コンピュ一タ工學, コンピュ一タ·ア一トの中でどのように適用されてきたかに關して簡略な考察を行う. 第Ⅱ部 オ-トノ-モス コンポジションの形成と發展 第Ⅱ部は, 1960年代から 70年代の間で行われた「サイバネティックス·ア-ト」に關する考察(第3章)と80年代の以降からコンピュ-タ·ア-トの方法論として活發に應用されてかる「モルフォ-ジェネシス」(形態形成) に關する考察(第4章)で構成されている. 第3章では, まず「サイバネティンクス」という學問分野の用語や槪念を簡略に說明し, 續いてサイバネティンクスとコンピュ-タ·ァ-トの結合を美學的理論と實際的製作に分けて考察する. 最後に, 「サイバネティックス·ア一ト」に關する批判と今日的な意義に關して述べる. 第4章は, 「モルフォ一ジェネシス」という用語や槪念を述べ, 發展過程に關して考察する. 「モルフォ一ジェネシス」がコンピコ一タ·ア一トの-つの方法論として脚光を浴びたのは, 1980年代以降のことであるが, 生物の形態形成に關する敎學的考察は長い歷史を持ってぃる. 從って, クックとトムソンの古典的な硏究からマィンハ一トの最新の硏究成果に至る形熊形成の數學的モデルの展開過程を「成長モデル」, 「遺傳的變異モデル」,「セルオ一トマトン·モデル」, 「モルフォジェン·モデル」,「フラクタル幾何學のモデル」の五つのモデルに分けて解說した. 「オ一トノ一モス·コンポジション」の觀点で重要なことは, そのような形態形成のアルゴリズムだけではなく, それをいかに して造形作業に應用するのかの問題である. 從って, 第4章の最後の部分では, 「遺傳的變異モデル」を使う作家としてW.レイサムを, 「成長モデル」を應用する作家として河口洋一郎を取り上げ, アルゴリズムと作品の關係を구체的に考察する. 第Ⅲ部 應用に關する事例硏究 第Ⅲ部の第5章では, 現代美術の作品の中で數學的構造と作家の美的直觀が調和を成している事例としてマレ一ヴィチの입체造形作品「アルヒテクトン」の構造分析とフラクタル幾何學によるシミュレ-シヨンを行う. その結果, 「アルヒテクトン」の中ではフラクタル幾何學の自已相似性と類似する構成原理が存在するが, 同時に構成要索の削除, 移動, スケ一ルの變化等によって作家の主觀的な業的判斷が反映されていることが分かつた. 第6章では, 「パタ一ン·ジェ』ネレ一タ」と名づけたプログラムの試作とその問題点の改良方法を扱う. 「パタ一ン·ジェネし一タ」は, C.ピックオ一バのパタ一ン生成のアルゴリズムに, グラフによる形態情報の選別·始点設定によるグラデ一ション·パタ一ンの生成機能を加えることによって, 自律的作劃アルゴリズムと使用者の相互作用を可能にしたプログラムである. 終章 終章では, 硏究目的で述べた「槪念定義」, 「史的考察」,「應用硏究」に對應して結論をまとめ總合的な結論を下す. 總合的な結論は以下のようである. 1) 形態生成のアルゴリズムは, これまで主に自然物をシミュし一トするために使われてきたが, 造形藝術とデザイン分野の構成原理として使われる可能性を持っている 2) このような可能性を實現するためには, コンピュ一タ言語や數値制御だけではなく, 現在の一般のユ一ザに親しむGUI等の方式を導入することが望ましい 3) 自律的な作劃アルゴリズムとユ一ㄸザの間のインタラクションは, 少なくとも造形とデザインの製作における發想意段階で有意義な結果をもたらすと考える

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