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      • 간호대학생의 전공만족도, 진로결정 자기효능감과 진로성숙도에 관한 상관성 연구

        김유미,강수찬,권기남,서유진,성승훈,손정림,손현아,신유라,김은희,Kim, You-Mi,Kang, Su-Chan,Kwon, Ki-Nam,Seo, Yoo-Jin,Sung, Seong-Hun,Son, Jeong-Lim,Son, Hyeon-Ah,Shin, Yu-Ra,Kim, Eun-Hee 한국임상보건과학회 2018 한국임상보건과학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: This study intends to understand the correlation between career satisfaction and career decision self - efficacy and career maturity of nursing students, and to examine whether career satisfaction and career decision-making self-efficacy affect career maturity. Methods: The data analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 were collected from April 1, 2016 to April 15, 2014 in 184 students at the four-year college of Nursing in J city. Results: The results of the analysis of the correlation between major satisfaction, career decision self-efficacy and career maturity of nursing college students indicate that there was a positive correlation with career maturity (r=.428, p<.001), career decision self-efficacy (R=.442, p<.001) and majors' satisfaction (r=.605, p<.001) either. likewise, career maturity and career maturity were positively correlated with career maturity and career satisfaction. Conclusions: Therefore, it is possible to enhance and improve adaptation to major through conversations in conjunction with counseling and career guidance from the entrance, and maintaining intimate and solid relationship between the students and professors, also, the students and senior of whom, leading to intensify positive implication to future career.

