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      • Efficient Divider Architecture Utilizing ROM & CAM

        Vivek Soni 경희대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247374

        Efficient Divider Architecture Utilizing ROM & CAM by Vivek Soni Master of Science Graduate School of Kyung Hee University Advised by Prof. Sang Hoon Hang To achieve performance requirements of modern scientific and engineering applications such as image processing and 3D graphics rendering, high performance is crucial for division operation. Due to high latency rate, still many current processors yield weak support for division operation. To achieve this, we adapted the division algorithm proposed by Goldschmidt, which has characteristics of low latency rate because it computes the high order terms significantly which is faster than the traditional divider with a relatively small hardware overhead. In this dissertation Goldschmidt's division algorithm is further optimized and with the use of LookUp-Table(LUT) concept, Read Only Memory(ROM) and Content Addressable Memory(CAM) memories utilized to stored pre-calculated result values. An efficient architecture is proposed, with its implementation on standard cell methodology in 180nm CMOS technology.

      • 곤충 면역 관련 PHOSPHOLIPASE A2의 분자 동정 및 아이코사노이드의 생리 기능 : Molecular Identification Of Insect Immune Associated Phospholipase A2 And Physiological Functions Of Eicosanoids

        Sony Shrestha 안동대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        Eicosanoids mediate immune reactions responsible for clearing bacterial invasions from hemolymph circulation in insects. An entomopathogenic bacterium, Xenorhabdus nematophila inhibits immune response of Spodoptera exigua. Previous works have already showed that X. nematophila inhibits hemocyte nodulation in response to bacterial infection by inhibiting phospholipase A2 (PLA2). This study demonstrated that X. nematophila also inhibited phagocytic ability of the circulating hemocytes by synthesizing and secreting PLA2 inhibitors. Phenoloxidase (PO) plays an important role as catalyzing agent during melanotic encapsulation and phagocytosis. Activation of prophenoloxidase (proPO) to PO must be localized and controlled as it is fatal to both host and the invading pathogen. There are several factors involved to control PO activation pathway such as de novo synthesis of proPO, serine protease, and eicosanoids. To reveal how eicosanoids mediate proPO activation cascade, cDNA of proPO from Spodoptera exigua hemocytes (SePPO) was cloned and analyzed at both transcriptional and post transcriptional levels. SePPO gene expression was specific only to hemocytes and inducible to bacterial infection, which was not influenced by eicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitors. Oenocytoid, a specific hemocyte type, contained SePPO, which was released into plasma by cell rupture in response to bacteria. This cell rupture in order to release SePPO by oenocytoids was significantly inhibited with X. nematophila and other eicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitors, but it resumed on addition of an eicosanoid precursor, arachidonic acid. Finally, this study aimed to clone immune associated PLA2 gene from Tribolium castaneum, which has been fully sequenced in its genome. Genome database of T. castaneum was screened with an amino acid sequence of a secretory PLA2 of Drosophila melanogaster, which proposed six highly-matched PLA2 candidates. All six T. castaneum PLA2 genes were expressed in response to bacterial challenge. Out of six PLA2 genes, TcPLA2B was cloned and expressed in E. coli. Purified TcPLA2B protein showed a specific PLA2 enzyme activity. Transient TcPLA2B gene knockdown using dsRNA led to inhibition of hemocyte nodulation of T. castaneum larvae in response to bacterial challenge, while na?ve larvae showed clear nodulation in dose and time dependent manners. This study discovered a novel molecular action of eicosanoids in hemocytes and identified a gene sequence of insect immune-associated PLA2. 지질성 국부호르몬인 아이코사노이드는 곤충에서 세균 침입에 대한 방어기작을 중개한다. 곤충병원세균인 Xenorhabdus nematophila는 파밤나방(Spodoptera exigua)의 면역반응을 억제한다. 기존의 연구는 X. nematophila가 파밤나방의 phospholipase A2 (PLA2)를 억제하여 혈구 소낭형성 반응을 억제한다고 밝혔다. 본 연구는 X. nematophila가 PLA2 억제자를 생합성하여 분비하여 줌에 따라 혈구 포식작용을 억제한다고 밝혔다. 페놀옥시다제(PO)는 피낭형성 또는 포식작용에 필수적인 멜라닌반응을 촉매한다. 그러나 PO전구물질(proPO)의 활성화는 국부적이고 제한적이어야 한다. 여러 PO 조절기구가 세포내 존재하는 데, proPO의 생합성, 세린단백질분해효소 활성화, 아이코사노이드 생합성을 포한한다. 여기서 아이코사노이드가 proPO 활성화를 중개하는 지 알아보기 위해 파밤나방의 proPO (SePPO) 유전자를 클로닝하였으며, 이 유전자의 전사과정 및 전사후과정에서 아이코사노이드 생합성 유기역할을 분석하였다. SePPO 유전자는 혈구세포에서만 발현되는 조직특이성을 보였고, 세균침입에 따라 유전자 발현이 유기되었다. 편도혈구세포는 SePPO를 포함하였으며, 이들은 세균 침입에 따라 세포붕괴를 통해 방출되었다. 이 SePPO 방출을 위한 세포붕괴는 X. nematophila 또는 기타 PLA2 억제자에 의해 억제되었다. 면역 PLA2에 대한 유전자 클로닝은 게놈이 밝혀진 거짓쌀도둑거저리(Tribolium castaneum)을 이용하였다. 이를 위해 노랑초파리(Drosophila melanogaster)의 분비성 PLA2의 아미노산 서열을 바탕으로 거짓쌀도둑거저리 게놈을 검색하 였으며, 6개의 비교적 유사도가 높은 후보유전자를 선발하였다. 이들 모두는 PLA2 억제자 효과를 보였으나, 이 가운데 TcPLA2B 유전자가 심층 분석되었다. 분리된 TcPLA2B 단백질은 특이적 PLA2 효소활성을 보였다. 이중나선형 RNA 기술을 통해 TcPLA2B 발현을 억제시켰으며, 이는 거짓쌀도둑거저리의 혈구 소낭형성 반응을 억제시키는 결과를 초래했다. 반면에 대조구의 유충은 세균의 침입 농도별, 시간별로 소낭형성이 증가하는 면역반응을 보였다. 본 연구는 아이코사노이드의 새로운 분자작용기작을 밝혔으며, 곤충 면역 관련 PLA2 유전자 구조를 동정하였다.

