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        Report of the CCQM-K97: measurement of arsenobetaine standard solution and arsenobetaine content in fish tissue (tunafish)

        Ma, L D,Wang, J,WEI, C,Kuroiwa, T,Narukawa, T,Ito, N,HIOKI, A,CHIBA, K,Yim, Y H,Lee, K S,Lim, Y R,Turk, G C,Davis, C W,Mester, Z,Yang, L,McCooeye, M,Maxwell, P,Cankur, O,Tokman, N,Coskun, F G BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET MESURES 2017 METROLOGIA -BERLIN- Vol.54 No.-

        <P></P> <P>The CCQM-K97 key comparison was organized by the inorganic analysis working group (IAWG) of CCQM as a follow-up to completed pilot study CCQM-P96 and P96.1 to test the abilities of the national metrology institutes to accurately quantitate the mass fraction of arsenobetaine (AsB) in standard solution and in fish tissue. A pilot study CCQM-P133 was parallelized with this key comparison. National Institute of Metrology (NIM), China and National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) acted as the coordinating laboratories.</P> <P>Six NMIs participated in CCQM-K97 and two institutes participated in CCQM-P133, and all of them submitted the results. Some NMIs submitted more than one results by different methods. The results were in excellent agreement with each other, and obviously better than those of previous P96 and P96.1. Therefore the calibrant which each NMI used was comparable. It shows that the capabilities of some of the participants have been improved after the previous pilot studies.</P> <H2>Main text</H2> <P> To reach the main text of this paper, click on <A HREF='http://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/final_reports/QM/K97/CCQM-K97.pdf'>Final Report</A>. Note that this text is that which appears in Appendix B of the BIPM key comparison database <A HREF='http://kcdb.bipm.org/'>kcdb.bipm.org/</A>.</P> <P>The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCQM, according to the provisions of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA).</P>

      • KCI등재

        Approximating data

        P.L. Davies 한국통계학회 2008 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Vol.37 No.3

        There are essentially two statistical paradigms, the Bayesian and frequentist. Despite their obvious differences the two approaches have certain points in common. In particular both are density (or likelihood) based and neither has a concept of approximation. By a concept of approximation we mean some formal admission of the fact that the statistical models are not true representations of the data. We argue that the relationship between the data and the model is a fundamental one which cannot be reduced to either diagnostics or model validation. We argue further that a concept of approximation must be formulated in a weak topology different from the strong topology of densities. For this reason there can be no density or likelihood based concept of approximation. The concept of approximation we suggest goes back to [Donoho, D. L. (1988). One-sided inference about functionals of a density. Annals of Statistics, 16, 1390–1420] and [Davies, P. L. (1995). Data features. Statistica Neerlandica, 49, 185–245] and requires ‘typical’ data sets simulated under the model ‘look like’ the real data set. This idea is developed using examples from nonparametric regression.

      • SCISCIE

        The SAURON project – XIX. Optical and near‐infrared scaling relations of nearby elliptical, lenticular and Sa galaxies

        Falcó,n‐,Barroso, J.,van de Ven, G.,Peletier, R. F.,Bureau, M.,Jeong, H.,Bacon, R.,Cappellari, M.,Davies, R. L.,de Zeeuw, P. T.,Emsellem, E.,Krajnović,, D.,Kuntschner, H.,McDermid, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011 MONTHLY NOTICES- ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Vol.417 No.3

        <P><B>ABSTRACT</B></P><P>We present ground‐based MDM Observatory <I>V</I>‐band and <I>Spitzer</I>/InfraRed Array Camera 3.6‐<IMG src='/wiley-blackwell_img/equation/MNR_19372_mu1.gif' alt ='inline image'/>m‐band photometric observations of the 72 representative galaxies of the SAURON survey. Galaxies in our sample probe the elliptical E, lenticular S0 and spiral Sa populations in the nearby Universe, both in field and cluster environments. We perform aperture photometry to derive homogeneous structural quantities. In combination with the SAURON stellar velocity dispersion measured within an effective radius (σ<SUB>e</SUB>), this allows us to explore the location of our galaxies in the colour–magnitude, colour–σ<SUB>e</SUB>, Kormendy, Faber–Jackson and Fundamental Plane scaling relations. We investigate the dependence of these relations on our recent kinematical classification of early‐type galaxies (i.e. slow/fast rotators) and the stellar populations. Slow rotator and fast rotator E/S0 galaxies do not populate distinct locations in the scaling relations, although slow rotators display a smaller intrinsic scatter. We find that Sa galaxies deviate from the colour–magnitude and colour–σ<SUB>e</SUB> relations due to the presence of dust, while the E/S0 galaxies define tight relations. Surprisingly, extremely young objects do not display the bluest (<I>V</I>−[3.6]) colours in our sample, as is usually the case in optical colours. This can be understood in the context of the large contribution of thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars to the infrared, even for young populations, resulting in a very tight (<I>V</I>−[3.6])–σ<SUB>e</SUB> relation that in turn allows us to define a strong correlation between metallicity and σ<SUB>e</SUB>. Many Sa galaxies appear to follow the Fundamental Plane defined by E/S0 galaxies. Galaxies that appear offset from the relations correspond mostly to objects with extremely young populations, with signs of ongoing, extended star formation. We correct for this effect in the Fundamental Plane, by replacing luminosity with stellar mass using an estimate of the stellar mass‐to‐light ratio, so that all galaxies are part of a tight, single relation. The new estimated coefficients are consistent in both photometric bands and suggest that differences in stellar populations account for about half of the observed tilt with respect to the virial prediction. After these corrections, the slow rotator family shows almost no intrinsic scatter around the best‐fitting Fundamental Plane. The use of a velocity dispersion within a small aperture (e.g. <I>R</I><SUB>e</SUB>/8) in the Fundamental Plane results in an increase of around 15 per cent in the intrinsic scatter and an average 10 per cent decrease in the tilt away from the virial relation.</P>

