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        IPA를 활용한 미용서비스품질 평가

        장영혜 ( Jang Young-hye ),정선주 ( Jeoung Sun-ju ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2014 한국디자인포럼 Vol.44 No.-

        본 연구는 의 전통적 와 Kano(狩野 紀昭) et al(1984) Vavra(1997)가 제안한 수정-IPA를 활용하여 고객의 입장에서 미용서비스품질 속성과 요인에 대한 포트폴리오 전략을 모색할 수 있는 기초적 연구를 수행하였다. 주요 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 미용서비스품질 속성에 대한 분석 결과 미용사의 친절/공손한 태도, 높은 수준의 기술 겸비 등은 모두 제Ⅰ사분면에 위치하여 전통적 IPA 매트릭스 관점에서는 `지속적 유지`를, 수정-IPA 매트릭스 관점에서는 충족여부에 따라 미용서비스품질 만족에 영향을 미치는 주요한 속성들로 해석할 수 있었다. 서비스 요금의 경우, 전통적 IPA 매트릭스에서는 제 Ⅱ사분면에 위치하여 우선적 시정노력이 요구되는 반면, 수정-IPA 매트릭스에서는 제Ⅰ사분면에 위치하여 미용서비스에 대한 만족 정도에 영향을 미치는 중요한 속성으로 확인되었다. 미용실 인테리어의 경우, 전통적 IPA 매트릭스에서는 제Ⅳ사분면에 위치하여 현상 유지적 관점에서 분석되었고, 수정 IPA 매트릭스에서는 제 Ⅳ사분면에 위치하여 불 충족 시에는 불만을 초래할 수 있는 기본요소로 확인되었다. 마지막으로 내부시설 이용편리, 서비스 혜택 등은 전통적 IPA 매트릭스에서는 제 Ⅲ사분면에 위치하여 `지속적 개선`을, 수정 IPA 매트릭스에서는 제 Ⅲ사분면에 위치하여 정비례적인 요소로 충족되면 미용서비스품질 전반적 만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 속성들로 확인되었다. 둘째, 미용서비스품질 요인에 대한 수정 IPA 매트릭스 분석 결과로 과정품질, 환경품질 모두 제 Ⅰ, Ⅲ사분면에 위치하는 실행요소 즉, 고객 요구의 충족 여부에 따라 미용서비스품질의 전반적 만족도에 긍정적 혹은 부정적 영향을 미칠 수 있는 주요 요인으로 확인되었다. 이 중 과정품질이 더 중요한 실행요소인 것으로 확인되었다. 그러나 결과품질은 제 Ⅱ사분면에 위치함으로서 미용서비스 고객이 기대하지 않았더라도, 고객들에게 충족 시 미용서비스품질 만족도에 크게 기여하는 매력요소로 확인되었다. 본 연구에서는 IPA를 활용하여 미용서비스업체의 한정적인 마케팅 자원 배분에 있어서 우선적으로 집중하여야 할 포트폴리오 전략을 수립하는데 도움이 될 수 있는 기초정보를 제공하고자 하였다. This study conducted basic research to explore a portfolio strategy of attributes and factors of beauty service quality from a customer`s angle using traditional IPA introduced by Martilla & James(1977) and modified IPA suggested by Vavra(1997) based on Kano(狩野 紀昭) The major results of analysis are as follows. First, for the analysis of beauty service quality attributes, beauty artists` kind/polite attitude and high-quality technique was located in Quadrant I, which could be interpreted as `keep up the good work` in the aspect of traditional IPA matrix and major attributes which influence satisfaction at beauty service quality when customers` demand is satisfied in the aspect of modified IPA matrix. A service charge was located in Quadrant II in the traditional IPA matrix, requiring to `concentrate here` but located in Quadrant I in the modified IPA matrix, indicating an important attribute which influences satisfaction at beauty service quality. The interior design of a beauty parlor was located in Quadrant IV in the traditional IPA matrix, representing `possible overkill` and located in Quadrant IV in the modified IPA matrix, indicating a basic element which can cause dissatisfaction when customers` demand is unsatisfied. Finally, convenient use of internal facilities and service benefits was located in Quadrant III in the traditional IPA matrix, representing `low priority` and located in Quadrant III in the modified IPA matrix, indicating a proportional element which positively influences general satisfaction at beauty service quality when customers` demand is satisfied. Second, in the analysis of modified IPA matrix on beauty service quality factors, process quality and environment quality was a performance element which was located in Quadrant I and III. In other words, it was a major factor which positively or negatively influences general satisfaction at beauty service quality when customers` demand is satisfied or unsatisfied. Process quality was found as a more important performance element. However, result quality was located in Quadrant II, indicating an attractive element which greatly contributes to satisfaction at beauty service quality when customers` demand is satisfied, although customers do not expect. Using IPA, this study was intended to provide basic information which can be helpful to establish a portfolio strategy that should have high priority in the distribution of limited marketing resources of the beauty service industry.

