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      • 經濟福祉의 指標와 計測

        이정호,장기주,최대식 韓社大學 産業福祉硏究所 1980 産業福祉 Vol.3 No.-

        Der Zweck meiner Abhandlung liegt in diesem Punkt, daβ Ich die Definiton der Wirtschafswohlfahrt und das Messenmodell zeige, das Kennzeichen der Wirtschaftswohlfahrt in der Klassikschule und der Neuklassikschule finde, das Kennzeichen der koreanischen Statistik wendet, die Wirtschaftswohlfahrt analysiert und die Rechtungaufstellung der nationallen Wirtschaftswohlfahrt betrachtet. Die physiokratismen zeigen daβ das wahre Reichtum der Mensch, das Lebensmaterial und vor allem die Landwirtschaftsprodukte ist. Also ist die Landswirtschaft die Lebenst ätigkeit f ür das Erwerben der Wohlhahrt. Die Natur ist die Quelled des Reichtums. Man sagt, daβ das Problem zwischen den Armen und den Reichen auf die Arbeit, das Land selbst beruht. Die Klassikschule behauptet, daβ das Lebensmaterial des Menschen z. B. Landwirtschaftsprodukte, das industrielle Fabrikat, die G üter und die Arbeit die Quelle das Reichtums ist. A Smith sagt, der Nationalreichtum ist dar Reichtum des Volks, d.h. die Arbeitsansammelung des Volks. Das Problem zwischen den Armen und den Reichen bezieht sich auf die Arbeitsproduktivit ät; Diese ist im Zusammenhang mit dem Anteil zwischen der Arbeitsteilung und der Arbeit. F. Quesnay sagt, der Erwerb der Wirtschaftswohlfahrt kann durch das Naturrecht erreicht werden, dieses bedeutet das Recht des Menschen, alles genieβen zu k önnen. Wenn der Mensch das Naturrecht durch die Vernunft ausübt, so kann das Naturrecht mit der naturordnung nebeneinanderbestehen. Smith behaupter, daβ der wirtschaftliche Person nicht das wirtschafliche Tier Sondern der Erwerb der Wirtschaftswohlfahrt durch Menschen ist. Der individuelle Betrieb nach der Wohlfahrt stimmt mit der Kasteiung und der Mäβigkeit überein. Nachdem A.C.Pigou, einer von den Neuklassikschulen, die Wirtschaftswohlfahrt als die Austeilung des Volkseinkommens betrachtet hatte, legte er davon drei Sätze vor; (1) Je höher das individuelle Einkommen ist, desto höher ist die wirtschaftswohlfahrt. (2) Je höher die Einkommenausteilung ist, desto höher ist die Wirtscha ftswohlfahrt. (3) Je minder die Änderung des Einkommensist, desto höher ist die Wirtschaftswohlfahrt. Das Einkommenniveau, das Einkommenausteilung das Einkom menstabilität, dies sind das groβe Ziel der nation wirtschaftlichen Politik. Der theoretische Grund Pigosst ist wie folgt; Der Grenznutzen des Reichen ist niedrig durch das Gesetz der Grenznutzenverminderung im Vergleich zu dem Grenznutzen des Armen. Wenn der Einkommenumzug gleich mit dem individuellen Grenznutzen ist, so wird die soziale gesamte Harmonie maximal. Wenn die Forschung nach der Wirtschaftswohlfahrt durch Smiths “Erhöhung der Arbeitskraft”, Malthusens “Schaffen des wirksamen Bedarfs”, Ricardos “Wachsen des reinen Einkommens”, Mills “Verbesserung der Austeilung”, Marschalls “Schaffen des Uberrestes”, Pigous “der Umzug des Einkommens” erreicht wird, so muβ die Planwirtschaft erreicht werden. Ich will folgenden Aufgaben des Wirtschaftswohlfahrts zeigen; Erstens ist das Wirtschaftwohlfahrt problem in der Anfangsstadiumindustriestufe. Von “Smith” bis “W.H.Beveridge” ist die Herausforderung zu der Armut der Weg zur Wohlfahrt. Das gemeinsame Schicksal des Arbeiters ist Marschalls Worte, daβ das Studium von der Armut das interesse aller Menschen ist. Galbraith sagte wie folgt; Die individuelle Armut wird auf die einsame Armut beschränkt. Die Armut bedeutet nicht nur die Physikalische Existenz sondern auch die Bedurfnisbefriedigung. Die Armut bezieht auf die relative Genüge zur Lebensniveau. Die Einkommensniveau ist hoch, der Verbrauchbedarf ist mannigfaltig, und der Wertnorm, die Wertanschaung verändern sich, infolgedessen will ich behaupten, daβ das wirkliche Gefühl und die Inhalt der Armut auch sich verändert. Zwitens ist das Wirtschaftwohlfahrtproblem in der Höheindustriestufe. Statt der Förderung der physikalischen Wohlfahrt fehlt es auch an geistiger Genüge; das Entfremdungsgeüfhl und Isolierungsgefühl. Das dropende Dasein zur Wohlfahrt ist erstens die Inflation, zweitens die Umgebungvernureinigung, drittens die Austrocknung der Hilfsquelle, viertens die Übervölkerung. In der Höheindustriestufe müssen der Lebensvorzug statt des Produktionsvorzugs und die Wohlfahrt statt des Wachstums gefördert warden.