      • KCI등재

        비판적 담화분석을 활용한 읽기 교육 연구

        김유미 ( You Mi Kim ) 한국독서학회 2014 독서연구 Vol.0 No.33

        본 연구의 목적은 고등학생 학습자의 기능적 문식성(functional literacy)과 비 판적 문식성(critical literacy)을 균형 있게 신장할 수 있는 비판적 읽기 교육의 내용 및 방법을 고안하는 것이다. 현재의 비판적 읽기 교육은 국어교육 초기 에 비해 외연이 확대되었음에도 불구하고 여전히 글을 읽고 내용의 타당성 이나 표현의 효과성, 자료의 적절성 등을 평가하는 기능 중심의 활동이 주된 교수.학습 내용으로 다루어지고 있다. 최근 들어 비판적 문식성 교육을 위한 연구가 활발하게 이루어지고 있으나 연구의 결과가 원리나 방향 제시 수준 에 머물러 있으며 체계적이고 구체적인 교육 내용 및 방법은 제시되지 못하 고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 비판적 담화분석(Critical Discourse Analysis)의 관점과 방법을 읽기 교육에 활용할 것을 제안하였다. 비판적 담화분석은 담화분석 연구의 한 유형으로서 사회적 권력 남용, 지배, 불평등이 사회.정치적 맥락 속에서 말이나 글에 의해 구현되고 재생산 되고 저항되는 방식을 연구하는, 비판적 사회학의 접근법 중 하나이다. 비판 적 담화분석은 텍스트의 언어적 실현 양상과 사회.문화적 맥락을 관련지어 이해하게 하고 그 속에 담긴 공동체의 가치관이나 사회적 신념 등을 인식하 고 비판하게 함으로써 텍스트와 독자의 인지적 작용에 초점이 맞추어져 있던 비판적 읽기 교육의 내용과 방법을 확대하는 데 도움이 될 수 있다. 이에 연구자는 비판적 담화분석의 개념, 원리, 방법 등을 이론적으로 고찰하 고 이것을 국어교육에서 학습자의 비판적 읽기 능력 향상을 위하여 교육적으로 활용할 수 있는 방안을 모색하였다. 본 연구에서는 비판적 담화분석을 활용한 읽기 교육의 절차를 ‘인식 확장’, ‘비판적 담화분석 실행’, ‘확인 및 내면화’의 3단계로 구안하였다. ‘인식 확장’ 단계에는 ‘언어 사용(읽기)에 대한 인식’과 ‘자기반성적 점검’을, ‘비판적 담화 분석 실행’ 단계에는 ‘언어적 실현 분석’, ‘사회적 맥락 분석’, ‘언어적 실현과 사회적 실재의 연관성 해석 및 문제점 비판’을, ‘확인 및 내면화’에는 ‘분석 결과의 표현 및 확인’과 ‘학습 내용 내면화’를 세부 내용으로 구성하고 각각 에 적합한 교육 방법을 제시하였다. 고안한 교육 내용 및 방법의 효과를 검증하기 위하여 예비 연구에 참가한 81명의 학생들 중 61명을 재선정하여 그들을 대상으로 실험을 수행하였다. 검증을 위한 실험은 61명의 학생들을 세 집단으로 나누어 각기 다른 내용의 수업을 수행하고 그들의 비판적 읽기 결과를 비교하는 방식으로 진행되었 다. 첫 번째 집단에는 비판적 담화분석을 활용한 비판적 읽기 수업을, 두 번째 집단에는 기존의 학습방식에 따른 비판적 읽기 수업을, 세 번째 집단에 는 비판적 읽기와 무관한 외래어 표기법 수업을 수행하였다. 총 3차시에 걸쳐 수업을 진행한 후 학생들에게 동일한 논평을 읽고 분석하고 평가하는 과제를 부여하였다. 그리고 과제 수행 결과에 대한 통계적 분석과 내용 분석 을 하여 비판적 담화분석 활용 학습의 교육적 효과를 검증하였다. The purpose of this study is to devise new contents and methods of critical reading education so that high school students can improve their critical literacy. At present, the critical reading education has mainly centered on those activities aimed at evaluating the validity of contents, effectiveness of expression, appropriateness of materials, etc., while putting a less focus on the context of texts or their ideological characteristics. In this study, however, it is suggested that a principle and method of critical discourse analysis should be also applied to reading education in order to overcome such bias in the current reading education and keep a balance between functional literacy and critical literacy education. In this study, the procedure of such reading education consists of three stages; “expanding recognition”, “practicing critical discourse analysis”, and “ascertainment and internalization” In more detail, the stage of expanding recognition includes “recognition on language use (reading)” and “self-reflective monitoring”. The next stage of practicing critical discourse analysis is composed of “analysis of linguistic realization”, “analysis of social contexts” and “interpretation of connection between linguistic realization and social reality”. And, the last stage of ascertainment and internalization consists of “expression and ascertainment of analysis results” and “internalization of learning contents”. In order to verify the effect of newly devised educational contents and methods, 61 students were selected out of 81 ones who participated in the preliminary study,and the critical reading classes were carried out for them. This test for verification was performed in such a way that those 61 students were divided into three groups to receive different classes from each other. The first group was involved in a reading class using the critical discourse analysis, the second group was placed in a critical reading class according to an existing learning method, and the third group took a spelling class, having nothing to do with the critical reading. After those classes were performed a total of three times, 61 students were given the same articles and asked to analyze and evaluate them. Then, we came to verify the educational effect of using the critical discourse analysis exhibited an educational effect by performing statistical analysis and content analysis on task performance results. As a result of analysis, when reading the article, those students who took the class using the critical discourse analysis were characterized by evaluating the contents, expressions and structures of the article in an overall aspect and criticizing it based on logical and objective grounds. They went so far as to figure out even social cognition embedded in texts by understanding them in social contexts, and express meaning construction in a more logical and systematic way after critical reading. This study is meaningful in that it suggests a detailed method for critical literacy education, which has been actively discussed in recent times. It also has significance in that it analyzed students`` critical reading performance aspects empirically, find out problems, and prepare educational contents based on results. Furthermore, it examined the possibility of using the critical discourse analysis in actual classes, which has emerged as a relatively new field of interest in the Korean language education circles, and applied it to teaching and learning areas, as well.

