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      • 환경 그림에 나타난 중학생의 환경인식

        정철,김명균,박혜경 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2005 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.2

        학생들은 그리기를 좋아하지만, 그리기는 학생들의 사고를 이해하기 위한 방법으로서는 간과되어 왔다. 이 연구의 목적은 환경 그림에 나타난 중학생의 환경 인식을 조사하기 위한 것이다. 연구 대상은 대구광역시에 있는 7학년 331명에게 환경에 대한 그림을 각자 그리도록 한 후, 분석 기준에 따라 그림을 분석하고 범주화하였다. 연구 결과, 중학생들은 자신의 주변 환경에 대하여 아주 잘 인식하고 있으며, 영역별 환경요소에 대한 관심에 있어서는 자연환경, 환경위기, 인공환경의 영역의 순으로 인식하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 환경 그림의 분석을 통하여 환경에 대한 중학생의 생각을 연구할 수 있었으며, 이러한 연구 결과는 쾌적한 환경에서의 학생들의 미래 생활을 긍정적인 방향으로 지도하는데 기여할 수 있을 것이다. Young children enjoy drawing, but it is an underused method of probing their awareness of natural environment. This paper investigates to study the environmental awareness of students through drawing. The drawings of 311 students from middle school are analysed and categorized into the criteria. Results showed that the environmental awareness has direct relation with drawings of students, and 7th grade students are quite aware about the environment. It is proposed that student's minds about the prevailing situation can be studied and they can be guided in positive directions to lead their future life in comfortable environment.

      • 環境權에 관한 硏究-法的 性質을 中心으로

        백윤철 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2005 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구는 사회권으로서 환경권 보장에 초점을 두고 연구한 논문이다. 일반적으로 사회권은 사회법에서 불가양의 권리로 인정되고 있다. 즉 인간답게 살기 위해 국가에게 최소한 사회보장을 요구할 수 있는 권리가 사회권이다. 이러한 사회권 중에 환경권이 추상적 권리인지 구체적 권리인지가 중요한데, 본 논문에서는 이러한 사회권으로서 환경권의 법적 성질 내지 본질에 관하여 연구한 논문이다. This research is carried out for the purpose of promoting the environmental right in the social right. Generally, the social right is defined as inalienable right approved under the social law. It means the right to ask the government to secure requirement for human life. Actually, it seems to be abstract on one hand but it is explained the idea in the concrete on the other. This study discuss the intrinsic attribute of the environmental right in the social right and tries to find out its legal character. For the purpose, we examine the necessity of the environmental right in the social right and then establish its up-to-date meaning through a positive law.

      • 국가지리정보체계와 환경정보의 통합방안 -환경부의 환경주제도 및 승인통계를 중심으로

        조덕호,배민기 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2005 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.2

        The goal of this study is to suggest the integration method of National Geographic Information System(NGIS) and the environmental theme map and attribute data in order to promote the utilization of geographic information system. In order to do that, this study reviews the characteristics of NGIS and environmental information. After that, it links two database using the administrative unit code. More specifically, this study focuses on the Gyeongbuk province and Gumi city because the volume of the national database is too big to handle it. The result of this study can be applied to any other database which has geographic codes. Ultimately, it can improve the reality of most of analysis using these database because this method can provide most of the database with the locational information

      • 남해 어장 준설토의 환경친화적 처리방안 연구

        황응주,고문정 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2005 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구는 연안 어장의 수질 개선 및 양식 환경 개선을 위하여 준설퇴적물을 환경친화적으로 처리하는 방안을 모색하기 위한 실험으로써 준설퇴적물의 유기물 분별정량을 통한 최대 분해율 선정, 예비안정화 시험, 준설퇴적물 희석배율별 안정화 특성 평가 등을 수해하였다. 유기물 분별정량 결과 준설퇴적물의 유기물 분해율 30~40%를 안정화의 지표로 얻을 수 있었고 희석배율별로 측정한 TCOD, SCOD 역시 32%와 83%의 제거율을 보여 충분한 안정화가 진행된 것으로 나타났다. 또한 안정화 처리 전ㆍ후 준설퇴적물의 실제 안정성평가를 위해 발아시험을 실시해 본 결과 유기물의 안정화 처리를 거칠 경우 준설퇴적물의 식물 독성이 저감됨을 알 수 있었다. It was attempted to treat organic matter in the dredged sediments from costal mari-culture site eco-friendly. Carbohydrates in the dredged sediment were fractionated, and the potential of oxygen consumption was estimated. 30-40% of organic matter found to be maximum degradable content in a biological treatment. Easily degradable organic matter was removed in the aerobic batch test, and the sediment sample was gradually stabilized. 32% of TCOD and 83% of SCOD was removed in this experiment. TCOD removal of 32% was in the range of maximum degradable content for organic matter (30-40%). Seed germination test was conducted for the sediment samples before and after the biological stabilization, and it was found that phyto-toxicity was substantially reduced by the stabilization process.

