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        청소년 도덕적 동기화 검사 도구 개정 연구(2차년도)

        전종희 ( Jong Hee Jeon ),이인재 ( In Jae Lee ),김영한 ( Young Han Kim ),박균열 ( Gyun Yeol Park ),윤영돈 ( Young Don Yoon ),류숙희 ( Sook Hee Ryue ),홍성훈 ( Seong Hoon Hong ) 한국윤리교육학회 2013 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.29

        본 연구는 J. Rest의 4구성요소 모형을 바탕으로 1차년도(2011년)에 개발된 도덕적 동기화 검사를 보다 신뢰롭고 타당한 도구로 개정하는 것이다. 따라서 선행연구를 보완하여 도덕 동기화의 구성 요소를 도덕지향성과 도덕적 정서귀인 등 두 항목으로 재설정하고, 스토리와 문항을 수정하였다. 개발된 세 개의 스토리(과제, 놀이공원, 작품) 별로 신뢰도를 분석한 결과, 전반적으로 .90 내외의 높고 수치를 보였다. 응답의 편포성을 완화하기 위해 2차년도에는 7점 척도를 사용하였다. 예비조사를 위해서는 전국 중학교 2학년생 409명을 대상으로 했고, 본조사를 위해서는 전국 6,216명의 중학교 2학년생을 대상으로 실시하였다. 개발된 검사도구의 신뢰도계수(문항 내적 일치도인 크론바흐 알파)는 .90이상으로 신뢰할만했다. 타당도를 검증하기 위하여 요인분석을 실시한 결과, 과제 스토리와 놀이공원 스토리의 일부 문항이 가정한 요인으로 잘 묶이지 않았는데 이 문항들을 제거하고 요인분석을 다시 실시해본 결과 기대하는 바를 충족했다. 그리하여 2차년도 연구를 통해 최종 스토리는 총 세 개(과제, 놀이공원, 작품)로 확정되었고, 각 스토리별 문항수는 과제 9개 문항, 놀이공원 9개 문항, 작품 10개 문항으로 총 28개 문항으로 확정되었다. 본 연구를 통해 수정 확정된 도덕적 동기화 검사도구는 상당히 안정적인 신뢰도와 타당도를 확보하였기에, 향후 우리나라 청소년의 도덕적 동기화 능력을 측정하기 위한 검사도구로 활용되기에 적절할 것으로 판단된다. The study aims to revise Moral Motivation Test I which was set for adolescents based on Rest`s four component model in 2011 and make standardized final morality test. In theory, this study is based on 4 components theory of James Rest who invented DIT (Defining Issues Test) to measure the moral judgment. The 4 components are composed of moral sensitivity, moral judgment, moral motivation, and moral character (or moral implementation, moral action). This study focused on moral motivation. This 2nd year study could get some significant outcomes. To make test form, 3 components relating teams have closely exchanged informations. Because teams have to share same real life stories as follows: “homework inspect”, “on going to park”, “broken art work”. The questionnaire used seven likert type to lessen the far epistemological tendency. To represent moral motivation, research team used moral orientation, moral emotion attributions. To get final form of morality test, this study was made two sequential steps. First one was pre-test which was for 409 respondents. Second main one was for 6,216 respondents. For moral motivation, the reliability was highly coefficient with Cronbach`s alpha(>.90). The validity was also much improved and stable. But just in the story “homework inspect”and “on going to park”, the factor analysis shows a little bit limitation result. Eliminated those questions, the result of factor analysis was more stable and reliable. Through these processes, to test moral motivation, this study shows 3 stories and 28 questions. And this recommends that just one simple story might be developed for one component(moral motivation).

