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        Two-Dimensional Image-Based Respiratory Navigator for Free-Breathing Coronary Magnetic Resonance Angiography

        Shin, Taehoon Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2018 Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Vol.22 No.1

        Purpose: To develop a two-dimensional (2D) image-based respiratory motion correction technique for free-breathing coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Materials and Methods: The proposed respiratory navigator obtained aliased a 2D sagittal image from under-sampled k-space data and utilized motion correlation between the aliased images. The proposed navigator was incorporated into the conventional coronary MRA sequence including the diaphragm navigator and tested in three healthy subjects. Results: The delineation of major coronary arteries was significantly improved using the proposed 2D motion correction (S/I and A/P) compared to one-dimensional (S/I) correction using the conventional diaphragm navigator. Conclusion: The 2D image-based respiratory navigator was proposed for free-breathing coronary angiography and showed the potential for improving respiratory motion correction compared to the conventional 1D correction.

      • MATLAB/Simulink Pulse-Echo Ultrasound System Simulator Based on Experimentally Validated Models

        Taehoon Kim,Sangmin Shin,Hyongmin Lee,Hyunsook Lee,Heewon Kim,Eunhee Shin,Suhwan Kim IEEE 2016 and Frequency Control Vol.63 No.2

        <P>A flexible clinical ultrasound system must operate with different transducers, which have characteristic impulse responses and widely varying impedances. The impulse response determines the shape of the high-voltage pulse that is transmitted and the specifications of the front-end electronics that receive the echo; the impedance determines the specification of the matching network through which the transducer is connected. System-level optimization of these subsystems requires accurate modeling of pulse-echo (two-way) response, which in turn demands a unified simulation of the ultrasonics and electronics. In this paper, this is realized by combining MATLAB/Simulink models of the high-voltage transmitter, the transmission interface, the acoustic subsystem which includes wave propagation and reflection, the receiving interface, and the front-end receiver. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our simulator, the models are experimentally validated by comparing the simulation results with the measured data from a commercial ultrasound system. This simulator could be used to quickly provide system-level feedback for an optimized tuning of electronic design parameters.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Tissue Relaxation, Eddy currents, and Acceleration on Velocity-Selective Preparation Pulses

        Taehoon Shin 한국자기학회 2023 Journal of Magnetics Vol.28 No.1

        Fourier-transform-based velocity-selective (FT-VS) magnetization preparation has shown great promise for unenhanced MR angiography and arterial spin labeling. Although recent technical advances made FT-VS preparation resistant to B0 and B1 field inhomogeneity, there remain other non-ideal conditions including tissue relaxation, eddy currents, and accelerated motion, which are often ignored during excitation pulse design. In this study, using a double-refocused VS preparation pulse as a testbed, excitation profiles were numerically simulated taking into account the potential effects of the three non-ideal conditions. The longitudinal magnetization of arterial blood resulting from FT-VS preparation turned out to decrease from the ideal value of M0 to 0.92M0, 0.99M0, and 0.88M0 due to tissue relaxation, eddy currents, and accelerated motion, respectively. When all three factors were considered simultaneously, the worst-case relative contrast ratio (CR) between arterial blood and muscle tissue was estimated as 0.86, corresponding to a decrease by 14 % from the ideal CR of 1.0.

      • KCI등재

        이른바‘수사와 기소 분리론’에 대한 비교법적 분석과 비판

        신태훈(Shin, Taehoon) 대검찰청 2017 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.57

