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      • 게임적 리얼리즘에서의 반복적 죽음을 통한 청년 세대의 생존주의 표현 연구 : 본인 작품 중심으로

        하기현 경희대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본 논문은 디지털 게임과 게임적 리얼리즘을 반영한 콘텐츠를 소비하는 현대 청년 세대를 생존주의 관점에서 분석하고, 게임적 리얼리즘을 시각예술의 맥락에 적용하여 청년 세대의 생존 문제를 드러냄과 함께 진솔한 청년의 모습을 표현하는 것에 의의가 있다. 본인은 디지털 게임의 대중화와 청년 세대가 소비하는 대중문화 콘텐츠에‘회귀, 빙의, 환생’ 코드가 유행하는 현상이 상호영향이 있으며, 이는 청년 세대의 생존 불안과 욕망을 드러내는 현상으로 파악한다. 제2장에서는 이러한 현상을 설명하기 위해 게임적 리얼리즘을 설명하고, 청년 세대의 마음을 생존주의로 분석하며 이어 이러한 현상의 근간이 되는 디지털 게임의 구조적 특징과 반복적 죽음을 분석한다. 제3장에서는 디지털 게임의 형식과 문법을 시각예술의 맥락에 적용해 현대 청년 세대를 담아내는 표현을 연구한 본인 작품을 설명하고 분석한다. 크게 두 가지 방 향으로 진행된 본인의 표현 연구는 ‘디지털 게임 시스템의 형식적 차용’과 ‘디지털 게임 속 반복적 죽음의 재구성’으로 진행되었으며, 전자는 디지털 게임 시스 템의 대표적인 요소인 HP, 지도, 칭호, 확률형 강화 시스템을 시각예술의 맥락에 적용해 표현을 연구한 바를 서술하고, 후자로 디지털 게임에서 표현되는 죽음의 유형들을 청년의 반복되는 실패와 노력에 비유해 물질화와 신체를 통한 퍼포먼스, 메시지, 오디오 비주얼, 상품의 방식으로 표현을 연구한 바를 서술한다. 결론으로 대중매체에서 청년 세대를 ‘N포세대, 달관 세대’로 자족적이거나 체념적인 삶의 태도로써 포착한 것과 마케팅 분야에서 청년을 ‘MZ세대’로 포착한 것이 기성세대와 구별되는 개인주의적 태도의 일부만을 포착한 것이 청년 세대를 표현하기 한계가 있는 용어라는 점에서, 본 표현 연구는 더욱 진솔한 현대 청년 세대의 모습을 담고자 의의를 두었음을 밝힌다. 주제어 : 게임적 리얼리즘, 생존주의, 청년 세대, 디지털 게임, 반복적 죽음

      • 유치원에서 실시된 보편적 차원의 긍정적 행동지원이 유아의 문제행동과 기본생활습관에 미치는 영향

        강영선 공주대학교 교육대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the Effect of Universal Positive Behavior Support Implemented in a Kindergarten on the Problem Behaviors and Basic Life Habits of Children. This study was planned and Implemented as the first preventive intervention that is universal to those who attend a kindergarten for acquirement of regulation and positive behavior. The children participated for the study were 67kindergarteners, aged 3-5 at N kindergarten and a formation of universal positive behavior support that consists of 7 teachers including a head teacher in Nam Won, Jeju special self-governing province. The one-group pre teat-post test design was used to investigate a rate of decrease in the frequency of the occurrence on problem behavior. And I pared sample t-test was applied for the change in basic life habits of children. As for methodology of collection and analysis of data, the event of recording method was used to investigate he effect of Universal Positive behavior Support Implemented in a Kindergarten of the Problem Behaviors and Basic Life Habits of Children. First, the data of problem behaviors of the children was collected by the event of recording method and the frequency of the occurrence on problem behavior before and after the study were analyzed and compared. To analyze in term of change of basic life habits of children on the kindergarten were collected by 10 minute observation on each child and a paired sample t-test of the result of the test was taken by SPSS Win 18.0 program to compare the test score before and after. A method for this study was Basic Life Habit Inventory developed by National Educational Teat Service (1996) and modified to be suitable to this research. The reaults of this study were as follow: First, universal positive behavior support showed a rate of decrease in the occurrence on problem behavior such as during the commuter bus, conversation class, lunch time, walking stairway and using the bathroom in the kindergarten. Second, universal positive behavior support led to meaningful difference comparing the test score before and after and that influenced on making basic life habit and also building sub-moral principles; personal cleanliness, etiquette, public order, moderation. In conclusion, universal positive behavior support has a positive influence on reducing problem behaviors and increasing the formation of basic life habits of children in kindergarten. And so it can be concluded that universal positive behavior support is an effective intervention mean that positive influence on the field of kindergarten children as well and can adapt the positive behavior support that started from special-educated base for the regular one.

