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      • 傳貰權과 抵當權의 경합

        고용철 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 1997 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.2 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyse the legal relationship for the conflict of 「Jeonse-Right」 and Mortgage. Three legal natures of 「Jeonse-Right」 are derived from the interpretation about § 303 Ⅰ Korean civil law ; the nature of lien, the nature of use and both nature. When the 「Jeonse-Right」 and Mortgage were conflicted, the result and effects are different. Main difference is the lapse of 「Jeonse-Right」 . When a mortgagee sell the mortgaged item by official auction, the 「Jeonse-Right」 next in priority is extinguished, but the prior 「Jeonse-Right」 continues to exist. My opinion differenciates from the dominating-opinion, namely the prior 「Jeonse-Right」 is extinguished when a mortgagee sell the mortgaged item by official auction. In this case the reason why 「Jeonse-Right」 does not have the nature of Use-estate but the Security on real estate. This difference is exist to the interpretation of §608Ⅱ Code of Civil Procedure.

      • 대학생의 법의식에 관한 실태조사

        고용철 順天鄕大學校 學生生活硏究所 1997 學生生活硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to research on the students' legal consciousness in Soonchunhyang University. The questionnaire was consisted of 3 items for the general backgrounds to the respondents(an academic year, the distinction of sex, major study), 4 items for the legal consciousness of law and legislative system, 13 items for the consciousness about the real application of law, a law enforcement agency, 4 items for the consciousness of public order, 4 items for the consciousness of public order in campus life. The data obtained from 334 students were analyzed by SPSSPC+. The results are as follows: (1) The negative image is occurred to the respondents when they listen to the word "law". (2) The most students have the consciousness as the laws necessary for the people are insufficiency. (3) The main problem for a law enforcement agency are irregularities and corrultions. (4) The most students have a double-faced consideration: Under the same condition, sometimes they have not observe for their economic gains, but give advice for observance to their friends. (5) The students have a guilty conscience for cheating in an examination.

      • 資産流動化에 관한 법률의 검토

        고용철 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 1999 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.4 No.2

        The Act has implemented on sep. 16. 1998. The Act's main target is the 'mortgage debenture'. For this purpose, the Act include many contents ; establishing of Special Purpose Vehicle( SPV : company as a limited partnership), issue of ABS(asset-backed securities), special exceptional rule about 'assignment of debt, assignment of mortgage'. The main poblem in this act is that the 'mortgage debenture' has been prepared in the civil code or so-called mortgage debenture like as japanese legislation.

      • KCI등재

        농지임대차표준계약서의 구성과 주요 내용

        고용철 전남대학교 법학연구소 2021 법학논총 Vol.41 No.2

        이 연구는 표준화되는 농지임대차계약서의 구성과 그 계약서에 들어갈 내용을 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 농지, 임대차, 표준계약서에 대해서 우선 검토하고, 이것을 결합하는 농지임대차와 농지임대차표준계약서를 구성할 내용에 대해서 고찰한다. 이 연구에서는 우선 법령에서 표준계약서를 사용하도록 하는 사례를 수집하여 분류하였고, 일본, 독일에서 실제 사용하는 농지임대차계약서 각각 2건을 비교분석대상으로 하였다. 농지임대차는 원칙적으로 금지되고 예외적으로 허용되는 것이고, 아직 농지임대차표준계약서를 마련하지 않고 있으며, 농지를 대상으로 하는 임대차의 특성을 정확히 파악하는 연구가 많지 않다. 합법적인 농지임대차이든 불법적인 임대차이든 농지임대차계약에 이용될 표준계약서를 마련하여 이용하게 하는 것은 사회적 약자(소수자) 계층인 농업인에게 제공하는 중요한 일이다. 농지임대차표준계약서 전체를 이 연구에서 제시하는 것이 좋겠으나 지면 등의 제약으로 인하여 농지임대차표준계약서를 구성하는 전체적인 틀과 주요한 쟁점이 되는 내용을 위주로 서술하였다. 농지임대차표준계약서에 담길 주요 내용은 우선 계약당사자인 임대인과 임차인의 자격과 조건, 계약목적물이 되는 농지에 대한 범위 확정(농토, 수목, 가설시설물이 농지에 포함), 계약체결 시점, 임차료, 임차료 지급방법, 임대인과 임차인의 권리・의무, 농지에 관하여 지출하는 비용부담, 농지의 인도, 계약종료 후 농지의 반환에 관한 문제, 농지에 부착된 수목, 시설물의 처리 등이다. 아직 농림축산식품부에서 공식적으로 정한 농지임대차표준계약서는 없다. 이 연구가 표준계약서를 마련하는 데 도움이 되길 기대한다. This research aims to devise the structure and the contents of a standard contract for agricultural lease. The valid organization and context of a standard contract for agricultural lease are also discussed by examining both the legal definition of agricultural lands and the existing standard contract for lease and combining them. Practical cases where the use of standard contract for lease is legislated are collected and categorized first, and then compared with two cases each from Japan and Germany where the standard contract for agricultural lease was used. In principle, leasing agricultural land is illegal in Korea with the possible exceptions. Hence the standard contract for agricultural lease has never been provided, and also this area lacks experts who are able to identify key attributes of leasing agricultural land. Regardless whether leasing agricultural land is legislated or not, preparing a standard contract for agricultural lease is essential to safeguard farm workers who are socially disadvantaged. This research presents the issues of fact and a comprehensive structure of the standard contract for agricultural lease rather than proposing a deterministic form of contract to comply with the space limit. The key aspects that we suggest to be specified in the standard contract for agricultural lease are following: the eligibility conditions of a lessee and a lessor who are the parties to the contract, the definition of scope for agricultural land including farmland, plants, and temporary facilities which are the objects of the contract, the date when a contract is signed, the amount of rent, the means to pay the rent, the right and responsibility of the parties of the contract, the obligation on the expenses for any improvement, the commencement and the termination of the contract, and lessee’s right to remove fixtures and buildings. Considering that no official standard contract for agricultural lease is provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs yet, this work has been conducted in the hope of helping the settlement of a standard contract for agricultural lease in the near future.

