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      • 교육대학원 발전방향의 탐색

        박영무 淸州敎育大學校 敎育大學院 1999 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        초등교원의 전문성 신장과 초등교육의 질적 향상을 위해 교육대학교에 교육대학원이 설립되어야 한다는 오랜 동안의 교육대학과 초등교육 관련자들의 주장이 결실을 맺어 교육대학에 교육대학원이 1996년에 설치된 이래 3년이 경과하였다. 그동안 우리 대학 교육대학원은 일부 기존의 타 대학 교육대학원들이 지금까지 제기한 여러 문제점들을 답습하지 않기 위해 교육대학원 당국과 교수요원, 그리고 대학원생들의 부단한 연구와 노력의 결과로 짧은 역사에 비해 상당한 발전을 거듭해 왔다고 할 수 있으나, 우리 대학원을 둘러싼 여러가지 여건의 미비, 일천한 역사, 선행 경험의 부족 등으로 여전히 해결해야 할 많은 문제점들을 내포하고 있다. 이러한 실정을 감안하여 본 연구에서는 좀 더 발전적이고, 실행 가능하면서도 미래지향적인 대학원 발전방향을 탐색해 본다는 취지 아래 여러 차례 시행된 공식적, 비공식적인 논의의 결과들과 각종 선행 자료들의 분석을 통해 제기된 우리 대학의 교육대학원의 현황과 문제점들을 파악하고, 그러한 것들을 토대로 해서 나름대로의 발전 방향을 제시해 보았다. 그러나 관련 자료의 부족과 시간상의 제약, 그리고 연구방법 미숙 등으로 인해 여기서 제안한 발전방향들은 단기간에 실행되기 어려운 부분도 있고, 또 연구자의 주관적인 견해도 일부 포함되어 있으므로 논의의 전개에 다소 문제가 있을 수 있다. 앞으로 여기에 대한 좀더 객관적이고, 구체직이며, 심도있는 연구와 논의가 계속 전개되어야 되리라 생각된다. 교육대학의 교육대학원 설립에는 다른 일반대학 교육대학원의 설립과는 비교가 될 수 없을 정도의 교육부 당국과 관련기관의 제재가 있었다. 따라서 교육대학의 교육대학원 설립은 오랜 기간의 전 교대인의 시간과 노력이 투입된 결과로서 얻은 값진 열매이다. 이렇게 어려운 산고 끝에 탄생한 교육대학원이 기존의 다른 대학의 교육대학원을 선도할 수 있는 시범적인 대학원이 될 수 있도록 교육대학원과 관련된 모든 기관이나 인사들이 다함께 합심해서 노력해야 되리라 생각된다.

      • 플라톤과 고대 그리스의 수학교육

        한대희 청주교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2001 科學과 數學敎育論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        In this paper, we reviewed the Ancient Greek mathematics education in order to discuss the aim of mathematics education. For most of Western cultural history, mathematics enjoyed a unique image, and a consequent prestige. Those perceptions were shaped by the achievement and outlook of ancient Greece, which saw in mathematics both a particular insight into the substance of "reality" and an unparalleled certainty of reasoning and conclusions. In light of the history of mathematics, we discussed Platonism as a philosophical basis of the traditional mathematics teaching. This has been concerned with teaching Euclid's "Elements" since ancient Greece. And we discussed the relationship between mathematics and a humanities form of education in the context of the traditional thought.