      • 강화된 환경중심 언어중재가 언어발달지체 유아의 자발화에 미치는 영향

        박지은 공주대학교 특수교육대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of enhanced milieu language teaching on the spontaneous utterance of young children with language delays. The target of this study is 4 year of age children with language delays with its language age falls behind over two years from its chronological age shows almost none Spontaneous Utterance, belongs to the S kindergarten annexed to elementary school. The arbitration is implemented during free-play time, outside-play time and lunch time applying environmental regulation strategy, responsive reciprocity strategy, environmental language strategy of Enhanced Milieu Language Teaching to be adjusted and supplemented suitable to subject child. The results of this study are as follows; First, the enhanced milieu language teaching affects spontaneous utterance of a child with language delays. Second, the effect of spontaneous utterance of a child with language delays is sustained. The above consequences showed the synchronized results with previous studies which reported Enhanced Milieu Language Teaching was effective to the enhancement on the spontaneous utterance for young children with language delays. and it is meaningful in that sense it presents a frame of Enhanced Milieu Language Teaching that may affect positive influence on the spontaneous utterance for young children with language delays.

      • 「장애유아 통합교육에 관한 공·사립유치원교사들의 인식비교」

        김다애 공주대학교 특수교육대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본 연구는 장애유아 통합교육에 대해 공·사립유치원교사들의 전반적인 인식과 교육적 효과의 인식, 효율적인 통합교육을 위한 성공요인과 저해요인의 인식의 차이를 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 1. 장애유아 통합교육의 전반적인 인식과 교육적 효과의 인식에 대해 공·사립유치 원교사간에 차이가 있는가? 2. 장애유아 통합교육의 성공요인의 인식에 대해 공·사립유치원교사간에 유의한 차이 가 있는가? 3. 장애유아 통합교육의 저해요인의 인식에 대해 공·사립유치원교사간에 유의한 차이 가 있는가? 본 연구에서는 대전광역시에 소재한 유치원 중 공립유치원교사 100명과 사립유치원교사 100명, 총 200명을 대상으로 설문조사를 진행하였다. 연구의 설문문항은 전반적인 통합교육의 인식에 관한 항목, 통합교육의 교육적 효과의 인식에 관한 항목, 통합교육의 성공요인에 관한 항목, 통합교육의 저해요인에 관한 항목으로 구성하였다. 전반적인 통합교육의 인식에 관한 항목과 통합교육의 교육적 효과의 인식에 관한 항목은 남지아(2008)와 이금주(2010)의 연구에서 사용한 설문을 참고로 재구성하였으며 통합교육의 성공요인에 관한 항목과 통합교육의 저해요인에 관한 항목은 오연호(2008)의 연구에서 사용한 설문을 참고로 재구성하였다. 내용 타당도 검증은 특수교육학과 교수 1명, 유아특수 석사 2명과 유치원교사 3명으로 총 6명으로 하였다. 신뢰도를 검증하기 위해서 Cronbach's α를 이용하였고, 자료처리 및 분석은 SPSS 12.0 통계 프로그램을 이용하여 t검증으로 분석하였다. 본 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 장애유아 통합교육에서 공립유치원교사와 사립유치원교사의 집단 간 통합교육에 대한 전반적인 인식의 차이와 교육적 효과 인식의 차이를 살펴본 결과 공립유치원 교사와 사립유치원 교사 모두 장애유아 통합교육에 대한 인식을 하고 있으며 각 교사 집단 간의 인식의 차이도 없는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 장애유아 통합교육에서 공립유치원교사와 사립유치원 교사의 교사 집단 간 통합교육에 대한 성공요인 인식의 차이를 살펴본 결과 공립유치원 교사와 사립유치원 교사 모두 장애유아 통합교육의 성공요인에 대한 인식을 하고 있으며 각 교사 집단 간의 인식의 차이도 없는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 장애유아 통합교육에서 공립유치원교사와 사립유치원 교사의 교사 집단 간 통합교육에 대한 저해요인 인식의 차이를 살펴본 결과 공립유치원교사보다 사립유치원교사가 통합교육의 저해요인에 대한 인식이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 분석결과 장애유아의 성공적인 통합교육을 실시하기 위해서는 일반교사뿐만 아니라 일반유아, 학부모 모두의 이해와 협조 및 인식전환이 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 공·사립유치원 교사간의 협력, 일반유치원 교사와 특수교사의 협력 및 또래집단의 역할 등이 중요하지만 가장 먼저 통합교육에 대한 교사들의 인식을 더 긍정적으로 변화시켜야 한다. 따라서 일반교사들의 통합교육에 대한 전문성을 갖출 수 있는 실제적인 프로그램을 실시할 필요가 있다. 또한 성공적인 통합교육을 위해서는 일반교사의 인식만으로 해결 할 수 없는 문제 즉 장애유아를 담당하는 일반교사의 학급당 인원수 감축, 장애유아를 담당하는 일반교사에 대한 인센티브 제공, 교사의 업무 경감, 특수교육보조원제의 확충, 통합학급 내 장애유아 지도를 위한 적절한 운영방법 모색, 장애유아 지도를 위한 적절한 교수방법의 구비 등 국가적인 차원에서의 지원이 있어야 할 것이라는 시사점을 얻었다 This study is to discover the recognition of the inclusive education for preschoolers with disabled between public and private kindergarten teachers, and the difference of facilitating and constraint factors for the effective inclusive education. 1. Is there any difference between public and private kindergarten teachers about the overall recognition of inclusive education and educational effect? 2. Is there any meaningful difference between public and private kindergarten teachers about the recognition of facilitating factors of the inclusive education for preschoolers with disabled? 