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      • 중등교원 승진인사행정에 관한 연구

        박홍웅 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 교육행정전공 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 252719

        The success or failure of education depends on the personnel administra-tion. The personnel administration is a core problem in the administrative management because all organizations and systems are managed by men. Nowadays teachers are greatly interested in the system of promotion, which is one of branches in the personnel administration. In these days when teachers have more and more difficulties in getting promotion, to stiffen the morale of teachers and to extend the speciality of education, it is very meanirgful for the development of education to re-examine the present system of promotion and to search for the ways of improvement . therefore, this thesis reconsiders the present rules for promotion and employment and picks up some problems and presents the ways for improve-ment, taking these problems into consideration. It also inquires into the principles of personnel edministrat ion, the types of personneI system, the security of social status for teachers and the organization of personnel administration. According to the results of the analysis of the rules for promotion, the ways of improvement are as follows : 1. The exist ing period for the estimation of career, that is, twenty-five years, must be prolonged and the career of miscellaneous schools must be equally estimated and the limit of the marks of career estimation should be lifted up. 2. The estimation of teachers' service records has become the greatest issue in the persormel administrat ion so that we should lower the propor-tion which the estimation occupies in the personnel administration for promotion. 3. The mark of the training for qualifications must be heightened andt hat of general training should be lowered down. If a teacher has more than two records of achievement in study, the mark of the one which has upper grade should be admitted. 4. Some parts of various additional marks should be replaced by the evaluation of service records or by payirU allowance. Anyway, this pro-blem must be reexamined in many ways. 5. It is better to do away with the examination for promoting to vice principals and to nominate the teachers who can take training for the quali-fication to be vice principals in the order in the list of the candidates for promotion. Howewr, we cannot increase the chances for promotion only by impro-ving the existing rules for promotion. The ways to solve the problems in promotion and to lift up the morale of teachers and to increse the chances for promotion are as follows : 1. We should reduce the size of schools, decreasing the number of students in a class and the number of classes in a school. We should increase the number of schools which have pleasant environments. 2. We should use the system of double vice principals widely even in the schools which have fewer than 43 classes and establish the system of head teacher in a hurry and increase the number of positions such as deputy supervisors and vice educational researchers. 3. The most effective way to increase the opportunities for promotion is to accept deliberately the system that a principal should hold office for limited years and to make the age limit of teachers go down. Wes hould establish satisfying pension-system before we make the age limit of teachers descend. Finally, the Ministry of Educationhas a personnel committee but its subsidiary organizations don't have. By establishing personnel committees in the Ci ty and Province Board of Education and in the City and Gun Office of Education, we can augment autonomy for personnel administration and teachers can give their opinions freely. And consequently the personnel administration can devote itself to the development of democratic education.

      • 국민학교 아동의 교육평가 방향과 생활통지표의 개선에 관한 연구

        민경현 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 교육행정전공 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        In this study reached up to the following conclusion and measures for the improvement of the method of educational eval-nation and of school reports are presented in this study as a link of the renovation of class-room. A. With school reports, educational evaluation is made in a back warded method and the improvement of such method is urgent. B. When preparing school reports, attention should be paid to the following points: 1. School report should be prepared by such items as physical development, development of leaming subjects, activity in extra-curriculum, behavioral development. etc. Espe-cially, result of practical skill must be recorded and full mark system by writing examination paper should be abolished. 2. Evaluation should be made by classifying into minute items so that the evaluation can be comprehensive to both the pupil and his or her parents and can render valuable sug-gestions for subsequent semesters. 3. Evaluation should cover the entire school life and overall status of progress or development should be comprehensive at sight. 4. In order to promote cooperation by parents, a blank coIun should be provided in the fonn of school report for entry by parents. For pupils whose rate of progress is behind other pupils, sufficient advices should be rendered. C. School report should provide a motive to encourage and promote desire for learning. Also, it should provide a motive for reproach so that it can prevent any unfavorable social problem which may deteriorate human relation. D. The routine objective examination leaned soly to pen and paper should be sublated. Subjective and diverse methods should be employed. E. In the improvement of the method of educational evaluation, practical evaluation should be performed in abreast with the-oretical evaluation for all subjects. P. A new educational method in which experiments, Practices, practical skills, practicalbe language ability and labor are emphasized should be employed and established. G. Guidance and enlightment should be conducted for parents to have correct conception of scholarstic ability by opening a class for the refinement of mothers and by using reports to parents and other methods. Now we are in a position to learn throuout lifetime and, as preparation for future life, educa-tion must be changed to individualization, foundamentalization, himanization. By conducting education that is suitable to the difference of the ability of individual pupil, they will be encouraged and they will be able to develop individual divine ability. This positive attitude and determination of teacher can im-prove the method of educational evaluation and, in the chang-ing society,school report can provide effective counselling method and it will render a great helping hand to the settle-ment of difficult problems, A constant concern and study on educational evaluation and children's education will open, before us, the gate of 2000s through which we will find a bright perspective.