        최근 ‘수사와 기소의 분리’, 즉 수사는 경찰이 전담하고 검사는 기소만 전담하는 것이 Global Standard이므로 검사의 수사와 수사지휘를 폐지하고 경찰에게 수사 관련 권한을 독점하게 하자는 주장이 제기되고 있다. 위 주장은 美ㆍ日ㆍ英ㆍ佛ㆍ獨 등 5개국의 검찰제도를 분석하여 위와 같은 과감한 결론을 내리고 있다. 도저히 동의할 수 없는 분석내용은 차치하고라도, 5개국에 대한 분석만으로 Global Standard 운운하는 것은 성급한 일반화의 오류라고 하지 않을 수 없다. 이에 본고에서는 ‘선진국 모임’으로 지칭되는 OECD 35개 회원국 전체와 검찰제도를 활용하는 국제기구(각종 국제형사재판소와 ‘유럽 검찰청’)의 수사ㆍ기소 제도를 분석하여 위 주장의 당부를 검토하고, 무엇이 진정한 Global Standard인지 탐색해 보았다. 분석 결과, OECD 35개 회원국 중, 약 80%에 해당하는 28개국은 헌법이나 법률에 명문으로 검사의 사법경찰에 대한 구속력있는 수사지휘권을 규정하고 있고, 약 77%에 해당하는 27개국은 헌법이나 법률에 명문으로 검사의 수사권을 규정하고 있는 것으로 확인된다. 즉, 절대 다수의 선진국은 검사가 수사와 기소를 통할하고 있어 ‘수사와 기소가 분리’ 되어 있지 않은 것이다. 나머지 약 20%는 모두 England의 영향을 받은 Common Law 국가들로 하나 같이 검찰제도를 운용해 온 역사가 매우 일천한 국가들이고, 심지어 아직 경찰기관이 수사는 물론 기소까지 담당하고 있는 실정이다. 물론 이 점에서 이들 국가도 역시 ‘수사와 기소가 분리’되어 있지 않은 상태이다. 한편, 각종 국제형사재판소나 ‘유럽 검찰청’에서도 검사가 수사와 기소를 모두 관장하고 있어 ‘수사와 기소가 분리’되어 있지 아니한 것으로 확인된다. 또한, 21세기 들어 형사사법제도를 전면 개혁한 오스트리아와 스위스는 모두 기존에 존재하지 않았던 검사의 수사권과 수사지휘권을 새로이 확립하는 방향으로 개혁을 단행하였다. 이 모든 것은 ‘수사와 기소의 분리’는 Global Standard와는 거리가 멀고 오히려 검사가 수사 전반을 통할하는 것이 세계적으로 보편적인 제도이고 국제적 표준에 더 가깝다는 사실을 명확히 보여준다. 물론 우리 검찰제도도 그와 궤를 같이 하는 시스템이다. 한편, OECD 35개 회원국 중, 헌법에 검사의 수사 또는 수사지휘에 관한 포괄적인 권한을 규정한 나라가 7개국, 검찰이 헌법기관인 나라가 위 7개국을 포함하여 14개국인 것으로 확인된다. 혹자는 검사의 영장신청권에 관한 헌법규정이 세계적으로 유례가 없고 헌법사항이 아니라는 이유를 들면서 삭제하여야 한다고 주장하나 이는 부당한 주장이다. 위 7개국은 검사의 영장신청권 규정에 비하여 검사로 하여금 수사 전반을 주재하고 경찰수사를 통제하도록 하는 보다 강력하고도 포괄적인 수권규정을 헌법에 규정하고 있다. 굳이 大에 포함되는 小에 불과한 영장신청권 규정을 따로 둘 필요가 없는 것이다. 다수의 국가가 국민의 인권보장과 경찰수사의 통제를 위한 강력한 규정을 헌법에 두고 있을진대, 그보다 훨씬 약한 영장신청권 규정이 유례가 없다거나 헌법사항이 아니라고 주장하는 것은 적절하다고 할 수 없다. 더욱이 위 규정을 삭제하자는 주장과 ‘수사와 기소를 분리’하여 검사의 수사권과 수사지휘권을 철폐하자는 주장이 결합할 경우 검사 2,000명 대신 사법경찰 160,000명으로 영장신청권자를 대체하자는 것으로 귀결된다. 구속 등 강제수사의 대상이 되는 국민이 폭증할 것임이 분명한바, 결코 바람직하다고 할 수 없다. 또한, 다수 국가의 법령과 유엔 및 유럽평의회의 가이드라인은 검사의 독립성에 대하여 규정하고 있는 것으로 확인된다. 우리나라는 검사의 독립성에 대한 보장이 제도적으로 미약하다고 할 수밖에 없는바, 이제는 재검토할 필요가 있다고 본다. 마지막으로 ‘수사와 기소 분리’ 주장자들은 England의 수사ㆍ기소 제도를 계수하자고 주장하는바, 이 또한 부적절한 주장이다. England는 판례법과 사인소추제도를 근간으로 하는 나라로, 우리처럼 성문법과 국가소추제도를 채택하고 있는 나라들과는 검찰제도는 물론, 민ㆍ형사법 체계, 소송구조 등 기본적인 사법시스템이 천양지차이다. 수사ㆍ기소 제도만 England에서 가져 올 경우 다른 시스템과 충돌이 생길 것은 명약관화하다. 그리고 England에서도 최근 대륙법계 검찰을 모방하여 CPS와 SFO 등의 검찰기관을 설립하여 경찰의 기능을 축소하는 방향으로 발전하고 있다. 이러한 상황임에도 England의 시스템을 좇아 경찰권을 강화하는 것은 England의 발전추세와도 배치되는 것이다. 성숙한 제도인 대륙법계 검찰제도를 계수한 우리나라에서 기본적인 사법시스템도 확연히 다르고 검찰제도 자체의 역사도 일천한 England의 제도를 계수하자는 것은 위험한 주장이다. These days, we can encounter the allegation that “the police should monopolize investigations and prosecutors should concentrate on only prosecution because the separation between investigation and prosecution is a global standard.” This audacious allegation is based on the analyses of the systems of Germany, United States, England, Japan, and France. Apart from the contents of the analyses, mentioning a global standard, based on the analyses of only five countries, is a fallacy of hasty generalization. Thus, I analyzed 35 member countries of OECD, various International Criminal Courts and the European Public Prosecutor s Office. In doing so, I reviewed the allegation carefully and tried to deduce what is a genuine global standard. It was found that 28 countries among 35 member countries of OECD (approximately 80%) stipulate prosecutors’ authorities to investigate a crime in the Constitution or statutory laws, and 27 countries (approximately 77%) stipulate prosecutors’ authorities to supervise judicial police in the criminal investigation. This shows that prosecutors control both investigation and prosecution institutionally in most of the advanced countries. The rest of them (approximately 20%) are countries where their legal systems are based on Common Law traditions and their police dominate both investigation and prosecution because they have been influenced by the English legal system, and more importantly, they have a very short history of professional prosecutors. Also, the separation between investigation and prosecution was not found in both various International Criminal Courts including ICC and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Prosecutors control both investigation and prosecution there. In addition, Austria and Switzerland, where criminal justice reforms were executed in the twenty first century, abolished investigative judges and introduced prosecutors’ authorities to investigate crimes and to supervise judicial police. All of these analyses give us a conclusion that the separation between investigation and prosecution is never a global standard, and the system in which prosecutors control both investigation and prosecution is closer to the global standard and trend. The Korean system is one of the universal systems that an absolute majority of advanced countries, various International Criminal Courts, and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office adopted. I found that 7 countries among 35 member countries of OECD have the clauses in the Constitution which authorize prosecutors to investigate crimes or to supervise judicial police. Some scholars maintain that the clause which authorize only prosecutors to request warrants should be deleted because the clause is not entitled to be enshrined in the Constitution and there is no equivalent to that in the whole world. This allegation cannot be justified. The reason why 7 countries did not include a similar clause is that the clauses which authorize prosecutors to investigate crimes or to supervise judicial police are more powerful and comprehensive clauses which allow prosecutors to preside over the whole investigation and supervise and control the investigations of judicial police, and thus that kind of clause is not needed. Furthermore, if the allegation, that the police should monopolize investigations and prosecutors’ authority to investigate crimes should be removed by separating investigation and prosecution, and the allegation, that the clause that authorizes only prosecutors to request warrants should be abolished, are combined, the number of persons who are qualified to request warrants will be 160,000, which is the number of judicial police, instead of 2,000, which represents the number of prosecutors. The number of people subject to coercive investigative measures will be sure to increase sharply. In every respect, this is not a desirable direction.