      • KCI등재

        청소년 도덕적 품성화 검사 도구 개정 연구(2차년도)

        류숙희 ( Sook Hee Ryue ),이인재 ( In Jae Lee ),김영한 ( Young Han Kim ),박균열 ( Gyun Yeol Park ),홍성훈 ( Seong Hoon Hong ),전종희 ( Jong Hee Jeon ),윤영돈 ( Young Don Yoon ) 한국윤리교육학회 2013 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.29

        본 연구는 한국 청소년들의 도덕적 품성화 능력을 측정하기 위한 검사 도구를 개발하기 위한 것으로 2011년도에 개발된 검사 도구를 수정 및 보완한 것이다. 즉, J. Rest가 주장한 도덕성의 제4요소인 도덕적 품성화에 관한 선행연구들을 체계적으로 분석하여 도덕적 품성화의 개념을 보다 명확히 하였고, 1차년도에 설정한 도덕적 품성화의 구성 요소를 개인품성과 관계품성의 두 항목으로 재설정하였다. 또한 검사의 신뢰도와 타당도를 높이기 위해 기존의 스토리와 문항을 수정하였다. 응답의 편포성을 완화하기 위해 2차년도에는 7점 척도를 사용하였다. 예비조사는 전국 중학교 2학년생 409명을 대상으로 실시되었고, 본조사는 전국 6,216명의 중학교 2학년생을 대상으로 실시되었다. 개발된 검사도구의 신뢰도계수(문항 내적 일치도인 크론바흐 알파)는 .90이상으로 신뢰할만했다. 타당도를 확보하기 위해 요인분석을 실시했는데, 도덕적 품성화 능력 검사는 1개 문항을 제외하고 모든 문항이 예정된 요인으로 묶였다. 그리하여 2차년도 연구를 통한 최종 스토리는 총 세 개(과제, 놀이공원, 작품)로 확정되었고, 각 스토리별 문항수는 과제 10개 문항, 놀이공원 9개 문항, 작품 10개 문항으로 총 29개 문항으로 확정되었다. 2차년도 연구결과 개정된 검사 도구는 2011년 검사 도구에 비해 더 안정된 검사도구로서 향후 청소년의 도덕적 품성화 측정을 위한 연구와 실무에 활용될 수 있을 것이다. The study aims to revise Moral Character Test I which was set for adolescents based on Rest`s four components model in 2011 and make standardized final morality test. In theory, this study is based on the four components theory of James Rest who invented DIT (Defining Issues Test) to measure the moral judgment. The four components are composed of moral sensitivity, moral judgment, moral motivation, and moral character (or moral implementation, moral action). This study focused on moral character. This 2nd year study could get some significant outcomes. To make test form, 3 components relating teams have closely exchanged informations. Because teams have to share same real life stories as follows: “homework inspect”, “on going to park”, “broken art work”. The questionnaire used seven likert type to lessen the far epistemological tendency. To represent moral character, research team used personal character and interpersonal character. To get final form of morality test, this study was made two sequential steps. First one was pre-test which was for 409 respondents. Second main one was for 6,216 respondents. For moral character, the reliability was highly coefficient with Cronbach`s alpha(>.90). The validity was also much improved and stable. But just in the story “on going to park”, the factor analysis shows a little bit limitation result. Even though, 1st and 2nd researches have common weak point which is highly dependent upon not factor but story. Through these processes, to test moral motivation, this study shows 3 stories and 29 questions. And this recommends that just one simple story might be developed for one component(moral character).

      • KCI등재

        Socratic War Ethics in Ancient Greece

        ( Gyun Yeol Park ) , ( Brendan Howe ) 한국윤리학회 2016 倫理硏究 Vol.107 No.1

        Socrates’ war experiences have been overshadowed by his philosophical achievements, and thus the implications of his experiences and philosophical research into war has received scant attention. The aim of this paper is to take note of Socrates’ activities and statements concerning war that have been to date somewhat neglected in the literature, and thereby build a better picture of his contributions to the ethics of war discourse. While little academic research has been carried out into Socratic ethics of war, it is in fact possible to work through the reference literature on military systems and the war literature of ancient Greece, in order to build a fairly robust picture of Socrates’ perspective. Furthermore, it is possible to draw upon studies on Socrates’ statements as to hoplites, the citizen-soldiers of Ancient Greek city-states. Finally, this paper draws on the Dialogs of Plato and books written by contemporary writers as sources for the construction of Socrates’ ethics of war. This paper contends, therefore, that the lost essence of Socratic ideals, is to embrace both literary and military accomplishments concurrently.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Critical Evaluation to Just WAR Theory and Alternative Way