      • 技術進步의 構成要因을 導入한 恒常狀態成長의 實現可能性 : R.F.Harrod의 基本方程式을 中心으로

        최대식 韓社大學 産業福祉硏究所 1975 産業福祉 Vol.1 No.-

        Ⅰ Technological Progress is a principal contributor to Economic Growth, therefore the purpose of this thesis is to prove the realizable possibility of Steady State Growth with components of technological progress on the base of Harrod's equation. its contents are follow: (1) Definition of technological progress in the sense of Natural Science and Economics. (2) Components of technological progress. (3) Characters of Steady State Growth (4) Proof of the realizable possibility of Steady State Growth with components of technological progress. Ⅱ It is said that technological progress is the process of judgement power which is formed by objective law in the practical production of human-being. this meaning is called only the productive technology in the economic theory, and then technological progress of this kind keeps four components, that is, (1) general rise of production factors productivity, (2) bias of technological progress, (3) change of substitutive elasticity, and (4) change of scale economy. Ⅲ Nowadays, the Steady State Growth is a theory indicated in the developed industrial economy. J. A. Meade ruled a word the State of Steady Economic Growth in the book on A Neo-Classical Theory of Economic Growth, and the State of steady Growth in the book on the Growing Economic, and then developed its economic theory. R.M.Solow indicated two component's of technological progress and change of scale economy and ruled the definition and character, and also N. Kaldor studied and expressed six standardized rules of the Steady State Growth, 1958. Ⅳ The purpose of this thesis is to prove the realizable possibility of Steady State Growth with components of technological progress flourished remarkably the advanced nations of the world. (1) the realizable possibility of Steady State Growth with full employment being concerned with general rise of production factors productivity are follow: ① constant of G_(P) and G_(L), ② variable of s with suppostion of Neo-Classical save funtion, ③ variable of s in the classical save function, ④ G_(w)>G_(n), ⑤G_(w)<G_(n), ⑤G_(w)=G_(n). (2) the realizable possitility of Steady State Growth with full employment being concerned with bias of technological progress, ① G_(w)>G_(n), ② G_(w)<G_(n), ③ G_(w)=G_(n) (3) the realizable possibility of Steady State Growth with full employment being concerned with change of sustitutive elastiticity, ① G_(w)>G_(n), ② G_(w)<G_(n), ③ G_(w)=G_(n). Ⅴ Finally, J. Robinson commented the oboved theory with terms of Golden Age. he concluded the change of Scale ecnomy to realize and maintain of Golden Age. he argued various influences to economic growth and effects the change of Scale Economy to determine of enterprise scale, therefore I studied the realizable possibility of Steady State Growth with full employment, getting components of technological progress on the Harrod's equation in spite of non-realizepoint.