      • IT서비스의 품질평가 모델 : 이동통신 서비스의 품질 구성요소를 중심으로 concentrated on the Quality Components in Mobile Communication Service

        심종섭 한국산학경영학회 2004 산학경영연구 Vol.17 No.2

        이 논문은 IT서비스의 품질평가 모델을 개발하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 접근방법은 이동통신 서비스(휴대폰)의 품질평가 요소들을 중심으로 조사연구를 하였다. 오늘날 이동통신 서비스 산업은 날로 발전하고 있고 소비자 역시 새로운 제품품질에 대한 욕구가 다양화되고 있어 다기능, 다매체서비스, 고속데이터 전달서비스 등 다양한 부가서비스의 새로운 경쟁시대에 직면하고 있다. 이 연구에서 얻어진 결과는 이동통신 서비스의 전반적인 품질 결정요인으로 ① 통화품질, ② 휴대폰단말기, ③ 지원서비스, ④ 부가서비스, ⑤ 지원시설 및 설비, ⑥ 비용이 유의한 영향을 미치고 있고, 이동통신 서비스의 본원적 기능인 통화품질에 추가하여 휴대폰 단말기와 부가서비스들이 중요한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 휴대폰 단말기와 부가서비스 요소는 이동통신 서비스의 전반적 품질결정에 직접적으로 영향을 미칠 뿐만 아니라, 고객만족에도 직접적으로 영향을 미치는 요소로 확인되었다. 이는 소비자들이 직접 휴대하고 이용하는 단말기와 부가서비스가 매우 중요하다는 사실을 다시 한 번 확인해주는 것으로 보인다. This dissertation investigated the evaluation model of IT Service quality: concentrated on the quality components in mobile communication service. Today, mobile communication service is changing dramatically. The first and second generation's mobile communication services were designed for voice and SMS(Short Message Service). However, while the mobile communication industry grows, the mobile technology made more services available for customers. Customers' changing needs brought a new opportunities to the market. Now, mobile communication service is facing a new era as multi-functioning, multimedia service, and high speed data transfer service are being introduced. There has been a lot of theoretical literature on service quality components of mobile communication, but most of the literature was focused on the voice service and SMS(lst and 2nd generation). As mobile communication service evolves, the components may have to be altered or rebuilt. To identify which service quality components ought to be utilized, prior studies on service quality components, service quality, and customer satisfaction were reviewed. Also, a survey was conducted on the various aspects of mobile communication service. This study suggests 6 components of service quality: those are supporting facilities, cellular phone(facilitating goods), quality of the voice service(explicit service), supplementary services, supporting services, and cost. Empirical results supported that all of these components are proven as the service quality components, but, with regards to customer satisfaction, only cellular phone(facilitating goods) and supplementary services are effective. As previously stated, the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is also proven. This study is a point of departure for the success of upcoming generation's mobile communication service. It identifies what is valuable from the customer's point of view. Furthermore, it suggests some ideas to prepare for future market opportunities.