      • 韓國 敎育制度에 있어서 美國的影響에 관한 考察

        尹亨遠 淸州敎育大學校 1970 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        (A) statement of the problem The liberation from Japanese colonialism was, indeed, a turning point for korean education; from totalitarian to democratic modes of education, from centuries old feudalistic to liberal concepts. From this historical point, We initiated so called democratic educational movements in its educational system, educational practices and educational philosophy which were originally derived from those of united States. But there were many maladjustments in Korea's efforts to adapt American type education into its situation. Educational system, curriculum and teaching methods newly advanced were failed or much changed in practical aspects. I may be forgiven if I say that those maladjustment mainly came from two causes; first is our failing in correct understanding of American education; second is our inability to a dapt American system into our realities. With such a consideration in my mind, I aimed to correct understand for the educational system, philosophical trends and teaching methodology in both conutries by way of some comparative method and finally to find some implications for the improvement of Korean educational system. (B) Outlines of Findings I) Administrative organization. The power of the government of the United Sates in education are delegated to the function of each states rather than inherent in it(10th Amendment of the Constitution). Even though central government has a educational organization named as the U. S. Office of Education which is a part of Department of Health, Education and Welfare, it is not controling agency over the States, but is a agency of cooperation, services and information. But the Ministry of Education in Korea which ha most central educational powers to control all provincial system of education, Paradoxically, fellowed some organizational model of U. S. Office of Education since the times of U. S. military government in Korea. It would be far better if the organizational structure of ministry of Education should followed that of some State Department of Education which is mostly organized in the aspect of functional operation. Educational autonomy of United States which was grown up from the peoples voluntary part icipation into the educational affairs, has been organized in state and local unit. Their organizational characteristics will be named as follows; unity in diversity, proffessionalist's execution through laymen's control and decentralionalization of Power safeguarded from political control. Educational autonomy of Korea was also afected by U. S. system of local units;. First educational autonomy of Korea which was influenced by a school district plan of U. S. military government law(law no. 217) had begun its set up in 1952(with the adminitrative unit of city and county), and in 1964(with the administrative unit of special, direct control city and provincial government). Both of those educational a autonomy have failed their orignal principles in initiating people's participation, maintaining political neutrality and delivering decentralization of powers and administrative efficiency. In order to protect those failures, following ways will be available; these ways are to exclude ex-officio board members, to select board member by popular election, to set up school districts according to the wishes of local peoples, to safeguard professional superintendency, and to formulate the board of education as a educational decision making agency. (2) School system and educational practices. The first plan for the school system of Korea was originally planned by the korean council on Education which could named as a consultating organization for the U, S. military government. This school system, though revised several times, has been continued until now. We know that this systems are progressive and advanced one in United States, but we didn't check its adaptability in our culture at the time of reception. Educational or teaching methology of Korea was also much influenced by several American educational missions to Korea, namely; Teacher Training corps in 1948, Unitarian Service committee in 1953 and Peabody Team after them and many scholars, contribution to educational situations. Their contribution to educational practices of Korea were valuable and gave new direction of teaching methodology in which child's interests and living experiences were emphasized in accordance with the educational philosophy of progressivism. But we must understand the other aspect of educational philosophy and their educational methodology. In these catagories, the essentialism, perenialism and reconstructionism may be included. We should get overall insight concerning educational practices derived from many educational philosophies above mentioned and have some intelligence to apply them into teaching learning situations.

      • 敎育에 있어서 美術科의 課題와 美術學習指導에 關한 理論的 硏究 : 兒童 美術敎育을 中心으로

        嚴泰丁 淸州敎育大學校 1967 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        Art lends itselt readily to a form of education which is both acceptable and beneficial to child. With its subject matter arising from the pupils experience, and with its flexibility as to the modes of expression which may be employed, art may be used to suit most of the varying types of personnality to be found among pupils. Because pupils may develop profound interests and find deep satisfaction in art activities, the intellectual and emotional disciplines inherent in these pursuits may work their beneficial effects upon all those pupils whose energies they absorb. Art demands of the creating person the greatest honesty and the highest sense of values, so that in time the student who submerges himself in this work may begin to develop a personal philosophy of worthy conduct and belief having application to any field of human endeavour. The education of an individual is not complete unless he has learned to partici pate to the full extent of his abilities in affairs involving a group. As well ase xerting beneficial effects upon the individual pupil, art may assist him to develop insights into the techniques of working with others. Many art activities allow the children naturally and creatively to solve numerous problems which arise when people gather together for the purpose of thinking as a group. The energies of pupils which are always seeking some outlet can travel in any direction, either good or bad. The vandalism of gangs of youth mentioned from time to time in the daily newpapers, are a manifestation of the fact that pupils seek expression, and that their energies have not been guided along creative. The creative person in not a destroyer. That all pupils should be directed towards creative endeavours is obviously most necessary. In art may be found a channel of major importance in which pupil may find a positive, and entirely worthy form of expression. Art education during pupils calls for a carefully chosen pedagogy. If the teeching methods used are influnced by the great tradition of man's artistic herit age, they will tend express his feelings either of wonder and delight at the worldin which he finds himself, of his approval or disapproval of the actions of other men with whom he comes in contact, has painstaking by developed way of working thinking and feeling which are characteristic of all those who produce art forms. These practices which have evolved are founded upon the tradition that the creating person must have control of the tools and media. together with the ideas and feeling associated with expressive acts. For the teacher of a pupils to deny the necessary freedoms of thought and action which are traditional to artistic endeavour is to prevent the pupils from participating in art. In allowing these freedoms, the teacher is no way removes disciplinary measures. One cannot be responsible for artistic acts without exerting a high degree of selfdisciplline. The tasks of sifting experiences and of resolving these experiences into design forms call for the greatest personal discisplines on the part of those pupils who enter into them. To allow these freedoms in no way eliminates the need of guidance in the art class whatever guidance is given must be timely and closely associated with the pupils' problems as they arise during the course of expression and must be supported by exceptional professional insight into both education and art. For a young person to derive full benefit from his studies in art, he must continue this work throughout the entire period a child, No field of study can duplicate entirely what art has to offer. The kind of thinking in relation to experiences, tools and materials found in art is unique to this field. Those children who terminate their artistic studies in early pupil, a stage of human development full of pesonal diffculties, can never realize their full potentialilities in this work. Only by coutinuing a programme of art education throughout their whole school -life, can they discover their own artistic powers and gain insihght into the true nature of art. In art may be found a field of study which, if educational conditions are right, may contribute in a unique fashion to the development of child. Elementary schoolls have made enomorous strides in bringing art into the service of general education. Many of those responsible for educational matters are now realizing that this subject may be equally if not more, beneficial in elementary education than it is at the secondary level, so that we may look forward confidently to an increased use of art education in the elementary schools of our educational structure.