3. Is there any meaningful difference between public and private kindergarten teachers about the recognition of constraint factors of the inclusive education for preschoolers with disabled? This study was completed by conducting a survey with the total 200 teachers, 100 teachers of public kindergarten and 100 teachers of private kindergarten teachers, among the kindergartens in Daejon. The questions in the questionnaire were composed of the items of the overall recognition of inclusive education, the educational effect of inclusive education, the facilitating factors of inclusive education, and the constraint factors of inclusive education. The items of the overall recognition of inclusive education, the educational effect of inclusive education are referred and reconstructed from the questionnaire in the study of Nam Ji-ah(2008), and Lee Geum-ju(2010). And the items of the facilitating factors of inclusive environment, and the constraint factors of inclusive environment are referred and reconstructed from the questionnaire in the study of Oh yeon-ho(2008). Content Validity was judge by 6 people including a professor of the department of special education, two masters of early childhood special education, 3 teachers of kindergarten. To test the content validity Cronbach's a was used, and the data process and analysis was completed through T-test using SPSS 12.0 statistic program. The result are as follows: First, as a result of looking into the difference of the overall recognition of inclusive education and the recognition of educational effectiveness between public and private kindergarten teachers, both teachers have no difference in recognition, including the inclusive education for preschoolers with disabilities. Second, as a result of looking into the difference of the recognition of the factors in the success of the inclusive education between public and private kindergarten teachers, both teachers have no difference in recognition, including the factors of success in inclusive education for preschoolers with disabilities. Third, as a result of looking into the difference of the recognition of the factors of obstacle between public and private kindergarten teachers, private teachers tend to have high recognition about the factors of obstacle in the inclusive education for preschoolers with disabilities. Through the result of analysis, the change of recognition and comprehension and cooperation of teachers, children without disabilities and parents are necessary to implement the successful inclusive education. For this, the cooperation of public kindergarten teachers and private kindergarten teachers, of regular teacher and special education teacher, and role of peer group is very important, but most of all teachers' recognition should be changed positively. So there is necessity of conducting practical programs which can provide them the expertise of inclusive education. Also, for the successful inclusive education, we can reason that some problems should be solved in the level of national dimension, which is unrelated to the recognition of teachers. For example, small class so that teachers can treat children with disabilities appropriately, incentives for those teachers, reducing office work, expansion of paraprofessional system, proper management for guiding the children with disabilities in the inclusive education class, preparing for proper teaching. kindergarten teachers about the recognition of constraint factors of the inclusive education for preschoolers with disabled? This study was completed by conducting a survey with the total 200 teachers, 100 teachers of public kindergarten and 100 teachers of private kindergarten teachers, among the kindergartens in Daejon. The questions in the questionnaire were composed of the items of the overall recognition of inclusive education, the educational effect of inclusive education, the facilitating factors of inclusive education, and the constraint factors of inclusive education