      • 공업고등학교 학생의 전공선택에 관한 연구

        손영원 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 교육행정전공 1982 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        This paper attempts to hammer out an effective way to Pro-vide technical high school students with preparedness for an im-portant status as a well-trained craftsman after their graduation,through analyzing the correlations between the selection of their major courses and the reference to the results from their aptitude tests. The results obtained from the study are as follows: The family backgrounds into which technical high school students were born have generally been observed to reach below the average economically. It is undeniable that technical high school education touches heavily on vocational education. As far as education is concemed, the selection of high schoolcourses hinges upon the aptitude of the students. The number of the students who have been put to aptitude tests in middle school days reaches 79.6%. The number of those who believe that they selected their major courses in accordance with their aptitude have been revealed to amount to 27.6% and the others are reported to have selected their courses regard-less of their aptitude. The fact that 42.9% of them have iden-tified the selected courses with their aptitude due to their attention to vocational prospects reveals that they are currently confronted with serious difficulties in finding their employment. The number of the students who find their major courses suitable to their aptitude registered in their aptitude tests covers 32.4% and the others think that their major courses have proved unsatisfactory, or rather, they are trying to be satisfied with their major courses on purpose. This explodes the fact that their decision on the courses in technical high school has been partly irrelevant to their results from their aptitude tests. In order to work out the problems described above, we may suggest that the selection of students in technical high school should be subject as much to their aptitude as to their academic preparedness for scholastic standing. Those perfectly satisfied with major courses in technical high school cover 14.2%, while 10.4% of the technical high school students find their courses unsatisfactory. As to their reason for their dissatisfaction with the major courses, 38% of them point out the inaptness to their major courses and 23.6% refer the reason to unsatisfactory treatment in their future employment and their failure of academic preparedness at school, respectively. And 11.5% of them refer the reason to the lack of their prospect of the courses. As to their future career, 44.7% of them expect to comply with their major courses, and 28.2% expect to go on to the same advanced (college) education as their major courses that they have taken in high school. Accordingly, measures should be Pre-pared by technical high schools to make a guidance on their advanced education in college. A great problem arises since,either in their employment or in their advanced (college) educa-tion, as many as a quarter of the technical high school students want to continue their career other than their field on which they have spent much time and effort. In order to improve this kind of discrepancy, middle school authorities should provide the students with chances of sufficient information on vocational career and of aptitude tests, which are public to the students as well as their parents. the student selection policy in high school should take into consideration the fact that 12.9% of the students want to change to another major course and 19.3% want to move to schools other than vocational schools, which indicates that the opportunity of transfer to other courses or schools should be open to them according to their own decision. Finally, the treatment to technical high school graduates should be improved so as to attract many competent students to technical high schools.