      • 초등 예비교사의 교과 통합 수업 능력 신장을 위한 프로젝트 수업 사례 연구

        김미혜,권혁순,김남균,심승희 청주교육대학교 교육연구원 2016 학교와 수업 연구 Vol.1 No.1

        최근 창의성과 문제 해결 능력, 여러 학문 분야를 아우를 수 있는 융합적 소양을 갖춘 인재에 대한 사회적 요구가 커지면서, 초등 교사들에게는 여러 교과의 교육과정에 대한 종합적·입체적 분석을 토대로 통합 수업을 설계하고 실행할 수 있는 역량이 요구되고 있다. 따라서 초등 교원 양성과정에서 예비교사들의 통합 수업 역량을 길러줄 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 국어, 수학, 사회, 과학교육을 전공하고 예비교사들을 가르치고 있는 연구자들이 협력하여 초등 예비교사들의 교과 통합 수업 설계 능력을 신장할 수 있는 교육 프로그램을 구안하고 실행해 보았다. 연구자들은 초등학교 4학년을 대상으로 한 교과 통합 수업을 기획했으며, 교육과정과 교과서에 대한 검토 결과를 바탕으로 '우리 동네 공원 개선 프로젝트'라는 주제로 교과 통합 수업을 설계하였다. 그리고 교육대학교 4학년들을 대상으로 정규 교육과정 속에서 우리 동네 공원 개선 프로젝트 수업을 진행해 보았다. 그 결과 (1) 프로젝트 수업에 참여한 예비교사들의 교과 통합 수업 및 학습자 중심의 프로젝트 수업에 대한 관심 및 효능감이 상승하였다. 또한 (2) 예비교사들은 지역의 문제에 대해 관심을 갖게 되었고, (3) 실제성을 띤 과제의 필요성과 의의에 대해 공감했으며, (4) 토의의 재미를 느끼기도 했다. 이를 통해, 교육대학교의 교육과정에서 교과 통합 수업을 경험하는 것이 교과 통합 수업에 대한 교육적 관심을 불러일으키고 교과 통합 수업의 내용과 방법에 대해 구체적으로 고민해 보고 수업의 설계와 실행에 대한 효능감을 신장시키는 계기가 될 수 있음을 확인하였다.

      • 독일 초등학교의 '사물학습'에서 과학교육

        정병훈 淸州敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1995 科學과 數學敎育論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        우리나라의 ‘자연’ 및 ‘슬기로운 생활’에 대한 비교와 시사점 ① 초등에서 중등까지 과학교과의 조직: ② 타교과와의 통합에 관한 관점: ③ 학습소재의 선별과 단원의 구성: ④ 구체적 내용과 소재로부터 추상적 관계에 이르는 인지적 수준: ⑤ 학문중심적 교육과정과 STS적 접근에 대한 인식적 오류:

      • 학교교육과정의 이해와 편성·운영의 실제

        김천호,조용남 淸州敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 1995 初等敎育硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        Poet Sebastian in Suddenly Last Summer has a characteristic seeking after the configurations of gods. Sebastian is Adonis living a life under the protection of Aphrodite, and consanguineous-incest-like lover with Mrs. Venable led him to an abnormal relation with others. He found a picture of himself through the cruelty of gods detected in Encantadas Island. Sebastian, seeking some ways of atonement, let his body by torn by the boys who he had given maltreatment; which had some tint of the vicarious sacrifice of Christ. In Suddenly Last Summer, Sebastian in Christian myth is expressed to be related to Adonis in Greek myth. Although Sebastian, raised under his mother's overprotection, was absorbed in everything he tried, he was described as an individual of duplicity, a sexual pervert with internal conflict. This is a plot like a three-concerned relation with Aphrodite and Fersephone; and he, later captured by malice, made himself its sacrifice by transferring the concept of malice to that of gods. Mrs. Venable's trial to have Catherine undergo lobotomy is considered to be dismemberment, and Mrs. Venable's violent conciliation could be presumed to be an indication for the victory of Catherine's conscience to be granted. Mrs. Venable, Sebastian's mother, regarded her son's death such as in cannibalism, in which starving natives ate his flesh, as the martyrdom, figured the relation with her son as the life of the Goddess and Priestess, and took a metaphorical description on Attis-Cybele, plantation god, blessing the repetition of resuscitation and regeneration. Williams, through Christian and Greek myth, showed a roundabout description of the human's basic problems so called solitude, violence, justice, hypocrisy, and consciousness. He himself did not so much endeavor to find some clues of the problems the society at that time bore, as let his readers of audience find solutions themselves. Since Williams for this purposes took the mythological writing technique in his works, he ought to be estimated such a playwriter as made an unexhausted effort to set up the triangular positioned human nature escaping from decayed and corrupted materialism prevailing the society those days.

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