      • KCI등재

        서비스 품질 및 제품 품질 기반 중국의 외식업이 성장하는 요인분석

        리구위(GUYU LI),이지선(Jiseon Lee),서주환(Joohwan Seo) 한국상품학회 2022 商品學硏究 Vol.40 No.5

        중국은 최근에 급격한 경제발전을 이루었으며, 중국의 외식산업 또한 동반성장하여 시장의 크기가 증가했다. 더불어 이전에 비해 중국 외식산업의 제품과 서비스에 대해 중국 소비자들은 훨씬 더 까다로워지고 있으며, 소비자들이 필요로 하고 원하는 것들이 다양해지고 있다. 중국식 훠궈를 주력으로 하는 하이디라오(海底捞)는 소비자들이 필요로 하고 원하는 것들을 잘 충족시킨 중국 외식업계의 대표적인 회사이며, 빠른 시간안에 비약적으로 성장하였다. 본 연구에서는 하이디라오의 성장요인에 대해서 소비자의 관점에서 접근하고자 한다. 표본 수집은 중국의 유명한 온라인 설문조사 사이트를 통해서 이루어졌으며, 하이디라오 방문 경험이 있는 중국 소비자들만을 대상으로 총 570개의 유효표본을 가지고 구조방정식모형을 통해서 분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 하이디라오의 성장요인을 크게 서비스 품질과 제품 품질로 나누었으며, 이러한 두가지 요인들이 브랜드 이미지를 매개하여 소비자의 만족에 긍정적인 영향을 준 것으로 나타났다. 게다가 조절변수로써 온라인 구전효과 또한 소비자의 고객만족에 유의한 영향을 준 것으로 나타났다. 추가적으로 서비스 품질과 제품 품질이 각각 브랜드 이미지에 영향을 미칠 때, 온라인 구전이 조절효과가 있는지를 검증하였다. 이러한 하이디라오 서비스 산업 분석을 바탕으로 제품 품질 및 서비스 품질이 브랜드 이미지에 긍정적인 영향을 미치며, 이는 소비자의 만족도에 유의미한 의미를 가진다. 이러한 연구는 외식 서비스 산업에 발전방향에 도움을 줄 것으로 기대하며, 외식산업은 제품 및 서비스의 중요성을 인지하고 제품 및 서비스 품질 향상방안에 대한 전략 창출에 힘써야 할 것이다. China has achieved rapid economic development in recent years and, at the same time, the Chinese food service industry has also grown to increase the size of the market. Chinese consumers are generally more satisfied with products and services in the Chinese food service industry than before. Representatively, Haidilao, which satisfies the needs and wants of these consumers, has become a representative of the Chinese food service industry with a focus on Chinese hot pot. In this study, service quality and product quality influenced customer satisfaction through the brand image as reasons for the success of Haidilao, and the online word-of-mouth effect (e -WOM) had a positive effect as a moderating effect. For this study, a sample of Chinese consumers who have visited Haidilao was collected through an online survey (judgement sampling). A total of 570 effective samples were analyzed through structural equation modeling, and three variables—product quality, service quality, and brand image—significantly affect customer satisfaction. Looking closely, service quality and product quality have a significant influence on brand image. In addition, brand image was found to have a significant influence on customer satisfaction. Additionally, while service quality and product quality each affect brand image, the study examined whether e-WOM has a moderating effect. Based on this analysis of the Haidilao service industry, product quality and service quality have a positive influence on brand image, which has a significant impact on consumer satisfaction. This research is expected to help the food service industry as a whole in the direction of development, and the food service industry should recognize the importance of the two variables, products and services.