      • 중학교 학생의 이성교제 실태조사 연구

        최영기 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 교육행정전공 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        The preliminary survey for the sex education at the middle school has not been inquired, and even the phenomenal basic materials for it haven't been collected. Therefore the objects of this research are as follows. 1. To survey and analyse the actual condition on the method and contents of the sex education at the middle school. 2. To seize clearly the degree of the middle school students' sexual maturity. 3. To survey and analyse the actual condition of the middle school students' acquaintance with the other sex. 4. To clearly grasp the actual condition of the middle school students' sexual behavior. To achieve these purposes, on a basis of the deep investigation of the study of relative documentaries and proceding research records, this researcher made out total 34 questionaires such as: 8 question items of the actual conditions of sex education. 6 question items of the actual conditions of sexual development. 13 question items of the actual conditions of the acquaintance with the other sex. 6 question items of the actual conditions of the sexual behavior. 7 question item of the agony on the problem of the other sex. Among the total 840 papers framed such questionaires abovedescribed, 820 papers were collected, which had been distributed to the 840 students who were sampled from 6 girls' middle schools of 420 students, the thrid grade and 6 boys' middle schools of 420 students, the same grade. Except 220 papers judged as contained each student's discretion, total 600 papers composed of both 300 papers of the boy students and 300 papers of the girl students were produced for the appropriate percentage as to the each item, totaling the contents which the students had chosen. And based upon this, a direct of interpretation of a quantification and an indirect of the circumstances have been made. The result of this survey and analysis for the sex education at the middle school are as follows. 1. The girl students have much more opportunities to be educated than the boys and the teacher in charge of such subject educates such matter from one to three times in regular classes or special ones. 2. The contents and methods of sex education have been mainly attached weight to the education by telling the facts as to the students' physical distinctive features, however, particularly, in case of the girl students, it has been mainly attached weight to the purity education purposely and as planned. 3. About sex education like this, girl students made good responses that such an education was very useful, but for boy students it did not bring good responses. And most students hope that the chances of sex education will be soon provided as a way of a special instruction by the female teacher taken exclusive charge of such subject. 4. Girl students made a response that they got the established knowledge about sex through their teacher, on the contrary, the boy students made a response that they got it through their friends. And the result shows that recently the significance of the newspapers and magazines on the sex education is high. The analysis - results of the actual conditions for the present middle school students' physiological features are as follows. 1. The time of the first mentruation and wet dream begins with 4 to 5 grade at the elementary school (at the age of 9-10; boys 1.2%, girls 4.0%) and ends almost at the second grade of the middle school (boys 80%, girls 94.3%). 2. It shows that more boy students than girl students experienced masturbation and they have the impetus and knowledge through the newspapers, magazines and pictures, etc. The result through the actual conditons - analysis of the middle school students' acquaintances with the other sex are as follows: 1. Girl students have more chances than boy students and they behave more positively and the object for the acquaintances appears to be more various. 2. The ways of an acquaintance with the other sex are mere greetings, conversations and a stroll in a park. And in case of boy students, they meet girl students because of beautiful face, however, girl students meet boy friends because of good character. And they showed their attitudes positively that they are willing to acquaint with the other sex if the other sex approaches closely to them. 3. The boy students' parents' attitude showed indifferent response and the girls' parents are blindly against the acquaintance with the other sex, therefore, parents have been excluded in charge of an advisor role. 4. For the time and places to meet the other sex, the boys meet the girls in the afternoon, the girls in the lunch time, and the boy students' meeting places are more various than the girl students. Finally, the survey-results of the actual conditions of the middle school students' sexual behavior are as follows. 1. The number of the experienced of the sexual behavior comes up to 54 or 9% (29 boys and 25 girls) among the total and there are a few who experienced such behavior at the sixth grade at the age of 11 (5.5%). The most experienced age was researched as the middle school second grade when they are 13 years old (59.26%). 2. For the object, boy students mainly sex with same middle school students, on the contrary, girl students sex with high school students. The boy students sex because they wish and girl students sex because they want each other or unwillingly. 3. For the time and place of sexual behavior in the case of boy students, they sex in other buildings besides their own houses during the summer night and winter vacation, and in the case of girl students, they sex in the fields in spring, which reminds the case of being misconducted forcibly in the daytime. The next conclusion can be produced on the basis of the survey-results of the actual conditions above-mentioned. Such as, from the middle school students who are at the first stage of the degree of young students' development, the acceleration phenomenon of the young students' physical and sexual development, which is now recognized as the modern young students' special features, can be found. And moreover, at the stage of modern students' physical development, the disparity between the physical growth and mental growth can be found. This disparity gives rise to disgrade the establishment of the inner sex ethics to the young students. Therefore, through this, we can recognize not only the aspect of the increase of the juvenile delinguency but also the condition of distraction of sex ethics which is a basic norm of the whole social community order. When we look straightly at this middle school students' actual condition and present social phenomenon, the first stage of physical and mental development, we should educate them the organized contents containing sex ethics or sex moral by the well-planned program and systematical method. From the above results I could have a tentative conclusion as follows: 1. Systematic sex education should be performed in school for the middle school girls and boys. 2. For effective sex education, teachers and parents need to be re-instructed about sex education. 3. The contents of sex education will be useful when they are learned as follows: Elementary school years: the first menstruation, breast, and pubes. 1 st year of middle school: underarm hair, the role and duty of man and woman, female genitals, sex morality, and sex hygiene. 2 nd year of middle school: the association with the opposite sex, the prevention of sexual accidents, chastity, pregnancy, and the posture of an embryo. 3 rd year of middle school: marriage, male genitals, masturbation, dream ejaculation, and the family plan.

