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        일본의 성범죄자처우프로그램

        박상열,강경래 한국교정학회 2008 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.39

        In April 2005, the Correction Bureau and the Rehabilitation Bureau of the Japanese Ministry of Justice launched the Sex Offender Treatment Program Research Group for developing more scientific and systematic sex offender treatment programs. The research group integrated the current state of sex offender treatment at prisons and probation offices and the results of sex offender treatment in foreign countries, and examined requirements for sex offender treatment programs effectively applicable in Japan. As a result, a standard program for sex offender treatment was created in March 2006 and has been being executed mainly by correction facilities and probation offices. The full scale execution of such a sex offender treatment program was largely prompted by the fact that the criminal in the case of kidnapping and murdering a young girl in Nara in November 2004 had a record of sex crime. With the case, there was a high public opinion demanding strong measures and corrective treatment against sex offenders. In Japan, various policies are made and executed to protect the society from sex crimes, and actions such as the enactment of new laws and the execution of sex offender treatment programs are introduced in order to cope with changing sex crimes more effectively. The present study reviewed the contents of the sex offender treatment program in Japan, and suggested implications and measures necessary for making sex offender treatment programs demanded also in Korea. 2005년 4월 일본법무성(The Ministry of Justice)의 교정국(Correction Bureau)과 보호국(Rehabilitation Bureau)은 과학적이고 체계적인 성범죄자처우프로그램(Sex Offender Treatment Program)을 만들기 위하여 공동으로 성범죄자처우프로그램연구회를 만들었다. 이 연구회에서는 종래의 형사시설 및 보호관찰소(Probation Offices)를 중심으로 이루어져 왔던 성범죄자처우현황과 다른 국가에서 실시되고 있는 성범죄자처우의 실시결과와 그에 대한 연구 등을 집약하여 일본에서 유효하게 작용될 수 있는 성범죄자처우프로그램에 대한 검토가 이루어졌다. 그 결과 2006년 3월 성범죄자처우를 위한 표준프로그램이 만들어져 현재 각 교정시설과 보호관찰소를 중심으로 실시되고 있다. 이러한 성범죄자처우프로그램의 본격적인 실시에는 2004년 11월에 발생한 나라(奈良)여아유괴살인사건의 범인이 성범죄 전과가 있는 자였다는 사실이 크게 작용하였다. 이 사건을 계기로 성범죄자에 대한 강력한 대응과 교정처우의 개선을 요구하는 여론이 높아졌던 것이다. 일본에서는 성범죄로부터 사회를 보호하기 위하여 다양한 시책을 마련하여 실시하고 있으며 또한 변모하는 성범죄에 대하여 보다 효과적으로 대응하기 위하여 관계 법률의 제정 및 성범죄자처우프로그램의 실시 등을 통하여 성범죄로부터 안전한 사회를 만들기 위한 조치가 시행되고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 일본의 성범죄자처우프로그램의 내용에 대하여 개관하고 현재 우리나라에서도 그 필요성이 요구되고 있는 성범죄자처우프로그램의 책정에 있어서 필요한 시사점과 이에 따른 대책 등을 강구하였다.

      • KCI등재

        성범죄자처우의 새로운 동향과 그 과제 : 의학적 처우를 중심으로

        박상열 대검찰청 2010 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.24

        종래의 성범죄자에 대한 형사사법시스템의 반응은 전형적으로는 형벌에 의한 무해화였다. 특히 시설수용이라는 형태로 성범죄자에 의한 잠재적 피해자에의 접근을 차단함으로써 재범을 방지한다는 소극적인 시책이 전개되어 왔다. 그러나 최근 성범죄자, 특히 소아성애자와 같이 위험성이 높은 폭력적성범죄자에게 심리학적·의학적인 치료를 실시하여 시설에서의 처우와 지역사회에서의 처우를 연결해야 한다는 인식이 높아지고 있다. 우리나라에서도 2007년의 안양초등학생살인사건과 2008년의 일산초등학생납치미수사건 등을 계기로 아동성폭력범죄자에 대한 약물치료(화학적 거세)에 대한 논의가 전개되고 있다. 이러한 성범죄자에 대한 약물치료의 도입에 대해서는 찬반양론이 팽팽하게 맞서고 있다. 하지만 찬반의 대립논쟁 속에서도 양론 모두 장기간의 약물치료에 따른 부작용 문제에 대해서는 의견을 같이하고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 성범죄자처우의 새로운 동향으로서의 심리적·의학적 접근방법 등을 중심으로 논의하고 성폭력 범죄자에 대한 약물치료를 도입하는 경우의 과제 등을 검토하여 정책적 개선 방안 등을 강구하였다. The criminal justice system’s typical response to sex offenders has been detoxication through punishment. In particular, it has executed the passive policy of preventing second crimes by blocking sex offenders’ approach to potential victims through institutionalization. Recently, however, it is strongly suggested that psychological and medical treatments should be applied to sex offenders, especially, highly risky violent sex offenders such as pedophiles in connection to treatment at facilities and communities. In Korea as well, discussion on drug treatment (chemical castration) of child molesters was triggered by the murder of an elementary student at Anyang in 2007 and the attempted kidnapping of an elementary student at Ilsan in 2008. Over the introduction of drug treatment against sex offenders, pros and cons are having heated disputes. Even in the confrontation between pros and cons, however, they agree with each other on the side effects of long‐term drug treatment. Thus, this study reviewed the new trends of sex offender treatment centering on psychological and medical approaches, examined problems in the introduction of drug treatment against sex offenders, and suggested solutions for the problems.