      • KCI등재

        트레드밀 운동이 헌팅턴병 유발 쥐의 뇌신경세포생성과 사멸 및 신경가소성에 미치는 영향

        김유미 ( You Mi Kim ),김창주 ( Chang Ju Kim ),김태운 ( Tae Woon Kim ),지은상 ( Eun Sang Ji ),서태범 ( Tae Beom Seo ),윤진환 ( Jin Hwan Yoon ) 한국운동생리학회(구 한국운동과학회) 2014 운동과학 Vol.23 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 트레드밀 운동이 헌팅턴 유발 흰쥐의 신경보호에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위하여 공간 기억력과 관련된 행동검사(Y-maze test)와 뇌신경세포생성(Ki-67) 정도 및 신경세포사멸 관련 단백질 (Bid, Bcl-xl)의 발현을 확인함으로서 운동이 뇌의 신경가소성을 향상시킬 수 있는지를 과학적으로 규명하여, 실제 임상에서 헌팅턴 환자들에게 도움을 주는 데 있어 선행연구로서 기초 자료를 제공하는 데 궁극적인 목적이 있다. 6주령 Sprague-Dawley 계열 수컷 흰쥐(200±10 g) 40마리를 무작위 추출법에 의해서 대조 그룹(sham-operation group; n=10), 대조 운동그룹(sham-operation & treadmill exercise group; n=10), 헌팅턴 유발그룹(Huntington’s disease group; n=10), 헌팅턴 유발후 운동그룹(Huntington’s disease & treadmill exercise group; n=10)으로 분류하였다. 헌팅턴 유발 후 운동그룹에게 트레드밀 운동(2주, 5일/주, 30분/일)을 시킨 결과, 헌팅턴 유발그룹에 비해 공간 기억력과 뇌신경세포생성 및 사멸의 모든 변인에서 통계적으로 유의하게 향상되었음을 확인하였다(p<0.05). 이상의 결과를 토대로, 트레드밀 운동은 헌팅턴 환자의 공간 기억력과 뇌신경세포에 긍정적 효과가 나타남으로써 헌팅턴병의 예방 및 개선에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of treadmill exercise on neurogenesis (Ki-67), apoptosis (Bid, Bcl-xl), and spatial memory (Y-maze test) in the huntington`s disease rat model. Forty male rats were divided into sham-operation group (n=10), sham-operation & treadmill exercise group (n=10), Huntington`s disease group (n=10), and Huntington`s disease & treadmill exercise group (n=10) at the age of 6 weeks. Rats in the treadmill exercise group performed treadmill exercises (5 days/week, 30 min/day) for 2 weeks. The present results found Huntington`s disease & treadmill exercise group significantly enhanced hippocampal neurogenesis, apoptosis, and spatial memory compared to the Huntington`s disease group (p<0.05). These results indicate that treadmill exercise improves brain functions of rats with Huntington`s disease.

      • KCI등재

        키토산 섭취와 건강·운동 프로그램 참여가 중년 여성의 혈중 지질 수준에 미치는 영향

        김유미(You-Mi Kim),이소윤(So-Yoon Lee),지은상(Eun-Sang Ji),김대성(Dae-Sung Kim) 한국생활환경학회 2015 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of chitosan administration and health-exercise program on blood lipid levels (TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, TG, lipase, FFA) in middle-aged women. Chitosan is rich in shells of crustacean such as crabs and shrimps. Chitosan has beneficial effect on fat-binding. The subject consist of 21 persons. The subjects aged 55-60 years were divided into two group (n=10 in placebo+health-exercise program group; PH, n=11 in chitosan+health-exercise program group; CH). Subjects administrated chitosan or placebo tablet (3times/day; after breakfast, lunch, and dinner, total 840 ㎎/day). Health-exercise program performed health (theory) and exercise (practical) program for 12 weeks (3 days/week, 120 min/day). The data from this study were analyzed using repeated measure two-way ANOVA. The changes of TC (p<.05), HDL-C (p<.05), LDL-C (p<.001), TG (p<.001), and FFA (p<.001) statistically significant difference for period. Lipase showed a statistically significant difference for group (p<.001). More specifically, change in HDL-C (p<.01) by applying chitosan administration showed a significantly different more than those in placebo administration group. These results indicate that chitosan administration and healthexercise program can improve middle-aged women’s blood lipids function.

      • KCI등재

        풍속고도분포지수 산정 및 불확도 평가

        김유미(Kim You-Mi),김현구(Kim Hyun-Goo),강용혁(Kang Yong-Heack),윤창열(Yun Chang-yeol),김진영(Kim Jin-Young),김창기(Kim Chang Ki),김신영(Kim Shin-Young) 한국태양에너지학회 2016 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.36 No.4

        For accurate wind resource assessment and wind turbine performance test, it is essential to secure wind data covering a rotor plane of wind turbine including a hub height. In general, we can depict wind speed profile by extrapolating or interpolating the wind speed data measured from a meteorological tower where multiple anemometers are mounted at different heights using a power-law of wind speed profile. The most important parameter of a power-law equation is a vertical wind profile exponent which represents local characteristics of terrain and land cover. In this study, we calculated diurnal vertical wind profile exponents of 8 locations in Jeju Island who possesses excellent wind resource according to the GUM (Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement) to evaluate its uncertainty. Expanded uncertainty is calculated by combined standard uncertainty, which is the result of composing type A standard uncertainty with type B standard uncertainty. Although pooled standard deviation should be considered to derive type A uncertainty, we used the standard deviation of vertical wind profile exponent of each day avoiding the difficult of uncertainty evaluation of diurnal wind profile variation. It is anticipated that the evaluated uncertainties of diurnal vertical wind profile exponents at 8 locations in Jeju Island are to be registered as a national standard reference data and widely used in the relevant areas.