        Park Gyun-yeol,Jo Sung-gu,Kim Bong-je J-INSTITUTE 2020 International Journal of Military Affairs Vol.5 No.1

        This paper aims to provide a critical evaluation of the existing just war theories and its alternative direction to analyze the sharpest war in international relations from an ethical perspective. The theory of just war can be said to be an intermediate theory between realism and ideal pacifism. This paper tries to research the Eastern and Western theories about the just war theories, and show the future developments of just war theory. The existing theory of just war has been largely divided into Jus ad Bello(the justice of the war) itself and Jus in Bello(the justice of combat action). In recent years, Jus post- Bellum(the post-war justice) has also been discussed. This paper raises the limitation that the existing East-West just war theories, in particular, the western just war theories have been based on the Time-Sequenced Approach focused on the sequence of the war itself. This paper points out that each principle should not be considered differently over time. Still the procedure for moral judgment is similar, so it should be possible to analyze according to the same principle. Although the intensity and scope of war are very extraordinary, it should be understood in the range of the cultural act of human beings. This paper tries to suggest to look at war centering on human beings, the subject of moral judgment. War never flows in one direction apart from humans. It is initiated and performed by a series of moral judgments of people. This is the reason that war could be understood morally. Then we can wait that just war theory should follow, not the sequence of the war but the general ethics approaches.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Analysis on Self-Reliant Defense Policy of North and South Korea and its Implications to Security Policy Making and Security Education

        Gyun Yeol Park(박균열) 한국도덕윤리과교육학회 2005 도덕윤리과교육 Vol.- No.20

        본 논문은 남북한의 자주국방 추진 과정을 살피고, 이를 토대로 향후 한국의 자주국방정책 수립 및 안보교육을 위한 시사점을 도출하는 데 있다. 북한의 자주국방은 비록 그 출발점은 구소련으로부터의 지원을 극복하기 위한 논리에서 출발했지만, 최근에는 적대적 국가를 설정하고 난 뒤 이들 국가들(특히 미국) 때문에 자신들이 국가로서 생존하는데 어려움이 지대하다는 점을 주장하는 이른바 국가체제 존속을 위한 최고목표로서 기능하고 있다. 이를 위해 북한은 "국방에서의 자위," "4대군사노선," "붉은기사상," "고난의 행군," "강성대국," "선군정치" 등과 같은 슬로건을 제시해 왔다. 한편 남한의 자주국방은 상존하는 북한으로부터의 위협에 대한 억지력 확보와 미국으로부터의 자주성 회복을 주 내용으로 한다. 남한의 자주국방은 초기에는 미국에게 한반도 안보의 중요성을 담보로 소극적인 군사원조 확보정책에서 점차 자주적 군사력 증강, 자주적 국방정책 수립능력 구비, 국력에 부응하는 자주적 역량구비와 책임 등 적극적인 역할증대정책으로 나아갔다. 용어에 있어서도 초기에는 단순한 "자주국방"으로 사용되어오다 최근에는 "협력적 자주국방"이라는 용어로 사용되고 있다. 전반적으로 남한의 자주국방은 자유민주주의와 반공주의를 전제하고, 상황에 따라 주변국, 특히 미국과의 협력을 통한 국방력 건설을 추진해 왔다. 이상의 논의를 토대로, 한국의 자주국방을 위한 안보정책 및 안보교육에 있어서의 몇 가지 시사점을 제시하였다. 결국 지나친 방위태세를 구축하여 군비증강의 빌미를 제공해서도 안되겠지만, 자국의 방위를 위해서는 최소한의 방어충분성을 확보하려는 자발적인 의지가 중요하다고 본다. The purpose of this study is to examine the progress of self-reliant defense of North Korea and South Korea and to draw some suggestions for establishing a self-reliant defense policy and a security education of South Korea in future. Although the self-reliant defense of North Korea started on the logic for overcoming the support from the former Soviet Union, it acts as a supreme goal for the so-called survival of national system arguing that they have enormous difficulties in surviving as a state. For this, North Korea presented slogans such as "Gukbangeseoeui-jawi" (Self-protect in Defense), "Sadaegunsaroseon"(4 military line), "Bulgeungisasang" (Red Flag Idea), "Konaneui-haenggun" (Marching in Hardship), "Gangseongdaeguk" (Powerful great country) and "Songun-jeongchi" (Military-first Policy). On the contrary, the self-reliant national defense of South Korea is targeted largely to ensure a deterrent to the threat from North Korea and to recover the independence from USA. It has progressed from the policy to ensure negative military support from USA mortgaging the importance of security in the Korean Peninsular in the early state gradually to the positive policy including the increase of independent military power, the ability of establishing independent national defense policy, independent ability and responsibility matching the national power. In light of terminology, the simple term "independent national defense" was used in the early stage, but recently the "Self-reliant Defense through Cooperation" is being used. Overall it premises a liberal democracy and an anti-communism, driving the construction of national defense power through the cooperation with surrounding countries, especially USA under the circumstance. Based on the discussion above, this study presents several suggestions on national defense and security education for the independent defense of South Korea. Ultimately it is considered that we should not give an excuse for increasing military costs by constructing excessive defense system, but we need the spontaneous will that will ensure at least the sufficiency of defense for self-reliant defense.