      • KCI등재

        성충동 약물치료대상자에 대한 보호관찰 처우기법 연구

        이창한 ( Lee Chang-han ) 한국경찰학회 2013 한국경찰학회보 Vol.15 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 성충동 약물치료대상자의 재범을 억제할 수 있는 보호관찰 처우기법을 개발하는 것이다. 2011년 7월에 입안된「성폭력범죄자의 성충동 약물치료에 관한 법률」은 재범위험성이 높은 아동대상 성도착증 범죄자들이 일정기간 동안 성기능을 약화 또는 정상화시키기 위해 약물투여 및 심리치료 등의 방법을 활용하도록 제안하고 있다. 성충동 치료명령은 보호관찰관이 출소 전 치료감호시설부터 보호관찰실시까지의 집행을 담당한다. 보호관찰관은 「보호관찰 등에 관한 법률」의 일반준수사항과 법원 및 치료감호위원회에서 지정한 특별준수사항의 이행여부를 강제하면서 약물치료와 심리치료를 병행하여 성충동 약물치료대상자의 재범을 통제한다. 그러나 현재 성충동 약물치료 프로그램은 도입기에 있기 때문에 정형화된 보호관찰처우기법이 개발되어 있지 못하다. 따라서 본 연구는 성충동 약물치료대상자의 재범가능성을 효율적으로 통제하기 위한 보호관찰 처우기법을 개발하기 위해 다음과 같은 연구를 진행하였다. 첫째, 성충동 약물치료제도에 대한 검토가 이루어졌다. 「성충동범죄자의 성충동 약물치료에 관한 법률」상의 주요내용, 성도착증의 개념 및 성충동 약물치료 프로그램의 효과성에 대한 선행연구의 검토결과를 제시했다. 둘째, 보호관찰 처우에서의 기본원칙 7가지를 제시했다. 셋째, 성충동 약물치료대상자의 적격성 판단방법과 구체화된 특별준수사항을 제안했다. 넷째, 표준화된 보호관찰 처우계획기법을 제시했다. 다섯째, 약물치료의 강제력을 확보할 수 있는 보호관찰처우기법을 제안했다. 여섯째, 성충동 약물치료대상자의 자살을 방지할수 있는 처우기법을 제안했다. The purpose of this study is to develop a probation rehabilitation program that can deter recidivism of drug treatment subjects for sexual impulsiveness. Legislated in July of 2011, Act on Pharmacologic Treatment of Sex Offenders’ Sexual Impulses proposes application of drug and psychological treatment for certain duration on paraphilia with high risk for recidivism in order to mitigate or normalize their sexual function. The sexual impulsiveness treatment is overseen by a probation officer, from treatment within the treatment facility to probation after release from the treatment facility. The probation officer enforces general rules stipulated in Act on Probation, ETC., and enforces special orders given by the treatment facility for drug and psychological treatment to deter recidivism of the subjects. While a drug treatment program for sexual impulsiveness has been implemented, there is a lack of systematic application of the program by probation officers. Therefore, in order to develop a probation rehabilitation program that can make efficient use of the drug treatment program for sexual impulsiveness, the following research has been conducted in this paper. First, an overall review of literature was conducted on drug treatment for sexual impulsiveness programs. Reviews of previous literature were conducted on the main elements of the Pharmacologic Treatment of Sex Offenders’ Sexual Impulses, the concept of paraphilia, and the effectiveness of drug treatment programs for sexual impulsiveness. Second, seven basic principles of probation programs were proposed. Third, selection methods of drug treatment for sexual impulsiveness subjects and specific terms of compliance were proposed. Fourth, a standardized probation rehabilitation plan was laid out. Fifth, probation rehabilitation program that can secure the necessary authority for drug treatment was proposed. Sixth, an element of the program that can prevent suicides of drug treatment for sexual impulsiveness subjects was proposed.

