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        공무원연금수급권의 법적 성질에 관한 고찰 ― 헌법재판소 결정을 중심으로 ―

        정철 서울시립대학교 서울시립대학교 법학연구소 2022 서울법학 Vol.30 No.2

        The government official’s pension system of Korea has Constitutional grounds in Article 7(The Vocational Official System) and 34(The Social Security System) of Korea Constitution(1987). Article 7 justifies the public official pension system different from national pension system which is a general pension for Korean. Yet, Korea public official pension system has adopted social insurance way which has its origin in Deutsch that actually has not used this way, but “Alimentation” in its public official pension system, which means the guarantee of living standards after retirement without paying any contributions in holding office. In Korea, public official should pay contribution according to pay level in his/her work period and government who is the substantial employer over public servants also has to pay it’s own contribution. Korea Constitutional Court(KCC) reluctantly admitted that the right to retire pension after retirement is property right. KCC thinks the contribution by public servant can be a pension property but the contribution by government is not. I think this decision is on a wrong premise. Government as a employer over public servant has to pay it’s own contribution because he has consumed the time period during which a public servant can work and over that time he can not work any more: retirement that means the disappearance of workable ability. So the contribution made by government is not a any sacrifice for public servant but a duty of government. If we can take this thought, all part of pension which has its root on contributions by public servant and government can be a property as a whole for the qualified recipient. KCC thinks the contribution paid by government can be reduced in the future according to government financial condition because this part of contribution can not be attributed to the public servant. I don’t think this kind of thought is a proper understanding. Above all I fully support the thought that retire pension can be changed somewhat in the unexpected future government’s financial situation. This kind of change of pension appears in the form of property right. Modern property is not any more a sacred labour or personality itself but a barefaced sovereignty itself. Under the ‘natural state’ we did not ever know of pension right. Under the ‘social state’, we create a pension right by own sovereign power(Article 23. section 1; ‘principle of no pension right without law’). After pension law enactment, legislator can change pension law freely than he does the other law on liberty because pension is under direct future financial condition of a state and the number of future labour force population etc. Pension has a changeable nature in the right. So social restriction over property right which Korea Constitution stipulates in Article 23 section 2 can find a role about pension right. By using this framework of pension we can adapt the pension right to future social change. 공무원연금의 헌법적 근거는 헌법 제7조의 직업공무원제도와 헌법 제34조의 국가의 사회보장증진의무에 근거한 것이다. 그래서 공무원연금은 독일과 같이 공무원 부양원리에 근거하여 퇴직 후에도 국가가 무한책임을 지는 방식이 아니라 일반적인 사회보험의 하나로 공무원만을 대상으로 한 직역보험에 해당한다. 공무원의 기여금과 사용자의 부담금은 법률에 의해 납부가 강제되는 사회보험료에 해당한다. 그리고 공무원이 퇴직하여 일정한 연금수급연령에 도달하여 취득하는 퇴직연금수급권은 전체로서 재산권에 해당한다. 공무원 개인의 자기기여도 있을 뿐만 아니라 자신에게 귀속되어 자신의 노후 생존의 기초가 되는 사적 유용성을 가진 금원청구권이기 때문이다. 국가나 지방자치단체가 부담하는 부담금 역시 부담금 납부 주체가 보험가입자인 공무원의 유한한 노동가능시간을 소모시키는 근로를 시켰다는 점에서 지급책임이 있는 부담이므로 연금수급권 전체가 공무원의 자기기여에 기초한 것으로 평가할 수 있을 것이다. 한편 공무원연금수급권이 가진 재산권성은 연금수급권이 사회권으로서의 성격을 동시에 가지는 것을 방해하지 않는다. 사회보장수급권이면서 동시에 재산권의 성질을 가지는 현상이 연금과 같은 사회보험수급권에서는 충분히 나타날 수 있다. 이런 점에서 보면 헌법재판소가 공무원연금수급권의 법적 성질을 기여금이 연금으로 이어진 부분과 부담금이 연금으로 불어난 부분을 나누어 전자는 재산권성이 있지만 후자는 사회권 성격이 있다고 이해하는 이원적인 인식은 타당하지 않다고 여겨진다. 최근 헌법재판소의 결정처럼 공무원연금수급권 전체를 재산권으로 인식하여 이를 제한하는 입법의 합헌성 여부를 비례원칙에 의해 심사하는 방식은 일응 사회보험의 재산권으로서의 성격을 직시한 타당한 방향이다. 다만 공무원연금수급권의 법적 성질을 재산권으로 인식하더라도 일반 재산권과는 달리 새롭게 재산권이 형성되는 측면이 존재한다는 점을 고려하여야 한다. 즉 연금수급권의 구체적 내용은 입법을 통해서 비로소 형성되는 것이고 구체적인 연금수급권은 지급시기가 되었을 때 비로소 구체화된다는 점에서 연금법에서 연금법률주의의 문제를 종래의 재산권의 제한의 모습과 동일하게 파악하는 데는 한계가 있다. 그리고 이미 퇴직연금의 수급요건을 충족한 연금수급권 역시 그 구체적인 연금수급의 지급능력이 미래세대의 부담능력에 좌우되고 국가재정상황에 영향을 받을 수밖에 없는 연금 고유한 성질에 기초하여 다른 재산권보다 폭넓은 사회적 기속성을 가질 수밖에 없다. 이런 점을 고려하면 연금수급권을 제한하는 법률에 대한 헌법심사의 경우 연금수급권의 법적 성질을 재산권으로 파악한다고 하더라도 연금재산이 가지는 사회적 기속성의 요청을 고려하여 좀 더 완화된 심사기준을 통해 위헌여부가 심리될 필요가 있다. 그래야만 공무원연금의 재정악화를 개선하여 지속가능한 직역연금으로서의 소명을 다할 수 있을 것이다.