      • 성덕댐 저수지의 식물플랑크톤 군집 동태

        장성현,이정준,이정호 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2004 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.1

        성덕댐의 식물플랑크톤 군집의 동태를 조사하기 위해 2002년 4월부터 12월까지 5개의 정점을 선정하여 계절별로 실시하였다. 본 조사에서 출현한 식물플랑크톤은 8강 14목 27과 52속의 총 117 taxa였다. 이 중 규조강이 가장 많은 66 taxa로 전체 출현종의 56.5%를 차지하였다. 녹조강과 남조강은 각각 34 taxa (29.2%)와 5 taxa (4.4%)가 출현하였으며, 와편모조강과 황갈조강, 유글레나강은 각각 4 taxa (3.6%), 4 taxa (3.6%), 3 taxa (2.7%) 순으로 나타났다. 식물플랑크톤 군집의 종다양도지수는 10월이 가장 낮은 0.617 이었으며, 12월이 가장 높은 0.757로 나타났다. 우점종은 12월 조사의 정점 4를 제외한 모든 시기와 정점에서 규조류가 우점하였다. Dynamics of phytoplankton communities were investigated at five sampling stations in Sungdug Reservoir from April to December 2002. Total 117 phytoplankton taxa identified from the study were classified into 92 species, 11 varieties and 14 unidentified species belonging to 52 genera, 27 families, 14 orders and 8 classes. There were 66 taxa (56.5%) of Bacillariophyceae, 34 taxa (29.2%) of Chlorophyceae, and the other taxa were Cyanophyceae (4.4%), Chrysophyceae (3.6%), Eugpenophyceae (3.6%) and Dinophyceae (2.7%). The species diversity index of phytoplankton community showed the minimum in October as 0.617 and the maximum in December as 0.757. The taxa of Bacillariophyceae were dominated at all the sampling stations in every sampling times except St. 4.

      • 휘발성유기화합물로 오염된 토양의 계면활성제 세척시 처리효율 비교 -환경부의 환경주제도 및 승인통계를 중심으로-

        오동익,최청렬 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2005 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.2

        지반 내에서의 휘발성 유기 화합물의 수착 거동을 이해하고 계면활성제를 이용한 추출효율을 측정하여 적용가능성을 검토하기 위하여 수착 실험과 연속 탈착 실험을 실시하였다. 김포 수도권 매립지 3공구 원지반 흙을 대상으로 하였고, 휘발성 유기 화합물로는 benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, o-xylene, p-xylene등과 같은 BTEX류와 TCE를 사용하였다. 계면활성제로는 Brij 35, Triton X-100, Tween 20 등의 비이온성 계면활성제와 DowFax(음이온성 계면활성제)를 사용하였다. 실험에 선정된 대상 유기 화합물의 김포매립지 원지반 흙으로의 수착은 4일 이내 평형에 도달하였다. 대상 유기 화합물로 오염된 흙을 계면활성제 용액을 주입하여 세척한 결과, 물만으로 세척했을 때보다 좋은 세척효율을 보였다. 실험에 선정된 계면활성제들은 CMC값의 2배로 주입된 경우가 1배, 4배의 경우로 주입된 경우에 비하여 세척효율이 가장 우수하였다. Twin-head group을 가진 음이온성 계면활성제인 DowFax가 비이온성 계면활성제(Triton X-100, Tween 20, Brij 35)에 비해 대상 휘발성 유기 화합물에 대한 세척효율이 우수하였다. Sorption isotherm tests and successive reverse isotherm tests using Kimpo Sudokwon landfill soil were conducted (1) to understand the sorption behavior of volatile organic compounds onto a soil; (2) to investigate the extraction efficiencies of surfactants; and (3) to evaluate the field application of surfactant extraction technology. Benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, trichloroethylene, o-xylene, and p-xylene were selected as the target compounds. Three nonionic surfactants, i.e., Brij 30, Triton X-100, and Tween 20 and a anionic, DowFax were used for tests. The sorption of the VOCs tested in this study onto the soil reached equilibrium in 72 hours. The VOC extraction efficiencies of surfactants from the VOC contaminated soil specimens were higher than those of distilled water. When the dosage of surfactant were two times of CMC, the VOC extraction efficiency were the greatest among the dosages tested. DowFax which contains two-head group showed much higher VOC extraction efficiency than the other tested nonionic surfactants.

      • Effects of Acid Deposition on Cultural Properties and Materials in East Asia

        유영억,야수아끼, 마에다 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2005 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.2