      • 학교행정가의 자아개념과 지도성의 상관연구

        홍응표 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 교육행정전공 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        The quality of all educational activities in the school environment is likely to be determined largely by the performance aspect of the roles played by school administrators, who take the core position in school organizations. According to a study of cognitive psychology, it is revealed that the extent of self-awareness of an individual relates to the success or failure of his role-performance and Yi Hwan-bok also contends that the self-awareness about the managerial competence of administrators brings differences to their dimensional role performance. Therefore, it is likely to presume that the self-awareness of school administrators may affect their leadership type for enhancing the educational efficiency. In line with this presumption, this study is to make certain if there exists any significant correlation between these two variables. This study involves 8 high school principals and 19 middle school principals surveyed by means of the questionnaire prepared by the National Training Laboratory at Bethel, Maine, about their self-awareness as well as a number of teachers serving under the respective principals surveyed by means of Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire by Halpin. Manipulating the scores of self-awareness and leader behavior description secured by the above-mentioned survey to make use of Spearman's ρ, this study tried to find the coefficient of correlation between the self-awareness of school administrators and their leadership type. The result is P=0.75, which means this study can reach the conclusion that there exists a high correlation between these two variables. In addition to that, the scores of self-awareness and leader behavior of school administrators tend to average higher than the mean of the questionnaire. This fact can be interpreted as this; the school administrators are generally possessive of rather high standard of self-awareness and play the role of leader more effectively than the standard. The fact that there is no significant difference between the scores of middle school principals and those of high school principals indicates that the self-awareness and leader behavior of the administrators have nothing to do with school size. In conclusion, the presumption that the possessors of positive self-awareness may be so task-oriented as to be efficient leaders on the consequence of their positive perspective of life has been varified. The schools managed by the administrators of more positive self-awareness, because of their efficient leadership, are in more favorable position to attain their educational goals with speed and efficiency, while those of low profile result in the opposite effects. Hence comes some suggestions that the self-awareness test should be required for the student selection to the pre-service teacher training institutions and the administrator training programs to cultivate positive self-awareness of high standard should be developed.

      • 학부모의 교육관 조사 연구 : 서울지역의 학부모를 중심으로

        강태중 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 교육행정전공 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        Investigation of parents' view on education can be said to be a startingpoint for correcting the direction of education in Korea. Furthermore, it can be said that correcting the direction of education means cultural reconstruction. Various methods are available to us in investigating parents' view of education, but the aim of this thesis is to find out what the purposes of parents are, what the characteristic of their purposes is, and in what situation parents' view of education in Seoul lies. Thus, it will be investigated in two respects. One of them is to find out the parents' consciousness of educational purposes, and the other is to consider whether the difference of sex, age, religion, or occupation of parents lead to the difference of basic view of education. In this research, it has been proved that parents' view of education in Seoul, in general, has several characteristics. Firstly, parents have remarkable tendency of sacrifice. Secondly, on the whole, individualism is outstanding, in particular, family-centered individualism. Thirdly, they show realism and adaptability, nevertheless, they don't show the lack of nationalism and partiotism. The characteristics given above can be explained in detail as follows: Firstly, in terms of age, though there is little difference, those in their thirties lack nationalism, those in their forties show stronger individualism, and those in their fifties show rather stronger nationalism. Secondly, in terms of sex, there is no distinct difference in their view of nation, but, as a rule, men are rather nationalistic, whereas women are familycentered. Thirdly, in terms of religion, though there is no noteworthy difference among those who have different religious backgrounds, parents Christians show comparatively stronger sacrificial spirit. Buddhists show stronger tendency of sacrifice and nationalism than the other religious groups. Lastly, in terms of occupation, outstanding difference cna't be found, but still we can find a little. Those engaged in private business are more individualistic and sacrificial to their children as well, officials are nationalistic, office workers are realistic and individualistic with good adaptability, and housewives show family-centeredness and are sacrificial to their children. In short, parents in Seoul have set up their own firm view of education in the course of historical turmoil of their country. Individualistic and sacrificial characteristic can be regarded as future-directed, but it will have to be turned into a nationalistic one. Our educators' duty is to convert parents' individualistic and realistic view of education into nationalistic and sacrificial one and let them have the spirit of cooperation. It is regrettable that the experimental group was not classified according to sex in this research. This research leaves much to be investigated further.