      • KCI등재후보

        COVID-19 and Some Implications to AI

        Park Gyun-yeol,Lee Won-bong,Lim Yeo-jin J-INSTITUTE 2020 Robotics & AI Ethics Vol.5 No.1

        After the plague based on the Corona virus began in Wuhan, China in late 2019, it has been on a global pan-demic. Usually, disease occurs spontaneously in order to minimize entropy in natural order. However, Corona-virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) is said to have been artificially made in a laboratory in China to prepare for future diseases. Responsibility theory is raised by this speculation. In particular, sever influenza fluctuates at similar times in the United States, continuing a mutually responsible battle. In the process of overcoming the disease, criticism of the role and status of World Health Organization(WHO) and monopoly of information in a specific country also appeared. Japan suffers from the problems of hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics. In addition, COVID-19 has various issues. In order to overcome this plague, which has become a problem around the world, high citizenship, medical mission, and politician leadership are needed. In Korea, various cutting-edge big data are being used to identify the definitive. These techniques should not be limited to just finding infected people. Variety of politics, economy, society, culture and education affected by plague. Therefore it is necessary to apply Artificial Intelligence(AI) technology.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Differences of Unification Consciousness Using Moral Foundation Theory

        ( Gyun Yeol Park ) 한국윤리학회 2013 倫理硏究 Vol.92 No.1

        This article is to analyze the unification consciousness of liberals and conservatives about the unification problem. To this purpose, the writer asked the subjects regarding which political position they take, including liberal and conservative views indirectly with the Moral Foundation Theory. 79 experts, who have majored in moral philosophy and 1,200 common citizens were subjected to investigation. The total number of participants is 1,279. The investigation used a face-to-face survey to the common citizens, and an online survey to the experts. Structured questionnaires were exploited as a research tool. This paper extracted only a few topics of the questionnaire as follows: current inter-Korean relations, inter-Korean policy satisfaction level of current regime, necessity for unification, unified way, and so on. The survey for common citizens has a 95-percent confidence level with a sampling error of plus or minus 2.83. The complete enumeration survey was conducted for 442 experts, who have e-mail addresses and are members of the Korean Ethics Studies Association at the same time. Only 79 members gave an answer to this survey: rate of response was 17.9%. The survey period was from September 23 to October 8. Followed by editing-coding-key-in-programming, collected survey data was analyzed with statistical package, SPSS PC+ (ver12.0). According to the research result, understanding difference in accordance with an individual political position appears more clearly rather than position difference of liberals and conservatives in accordance with objective criteria for inter-Korean relations and unification problem.