      • 가족지원에 대한 유아특수교사의 인식

        최현주 공주대학교 특수교육대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study is to find out the general perception of family support and the perception of family support operation of early childhood special teachers working in preschool special schools, special school kindergartens, and kindergarten special classes nationwide. And based on the research results, it looks for ways to improve the quality of family support conducted in special education institutions for young children. A questionnaire survey was conducted targeting early childhood special teachers working in preschool special schools, special school kindergartens, and kindergarten special classes across the country. It collected 69 questionnaires and used a total of 68 questionnaires for the final analysis, excluding one incompletely filled out questionnaire. The final collected data was analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics program, and the main results are as follows. First, early childhood special teachers said that family support is necessary for educating children eligible for special education and helps to improve the quality of life for children eligible for special education and their families. Second, parent education and family counseling are mainly conducted, and parent education and care services are said to be important family support. However, most teachers said that they did not practice family support, which they considered important, because they did not have enough time to implement family support. It was said that the most provided was the content of inclusive education for children subject to special education, and that family support was provided mainly using individual counseling and home correspondence. In addition, special education teachers appeared to be mainly in charge of determining the contents of family support, and they said that they were continuously conducting counseling with their families to effectively connect family support and class management. Third, the problems in operating family support were the lack of time for teachers to implement family support and the lack of connection with the education office and the local community. As for the measures to solve the problem, improving the working environment of teachers and establishing institutional linkage with the local community were the most frequently cited. The conclusions obtained through the study are as follows. First, institutional support is needed to improve the working environment of teachers, link with the education office and local communities, and provide financial support to their families. Second, it is necessary to educate teachers so that they can understand the needs of the family and have the expertise to support the family in practice. The limitations of the study and suggestions for follow-up studies are as follows. First, there are limitations in interpreting the research results by expanding and generalizing them to the perception of all early childhood special teachers. Therefore, various studies should be conducted to find out the perception of early childhood special teachers on family support working in various regions and institutions. Second, research should be conducted to find out the perceptions of various family members, such as parents, siblings, and grandparents of children subject to special education. Third, research on the specific perception of early childhood special education teachers should be conducted through qualitative research through individual in-depth interviews.