      • KCI등재

        B-SERVQUAL : B2B시장에서의 서비스품질 척도 개발

        한상린(Sang Lin Han),이성호(Seong Ho Lee) 한국마케팅학회 2012 마케팅연구 Vol.27 No.4

        서비스에 대한 관심과 중요성은 소비재시장 뿐만 아니라 최근 B2B 시장에서도 크게 나타나고 있다. B2B 서비스는 제조업이나 서비스업에 제공되는 중간재적 성격의 서비스로서 전체 서비스 산업에서 매우 빠르게 성장하는 부분인 동시에 높은 비중을 차지하고 있기 때문에 특히 B2B 시장에서 서비스의 중요성은 매우 크다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 B2B 서비스 품질을 측정하기 위한 종합적인 척도 개발의 필요성이 대두되고 있으며, 특히 전통적으로 소비재 시장 상황에서 주로 개발되고 적용되어온 척도가 B2B 시장 상황에 적용될 수 있는가에 대한 문제가 제기되어왔다. 이에 본 연구의 목적은 B2B 시장 상황에서 서비스 품질의 특화된 차원들을 발견하고 이를 바탕으로 B2B 시장에 특화된 서비스품질 측정척도를 개발하는 것이다. 먼저 본 연구에서는 B2B 시장에서 특화된 서비스품질 요소들을 추출하기 위하여 B2B 서비스 품질 관련 문헌들을 조사하고 정성조사를 수행하였다. 이를 통해 얻은 서비스 품질 평가항목들과 기존의 B2B 서비스 품질에 관련된 연구들에서 고려하고 있는 측정항목들을 비교분석하여 서비스품질요인들을 추출하였다. 비교분석결과, 선행연구들을 통해 정리한 여러 다양한 측정항목들과 차원들이 실제 서비스 구매 담당자들과의 심층면접을 통해서 확인되었고 또한 서비스 품질의 추가적인 요인들이 발견되었다. 앞서 선행연구들과 정성조사를 통해서 추출된 B2B 서비스품질 요인과 측정항목들은 각 요인들의 개념적 정의를 반영한 측정항목들인지에 대한 검증을 위하여 전문가 패널조사를 시행하였으며 이를 통해서 재정제의 과정을 거쳤다. 여기서 정제된 측정항목을 이용하여 예비조사와 본 조사를 통해 최종 측정항목이 만들어졌다. 이렇게 개발된 B2B 서비스 품질 척도를 B-SERVQUAL 이라 명명하고 신뢰성과 타당성 검증을 거쳐 최종적인 B2B 서비스 품질 척도를 개발하였다. 최종 B2B 서비스품질 척도(B-SERVQUAL)는 경제적 품질, 기술적 품질, 과정 품질, 공감 품질, 편의성 품질 등 5개 차원으로 구성된 총 19개의 측정항목으로 제시하게 되었다. 또한 본 연구에서는 추가분석을 통하여 서비스유형별 (산업서비스, 전문서비스)로 B2B 거래에 있어서 관계만족과 신뢰에 미치는 영향력에서 유형별 차이를 보이고 있음을 알 수 있었으며, B-SERVQUAL 이라는 척도 개발이 주는 마케팅 전략적 의미에 대해 토의하였다. Recently the necessity and importance of service has been increasing more and more according to change the focus of business from the manufacturing industry to the service industry. Much interest in service rises in B2B market and importance of evaluating service quality is recognized. However, the study of service quality specialized for B2B market is insufficient. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to deepen our understanding of concept of buyer perceived service quality when establishing relationships in the B2B market. Therefore, it need to investigate how business customers who purchase B2B services evaluate the service quality through the qualitative and quantitative research as the first step of developing the scale to measure B2B service quality. We began this research with two main objectives: (1) develop the service quality scale to facilitate assessments of service quality in B2B and (2) investigate relation between the service quality scale and business relationship quality concepts such as relationship satisfaction and trust. This study carried out the comparative analysis against the measured items of previous researches and the contents acquired from the qualitative research. Various different measuring items and aspects related with service quality evaluation can be drawn out through the in-depth interview with actual purchasing staffs. Regarding the measured items acquired from such comparative analysis, the definition of concept and items of questionnaire that reflect the concept well should be extracted with validity of contents verified by expert panel. After performing the pre-test with the filtered measuring items, the scale of service quality specialized for B2B service was developed after passing through survey with final measuring items. In our study, it could be recognized that the evaluation of aspect regarding process quality and convenience quality especially is important as well as technical quality that is emphasized in B2B market. And, the economic quality aspect that the previous researches neglected could be grasped. Collectively, the results of our analyses provide insights into the relationship between customers` perceptions of individual service quality dimensions and their relationship quality concepts such as relationship satisfaction and trust. Convenience quality plays a key role in driving customers to satisfy the relationship with the service supplier, and process quality has relatively much effect on trust with the service supplier. In addition, service quality relatively influences relationship satisfaction much more in professional service trade, and service quality is more important factor to bring trust in industrial service trade. Our study suggests useful tool to evaluate and improve B2B relationship by developing B2B service quality measurement scale. B-SERVQUAL scale has new dimensions in service trade situation and can be used in both business service type, industrial service and professional service. To B2B service buyer, our scale help to select good service provider and the scale is new criteria to improve old service trade relation. In addition, service provider can know the needs of service buyers and manage service quality by using the scale.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Evaluation of Multi-dimensional ASP Service Quality and Its Effects on User Satisfaction and Perceived Firm Performance

        김성홍(Sung-Hong Kim),김진한(Jin-Han Kim),김길선(Kilsun Kim) 한국경영과학회 2008 韓國經營科學會誌 Vol.33 No.2

        Quality has long been considered as an important factor in creating competitive advantage, and researches on quality have not been limited to off-line products but actively extended to e-services and information goods. However, given the nature of multi-dimensional aspect of quality, the systematic study on the quality of online service is still in its early stage. Especially, studies on the quality of ASP services have been rare in academic and professional journals despite the growth of ASP industry in its size and the rapid expansion in the range of application. In this paper, we clarified the multi-dimensional quality aspects of the ASP service using a Garvin’s framework (1984) which encompasses the service aspects of products, and developed a measurement model for ASP service quality. Then we empirically tested the effects of ASP service quality on user satisfaction and perceived firm performance using the data from 240 Korean small firms with less than 50 employees that had experienced the ASP service. Our results show that there are positive relationships among ASP service quality and personal performance, user satisfaction and perceived firm performance, and that product and service-related aspects of ASP service exert differential effects on performance measures so that the product-related aspects of the ASP service such as performance, features, reliability and conformance are considered to be more important in evaluating benefits from ASP services. Contrary to the approaches in literature where only the quality of online services is evaluated, our results emphasize the importance of differentiating product and service-related aspects of ASP service and provide a basis for more comprehensive evaluation of ASP service quality.