      • 經濟成長을 위한 企業課稅에 關한 硏究

        이정호 韓社大學 産業福祉硏究所 1978 産業福祉 Vol.2 No.-

        In general, public capital formation and various forms of government expenditures have active effects on accelerating economic growth. The productive effects of the expenditures can only be realized by suppressing private purchasing power through taxation and relieving a part to national resources from private use. Therefore, taxation indirectly accelerates economic growth through government expenditures. The effects of taxation itself on economic growth, however, are generally harmful. Taxation has unfavorable effects on the willingness and ability of private sector for the Labor, saving investment and technological progress. The long-range objective of the taxation policy, therefore, is to secure tax revenue in such a way that the harmful effects of taxation may be minimized and active incentives must be given to the willingness and ability of the private sector. The taxation policy to solve this problem is generally called incentive taxation. Important forms of the incentive taxation are business taxes individual income taxes. Therefore, when we discuss taxation policy, the growth of GNP and NNW(net national welfare), it is important to clarify the manner how business taxes and individual income taxes have unfavorable effects on the growth of GNP and NNW, and to search for the proper method of the taxation for business taxes and individual income taxes form the point of view of ecfnomic incentive. Based on the foregoing consideration, I came to the following conclusion: Reducing or exempting tax on the capital gains, the interest from saving, and its capital proper would increase willingness and ability of private sector to save and lessen harmful effects of business taxes and individual income taxes on personal savings, thus contributing on the economic growth. But, if this policy is applied uniformly, the result will be that higher income groups would bear comparatively less tax burden. Also, if the scheduler taxation is overemphasized, the effects of increased progressive taxation, which is the characteristic feature of global taxation in the revised bill, will be greatly lessened. Therefore, from the point of view of fair tax burden, it is necessary to apply different allowance rate according to the amount of total taxable income or to set up upper limit on deduction or exemption of tax. On the other hand, the tax exemption limit on transfer income tax on land or house should be set up for small income groups. As to the means of lessening harmful effects of corporation tax on investment, it would be better if such tax reduction policy should encourage investment or help increase internal fund. Therefore, it is generally understood that less tax. rate on reserved profits would be better than general tax deduct system, and it would be even better to adopt special depreciation system or investment allowance system. It is prescribed in the revised bill that only one of the three systems should be able to apply to the strategic industries, and deducted fund must be used only for designated purposes. Considering highly modernized industrial structure and fair tax burden, the revised bill is much more appropriate than the present tax regulations. From the point of view of economic incentive, it is the consumption-type that is most suitable to Korea among various value-added taxes. In order to increase poofits and labor productivity and wages, we should have a guide-post policy for the wage system of labor productivity, and all the businesses should raise the wages by adopting the policy, whereas the government should impose less tax rate on value-added tax. Consequently it is believed that the welfare of the laborers will be much more improved than before. Such a taxation policy will eventually lead to the growth of NNW as well as well-blanced economic growth in both supply and demand.

      • 交易條件에 관한 小考

        김진삼 韓社大學 産業福祉硏究所 1980 産業福祉 Vol.3 No.-

        Several different concepts of the terms of trade may be distinguished: the gross barter, net barter or commodity, income, single-factoral, double-factoral, real cost, and utility terms of trade. Despite all the ambiguities obscuring their use, the terms of trade still receive considerable attention in discussions of economic development. This is so not only because the terms of trade have sizeable quantitative significance for most poor countries, but also because they are a convenient indication of the net result of many diverse forces, and may have important welfare implications. On the other hand, Singer-Prebisch asserted that the terms of trade of underdeveloped country had been deteriorated, but professor Haberler asserted the opposite theory to the former. Each theorys are looked like the difference of as follows: first, the statistic date could not offer the satisfying answer to the terms of trade of tendency, and much problems are followed in the interpretation. second, another difference of opinion depends how the period is selected in analyzing the terms of trade. third, the other different opinion are caused how select the factor which extend the influence in the terms of trade of the primary products and industrial products. Thus, the direction in the change of the terms of trade is various according to the period, nations and goods, because the terms of trade are decided by an complicated element. To look only at changes in the commodity terms is to neglect the favorable effects of the greater capacity to import through improvement in the income terms and the benefits from the improvement in the single-factoral terms. When it is asserted within this wider analysis, a change in the commodity terms of trade may prove to be of small moment for a developing economy in comparison with the more fundamental changes that have occurred at the same time.