      • 장학사의 역할에 관한 연구

        최창희 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 교육행정전공 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        1. Subject of Study: This study is purposed to clarify the role of the supervisors to be played in enhancing effectiveness of education and further improving the quality of education, through the approach of research on expecta-tion for the service of the supervisors entertained by principals and tea-chers on the active list, and on present conditions of activities of the supervisors. These purposes have made the study to be embodied into followingforms. 1) Analysis on problem area of improvement of system of study by teachers. 2) Analysis on problem area of encouraging improvement of specialty of teachers. 3) Analysis on problem area of rationalizing administration of educa-tional course and management of schools. 4) Analysis on activities of supervisors. 2. Method of Study In order to attain the aims stated in the preceding paragraph, refer-ence books related to the problems have been surveyed and examined and unquetes were made out to distribute to 101 persons of principals, 52 persons of supervisors and 103 persons of teachers from 7 educational districts under control of Board of Education of Special City of Seoul and the answers of which had been arranged statistically to bring about the results to serve this study. 3. Concluding Remarks Analysis on answers to enquestes indicate conclusions of the survey as shown in the following; 1) It has been found that there are remarkable differences throughout almost all the problem arears between the actual activities of the roll of the supervisors and expectation for roll of the supervisors by teachers. 2) It has also been found that there are very rare difference, throu-ghout almost all the problem areas between the actual activities of the roll of the suporvisors and expectation for the roll of the supe-rvisors by principals. 3) It has been learned that the difference between the expectation for the roll of the supervisors by principals and that by teachers is in similar level of that between the actual activities of the supervisors and expectexpectation therefor by teachers. 4) Analyzation of actual activities of the supervisors has revealed that they are not sufHciently provided for chances for supervising and directing, or for deliberation or exchange of opinion on educat-ional course separately according to each subject, busying themselves in carrying out important national policy and inspection. They are also found to be kept too busy in administrative works to care for their own prime duties, and to be staffed too short to perform their roll or quiding, directing. It is wished that these obstacles should be removed.

      • 북한의 취학전교육 연구

        김병용 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 교육행정전공 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        1. Based on the study of a true picture of pre-school education through a general ideology, object, policy and system of North Korean education, South Korean education in comparison with that of North Korea will be tabulated as follows: A Comparative Table of Education between North and South of Korea. (1) Education in General. ◁ 표 삽입 ▷(원문을 참조하세요) (2) Pre-school Education ◁ 표 삽입 ▷(원문을 참조하세요) 2. As indicated in the above table, education between north and south Korea reveals a wide difference and a delicate confrontation with each other in every field of ideology, object, and a true situation. As long as such education continues, the extreme heterogeneity will be derived. It should not only be a great hinderance to the peaceful unification of democracy of the nation--0ne of the nation's call but alsocan be an important task. In terms of national solidification even after the unification achievement. 3. As a step to bring an indefinite development and prosper as a unitary nation by achieving the goal of the national unification of the divided country, through a reunion of the nation by overcoming such situation, (1) Pre-school, early education and it's growth, (2) Encouragement of social education (Education for out of school youth and adult), (3) Promotion of mental education of the national spirit (Political socialization or Political education) should be suggested to be strongly performed.

      • 일반계 고등학교의 직업교육에 관한 연구

        박준섭 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 교육행정전공 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        This is a analysis on the actual condition about a way gui-dance efficiently of the vocational curricurum for students who is not go on to university by the course of a economical poor, school record make no progress and so on in high school. The purpose of the article is to grope a way of vocational education, a charateristic of vocational class and both opinions between teacher and students about vocational education. Followed are the conclusion derived from the above analysis. 1. The vocational class-students, that is, 60% for invested students consider its necessity of operation of voca-tional education, and 40% for students look forward to enforece it from 1st grade earlier than now in its enforcement term. 2. High school teachers who manage a vocational class-students know a necessity of a field-training for them, but there are the most important problems which almost all high school couldn't be enforced a vocational education and cannot give them a opportunity to the training on the spot in the case of no understanding by community. 3. Almost high school don't manage a vocational curricurum on in sufficient condition of every educational faciliti-es for defficient vocational education, it is show the most trouble that they are more than legal school hours because it lack number of the practical course-teacher in high school. 4. Show a important problem that their schools are not set up a system of vocational curricurum, an employment information-collection and exchange it for each other, that there are no a teacher of employment guidence, on the other hand, because their parents and friends take charge it. Attention should be paid to the following points in the enumerations. A. The cooperation of the government with the voca-tional educationpl aiming projects is essentialy required. B. We need a teacher of employment guidance, a practical courseteachers and management system of employment information service for student in high school. C. At the same time adequate government plan and the cooperation of their community must be enforce for a solution those problems that they can do a practical opportunity on the spot.