      • A New Approach to Moral Injury of Soldiers during WAR

        Park Gyun-yeol,Seo Eun-sook,Shin Hee-jeong J-INSTITUTE 2019 International Journal of Military Affairs Vol.4 No.1

        This study aims to inquiry the moral injury or some moral wounds in military situation. In addition, this research presents new approach to overcome moral injury in military war, illustrating the conflict between the performance of his mission and the damage of civilians, and a problem solution to treatment method of the moral injury. Recent research has provided compelling evidence of mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD), related to the war-experience. In the theoretical background, we also looked at some previous research on approaches to moral injury. Then this is going to approach to moral injury, while sharing some soldiers’ experiences attended in battles. A healing program for soldiers who are morally hurt by future wars should go beyond the existing psychological-based PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) healing program. The moral injury of each soldier should be explained in a series of moral conflicts throughout whole lives. This paper shows some soldiers real testimony of moral injury caused by war experiences are presented as cases. These cases, including Vietnam Veterans who reported killing were twice, are well-understood examples to represent the moral injury of psychological trauma related to war-experiences. In this article, we propose a possible solution for moral injury-related psychological trauma in military based on the concept of moral injury. As a result, this research will contribute to give an implication to create a general community made by civil and military mutual understanding.

      • KCI등재

        ROK-USA Alliance for Consolidating Peace Condition in the Korean Peninsula: Evaluation and Vision

        ( Gyun Yeol Park ) 한국윤리학회 2013 倫理硏究 Vol.89 No.1

        The alliance of the Republic of Korea (ROK or South Korea) and the United States of America (or US) was brought as a result of the Korean War. To South Korea, the war was to defend freedom and democracy with democratic countries including US, on the other side, to North Korea, it was to spread the communism revolution by invading South Korea. The original alliance of both South Korea and US was military alliance. It was gradually extended to the fields of politics, economy, society and culture. The ROK-US alliance continues to change as a result of both advanced international status of South Korea and the status of the United States in international society. Especially both countries have shown about differences Japan and China, and North Korea. And the lingering awareness of the difference between the two sides in the alliance still faces the challenges to be solved. This paper suggests ways to promote future peace condition on the Korean peninsula. To do that, this paper tries to show the basic principles for the identity principle, the principle of universality, the principle of reciprocity.

      • KCI등재

        John Rawls’s Political Ethics and Some Implications to the Educational Welfare of Cameroon

        ( Park Gyun-yeol ),( Tahka Benice Leinyuy ),( Bang Won-seok ) 한국윤리학회(구 한국국민윤리학회) 2017 윤리연구 Vol.116 No.1

        Citizens in a democratic society have and believe in different worldviews. They have different conception of right and wrong, religion, lifestyle and even forms of interpersonal relationship but there exist only one law within a country. Rawls brings forth the idea of political liberalism and wonders how a stable and just society of free and equal citizens can remain stable when divided by reasonable but incompatible doctrines. He holds that the need to impose a unified law poses the problem of legitimacy and stability and if successfully put in place, justice must have been done to the citizens. He developed a concept that he deemed the ‘original position’, which gives people a chance to decide on the principles of justice from a ‘veil of ignorance’. This original position is a hypothetical situation where no one has any advantage over another. Behind this veil, all individuals are free and equal beings in the society. They do not know anything of themselves, their natural abilities, or their position in the society in which they live. Would they choose differently if they weren’t aware of these things? Would their society be less judgmental? According to Rawls, the people in the original position, behind the said veil of ignorance would adopt principles that would and regulate the distribution of social and economic advantages in the society. The present instability in the Cameroon’s educational welfare could have been avoided if these social services were equally distributed.

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