      • 불안감에 대한 방어기제로서 냉소적 유머의 표현 연구 : 본인 작품을 중심으로

        유형우 경희대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본 논문은 ‘불안감에 대한 방어기제로서 냉소적 유머의 표현 연구’를 주제로 2022년부터 현재까지 제작하고 있는 ‘병리학적 상황’ 연작, ‘경직된 인체’ 연작, ‘이동식 장승과 부적’ 연작을 중심으로 연구한 다. 제 1장은 서론으로 연구의 배경과 목적, 그리고 내용과 의의에 대해 밝힌다. 제 2장은 방어기제에 대해 중점 기술한다. 2장 1절에서는 방어기제의 정의와 의의를 서술한다. 2장 2절에서는 방어기제의 다양한 종류와 기능 을 기술하고 연구자의 작업에 적용되는‘유머 방어기제’를 집중하여 그 이면의 냉소적 면모에 대해 연구한다. 2장 3절에서는 예술 사례를 들어 게오르크 바젤리츠, 토마스 하우즈아고의 작품에서 드러나는 방어기제를 살핀다. 또한, 그들의 작품과 연구자의 작업 간 유사성과 차이점을 기술 한다. 제 3장은 연구자의 작품 주제와 형식에 대한 연구로 본 연구의 핵심을 이룬다. 3장 1절 ‘병리학적 상황’ 연작, 3장 2절 ‘경직된 인체’ 연 작, 3장 3절 ‘이동식 장승과 부적’연작에서 나타나는 냉소적 유머 방 어기제를 논한다. 작품 제작에 앞서 선행되는 연구자의 사적 서사, 작가 노트, 제작의 방법론을 기술하여 본 논문의 냉소적 유머 방어기제가 연 구자의 작품에 어떠한 방식으로 투영되는지를 논한다. 제 4장은 결론으로 연구자의 작품 전반에 등장하는 냉소적 유머 방어기 제를 조명함으로써 작품의 근원에 담긴 방어기제를 살피고 그 이면에 의 미론적, 조형적 특성을 연구하는데 주된 의의를 두었다. 주요어: 불안감, 방어기제, 냉소적 유머

