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      • Factors associated with critical thinking cognitive skills among students studying in associate degree in health-related study prior to admission to nursing programs

        S.Y. Ng,K. Cheung,H.L. Cheng 한국간호과학회 2021 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        The importance of fostering critical thinking (CT) in nursing education is highly recognized worldwide. Despite this, CT studies of Asian nursing students are limited, particularly for students studying associate degree (AD) in health-related studies, with whom majority would continue their studies in nursing after graduation. Aim(s): To investigate CT abilities and dispositions among these AD students and to determine the associated factors with their CT cognitive skills. Method(s): A convenience sample of 80 health-related AD students from a community college in Hong Kong were recruited in this cross-sectional study. The valid and reliable study questionnaire included the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST), the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI), and students’ profiles. Correlation analysis was performed by using SPSS 26.0. Result(s): The mean age of the students was 19.38±0.97, with 67.5% (n=54) were female. The mean CCTST scores was 17.93±4.23 and the five subscales: induction, deduction, analysis, inference and evaluation were all in moderate level. The mean CCTDI score was 277.76±20.78 and positive disposition towards CT was shown in only four subscales: open-mindedness, analyticity, confidence in reasoning and inquisitiveness. There was a significant moderate correlation between students’ overall CCTST scores and other variables including university admission examination total score (r=0.260, p<0.001), Chinese score (r=0.136, p=0.049), GPA (r=0.166, p=0.016), CT subject grade point (r=0.226, p=0.001) and CCTDI subscales: truth seeking (r=0.251, p<0.001), analyticity (r=0.208, p=0.003), inquisitiveness (r=0.200, p=0.004) and maturity of judgement (r=0.249, p<0.001). Conclusion(s): This is probably the first study to investigate the CT among AD students studying in health-related studies. The results showed that the factors associated with their CT cognitive skills were multifactorial. Strategies tackling these factors should be developed to strengthen their CT. Future studies should also involve more community colleges.

      • KCI등재
      • 魚類 및 새우 低溫貯藏中의 鮮度 變化

        梁升澤,李應昊 釜山水産大學校 1972 釜山水産大學 硏究報告 Vol.12 No.2

        Saito等(1959)이 提案한 K-値에 依한 鮮度 判定法이 우리나라에서 生産되는 魚類나 甲殼類의 鮮度를 判定하는데 適用할 수 있는가를 檢討하기 위한 資料를 얻기 위하여 Kobayashi and Uchiyama(1970)의 K-値 迅速定量法으로 우선 底棲魚種이며 白色肉이 많은 붕장어, 表層회游魚이고 活動性이 强한 학꽁치 및 海底에 묻혀 사는 보리새우를 試料로 하여 氷藏및 凍結貯藏中의 K-値의 變化를 實驗하여 揮發性鹽基窒素量, 總菌數, pH 및 官能檢査 結果와 比較하였다. 살아 있는 붕장어와 보리새우를 卽殺하여 氷藏하였을 때 貯藏 中의 K-値는 貯藏期間에 따라 거의 직선적으로 增加하였다. 官能檢査 結果와 比較하여 보면 氷藏 8日만에 腐敗初期에 도달하였으며, 이 때 붕장어의 K-値는 26%, 보리 새우의 K-値는 23%였다. 한편 鮮度 좋은 학꽁치도 氷藏 中 K-値가 急激히 增加하였으며 腐敗初期라고 보아 지는 氷藏 7日째의 K-値는 43%였다. K-値 揮發性鹽基窒素量, 總菌數, pH 및 官能檢査 結果를 比較하여 볼 때 K-値는 生鮮의 品質을 評價하는데 있어 有效한 判定方法 中의 하나라고 볼 수 있다. It is so far suggested from the results of investigation on the changes in nucleotides during the storage of fish and shellfish that ATP rapidly breaks down and forms such derivatives as adenylic acid, inosinic acid, inosine and hypoxanthine, and ribose, mainly in the early stage of storage. Therefore K value representing the ratio of optical densities of inosine and hypoxanthine fraction and total nucleotide fraction at 250 nm may be useful as an index to measure the freshness of the fishes in prior to bacterial deterioration. In this paper, the correlation between K value and freshness was discussed to elucidate whether K value is an useful index of freshness. The freshness variations of conger eel, half beak and oriental brown shrimp during icing and cold storage were determined by means of volatile basic nitrogen, pH, total bacterial count, and organoleptic test. The results showed that the K value of the three smaples were rapidly and linearly increased during iced storage being changed 26% for the conger eel, 23% for the oriental brown shrimp and 43% for the half beak respectively, while that was maintained almost consistently during three months cold storage at -20℃. As a conclusion it is noted that the K value could be useful as an index to measure the freshness of fish muscle preserved with ice.