      • KCI등재

        수영운동의 중단과 재개 시 뇌의 신경전달물질, 신경성장인자 및 신경세포생성에 미치는 영향

        김유미(You-mi Kim),김창주(Chang-ju Kim),지은상(Eun-sang Ji),윤진환(Jin-hwan Yoon) 한국생활환경학회 2013 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of swimming training, detraining and retraining on neurotransmitter(5-HT, TPH), neurotrophin(BDNF) and neurogenesis(BrdU), and relationship with μ-opioid receptor in the mice brain. Male Crl:CD-1 (ICR) mice were divided into control group(C; n = 10), swimming training group(ST; n = 10), detraining group(DT; n = 10) and retraining group(RT; n = 10) at the age of 6 weeks. The mice in swimming training group was made to swim(5 days/week, 60 min/day) for 12 weeks. Detraining group was made to swim for 4 weeks and remained sedentary for the next 8 weeks. Retraining group was made swim for 4 weeks, remained sedentary for the next 4 weeks, and swim for the last 4 weeks. In the present results, swimming training enhanced neurotransmitter, neurotrophin expression and hippocampal neurogenesis. Detraining significant decreased and retraining showed similar level compared to the control group. μ-opioid receptor in the swimming training group showed significant decreased compared to the control group. But detraining group showed more significant increased. There is a close connection between detraining and μ-opioid receptor. Here in this study, swimming training improves brain functions, but sudden cessation of swimming training might bring decline of the brain functions.

      • KCI등재

        12주간 Plyometric Training이 유소년 축구 교실 참가 아동의 운동신경 전도속도와 슬관절 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향

        김유미(You Mi Kim),김태수(Tae Soo Kim),지용석(Yong Suk Ji),윤진환(Jin Hwan Yoon) 한국사회체육학회 2012 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.49

        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 wks plyometric training on motor nerve conduction velocity and isokinetic muscular functions in boys while attending community-based soccer club. Fourteen trained and physically active male boys were divided into control(n=7; age 11.34 ± 1.82 years) and experimental groups(n=7; age 11.23 ± 2.21 years). The plyometric training groups followed a twice-weekly, 12-week plyometric training program, while the control groups participated in their normal soccer lessons. Motor nerve conduction velocity was obtained from the posterior tibial nerve using Viking IV. Using an isokinetic dynamometer, and during isokinetic knee extension and flexion angular velocities of 60° was obtained. For data analysis, the mean and standard deviation were estimated; 2 × 2 repeated measured ANOVA mixed design was carried out. The results of the present study were as follows; First, The velocity of motor nerve conduction was significantly increased in plyometric training group after 12 wks whereas control group maintained at end point. Second, The isokinetic muscular functions was significantly increased in plyometric training group after 12 wks whereas control maintained or increased at end point. It would be concluded that 12 wks plyometric training elicited many positive changes in the male boys of elementary school age such as improvement of motor nerve conduction velocity and isokinetic muscular functions. and It was concluded that an plyometric training necessary for elementary school-age children to develop muscular function through Enhancement of motor nerve conduction velocity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        비판적 접근으로 본 영어교육에 대한 중등 영어교사들의 인식 연구

        김유미(Kim, You Mi) 한국영어교과교육학회 2017 영어교과교육 Vol.16 No.2

        This study examines how secondary English school teachers perceive English education from a critical approach. A qualitative research method was employed with six secondary English teachers. The data were collected from in-depth, semi-structured interviews. Findings demonstrate that those teachers had a negative view on current English education since it only functions as a screening tool, and it focuses too much on reading. However, those teachers presupposed English as an important language, i.e., regarding English as a practical and useful tool for the wider world. Therefore, they could not assess English education with a critical approach, thus struggle to encourage students to learn English and acquire such a useful tool, by-passing social problems and negative results English education might cause. Such a nonpolitical and noncritical view toward English education, as Canagarajah (1999) points out, only leads to accommodation or domination. This study suggests taking a critical approach to the aims of English education, teaching practices, and unproblematized assumptions English education presupposes.

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