      • 수직적 구조와 상징물을 통한 희화된 우상화 조각 표현연구 : 본인 작품을 중심으로

        김영재 경희대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This research paper delves into the realm of humorous idolization, exploring expressions conveyed through vertical structures and symbols in artistic creations from 2021 to 2023. The paper centers on the author's works,analyzing the background, theoretical concepts, and precedents of the creative process, while also scrutinizing the purpose of the artwork.The researcher uncovered comical characteristics within collective beliefs,manifesting in forms of idolization or personal worship within group dynamics. The concept of idolization, as discussed in this paper, refers to the deification or adoration of an individual, primarily observed in groups such as religions or nations since the formation of human communities. The paper delves into the analysis of the concept of idolization, the vertical structures inherent in such idolatrous forms, and the symbolism present in figures emerging from authoritarian states and faith.The paper is divided into four main sections: "1. Introduction,","2. Concept and Elements of Idolization,","3. Humorous Idolization Representation Through Vertical Structures and Symbols," and "4. Conclusion."Chapter 1 serves as an introduction, presenting the background, objectives,content, methodology, and significance of the research. In Chapter 2, Section 1, the concept of idolization is discussed, while Section 2 explores vertical elements in idolization, and Section 3 describes thematic elements. The comical elements derived from idolization processes and the events leading to the creation of symbolic representations with humorous attributes in artifacts associated with the maintenance of power in authoritarian states are highlighted in the examples presented in Section 3 of Chapter 2.Chapter 3 illustrates the researcher's work expressed through vertical structures and symbols, drawing inspiration from the precedents set by artists Robert Gober and L.N. Tallur. Section 1 of Chapter 3 utilizes the verticality inherent in wooden logs to symbolize parts of the researcher's body, representing events experienced and narrating humorous narratives associated with authority and idolatrous characteristics prevalent in authoritarian regimes. Section 2 focuses on the phenomenon of seeking blind faith through the use of symbols and power structures in the idolization process. The researcher deconstructs the vertical structure present in previous works, reconfiguring symbols and properties into a horizontal structure, thus connecting and expanding into new artistic expressions.The conclusion outlines the flow of the researcher's entire artistic process,summarizing how the comical symbols representing idolatrous elements and symbols within vertical structures were expressed in the artworks.Furthermore, it explores new possibilities for art by contemplating the direction of belief within artistic expression through humorous representations of idolization symbols, rearrangement, and deconstruction of properties in future research. 본 논문은 2021년부터 2023년까지 창작한 수직적 구조와 상징물로 빗대어 나타낸 희화적 조각 표현에 관한 작품 연구논문이다. 본인의 작품을 중심으로 창작의 배경과 이론적 개념, 선행 사례들을 분석하고 본인 작품의 제작 과정과 목적을 분석하고 연구하는 데 의의가 있다. 연구자는 집단에서 발생하는 집단적 맹신이 우상화 또는 개인숭배 형태로 나타나는 모습들에서 희화적 특징을 발견하게 되었다. 글에서 말하는 우상화란 개인을 신격화 또는 숭배의 대상으로 여기는 개념이다. 이는 종교나 국가와 같은 집단에서 주로 나타나며, 인간이 무리를 형성한 시기부터 이루어져 왔다. 이에 연구자는 우상화의 개념과 그런 우상화적 조형물이 갖는 수직적 구조의 특징을 분석하고, 독재 국가와 신앙에서 나타나는 형상들이 갖는 상징성을 살펴본다. 전체 논문은 크게 ‘1. 서론’,‘2. 우상화의 개념과 표현 요소’,‘3. 수직적 구조와 상징물을 통해 희화된 우상화 조각 표현’,‘4. 결론’의 네 부분으로 구성되어 있다. 제1장은 서론으로 연구의 배경과 목적, 내용과 방법, 의의를 서술하였다. 제2장 1절에서는 우상화의 개념을, 제2장 2절에서는 우상화에 나타나는 수직적 요소들의 사례를, 제2장 3절에서는 내용적 요소의 사례를 기술하고 있다. 2장 3절의 내용적 요소 사례들에서 독재 국가에서 나타나는 정권 유지를 위한 정책들에서 발생하는 우상화 작업과 어떠한 사건으로 희화적 상징성을 갖게 된 상징물들에서 보이는 희화적 요소들을 조명한다. 이를 토대로 연구자는 국가와 신앙에서 나타나는 우상화적 기념비의 특징과 상징성에서 발견한 희화적 요소들을 기술하였다. 제3장에서는 수직적 구조와 상징물로 표현되는 연구자의 작업을 로버트 고버 (Robert Gober)와 L.N 탈루(Tallur L.N)의 선행 작업 사례를 기반으로 설명한다. 3장 1절에서는 나무 각목이 가지는 수직적 조형성을 이용해 연구자의 신체 일부를 상징하는 조각들과 배치한다. 여기서 나타난 신체 조각들은 연구자가 겪은 사건들을 나타내며, 독재국가에서 나타나는 희화적 서사들을 부여하여 수직적 구조에 나타난 권위와 우상적 특징들을 설명하고 있다. 3장 2절에서는 우상화적 기념비의 수직적 구조뿐만 아니라 우상화의 과정에서 사용되는 상징물이나 권력 구조 등을 이용하여 맹목적 믿음을 구하려는 현상에도집중하였다. 그리고 수직적 구조에서 수평적 구조로 전복되고 상징물들과 물성들을 재 배치함으로써 연구자가 기존 작업에서 나타난 수직적 구조를 해체하고 새로운 조각으로 연결과 확장성을 기술하였다. 결론으로 연구자의 작품 전 과정의 흐름을 기술하고 있다. 연구자의 작품 연작을 통해 수직적 구조에 나타난 우상화적 요소와 상징물을 통한 희화적 상징들이 어떻게 작품으로 표출했는지를 정리하였다. 그리고 앞으로의 연구에서 우상화적 상징의 희화적 표현과 또 다른 물성과의 재배치, 해체를 통해 미술 안에서 믿음이 어디로 향하게 될지, 새로운 가능성을 모색하였다.