      • KCI등재

        생명과학 시대 인간의 자기 이해를 위한 해석학적 지평

        신승환 가톨릭대학교 인간학연구소 2004 인간연구 Vol.- No.6

        현대의 생명과학은 그 연구 성과의 경이로움은 물론이고, 그것을 현실적으로 적용할 때의 파장 또한 엄청나게 큰 학문 분야이다 전통적으로 우리들은 초월적인 세계에 토대를 두고서 생명의 의미와 생명의 근거에 대해 논의하였다. 그러나 현대의 생명과학은 이러한 모든 흐름과 역사와는 무관하게 자신의 내재적인 원칙에 따라 연구와 기술적 적용을 진행하고 있다. 이러한 생명과학의 시대에 가장 문제가 되는 것은 먼저 생명의 의미와 근거에 대한 문제이다. 두 번째로는 이러한 연구 업적을 현실적으로 적용할 때 뒤따르는 역기능과 파괴적 결과이다. 생명과학의 연구 업적은 물론이고 공학적으로 적용한다는 생명공학은 놀랍게도 현대 사회의 가치 체계인 자본주의와 과학주의에 전적으로 매여 있다. 이러한 역기능에도 불구하고 생명의 존엄성과 의미를 논의해야 할 철학은 여전히 이런 문제에 무지하거나 동어 반복적으로 진부한 주장과 논의만을 철치고 있을 뿐이다. 그 결과 궁극적으로 생명과학 시대에 필요한 인간의 자기 이해, 인간의 정체성이 그 자체로 문제시되기에 이르렀다. 이 글은 이러한 문제를 생명철학이란 관점에 근거하여 논의하였다. 먼저 인간의 자기 이해에 대한 역사적 논의의 과정을 살펴본 뒤, 생명과학 시대에 필요한 인간의 정체성(identity) 규정이 어떠한 해석학적 원리에서 이루어져야 하는지 논하였다. 두 번째로, 생명현상의 특성을 과학적인 영역을 넘어 철학적으로 규정해 보았다. 세 번째로, 생명과학이 어떠한 관점에서 문제가 되는지를 논의하였다. 그것의 뿌리가 되는 근대성의 문제, 진화론의 본질적 의미, 유전자 결정론의 문제를 다루었다. 이어 이 논문의 목적인 생명과학 시대의 인간의 자기 이해 규정을 생명철학(Philosophy of life)이라는 해석학적 지평에서 논의하였다. 그러한 이해의 지평은 궁극적으로는 생명에 대한 존재론적 이해에서 제기될 것이다. Die heutige Biowissenschaften werden sehr fragwu¨rdig. Dies Pha¨nomen ist nicht nur deswegen, well sie zu dem menschlichen Leben die bewundernswu¨rdige Erfolgen geschaft haben and auch in den technologischen Ebene angewendet werden. Bis jetzt haben wir in unserer Geistesgeschichte den Sinn des Lebens im transzendentalen bzw. religiosen Gebiet begrundet. Demgegen¨uber haben die Biowissenschaften nur von ihren innern Grunds¨atze her die Nachforschung zum Grund des Lebens betrieben. Der Artikel ist uber dieses Problem geschrieben worden. Zweitens, die Fragestellung des Artikels besteht sich auf den Erfolg der Biotechnologie. Nach dem HGP(Human Genome Project) hat die Biotechnologie auf die Ebene des Leben, besonders in der Medizin ihre Macht ausgeu¨bt. Diese Biotechnologie bzw. Biowissenschaften werden sich in den innern Prinzipien des Kapitalismus und Scienticismus versunken sein. Trotz solcher Mißerfolge verschweigen die Philosophie dafu¨r, daß die Wissenschaft sich nicht die Wu¨rdigkeit und den Sinn des Lebens begrunden kann. Von daher sind die Identitat und das Selbstverstandnis des Menschen fragwu¨rdig geworden. Der Artikel wird u¨ber diese Fragestellung von der Stellungnahme der (neuen) Lebensphilosophie ero¨rternt. Der Standpunkt des Artikel ist erstens das Selbstversta¨ndnis des Menschen in der Philosophiegeschichte. Daher wird es ero¨rternt, in welchem hermeneutischen Horizont die Identita¨t des Menschen begru¨ndet werden kann. Danach wird die Charakteristik des Lebenspha¨nomenes untersucht, zwar im Standpunkt der Philosophie, nicht der Naturwissenschaft. Drittens vom welchen Problem her sind die Biowissenschaften fragwu¨rdig geworden. Die Standpunkte sind die Modernita¨t, die wesenhaftigen Sinn des Evolutionstheorie und Determinismus der Genomen. Zum Schlulß wird das Selbstversta¨ndnis des Menschen von dem Standpunkt der Lebensphilosophie her ero¨rtert. Dies ist die Ontologie des Lebens, die sich in der immanenz Transzendentaltheorie begru¨ndet werden kann.