      • KCI등재

        신B2B서비스유통포맷으로서의 비즈니스센터의 서비스품질 평가척도 개발

        김승섭,유동근,이필수 한국유통과학회 2014 유통과학연구 Vol.12 No.11

        Purpose – This study aims to verify the construct of the service quality suitable to the characteristics of the business center, to develop the scale that can measure the service quality objectively, compare the diverse business centers in Korea, and present desirable methods of business center management and operation. Research design, data, and methodology – In the first stage, literature research and focus group interviews with current users and actual business experts of business centers were conducted. In addition, 69 early stage scale items were derived. In the second stage, a Delphi survey was conducted on the experts of business and academic circles. The measurement items in the early stage were supplemented and revised. The content validity rate (CVR) of 69 measures was computed and then the experts’ opinions were used. As a result, the business center service quality scale, made up of 9 organizing factors and 36 measurement items, was constructed. In the third stage, a survey was conducted on the occupants who were currently using the business center. It was to confirm if the developed business center service quality scale could be actually utilized. The data of 435 samples collected were used. To refine the scale items, the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted repeatedly. Results – The business center service quality scale, made up of 8 factors and 33 items, was developed again. The 8 factors are reliability, speed, kindness, specialty, responsibility, appearance, convenience, and public interest. The reliability coefficient (Cronbach's Alpha) of each factor is greater than .7. Thus, it was confirmed that there was reliability in the measurement items. Further, the model suitability was verified using the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and the convergent validity and the discriminant validity were verified. This proved the construct validity. Through this process, the Korea Business Center Service Quality Scale was developed. Based on factor analysis, the developed business center service quality (BCSQ) scale consists of 4 aspects, 8 factors, and 33 items, comprising the “process quality” aspect: reliability (3 items), speediness (4 items), kindness (3 items) factors, the outcome quality aspect: expertise (3 items), responsibility (5 items) factors, the environment quality aspect: appearance (5 items), convenience (3 items) factors, and the public interest aspect: public interest (7 items) factor. However, according to CFA, the BCSQ scale consists of a total of 4 aspects, 8 factors, and 33 items, comprising the “process quality” aspect: reliability (3 items), speediness (3 items), kindness (3 items) factors, the outcome quality aspect: expertise (2 items), responsibility (4 items) factors, the environment quality aspect: appearance (3 items), convenience (2 items) factors, and the public interest aspect: public interest (3 items) factor. Conclusions – The BCSQ scale could serve as a diagnostic tool that will allow business center managers to determine service areas that are weak and in need of attention, and to improve the service quality of the business center.