      • KCI등재

        상습적 성범죄자처우에 관한 고찰

        이동명(Lee Dong-Myung),박현정(Park Hyun-Jeong) 한국법학회 2011 법학연구 Vol.42 No.-

        최근 아동성폭력범죄가 급증하면서 2000년의 한국판 ‘Megan 법’이라 할 수 있는 ‘청소년의 성보호에 관한 법률’의 제정으로 신상공개제도가 도입되어 아동을 대상으로 하는 성폭력범죄에 대처하기 위하여 성범죄자의 신상정보에 대한 등록제도의 도입과 함께 성폭력범죄 범죄자의 재범방지를 위한 ‘특정성폭력범죄자에 대한 위치추적전자장치의 부착에 관한 법률’이 제정되었다. 즉 전자감시제도가 도입되어 범죄자를 감시하는 새로운 제재수단이 등장하였다. 또한 2007년 혜진ㆍ예슬양 살해사건 등을 계기로 아동성폭력범죄자에 대한 화학적 거세(약물치료)를 주요 내용으로 하는 ‘상습적 아동성폭력범의 예방 및 치료에 관한 법률안’이 2008. 9월을 기점으로 국회에서 공동 발의되었다. 그러나 이러한 성범죄자에 대한 약물치료의 도입에 대해서는 찬반양론이 팽팽히 맞서고 있으며, 이는 헌법에서의 인권침해 소지가 가장 큰 문제로 대두되고 있다. 이에 따라 성범죄자처우의 새로운 동향으로 부각되고 있는 약물치료의 경우, 심리적ㆍ의학적 접근방법과 함께 화학적 거세와 관련한 외국의 입법례를 바탕으로 우리나라 실정에 맞는 논의가 되어져야 한다. These days, as child sex offenses have rapidly increased, ‘Protection Act from Sex Offense of Adolescents’ corresponding to Megan Act was enacted and Record and Release of Personal Identities of Sex Offenders was introduced to deal with the sex offense targeting children. Also ‘Global Positioning System Attachment Act’ to prevent second offender was enacted. Therefore, Electronic monitoring system was introduced as a new control measure to observe offenders. In 2007, using the murder of Hyejin and Yeseul as a chance, ‘Act of Prevention and Treatment of Habitual Child Sex Offender’ focusing on chemical castration was proposed before the National Assembly in September 2008. However, there is a great tension between pros and cons on introduction to medicinal treatment of sex offenders, which is presented as the biggest problem of infringement of human rights. Therefore, medicinal treatment of sex offenders as a new trend needs psychological and medical approaches, and should be discussed according to our situation through comparison with legislative examples of foreign countries.

      • KCI등재

        성범죄자처우의 새로운 동향과 그 과제

        박상열(Park, Sang Yull) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2009 성균관법학 Vol.21 No.1

        The criminal justice system’s typical response to sex offenders has been detoxication through punishment. In particular, it has executed the passive policy of preventing second crimes by blocking sex offenders’ approach to potential victims through institutionalization. Recently, however, it is strongly suggested that psychological and medical treatments should be applied to sex offenders, especially, highly risky violent sex offenders such as pedophiles in connection to treatment at facilities and communities. In Korea as well, discussion on drug treatment (chemical castration) of child molesters was triggered by the murder of an elementary student at Anyang in 2007 and the attempted kidnapping of an elementary student at Ilsan in 2008. Over the introduction of drug treatment against sex offenders, pros and cons are having heated disputes. Even in the confrontation between pros and cons, however, they agree with each other on the side effects of long-term drug treatment. Thus, this study reviewed the new trends of sex offender treatment centering on psychological and medical approaches, examined problems in the introduction of drug treatment against sex offenders, and suggested solutions for the problems.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 청소년 성범죄자에 대한 처우 및 처우프로그램

        全瑛實 한국교정학회 2002 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.15

        The purpose of this article is to examine the treatment program of adolescent sex offenders in America. Thereby, it attempts to provide several improvement ways in adolescent sex offender treatment in Korea. In America, the social policy response to adolescents who commit sexual offenses has undergone dramatic change since the early 1980s. Prior to this time, acts of sexual offense by teenagers were often dismissed or trivialized. And treatment programs were rare. But, the crimes are considered serious, juvenile sex offenders are routinely prosecuted since 1980s. Sex offending by teenagers has come to be viewed as a unique form of deviance that requires different rehabilitative strategies than do those employed with other offenders. So, specialized treatment programs have proliferated. The cornerstone of policies regarding intervention, both within institutions and in community, is that juveniles who commit sexual offenses should be mandated to participate in specialized treatment programs that specifically address the sex offense behavior. Specialized treatment programs for adolescent sex offender have proliferated, continuously. Specialized treatment programs for adolescent sex offender are provided within institutions and in community in America. And most programs are provided in community. Based on reviewing realities of adolescent sex offender program in America, it suggest several ways for effective treatment in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        성폭력범죄자의 범죄학적 고찰