      • 전자적 거래시 이용약관의 실태 및 법적 문제

        고용철 한국재산법학회 2003 재산법연구 Vol.20 No.1

        I reviewed the argued points issued through the making of two standard adhesive contracts about electronic trading (standard adhesive contract of internet cyber-mall, standard adhesive contract of electronic finance trading). The implied change of conditions and terms treated as the amendment of conditions and terms, Especially in the case of game service conditions and terms, the implied change of conditions and terms applied to trading of 'Item', 'Character'. In the standard adhesive contract of electronic finance trading(, bank has obligations about accident in electrical transmission of customer's order(ex. hacking, etc.). This liability is a liability burdened without negligence, For the protection of customer conditions and terms of electronic trading have conversion of proof-obligation. And because of customer's high complaint about sending of goods and services, I reviewed its regulations of standard adhesive contract of internet cyber-mall.

      • KCI등재

        거래상 농민보호에 관한 법규정에 대한 연구

        고용철 한국재산법학회 2014 재산법연구 Vol.30 No.4

        A farmer does business in crops as a producer, a seller, a manager, a business operator, a consumer and a unit company. Although a farmer must be protected as a social weak person, korean law have some partial legislation, not portal legislation. In this paper, I research the “Contracts Review Act 1980”(New South Wales in Australia) as a law to be inclusively made, and "POJEON sales(Act on Distribution and Price Stabilization of Agricultural and Fishery Products §53) to be partly made. Special characteristics of “Contracts Review Act 1980” are the not being granted relief in relation to a contract for the purpose of a trade, business, profession, other than a farming undertaking(§6(2)), refusing to enforce the contract, making an order declaring the contract void, making an order varying by the Court. The problems of Act on Distribution and Price Stabilization of Agricultural and Fishery Products §53 are followed; first, making a distinction between POJEON sales and growing vegetables contract(§53①), second, observing of written contract and standard contract in order to reinforce the farmer's position(§53③), third, permission of extention the carrying out - time limit, and provisions to treat as rescission under specified condition(§53②), imposition of fine for negligence(§90). 농민은 거래상 생산자, 판매자, 경영자, 사업자, 소비자로서 활동하며 자연인으로서 뿐만 아니라 농업단체(농업경영체, 생산자단체)로서 활동한다. 농민은 사회적 약자로서 보호되어야 하는데 농민에 대한 포괄적 보호입법을 가지지 아니하고, 개별적인 규정을 두고 있다. 농민에 대한 포괄적 보호입법을 가지고 있는 호주의 뉴사우스웨일즈주의 계약심사법을 살펴보고, 개별적 보호법으로서 농안법 제53조의 포전매매에 대해 살펴보았다. 계약심사법은 계약내용의 불공정성 규제와 법원의 평결을 통한 계약내용무효화를 담고 있으며, 영리적 목적의 계약은 보호대상에서 제외하였으나 농업경영(farming undertaking)의 목적으로 체결한 계약은 구제대상에 포함시켰다. 포전거래에 대해서는 농안법 제53조가 규율하고 있는데, 특히 다음의 사항에 대해 검토할 필요가 있다; 첫째, 포전매매개념에서 계약재배계약과의 구분을 명확히 할 필요가 있고, 둘째, 서면계약준수 및 표준계약서 사용에서 보다 농민이 보호되도록 하여야 하며, 셋째, 반출기한의 연장허용 및 포전매매계약의 해제간주규정이 농민에게 불리하기에 그 개정이 시급히 필요하고, 넷째, 과태료 부과규정(농안법 제90조)이 부과권자가 불분명하여 실효성이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 나아가 농민단체와 소비자기본법상의 단체가 조화가 되도록 모색되어야 한다.

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