      • 학생과학관 운영에 관한 연구

        박상달 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 교육행정전공 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 252687

        I. Prologue A. Presentation of Problem Each student's science center which is located in each province in Korea has a variety of exhibition for interest as well as scientific technique, but there is something to be desired in helping the understanding of technology. So it is desirable to turn the same type of demonstration effect into the executive scientific education. To contribute toward it, the systematic study about the management of S.S.Cr is necessary. B. Aims of Study 1. To grasp the situation of management through management plans of 9 S.S.Crs. 2. Comparison between ours and foreign science centers. 3. To find out the problems through a questionnaire given to the students and science teachers. 4. To grope the direction of improvement for the management of S.S.Crs through analyzing known problems. C. The Method of the Study 1. To analyze the projects of the management of each S.S.Cr in Korea (9 S.S.Crs.) 2. To analyze the results of the questionnaire(540 students and 255 teachers in Chung Chong Province) D. The Scope of the Study 1. Only to find out problems through the designes of each S.S.Cr. in Korea.(9 S.S.Crs.) 2. Only to analyze the results of the questionnaire of 540 students and 255 teachers in Chung Chong Province who have ever visited S.S.Crs. II. A theoretical study of S.S.Crs. A. A historical study of them.(abridged) B. A purpose of foundation of them.(abridged) C. A function of them.(abridged) D. A reality of chief foreign science centers.(abridged) III. The consequences of study. A. A state of managing of S.S.Crs. in Korea 1. The management posts and members of the staff In average, S.S.Crs. have three or four sections and one department. Usually they have 33 people. 2. A reality of institution Total site area for each science center is 90,235㎡, floor space is 34,656㎡, the rate of exhibition room which is used actively is 31% out of floor space 9.4% out of the site area, laboratory is 10.7% out floor space. Only four centers have VTR room and a special room for science. 3. A state of an exhibition The total exhibits are 42,065 pieces. Average is 4,674 pieces. 4. Situations of activities a. For the education of scientific technique and understanding of primary science, each science center provides schools with the place of experimental observation. b. Studying activities for the elevation of science teacher's ability and quality. c. For scientific life and mood of scientific technique, science center develops many kinds of activities such as science contests and science school for adults. d. Informations about the education of scientific technique, theory of it, experimental observation, technique investigation, and studying activities aregiven. e. For the protection of the nature and life environment, training meeting, and teaching aids are provided. B. The results of the questionnaire 1. The rate of utilization of science center Annually the rate of it is low, showing that both the students and the teachers use the science center only one time individually 52.7%, 65.9%. 2. The rate of participation in all kinds of activities Experimental learning is 70.9%, learners accept them positively, whereas, teachers take part in them only one time a year 91.4%. 3. The level of quides The rate which the level is so so is 76.9%. Kind guide is 70.4%. 4. The rate of performance in the role of science centers It is so so. 80%, the rate of contribution to the local culture is same 82.7%. 5. Evaluation about exhibitions The best interesting exhibit is something about a space science 75.6%, the rate of understanding it is 70.4%, the rate of preparation is generally 73.7%. Requested exhibits are model materials, Computers, VTR system, etc. The charging condition of materials is not bad 74.9%. 6. Public relations The motivations of the use of the student science center various. The methods of awareness in main activity are official paper, direction of delivery, school public relation, and public relation through the visit of science center. 7. Influence on learning activity from school group visit The rate of contribution is high 43%. The relationship between exhibition and studying activity is moderate 80.8%. The rate of scientific education is nothing much for teacher's views 52.5%. 8. Supplying of informational materials The rate of it is a little. The location of science center is difficult to find out 53.3%. 9. The rest The students demand the enlargement of a facility for science play 41.3%. IV. Conclusion and Suggestion Korean science centers are used and run mainly for the students, but contents of activity which is carried out in whole managements have something to do with community science education as well, and we can conclude as follow: 1. Because of insufficient caretakers and researchers for management of S.S.Crs, its own function is not well performed, so many experts are expected to be brought up. 2. Since Korean S.S.Crs don't have sufficient facility and public materials or data, the continuous investment is indispensible. 3. Since the public relation about managing policy and contents of activities of S.S.Crs is not spread widely, it is necessary for many people and students to approach it easily through active public relation. 4. As the S.S.Crs are located far from all of the counties, many students and teachers can't visit them. So we need small size S.S.Crs in each county Board of Education.

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