      • KCI등재

        고객간 접점 품질(Customer-to-customer Contact Quality)에 대한 탐험적 연구

        이준엽(Jun Youb Lee),라선아(Sun A La),김현식(Hyun Sik Kim) 한국마케팅학회 2009 마케팅연구 Vol.24 No.3

        서비스 접점에서 다른 고객들이 또 다른 고객의 서비스 품질지각 및 고객만족에 미치는 영향은 매우 크다. 하지만 고객들간의 태도와 행동을 직접 관리하는 것이 어렵다는 이유로 이 분야에 대한 깊이 있는 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 다른 고객의 영향을 서비스 품질의 구성요소로 가정하고, CIT(Critical Incidents Technique)를 사용하여 서비스 접점에서 서비스 품질 지각에 영향을 미치는 다른 고객과의 경험을 종합적으로 분석하고자 하였다. 본 연구를 통해 다른 고객들과의 경험에 대한 우수성 평가에서 서비스 기업간 차이를 나타내며 고객들은 이러한 차이를 지각한다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 고객들의 지각을 고객간 접점 품질(CCQ: Customer-to-Customer Contact Quality)이라고 명명하고, 서비스 이용시 다른 고객들과의 경험에 대한 지각된 우수성으로 규정하였다. CIT 분석결과, CCQ는 1차적 범주와 하위의 2차적 범주로 구성된 다층적 구조를 가진 개념이라는 점을 발견하였으며 서비스 업종에 따라 강조될 차원이 다를 수 있음을 확인하였다. Most of services are delivered in the setting where many customers are engaged together in the same place and/or at the same time. Such service-specific characteristics inevitably bring about a result that a customer`s satisfaction and overall quality perception with a certain service are influenced to some degree by other customers` presence itself and/or their attitudes and behaviors. Thus, managers and academicians have been interested in other customers` influence in service settings. However there have been only a few studies that have directly addressed the issue(Grove and Fisk 1997; Lehtinen and Lehtinen 1991). One of the central reasons for such scarcity in researches is a belief that inter-customer interactions are inclined to be out of marketer`s managerial reach (Martin and Clark 1996). But, some changes in the marketing environment recently happening awaken us not only to the necessity of management but also to the manageability of customer-to-customer contact points. Therefore, it is needless to say that there is urgent and growing needs for more researches about customer-to-customer contact that may give marketers plentiful managerial implications, for example, a development of effective management strategies with more proper marketing mix for the customer- to-customer interactive processes. This study aims to develop a managerial guideline through a thorough comprehension of other customer`s impact on the focal customer`s service experiences based on the framework of perceived service quality. First, we review existing literature regarding service encounter, inter-customer interaction, and service quality in the perspective of customer-to-customer contact quality. Second, we conducted CIT(Critical Incidents Technique) in order to find out the perception structure of customer-to-customer contact quality. Lastly, we consider the theoretical and managerial implications of the study and its limitations. On the premise that customer-to-customer contact points could be a manageable part like perceived service quality, we named it as CCQ(Customer-to-customer Contact Quality). We analyzed 687 critical incidents following the prototypical CIT procedure introduced in the previous literature. We found the multi-layered structure of CCQ with five primary categories and twelve subdimensions. Five dimensions at the first layer are as follows: UQ(Utility-Creative Quality), IQ(Informational Quality), AQ(Affiliational Quality), EQ(Ethical Quality) and SQ(Surroundings Quality). Each dimension has its own several subdimensions. UQ has two subdimensions, which are Intentional Utility-Creation and Unintentional Utility-Creation. We found three subdimensions for IQ such as Acquiring information before a visit, Acquiring information during a visit, and Acquiring information after a visit. We found three subdimensions for AQ, which are Chats, Good deeds, and Conforming behavior. EQ has two subdimensions such as Observance of service rules and Observance of social norms. Finally we found two subdimensions for SQ, which are Ideal person(s) and Complementary person(s). Results support the assumption that customer-to-customer contact points are manageable similarly to perceived service quality focusing customer-to-company contact points. Now service providers have guidelines for measuring and enhancing the perceived superiority of CCQ. The relative impact or importance of individual dimensions of CCQ may differ across the service types. Our research has implications for service quality study. First, past studies(e.g., Brady and Cronin 2001; Lehtinen and Lehtinen 1991) did not include other customers` influence as a variable of service quality measure because they had thought that the management of customer-to-customer contact points was almost beyond their control. But we provided the evidence that other customers` influence is a very important variable affecting customers` entire perception of the service quality and overall satisfaction.

      • KCI등재후보

        서비스접점 종업원의 친사회적 행동에 대한 고객지각이 서비스품질 인식과 고객만족에 미치는 영향 -고객 개인성향의 조절효과-

        공재식,정연승 한국유통물류정책학회 2019 유통물류연구 Vol.6 No.3

        The role of contact employees are extremely important, as the behavior and attitude of them directly affect the quality of service and customer satisfaction. Research on the behavior and attitudes of contact employees has been very active which is prosocial behavior. Prosocial behavior is defined as a role and purpose for promoting the benefit of an individual, organization and other members of it. Most of the studies are studied at the point of contact employees, on the other hand, researches analyzed from the customer’s perspectives are quite insufficient. The most service companies that provide service convey through the interaction of contact employees and customers, who will predict services and judge satisfaction and dissatisfaction through comparison with perceived services. Regardless the contact employees provide an adequate sufficient service, if the customer perceives the quality of the service as unfavorable can adversely affect the satisfaction, it is very important to manage the service from the customer’s perspective. Thus, the study cross referenced the prosocial behavior of the contact employee from the customer’s perspective and analyzed how the customer’s perception of prosocial behavior affects the quality of service and their satisfaction. And how each role-prescribed customer service and extra-role customer service with prosocial behavior of the contact employee affect assess service quality with each individualism and collectivism. Research results The higher the customer’s awareness of the employee’s prosocial behavior, the more they can positively affect the quality of the service they value, and consequently, the customer satisfaction as well. It was found that there was a difference between the customer services as role-prescribed customer service and extra-role customer service, depending on the customer’s propensity, to assess the quality of service. Customers with individualism, role-prescribed customer service has a greater impact on service quality than contact employees’ extra-role customer service. Customers with a collectivist tendency have found that extra-role customer service has a greater impact on service quality than role-prescribed customer service. The results of these studies provide the following suggestions. First, we analyzed the social behavior of contact employees from the customer’s perspective and empirically analyzed the impact on service quality and customer satisfaction, and further, it was found that there was a difference in the perception of pro-social behavior and the assessment of service quality according to the customer’s tendency. Second, service companies can be provided with adequate contact employee management guidelines that can manage service quality and customer with satisfaction. In future research, it will be more interesting if we conduct additional research on how customer behavior is affected not only by customer satisfaction but also by other activities such as word-of-mouth activities or customer participation.