      • Eicosanoid Biosynthesis And Its Signaling In Immune Systems Of Triboliumcastaneum And Spodopteraexigua : 곤충면역계에 작용하는 아이코사노이드에 관한 생합성 조절 및 신호전달과정

        Sony Shrestha 안동대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        아이코사노이드는 탄소수 20개 불포화지방산의 산화물질로 다양한 병원체에 대해서 곤충의 선천성면역을 중개하는 작용을 갖는다. 아이코사노이드 생합성은 인지질의 sn2 위치에서 phospholipase A2 (PLA2)의 촉매작용으로 비롯된다. 거짓쌀도둑거저리(Tribolium castaneum) 게놈으로부터 5개의 분비성 PLA2유전자가 클로닝되었고 이들 모두 대장균(Escherichia coli)에서 발현되었다. 이들 유전자 발현체의 PLA2 효소 활성은 특이적 효소억제자를 이용하여 규명되었으며, 면역에 대한 이들 효소의 기능은 RNA interference (RNAi)에 의한 거짓쌀도둑거저리의 혈구소낭형성에 대한 특이적 기능 손실로 증명되었다. 거짓쌀도둑거저리 유래 면역관련 재조합 PLA2는 곤충병원세균(Xenorhabdus nematophila)이 생성하는 PLA2억제 물질을 스크리닝하는 데 이용되었다. 본 연구는 또한 병원체 인식 단계 이후 PLA2가 활성화 되는 과정을 밝혔다. 거짓쌀도둑거저리의 면역 인식에 관여하는 Imd와 Toll 신호전달과정을 기존에 추정된 이들 유전자로부터 분석하였다. 이를 위해 13개의 항생단백질 유전자가의 발현 양상이 면역반응에 대한 발현 유무와 RNAi에 따른 특이적 발현 억제에 따라 Imd, Toll 또는Imd/Toll 신호전달과정으로 분류되었다. 이러한 신호전달과정이 거짓쌀도둑거저리에 존재한다는 것을 증명한 후 본 연구는 PLA2 효소 활성화가 기능적으로 Imd/Toll 신호전달과정과 관련이 있다는 것을 증명하였다. 이러한 PLA2 효소 활성화는 파밤나방(Spodoptera exigua)에서 다양한 아이코사노이드 생합성을 유도하며 이는 다시 세포성 및 체액성 면역 반응을 중개하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 그러나 페놀옥시다제의 전구체를 방출하기 위한 편도혈구의 세포붕괴는 류코트리엔 (LTB4) 보다는 프로스타글란딘류 (PGA1, PGB2, PGD2, PGE1, PGE2, and PGF1α)에만 의존하였다. 이러한 편도혈구의 세포붕괴는 파밤나방 혈구세포에서 유래된 세포막에 존재하는 G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)에 프로스타글란딘이 결합함에 따라 일어나는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이 GPCR에 특이적 RNAi 처리는 편도혈구의 세포붕괴를 억제시켰다. 프로스타글란딘의 혈구세포 결합은 protein kinase C 신호전달과정을 활성화시키는 것으로 보이며, 이는 궁극적으로 sodium 채널을 활성화하여 편도혈구의 세포막 안팎으로 삼투압차를 유발하여 다량의 수분유입으로 세포가 붕괴된다고 제시되고 있다. 이러한 결과는 아이코사노이드가 곤충면역반응에 중요한 역할을 담당하며, 이들의 합성은 Imd/Toll 신호전달과정을 통해 PLA2 활성화를 통해 이뤄진다는 것을 밝혔다. 본 연구에서 밝혀진 아이코사노이드 생합성 및 이들의 신호전달과정에 대한 결과들은 새로운 면역억제물질을 찾고 이에 따라 새로운 해충 방제 기술을 개발하는 데 응용될 수 있다.