      • 古典學派雇傭理論의 公準批判

        한봉수 韓社大學 産業福祉硏究所 1980 産業福祉 Vol.3 No.-

        I introduced and commented the postulates of the classical Economics. The classical theory of Employment has been based on two fundamental postulates. 1. The wage is equal to the marginal product of labour. 2. The utility of the wage when a given volume of labour is employed is equal to the marginal disutility of that amount of employment. This postulate is compatible with what may be called “frictional” unemployment: In addition to “frictional” unemployment, The postulate is also compatible with “voluntary” unemployment, due to the refusal or inability of a labour. The classical postulates do not admit of the possibility of the third Category, “involuntary” unemployment. The volume of employed resources is determined, according the classical theory, by the two postulates. The first gives us the demand schedule for employment, the second gives us the supply schedule, and the amount of employment is fixed at a point where the utility of the marginal product balances the disutility of the marginal employment.This calls for two observations. the first of which relates to the actual attitude of works towards real wages and money wages respectively and is not theoretically fundamental, but the second of which is fundamental. Let us assume, for the moment, that labour is not prepared to work for a lower money-wage and that a reduction in the existing level of money-wayes would lead, through strikes or other wise, to withdrawl from the labour market of labour which is now employed. Does it follow from this that the existing level of real wages accurately measures the marginal disutility of labour? not necessarily. For, although a reduction in the existing money-wage would lead to a withdrawl of labour, it does not follow that a fall in the value of the existing money-wage in terms of wage-goods would do so, if it were due to a rise in the prince of latter. In other words, it may be the case that within a certain range the demand of labour is for a minimum money-wage, and not for a minimum real-wage. Now ordinary experience tells us, beyond doubt, that a situation where labour stipulates for a money-wage rather than a real wage, so far from being a mere possibility, is the normal case. According to the classical theory, as the supply of labour is a function of real wages alone, decline of them leads to increasing of tAbove problems cannot be criticizing by Keynes. namly, The demand of labour can be incresed by the manipulation of the effective demand. in other words This breaks down entirely say’s law that supply creates its own demand, This is why the employment theory of Keynes is said to be the principles of the effective demand. it is supported generally by Economist, and be formed keynesian on the developed countries. Consequently, I indicate some questions on the interpretation of the employment Theory of keynes. 1. The point that the classical school include the followers of Ricardo. 2. Original purpose that the postulate of the classical Economics is divided by two categories 3. The point that the marginal product of the labour is expressed to (p―m)(dQ)/(dN) 4. Assumption that marginal utility of money is constant. he supply of labour.

      • Hansen의 補整的 財政思想에 관한 硏究

        장기주,이원복 韓社大學 産業福祉硏究所 1975 産業福祉 Vol.1 No.-

        Fiscal policy has been processed in various types during capitalistic economy is generated and developed. The Fiscal policy of absolute monarchy has devoted a primary accumulation of capital. but when industrial capitalism was accomplished, national economy was self-adjusting developed without persanal interference. In that times, classical economic theory premised full employment and credited say's law. Therefore, whatever expenditures is non productive, especially, classical economists insisted on that public debt and tax hindered the accumulation of capital-laissez faire. but when it was arrived at the stage of monopolistic capitalism, price mechanism could not be solved the problem of business cycle, thus, capitalistic vision of J.M.Keynes expressed secular stagnation, so to speak , moreover the richer the community, the wider will ten to be the gap between its actual and its potential production and therefore the more obvious and outrageous the detects of the economic system. Total employment depends on total demand, and unemployment results from a deficiency of total demand. as employment increases, income increases. A fundamental principle is that as the real income of a community increases, consumption will also increases but by less than income. Therefore, in order to have sufficient demand to sustain an increase in employment, there must be an increase in real investment equal to the gap between in income and the consumption demand out of that income. Hansen accepted keynes's thought. moreover, He asserted that governmental positive fiscal policy increase national income and achieve economic stability, especially, He proposed a systematically compensatory fiscal policy and lay stress upon a balancing factor-compensatory function.