      • KCI등재

        서비스전략과 SERVQUAL 품질차원

        박상준(Park, Sang-June),이영란(Lee, Yeong-Ran),이은희(Lee, Eun-Hee) 한국마케팅학회 2015 마케팅연구 Vol.30 No.4

        SERVQUAL의 22개 측정항목과 5차원은 서비스 품질을 측정하는 모형으로 광범위하게 사용되고 있다. 그러나 SERVQUAL을 실제로 적용해 보면, 서비스 품질차원이 서비스 유형에 따라 다르게 도출되기도 하고, 서비스 품질차원의 수가 달라지기도 하며, 원래 차원에 속해야 할 문항들이 다른 차원에 적재되어 나타나기도 한다. 본 연구에서는 서비스 품질차원이 무엇인가에 대한 근본적인 의문으로 다시 돌아가 선행연구의 재검토를 토대로, 소비자의 서비스 품질에 대한 인식은 기업이 제공하는 서비스라고 하는 자극을 통해 달라질 수 있음에 주목하였다. 이와 관련하여, 첫째, 시뮬레이션분석에서는 기업들의 각기 다른 서비스전략구조를 가정하고 모의로 생성된 서비스 품질 측정 데이터를 가지고 서비스 품질 요인구조를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 기업의 서비스전략에 따라 도출되는 서비스 품질차원이 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 실증분석에서는 실제 서비스를 제공하는 기업들에 대한 서비스 품질 평가치에 기반하여 서비스 품질차원을 도출하는 경우에도 도출되는 서비스 품질차원이 기업들이 추구하는 서비스전략에 영향 받는지 분석하였다. 그 결과, 평가대상 기업들의 서비스전략에 의해 SERVQUAL 서비스 품질차원이 영향 받음을 확인 할 수 있었다. 이는 SERVQUAL 서비스 품질차원을 서비스 제공 기업들이 추구하는 서비스전략에 무관한 소비자의 인지적인 서비스 품질 평가차원으로 해석하는 기존 연구의 해석이 수정될 필요가 있음을 의미한다. The SERVQUAL model consists of the five dimensions (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) and it is based on the premise that customers evaluate service qualities by comparing their perceptions of services with their expectations. However, previous researchers have presented empirical results implying that the dimensions of service quality may be different by service categories. On the other hand, some researchers have presented empirical cases that different dimensions of service quality may be derived from the service category. This implies that previous studies have not clearly answered for what is the dimensions of service quality. One should note that a service is the stimulus which is provided by a service provider. Service providers may use different service strategies to get dominant positions in the competition with their rivals. This leads to conjecture that dimensions of service quality may be affected by service providers’ strategies for service quality. In sum, there might be other factors (e.g., personal factors, social factors, and cultural factors) that affect consumers’ perceptions of service quality. Service providers’ strategies also have influence on consumers’ perceptions of service quality. Thus, this paper suggests that the service quality dimensions of SERVQUAL may be affected by service providers’ strategies, and to verify this conjecture it conducted a simulation study and an empirical study. In the simulation study it demonstrated that the derived dimensions of service quality may be affected by service strategies, and then in the empirical study it tested whether or not the derived dimensions of service quality are affected by the actual service strategies of firms that provide the evaluated services. The simulation study and empirical study show that the dimensions of service quality may be affected by service providers’ strategies.