      • KCI등재

        소아의 다발성 치아우식증과 연관된 타액의 생화학적 특성

        이승일,장희순,조우성,최병재,서정택 大韓小兒齒科學會 1998 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.25 No.4

        Saliva is obviously potential medium to protect the dental caries by not only physical clearing effect, but aggregatiog action of protein with bacteria. Nevertheless, we still do not understand how the dental caries occur and what brings the individual difference in caries prevalence. In the regards of dental caries prevalence, we hypothesized that the composition of salivary protein might be different from caries susceptible group to caries resistant group. The purposes of this experiment were focused on the molecular analysis of salivary proteins from the subjects who were involved in multiple caries. Electrophoretic analysis was eone on the whole saliva collected from the children with and without multiple caries. We found 86.2% of subjects with multiple caries has approximately 120 KDa protein band while 30.4% in the healthy subjemts. And the concentration of the total protein on the subjects with multiple caries is significantly higher than that of the healthy group. However, it turned out that the difference of the salivary composition does vot affect the bacterial adhesion to hydroxyapatite bead. With regards of enzymes in salva, the activity of α-amylase and lactate dehydrogenase does not have any significant difference between both groups. However, the concentrations of Na+ and Cl- in saliva from multiple caries group is higher than that of the control group. Taken all together, it may be concluded that 120 KDa protein in saliva may be associated with the process of dental caries, also the high concentration of protein and Na+, Cl- in saliva may be linked to dental caries development as a cofactors.

      • 凍結乾燥에 의한 전갱이 분말고기풀의 製造 및 貯藏性

        梁升澤 慶星大學校 1986 부산수산대학 논문집 Vol.7 No.2

        현재 국내에서 대량 생산되는 赤色肉魚類인 전갱이를 소재로 하여 이들의 無鹽 및 加鹽고기풀을 동결건조법으로 건조한 魚肉粉未의 品質特性實驗을 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 전갱이 無鹽 및 加鹽고기풀을 동결건조한 魚肉粉未은 제조직후 모두 어묵形成能이 양호하였다. 2. 無鹽고기풀 분말은 5℃ 및 20℃ 貯藏에서 모두 3個月 동안 鮮肉性이 유지되었으나 加鹽고기풀 분말의 경우 貯藏 1個月까지는 鮮肉性이 유지되나 그 以後 급격히 消失되었다. 3. 동결건조한 전갱이고기풀 분말의 貯藏은 20℃에서보다 5℃의 低溫에서 실시하는 것이 품질이 더 양호하였다. In order to develop a new type of fish meat paste that is convenient to handle, transport and preserve, freeze-dried horse mackerel (Trachurus japanicus) meat powder which retains gel forming ability of fresh fish meat was investigated. Fish meat paste containing sugar and that containing salt and sugar made from horse' mackeral were freeze-dried, ground into powder, packed in cans and stored for 3 months at 5℃ and 20℃. For the quality of the powder, chemical composition, soluble nitrogen, relative viscosity, were holding capacity (WHC), emulsifying stability (ES), fish jelly forming ability. Dried powder gradually decreased protein solubility, relative viscosity, WHC, ES and fish jelly forming ability during 3 months storage. Qualities of the powder made from fish meat paste containing sugar were better than that containing salt and sugar. Gel forming ability of the powder containing sugar was maintained until 3 months storage, while it had already been lost in that containing salt and sugar for 2 months at 5℃ and 20℃.

      • KCI등재
      • As I Lay Dying : 삶은 죽음을 딛고

        梁承佑 한국영어교육연구학회 1998 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.18

        In almost all of the Yoknapatawpha novels, William Faulkner mainly depicts the violence and destruction of the post-Civil War South. While Faulkner certainly describes the wasteland of man's life, he also balances such a view with themes emphasizing comic hopefulness. Faulkner struggles to show a vision of man that includes comic as well as tragic implication. So Faulkner's fictional world is best understood as the dualistic point of view, which is often manifested into comic and tragic modalities. This suggests that he tries to find a means for incorporating both perspectives. As I Lay Dying deals with the Bundren family's preparations for and enactment of the funeral journey to Jefferson to bury Addie Bundren. It consists of fifty-nine sections narrated by fifteen narrators. Each section is controlled by a single narrator who exposes himself by his telling of the story. As the story exhibits the pathos of the Bundrens, the novel is pathetic rather than tragic. Some faint sense of hope is there in its expression of the right attitude to life. When we focus on dualistic problems Faulkner deals with, we see the tragic aspect of each problem balanced by some form of comic hopefulness. Especially Faulkner often provides a comic balance, a character in whom we can place our confidence for man's survival. Faulkner does not fail to express a fundamental faith in mankind. As Faulkner spoke, in his Nobel speech, of man's ability not only to endure but also to prevail, we can be assured that man's inexhaustible voice bases Faulkner's comic vision.

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