      • 經濟成長에 대한 敎育投資의 影響

        장기주,신인수 韓社大學 産業福祉硏究所 1978 産業福祉 Vol.2 No.-

        <Ⅰ> Economists have long been aware of the importance of educational investment. J.A.Schumpeter, for example, stressed the necessity of the leading labour and spirits of enterprise and added that it could be accomplished through more education and training. <Ⅱ> Generally, the investment in education brings in income increase, because there exist the rates of return to educational investment. And G. S. Becker worked positively with the studies about it. But there is in the world today a correlation between the education level and economic level in the various countries. <Ⅲ> The consensus among economists today is that advance in education leads to economic progress. In other words, educational investment as investment in the human resources is a prerequisite for economic growth. A strategic part of the present post training, scientfic and engeering education, reorganization of a cause structure to specific high human power are directly in accordance with an economic objects. For the future demand of human resources, a planner of human resources should put an emphasis on making an exact object than just prediction. And the demand of human resources must be a general one. Mainly, expenditures on education come from local and central government budgets. But the finance support methods as well as sum total are essential. Gradually, the major part of development plans call for the increase expenditures on educational investment.

      • Cambridge學派의 資本論爭

        박천익 韓社大學 産業福祉硏究所 1980 産業福祉 Vol.3 No.-

        Modern-economics have not yet found the method of solution it’s problems in capital controversy that one of the most controversy in the history of economic theory. Specially, in theory of economie growth, neoclassical economists assert that Capital is diffiult to measured is much impact on specific vision and elaboratic concept of neoclassical school. In history of economic theory, neoclassical is the streams of moderneconomics which is succeed on after School of Marginal Utility and the Economics of Alfred Marshall. Especially, this school is an outstanding contribution in field of economic growth theory. The reason that neoclassical have gotten scathing criticism of Cambridge School, it seems’ to be decline that neoclassical position. Of course, here we say the combridge school, it means that London Cambridge School what he called in midist of MIT Cambridge and London Cambridge. And so, what capital controversy of Cambridge school indicated controversy of London and MIT. The stream economists of MIT Cambridge are Don. Patinkin, T.Modiglian, and P.A.Samuelson and so on, and the stream economists of London Cambridge are Joan. Robinson, Nicholas Kaldor, Lugi.Passinetti, and Piero, Sraffa and so forth. Cambridge School cast a written callenge to the theory of Neoclassical School as a kinds of following. First, it is difficult to measurement of capital itself because labour is a single goods but capital is unlimited goods in the kinds of it. Therefore there are many kinds of method that take a measurement of the range. Second, wage frontier’s slope will no longer measure the aggregate capital labour of the economy. Third, ti can be shown that the presence of reswitching is sufficient to in validate almost all the neoclassical parables. So to speak, generally Cambridge School as a like contents, insist on difference theory about Neoclassical School that is equilibrium of Golden Age as maximized of economic growth theory. Consequently, as a like of the front, we could see the point of difference in this both school come from the heterogeneity of philosophical view. We could see that theory of Neoclassical School base on idealistic and rationalistic philosophy of value, while theory of Cambridge School base on experimental and realistic philosopy of it. Thus like thinking, we could see that capital controversy is an advanced controversy in history of economic theory. And so we could speak that economic theory of Cambridge School and Neoclassical School are have to adjusted and deveopled with the ground of reality.

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