        The material exposure experiments have been carried out to evaluate the relationship between air pollution and material corrosion rate with the cooperation of the researchers in Japan, China, Korea since 1993. The test materials such as bronze, copper, marble, carbon steel, and urushi have been exposed under outdoor and indoor conditions at 23 sampling sites in East Asia. At the same time and places, the concentration of SO₂ and NO₂has been measured simultaneously with the passive sampler. Qualitative and quantitative atmospheric corrosion was estimated from the damage caused to bronze, copper, steel, marble, cedar, cypress and urushi (Japanese lacquer) plates, exposed to outdoor and indoor airs in some cities of East Asia. Brochantite and cuprite were formed on copper at sites where the sulfur dioxide concentrations were high, and basic cupric nitrate and cuprite at sites where nitrogen dioxide concentrations were high. Gypsum was formed on marble pieces exposed to indoor air at all sites but was not found on the pieces exposed to outdoor air. Goethite, lepidocrocite, hematite and magnetite were formed on the steel plates. However, no akaganeite, formed in chloric atmosphere, was observed on the plates. The effects of atmosphericand meteorological factors on the damage to copper plates and marble pieces in several cities in East Asia were estimated using regression analysis. The results indicate that sulfur dioxide is the most destructive of materials especially in China and South Korea. In Japan copper plates may be damaged under natural conditions and by sea salt. Copper may also be damaged by surface deposition of sulfur and chlorine. Marble may be substantially degraded by gaseous sulfur dioxide but sulfate ions in rain had no effect. The analysis of air pollution from the point of view of material damage was very useful in evaluating and visualizing the intensity of air pollution in East Asia.

      • Denitrification and Dephosphatation by DPB at the Anoxic Stage on BNR Process

        이상형,신항식 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2005 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.2

        The denitrification activity of DPB at the anoxic stage was investigated by analyzing organic and nitrogen balances at the selected internal recycle ratios. Moreover, for verification of the microbial community, the identification of microbiology accomplished using the PCR-DGGE method. As the internal recycle ratio increased 1 to 3, the amountsof anoxic phosphorus uptake and nitrate reduction rate increased due to the improved activity of DPBs in the anoxic state. In batch test, the nitrate removal efficiencies by denitrifiers and dephosphatation by DPBs were 76 % and 24 % of total nitrate removal efficiency, respectively. Most PAO species from the sludge using synthetic wastewater were affiliated with the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria. The species detected belonged to two genera: Dechloromonas and Rhodocyclus. However, Acinetobactersp., Aeromonas sp. and Pseudomonas sp., which historically have been considered dominant in phosphorus removing sludge communities, were not detected.

      • 생물학적 질산화를 이용한 제올라이트 재생을 위한 기초 연구

        손대희,최영균 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2005 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.2

        Zeolite is well known material for its ability to preferentially remove ammonium ions from wastewater. However, its usage has been limited by high cost for chemical regeneration on this purpose. As an alternative, biological regeneration of zeolite has been suggested by some researchers. In this study, the characteristics of biological regeneration of zeolite was studied at various conditions, i.e. changes in microorganism and Na^(+) concentration. In the first test, the percentage of bio-regeneration via nitrification in the columns (MLVSS 2,250 mg/ℓ and 4,500 mg/ℓ) was 2.6 times higher than the column with NaHCO3 (2,980 mg/ℓ) addition only. In the second test, MLVSS were changed (400, 800 and 3,200 mg/ℓ) but, for alkalinity supply, NaHCO3 concentration was fixed at 745 mg/ℓ. The regeneration rates were proportional to the MLVSS concentration, but the same amounts of total regenerated nitrogen were achieved in all columns tested. In the third test, the regeneration tests were performed to evaluate effects of Na^(+) concentration on regeneration were tested. The regeneration efficiency was enhanced about 5% when Na^(+) concentration increased from 342 to 734 mg/ℓ. There was no difference in regeneration rate by nitrification. Therefore the higher regeneration efficiency of zeolite could be obtained by nitrification than by chemical methods. The regeneration rates with the fixed Na^(+) concentration were proportional to nitrification rate, and the regeneration efficiencies with the fixed microorganism concentration were highly dependant on cation concentrations such as Na^(+).

      • 토양미생물을 이용한 하수의 질소제거효율 향상

        최영균,오동익,이종영,손대희 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2005 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.2

        The effect of humus soil on biological denitrification was investigated through NUR batch tests. Specific denitrification rate of HMLE(Modified Ludzack Ettinger process combined with Humus soil contactor) and CMLE(Control Modified Ludzack Ettinger process) sludges as well as COD consumed for denitrification could be estimated from the batch tests. Two linear phases of denitrification rate could be observed when acetate was used as a carbon source. However, denitrification behavior was composed of three linear phases when a primary settled municipal wastewater(PW) was used as a carbon source. The specific denitrification rates on SBCOD(slowly biodegradable COD) fraction in raw wastewater were estimated 4.82 and 3.73 mg N/g VSS·hr when HMLE and CMLE sludge was used as a seed sludge. It means that the hydrolysis rate of HMLE sludge on SBCOD fraction was higher than that of CMLE sludge. Actinomycetes, one of the soil microorganisms, was estimated 150,000 actinomycetes/ml in the biomass of HMLE process, which was 10 times higher than that of CMLE process. Actinomycetes was well known for its distinguished hydrolyzing ability on particulate organic matter. Almost of input COD was utilized for denitrification and cell synthesis when HMLE sludge was used as a seed sludge in NUR batch test. While, about 70% of input COD was comsumed when CBNR sludge was used. It means that substrate utilization rate, especially SBCOD utilization rate, of HMLE sludge was higher than that of CMLE sludge.

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