      • 공립유치원 완전통합학급 교사들의 학급운영 실태 및 지원 요구

        전은영 공주대학교 교육대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The objective of the study is to examine an operation condition of a fully inclusive class in a public kindergarten and teachers' request of support to the operation through questionnaires and interviews. According to the research, the following problems were revealed. Firstly, how is the operation condition of a fully inclusive class in the public kindergartens of Gyeongnam province. Secondly, what are teachers' requests on education in operating those classes? Are there any differences in the request of an educational support depending on the variables like teachers' work experiences, the operation careers of an inclusive class and a fully inclusive class, and a training experience related to those classes? To investigate these problems, questionnaires were distributed to 700 teachers working in Gyeongnam province and 360 were taken back. Among them, except for 6 responded not seriously, 352 were used as data analyzes. Furthermore, interviews were conducted to 6 teachers among the pollee who had a career of operation in a fully inclusive class to find out the teacher's hardship. The findings indicate that firstly, more half of the respondents had an operation experience of an inclusive class and three-fourths of those half had an experience of a fully inclusive class. Moreover, when operating a fully inclusive class, they had difficulty due to a lack of support and knowledge on the education for the handicapped. And it showed that the individualized education aid for a special education preschooler was very insufficient. Secondly, the respondents also had difficulty in the problematic behavior of those handicapped obstructing classes and their intervention, a lack of knowledge on a disability area, and making out an individualized education plan. To make a fully inclusive class successful, an instruction method on their problematic behavior, understanding of their disability area, teachers' role in operating an inclusive class, teaching methods for them, and support to an actual and field applicable training of teachers and the development of materials with specific guidelines in operating a fully inclusive class were urgently needed. Thirdly, they deeply recognized the necessity of their internship for the operation of a fully inclusive class without any differences depending on the previously mentioned variables. Also, there was little distinction between teachers' variables in requiring educational support for the operation of a fully inclusive class such as a necessary support for the disability understanding education, the chances of those education, an individualized education plan, and the help of an expert for the operation of the one. Lastly, they required to give a hand in practicing a circuit education, distributing a preschool special teacher or assistant staff relevant to special education if the allocation of a specialized one to each early childhood education institute is difficult for now. With expressing their hardship, they asked an incentive according to their effort, reduction of the number of students per class, and support for the administrative service relevant to an inclusive education. If the responsibility of the operation is solely given to a teacher without any backup to that of a fully inclusive class, his/her difficulty will be doubled and the expectation of those classes will be lowered down. To raise its effect up to the maximum, the effort of an administrative and financial support linked a state and a local community is desperately required.

      • 통합교육 연수에 대한 공립유치원 교사의 인식 및 지원요구

        류영지 공주대학교 교육대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The goal of this study is to suggest an effective method for inclusive educational training through grasping current status of inclusive educational training for public kindergarten teachers and their needs for support according to their perception about the training, and following research questions were prepared for the purpose. First, what is the current status of inclusive educational training for public kindergarten teachers like? Second, how is the perception and support request of public kindergarten teachers about inclusive educational training? Third, what kinds of differences in perception and support requests on inclusive educational training are found according to background variables (inclusive education experience, inclusive educational training experience, and execution of inclusive education)? Public kindergarten teachers in Gangwon, Gyeonggi, Daejeon, Chungnam, Chungbuk, Sejong, and Jeju were selected by convenience sampling and received questionnaires, out of which 188 answered questionnaires were used as data of this study, and 7 teachers among them who had experienced inclusive educational training were selected for interview. The results from this research are as follows. First, more than half of the participating teachers experienced inclusive educational training, and 70% or more of them answered that they were in charge of inclusive classes for the reason of participation, while lack of time was mostly answered for reason of nonparticipation. Second, although most of the teachers recognized the necessity of inclusive educational training, they showed difference in perception that teachers of general classes can voluntarily participate but those of inclusive classes are obliged to participate. Third, the prominent one of the worst factors to undermine participation to inclusive educational training is excessive kindergarten tasks, which must be resolved as soon as possible for better participation. Fourth, as a number of teachers are complaining the limited types of inclusive educational training programs, it is required to develop training programs based on opinions of teachers. Fifth, introduction of appropriate training methods and techniques for training contents is necessary because teachers are asking for remote training, case oriented teaching methods, and 30 hours of training for the methodology of inclusive educational training. Sixth, since the result of interviews revealed that schools and kindergartens are not providing their own inclusive education and relevant teacher education or training very well, it is necessary to prepare support plans for teachers conferences or autonomous training for inclusive education. Lastly, the contents of training that teachers need were teaching-learning method or teaching methods for problematic behaviors which help resolve the area and characteristics of disability and difficulties on the real field. Thus, the content of training must be planned, selected, and operated based on the voices of the educational field, and training material and up-to-date information related to inclusive education should be continuously provided as well to expand opportunities to participate in training and, also, strategies to revitalize inclusive educational training should be sought for. Based on the result of this study, we provide some suggestions for follow-up studies in the future. First, studies with expanded subject area should be carried out. Second, qualitative studies based on in-depth interviews with more teachers should be executed. Third, analysis studies on various aspects should be made in consideration of types of early childhood education institutes or differences in tasks between groups. Fourth, studies on effect of inclusive educational training programs for teachers of early childhood education facilities should be accompanied.