      • KCI등재

        택배서브터미널의 운영품질 진단 방안에 대한 연구

        오승철(Oh, Seung-Chul) 한국물류학회 2020 물류학회지 Vol.30 No.5

        코로나 19의 유행으로 택배시장은 비대면 문화의 활성화에 따른 이커머스 시장의 급속한 성장과 함께 빠르게 성장하고 있다. 즉, 코로나 19로 인해 비대면 추세에 따라 국내 택배 물량이 크게 늘면서 CJ 대한통운, 한진택배, 롯데택배의 올해 1분기 매출과영업이익은 크게 증가하였다. 그러나 이에 따른 부작용도 발생하고 있다. 분실, 파손, 배송 지연 등 택배서비스의 불만 사항도 꾸준히 증가하고 있다. 그 동안 택배서비스에 대한 서비스품질을 측정하기 위해 Parasuraman, Zeithamal, 그리고 Berry(1998)가 제시한 SERVQUAL을연구를 수행한 이래로 국내에서도 택배서비스의 품질관리에 대한 많은 연구가 진행되었으나, 택배배송 이후의 고객만족에 대한품질서비스에 집중되어 있다, 즉, 선행연구들은 대부분 택배서비스에 대한 소비자만족도에 대한 개념을 중심으로 택배서비스의품질요인(공감성, 경제성, 신속성, 안전성, 정확성, 친절성, 편리성 등)을 제시하고, 택배서비스를 이용하는 소비자의 고객만족도및 고객충성도, 재이용(구매) 의도 등에 유의한 영향을 미치는 택배서비스 품질 요인들이 무엇인지를 밝히고자 하였다. 그러나 택배서비스의 핵심이라고 할 수 있는 택배터미널의 품질관리에 대한 연구는 미미한 상태이다. 택배산업은 산업의 특성 상 도시 내 및 도시 간 소화물 수송에 적합하며, 소형차량을 이용하여 도시 내 권역 별 집, 배송체계를유지하고 있다. 이러한 배송체계를 형성하기 위해서는 전국적으로 택배터미널, 분류장치, 전용차량, 조직망, 정보시스템 등을 갖추는 것이 필수적이다. 즉, 택배산업은 허브터미널을 중심으로 대규모 자본 투자가 필요한 자본집약형 장치산업이며, 동시에 전국적인 서브터미널 배송망을 갖추어야 하는 네트워크 산업이다. 이와 같이 택배산업은 전국 네트워크를 연결하는 택배터미널의 품질관리가 중요하며, 택배터미널의 품질관리를 위한 진단 방법론의 개발이 필요한 시점이다. 따라서 본 연구는 택배서브터미널의 운영품질을 진단하는 체계적인 방법론을 새롭게 개발하여 6개 품질진단 항목(인적자원 및교육, 기반구조 및 환경, 업무절차 준수, 프로세스 개선, 목표공유, 성과지표)과 운영품질 수준을 1∼5단계 (5단계 품질 수준) 로정의하여 A사의 5개 서브터미널을 대상으로 실증적인 운영품질 진단을 실시하였다. 그 결과 각 택배서브터미널의 업무처리 시 지침에 의한 표준 업무를 이행하고 있는지를 진단할 수 있었고, 택배서브터미널의 운영품질을 측정하여 터미널의 현 수준을 파악하여 향후 개선, 향상시켜야 하는 항목과 방향을 정량적으로 측정할 수 지표를 개발하였다는 것에 큰 의의가 있다. With the epidemic of Corona 19, the parcel delivery market is growing rapidly with the rapid growth of the e-commerce market due to the activation of a non-face-to-face culture. In other words, as the domestic parcel delivery volume increased significantly due to the non-face-to-face trend due to Corona 19, the sales and operating profit of CJ Korea Express, Hanjin Express, and Lotte Express in the first quarter of this year increased significantly. However, there are also side effects. Complaints from courier services such as loss, damage, and delivery delays are also steadily increasing. Since the SERVQUAL proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithamal, and Berry (1998) has been researched to measure the service quality of courier services, many studies have been conducted on quality control of courier services in Korea. In other words, most of the preceding studies have focused on the quality service for customer satisfaction, focusing on the concept of customer satisfaction for the parcel service, and the quality factors (empathy, economy, speed, safety, accuracy, kindness, and convenience). Gender, etc.), and attempted to clarify what factors in the quality of parcel service significantly affect the customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and intention to reuse (purchase) of consumers who use the parcel service. However, research on the quality control of the delivery terminal, which is the core of the delivery service, is insignificant. The parcel delivery industry is suitable for transporting packages within and between cities due to the characteristics of the industry, and maintains a house and delivery system for each area within the city using small vehicles. In order to form such a delivery system, it is essential to have a delivery terminal, sorting device, exclusive vehicle, organization network, and information system nationwide. In other words, the parcel delivery industry is a capital-intensive device industry that requires large-scale capital investment, centering on the hub terminal, and is a network industry that must have a nationwide sub-terminal delivery network. As described above, in the parcel delivery industry, quality control of parcel delivery terminals that connect the nationwide network is important, and it is the time to develop a diagnostic methodology for quality control of parcel delivery terminals. Therefore, this study newly developed a systematic methodology for diagnosing the operational quality of the delivery service sub-terminal, and operated with 6 quality diagnosis items (human resources and education, infrastructure and environment, compliance with work procedures, process improvement, goal sharing, and performance indicators). The quality level was defined as 1 to 5 levels (5 levels of quality), and an empirical operation quality diagnosis was conducted for 5 sub-terminals of Company A. As a result, it is possible to diagnose whether each courier sub-terminal is performing standard work according to the guidelines, and measure the operational quality of the courier sub-terminal to grasp the current level of the terminal, and items and directions to be improved and improved in the future. It is of great significance that we have developed an indicator that can quantitatively measure.

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