      • KCI등재
      • Supramolecular Switching between Flat Sheets and Helical Tubules Triggered by Coordination Interaction

        Shin, Suyong,Lim, Sunhee,Kim, Yongju,Kim, Taehoon,Choi, Tae-Lim,Lee, Myongsoo American Chemical Society 2013 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - Vol.135 No.6

        <P>Here we report the spontaneous formation of switchable sheets in aqueous solution, which is based on bent-shaped aromatic amphiphiles containing <I>m</I>-pyridine units at the terminals and a hydrophilic dendron at the apex. The aromatic segments self-assemble into flat sheets consisting of a zigzag conformation through π–π stacking interactions. Notably, the sheets reversibly transform into helical tubules at higher concentration and into discrete dimeric macrocycles at a lower concentration in response to Ag(I) ions through reversible coordination interactions between the pyridine units of the aromatic segments and the Ag(I) ions. While maintaining the coordination bonding interactions, the helical tubules reversibly transform into the dimeric macrocycles in response to the variation in concentration.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/jacsat/2013/jacsat.2013.135.issue-6/ja400160j/production/images/medium/ja-2013-00160j_0006.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/ja400160j'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>


        MATLAB/Simulink Pulse-echo Ultrasound System Simulator with Electrical Impedance Matching

        Shin, Sangmin,Kim, Taehoon,Kim, Suhwan The Institute of Electronics and Information Engin 2018 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.18 No.3

        In an ultrasound system, impedance matching between a transducer and an electronics is one of the crucial factors to determine the performance. An electronics must operate with different transducers, which have their characteristic impulse responses and widely varying impedances so that impedance matching is difficult. Also, the parasitic element is another factor that impedes the impedance matching. In this paper, using MATLAB and Simulink, we simulate a pulse-echo ultrasound system and the matching network which is required to allow the use of transducers with widely differing impedances. Our simulation includes models of the high-voltage transmitter, the transmission interface, the acoustic subsystem which includes wave propagation and reflection, the receiving interface, and the front-end receiver, as well as a lumped model of the matching interface which can easily be adjusted by the designer. The simulated pulse-echo behavior was in close agreement with experimental measurements.

      • KCI등재

        An Integrated Diagnostic System Based on the Cooperative Problem Solving of Multi-Agents: Design and Implementation

        Shin Dongil,Oh Taehoon,Yoon En Sup The Korean Institute of GAS 2004 한국가스학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Enhanced methodologies for process diagnosis and abnormal situation management have been developed for the last two decades. However, there is no single method that always shows better performance over all kinds of diagnostic problems. In this paper, a framework of message-passing, cooperative, intelligent diagnostic agents is presented for improved on-line fault diagnosis through cooperative problem solving of different expertise. A group of diagnostic agents in charge of different process functional perform local diagnoses in parallel; exchange related information with other diagnostic agents; and cooperatively solve the global diagnostic problem of the whole process plant or business units just like human experts would do. For their better understanding, sharing and exchanging of process knowledge and information, we also suggest a way of remodeling processes and protocols, taking into account semantic abstracts of process information and data. The benefits of the suggested multi-agents-based approach are demonstrated by the implementations for solving the diagnostic problems of various chemical processes.

      • KCI등재

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