      • 공립유치원 특수학급 교사의 직무스트레스 및 대처방식에 관한 연구

        권혜연 공주대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This study examined the occupational stress and coping method of teachers of special classes in public kindergartens. This study was conducted through interviews with 10 participants who had worked in special classes in public kindergartens, and they were identified using initials to protect their personal information. Preliminary interviews were conducted to improve the validity of the questionnaire, and the accuracy of the interviews was increased by mailing participants their answers to ensure consistency. All the answers were analyzed based on key words, sub-key words, and categorization. The results of the study were classified into 6 –upper classes, 18 –lower classes, and 40 items. The 6 upper classes are described below. The first category of “continuous efforts and concerns for children with disabilities” includes problematic behaviors of children with disabilities, burden of education, and internal and external stress experienced by teachers themselves. The second category of "need for understanding of managers and fellow teachers" includes the ambiguity of managers, differences in attitudes toward special education, lack of belonging, and physical and mental stress. The third category of “parental sesponses” includes unreasonable demands, attitudes of distrust, attitudes of indifference, and confidence building. The fourth category of “undiminishing amount of work” includes the difficulty of special tasks and heavy workloads. The fifth category of "coping behavior for problem solving" includes helpless attitudes, self-help, external help, time for recharging. The sixth category of "policy demands for problem solving" includes policy efforts. As demonstrated by the present analysis, further research should be conducted in consideration of the following. First, because this study was confined to a specific area, more general results should be obtained by covering a larger number of areas. Second, this study does not explain the differences in difficulties by the type of workplace. Third, it would be useful to investigate job stress in relation to the teaching efficacy of infant special education teachers. Lastly, it would be meaningful to study job stress and coping strategies from the perspective of male infant special education teachers based on interviews. 이 연구는 공립 유치원 특수학급 교사들의 직무스트레스와 대처방안을 조사하였다. 본 연구는 공립유치원에서 특수학급에 근무한 경험을 가진 10 명의 참가자들과 면담을 통해 이루어졌고, 개인 정보는 영문 기호로 표기하였다. 본 연구는 예비 면담을 통해서 질문지의 타당도를 높이고, 연구 참여자에게 질문에 대한 답변을 보내줌으로써 인터뷰의 정확성을 높였다. 모든 대답은 코드화 작업을 통해 주제어, 부주제어, 범주화 작업으로 분석하였다.연구의 결과는 6 개의 상위, 18개의 하위 클래스와 40개의 사항으로 분류되었고, 상위 항목에 대한 내용은 다음과 같다. '장애아동을 위한 끊임없는 노력과 고민'이라는 첫 번째 범주는 장애 아동의 문제행동, 교육에 대한 부담감, 교사 자신의 내·외적 스트레스를 포함한다. '관리자와 동료교사의 이해 필요'라는 두 번째 범주는 관리자의 양면성, 특수교육에 대한 입장차이, 부족한 소속감, 신체 및 정신적 스트레스를 포함한다.'학부모님의 다양한 반응'은 세 번째 범주로 무리한 요구, 불신의 태도, 무관심한 태도와 신뢰감 형성을 포함한다. '줄어들지 않는 업무의 양'은 네 번째 범주로 할 일이 많은 특수 업무와 과중한 업무로 인한 어려움을 포함한다. '문제해결을 위한 대처행동'이라는 다섯 번째 범주는 무기력한 태도, 스스로 해결, 외부의 도움, 재충전의 시간을 포함한다.'정책적인 대처 요구'라는 여섯 번째 범주는 정책적인 노력을 포함한다. 이 연구의 분석 결과로, 제언을 통해 추가 연구가 진행되어야한다. 첫째, 특정 지역에만 한정되기 때문에 더 많은 지역의 일반적인 결과를 얻어야한다. 둘째, 이 연구는 근무지 형태마다 다른 어려움을 설명하지 않는다. 셋째, 유아특수교사의 교사 효능감과 관련한 직무스트레스에 대해 연구하면 좋을 것 같다. 마지막으로 남자 유아특수교사의 관점에서 직무스트레스 및 대처방안에 대한 면담을 통해 연구하는 것이 좋을 것 같다.

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