      • Prospects and Challenges for Software Industry in Nepal

        Soni Pradhan 호서대학교 벤처전문대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        This paper is a study on the software industry situation in Nepal that takes into account various issues that are necessary to make strong foundation of the industry. It includes marketing, entrepreneurship and habitat, human resource and education. In recent years, software industry has contributed to significant improvement of many country’s economy. The industry in itself provides variety of opportunities requiring different level of expertise and different resource. During the study of various countries that has tremendously benefited from the industry, it was found that none of the country followed the same path for success. Their available resources are different and so are their strength. Developed countries like U.S and Japan have well developed infrastructure along with immense support from private and public organizations to lead with innovative products. South Korea though started late compared to developed countries, now has highest internet penetration rate and has world class IT infrastructure. Extreme support from government to improve its R&D has led the software industry here to focus on technology innovation and are the top developers of online games. Neighboring giant countries India and China are the emerging countries in the field. China’s strength is its huge domestic software market that attracts domestic software firms as well as foreign software firms. Availability of cheap labor is another attraction for offshoring countries. In spite of less developed IT infrastructure, India has been the leader in offshoring market. It’s strength being English speaking abundant human resource and its reputation on developing quality software. The industry in India has grown over 50% per year over the last five or six years. In Nepal software industry is a recent phenomenon. Even with less developed IT infrastructure and lack of support from government, many small sized software firms are emerging these days and have already been able to place themselves within the top ten global software exporters. The first university to provide graduation course in computer engineering was Kathmandu University in 1998. Before that students had to go to other countries for education. Now, the growing number of qualified English speaking software professionals is Nepal’s strength. Nepalese software entrepreneurs are optimistic about better scenario of software industry here in coming days. Even the government is gradually taking steps to improvise the present condition. It has established IT park that is expected to be in operation soon. The park is aimed to act as incubator for domestic firms and attract foreigners by providing tax holidays. Policies have been formulated to support R&D. E-governance is given priority. Even though government policies are very supportive, implementation process is taking time. Increasing number of computer institutes and colleges imparting software skills are found to be giving knowledge inadequate for practical use. University education lacks R&D practice. However, if supported by government in emphasizing on the industry’s foundation, Nepal has plenty of opportunities to reap from the industry.

      • Efficient Divider Architecture Utilizing ROM & CAM

        VIVEK SONI 경희대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247358

        To achieve performance requirements of modern scientific and engineering applications such as image processing and 3D graphics rendering, high performance is crucial for division operation. Due to high latency rate, still many current processors yield weak support for division operation. To achieve this, we adapted the division algorithm proposed by Goldschmidt, which has characteristics of low latency rate because it computes the high order terms significantly which is faster than the traditional divider with a relatively small hardware overhead. In this dissertation Goldschmidt's division algorithm is further optimized and with the use of LookUp-Table(LUT) concept, Read Only Memory(ROM) and Content Addressable Memory(CAM) memories utilized to stored pre-calculated result values. An efficient architecture is proposed, with its implementation on standard cell methodology in 180nm CMOS technology.

      • Study on some basic results in real analysis

        Chan, Sony 서강대학교 일반대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247358

        In this thesis, we study several classical results in real analysis. We first prove the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem and the Heine-Borel theorem and then introduce the notion of tagged partitions. They will be used to provide different proofs of basic results for continuous functions on bounded and closed intervals in R. We also prove the Lebesgue criterion of Riemann integrable funtions by using the Heine-Borel theorem and the method of tagged partitions.

      • Efficient Divider Architecture Utilizing ROM & CAM

        Vivek Soni Kyunghee University & Electronics and Radio En 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247358

        Efficient Divider Architecture Utilizing ROM & CAM by Vivek Soni Master of Science Graduate School of Kyung Hee University Advised by Prof. Sang Hoon Hang To achieve performance requirements of modern scientific and engineering applications such as image processing and 3D graphics rendering, high performance is crucial for division operation. Due to high latency rate, still many current processors yield weak support for division operation. To achieve this, we adapted the division algorithm proposed by Goldschmidt, which has characteristics of low latency rate because it computes the high order terms significantly which is faster than the traditional divider with a relatively small hardware overhead. In this dissertation Goldschmidt's division algorithm is further optimized and with the use of LookUp-Table(LUT) concept, Read Only Memory(ROM) and Content Addressable Memory(CAM) memories utilized to stored pre-calculated result values. An efficient architecture is proposed, with its implementation on standard cell methodology in 180nm CMOS technology.

      • A weighted fourier series with signed good kernels

        Chan Sony 서강대학교 대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247358

        It is natural to try to find a kernel such that its convolution of integrable functions converges faster than that of the Fej\'{e}r kernel. In this thesis, we introduce weighted Fourier partial sums which are written as the convolution of signed good kernels and prove that $L^{2}$ convergence of the weighted Fourier partial sums is much faster than that of the Ces\`{a}ro means. In addition, we present two numerical experiments.

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