        이동명(Lee, Dong-Myeong),정규진(Jeong, Kyu-Jin) 한국법학회 2013 법학연구 Vol.49 No.-

        우리나라의 경우 최근 성폭력범죄의 심각성에 대한 인식이 강화되면서 신상공개·전자감시·성충동약물치료·DNA데이터베이스제도 등 새로운 제도들이 도입되고, 법정형을 높이는 등 성폭력범죄자들에 대한 처벌과 감시를 더욱 강화하는 정책을 마련하고 있다. 그러나 성폭력범죄를 예방하고자 국가기관 및 민간단체에서 다양한 노력을 기울이고 있지만 별다른 효과를 거두지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 또한 이러한 성폭력범죄자에 대한 강력한 처벌위주의 정책들은 성폭력범죄자들에 대한 인권침해를 야기하고 있으며, 지나친 처벌과 감시로 인해 오히려 역효과를 가져올 우려가 높다는 문제점을 안고 있다. To prevent this crime of sexual violence, government agencies and non-government organizations have made diverse efforts but have not come to special fruition. It is more important to prevent the crime of sexual violence than anything else if we consider the serious effect that the crime of sexual violence has on our society like this, As Korean people have become aware of the seriousness of the crime of sexual violence, Korean government has introduced new systems such as releasing the identities of sexual offenders, electronic surveillance, drug-based antisexuality, DNA database system and the like andprovides a policy of further reinforcing punishment and surveillance of sexual offenders such as raising the sentence for sex crimes. But it has a problem because of the high possibility that it has an adverse effect due to severe punishment and surveillance. The currently enforced schemes to counter the crime of sexual violence should be enforced in a direction of not violating the basic rights be developed through endless studies on the structural problem inherent in each system. It is thought that we can make a social change by pondering over the community culture with the attitude of considering and respecting others.

      • KCI등재후보

        생명의료윤리 관점에서 소아기호증 상습성폭력범에 대한 성충동 약물치료의 정당성 논의 : 『 성폭력범죄자의 성충동약물치료에 관한 법률』 주요쟁점

        차승현 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2010 생명윤리정책연구 Vol.4 No.2

        Recently, a law on drug treatment for sex drive against some sexual deviants was enacted. However, the enforcement conditions of this law still has legal controversies in relation to the target, treatment period, and approval by that person. Thus, this law needs revisions. First of all, it should be restricted to pedophilia who can see results of the treatment, and the treatment period should be edited to “until full recovery.” By doing this, sex drive drug treatment will obtain more persuasive force as a security measure. However, there is some limitations in justification by law. Thus, I aim at revealing the feasibility of the execution of sex drive drug treatment based on wholesome paternalism and recovery of human dignity as a forced treatment from a bio-ethical perspective.

      • KCI등재후보

        소년성범죄자에 대한 처우프로그램 -우리나라와 미국·일본과의 비교검토를 중심으로-

        강경래 한국소년정책학회 2012 少年保護硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        The criminal justice system’s typical response to sex offenders has been detoxication through punishment. In particular, it has executed the passive policy of preventing second crimes by blocking sex offenders’ approach to potential victims through institutionalization. Recently, however, it is strongly suggested that psychological and medical treatments should be applied to sex offenders, especially, highly risky violent sex offenders such as pedophile in connection to treatment at facilities and communities. In Korea as well, discussion on drug treatment (chemical castration) of child molesters was triggered by the murder of an elementary student at Anyang in 2007 and the attempted kidnapping of an elementary student at Ilsan in 2008. Sexual aggression is a serious and widespread problem in our society. Sexually assaultive behavior has typically been a crime associated with adult male offenders. However, since the mid-2000, there has been an increased concern for juvenile sex offenders among academics and practitioners that contend with or process this type of offender. Adolescent Sex offenders are ⑴ sexual offenses may cause seriously disruptive effects on victims, and ⑵ sexual offenders may keep their offense pattern for long period without appropriate treatment. They have several psychological problems, which are ⑶ negative self-image, ⑷aggression toward females, ⑸ desire to contact with females, ⑹ low social skills, and ⑺ intolerance to stress. Important points in conducting a treatment for sexual offenders are to make sexual offenders motivate to change, and to make clear a process how they make themselves commit sexual offenses. Thus, this study reviewed the of juvenile sex offender treatment centering on A treatment program based on a cognitive behavioral model is examined problems and suggested solutions for the problems.

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