      • 慶北地方의 音節의 硏究(Ⅰ)

        鄭喆 慶北大學校 東洋文化硏究所 1977 東洋文化硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to study on the syllables spoken in Kyungpook district. The syllables of dialect spoken in this district are divided into four types like those of the standard Korean spoken in Seoul district : 1) (s)V 2) C(s)V 3) (s)VC 4) C(s)VC But the numbers of practically spoken syllables are fewer than those in Seoul deslrict because numbers of vowels of dialects in this district are fewer than those of the standard Korean. In theory 2558 syllables may be calculated to be used. But in practice 1,004 syllables are used because of various limited conditions.

      • 音韻對應의 比較硏究 方法

        鄭喆 慶北大學校 人文大學 1985 인문학총 Vol.10 No.-

        This paper is to survey the method of comparative study in phonemic correspondences which have been adopted in Indo-european comparative linq'uistics, among others, in France, and to search the way to apply them to he comparative study in altaic linguistics. The study of the comparative Grammar in Europe was begun at the beginning of nineteenth century and arrived at its peak in he early years of twentieth century. At the outset, it tsarted for the Germanic Language group and then spread to all the Indo-european language groups. Here, we would make a survey of some me´thods of comparative studies by A. Meillet and his fellows in France.

      • KCI등재

        社會的 基本權 實現의 憲法的 限界

        丁哲 한국입법학회 2009 입법학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        According to the Korean Constitution, the citizen has the social right in the area of education, environment, and social welfare. The Constitution clearly guarantee the social welfare area in form of right. Nonetheless, there has been a critic about the social right especially in the area of the social welfare. In generally the social welfare program needs a lot of money which mainly consists of the tax that comes from the citizen. In this regards, the rigidity of social welfare program has not been sustained because of flexibility of government budget. So it is desirable that the constitutional court has the less severe standard in reviewing the legality of the social welfare law in the perspective of constitution. Also the legislation and executive rightly face the constitutional limit in protecting the social right. First, the social state concept which the constitution concretely define and contrasts with the socialist state put a certain limit on social right. Therefore the executive and legislation should respect individual property right in shaping the social welfare program. Second, democracy also set a limit on the social right. In generally, legislation is made by the support of majority of representative. So the legislative power should take care of the politically not represented citizen especially in the area of basic social welfare program. Third, social welfare program ought to be formed according to rule of law that also the constitution demand. In addition social right can conflict with basic individual rights. Fourth, social rights heavily rely on the economic capability of the state.

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