      • The SAURON project – XVI. On the sources of ionization for the gas in elliptical and lenticular galaxies

        Sarzi, Marc,Shields, Joseph C.,Schawinski, Kevin,Jeong, Hyunjin,Shapiro, Kristen,Bacon, Roland,Bureau, Martin,Cappellari, Michele,Davies, Roger L.,Tim de Zeeuw, P.,Emsellem, Eric,Falcó,n-Barroso Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Vol.402 No.4

        <P>ABSTRACT</P><P>Following our study on the incidence, morphology and kinematics of the ionized gas in early-type galaxies, we now address the question of what is powering the observed nebular emission. To constrain the likely sources of gas excitation, we resort to a variety of ancillary data we draw from complementary information on the gas kinematics, stellar populations and galactic potential from the <SMALL>SAURON</SMALL> data, and use the <SMALL>SAURON</SMALL>-specific diagnostic diagram juxtaposing the [O <SMALL>III</SMALL>]λ5007/Hβ and [N <SMALL>I</SMALL>]λλ5197, 5200/Hβ line ratios. We find a tight correlation between the stellar surface brightness and the flux of the Hβ recombination line across our sample, which points to a diffuse and old stellar source as the main contributor of ionizing photons in early-type galaxies, with post-asymptotic giant branch (pAGB) stars being still the best candidate based on ionizing balance arguments. The role of AGN photoionization is confined to the central 2–3 arcsec of an handful of objects with radio or X-ray cores. OB-stars are the dominant source of photoionization in 10 per cent of the <SMALL>SAURON</SMALL> sample, whereas for another 10 per cent the intense and highly ionized emission is powered by the pAGB population associated to a recently formed stellar subcomponent. Fast shocks are not an important source of ionization for the diffuse nebular emission of early-type galaxies since the required shock velocities can hardly be attained in the potential of our sample galaxies. Finally, in the most massive and slowly or non-rotating galaxies in our sample, which can retain a massive X-ray halo, the finding of a spatial correlation between the hot and warm phases of the interstellar medium (ISM) suggests that the interaction with the hot ISM provides an additional source of ionization besides old ultraviolet-bright stars. This is also supported by a distinct pattern towards lower values of the [O <SMALL>III</SMALL>]/Hβ ratio. These results lead us to investigate the relative role of stellar and AGN photoionization in explaining the ionized gas emission observed in early-type galaxies by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). By simulating how our sample galaxies would appear if placed at further distance and targeted by the SDSS, we conclude that only in very few, if any, of the SDSS galaxies which display modest values for the equivalent width of the [O <SMALL>III</SMALL>] line (less than ∼2.4 Å) and low-ionization nuclear emission-line region like [O <SMALL>III</SMALL>]/Hβ values the nebular emission is truly powered by an AGN.</P>

      • SCISCIE

        The SAURON project – XVIII. The integrated UV–line‐strength relations of early‐type galaxies

        Bureau, Martin,Jeong, Hyunjin,Yi, Sukyoung K.,Schawinski, Kevin,Houghton, Ryan C. W.,Davies, Roger L.,Bacon, Roland,Cappellari, Michele,de Zeeuw, P. Tim,Emsellem, Eric,Falcó,n‐,Barroso, Je Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011 MONTHLY NOTICES- ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Vol.414 No.3

        <P><B>ABSTRACT</B></P><P>Using far‐ultraviolet (FUV) and near‐ultraviolet (NUV) photometry from guest investigator programmes on the <I>Galaxy Evolution Explorer</I> (<I>GALEX</I>) satellite, optical photometry from the MDM Observatory and optical integral‐field spectroscopy from SAURON, we explore the UV–line‐strength relations of the 48 nearby early‐type galaxies in the SAURON sample. Identical apertures are used for all quantities, avoiding aperture mismatch. We show that galaxies with purely old stellar populations show well‐defined correlations of the integrated FUV −<I>V</I> and FUV − NUV colours with the integrated Mg <I>b</I> and Hβ absorption line‐strength indices, strongest for FUV − NUV. Correlations with the NUV −<I>V</I> colour, Fe5015 index and stellar velocity dispersion σ are much weaker. These correlations put stringent constraints on the origin of the UV‐upturn phenomenon in early‐type galaxies and highlight its dependence on age and metallicity. In particular, despite recent debate, we recover the negative correlation between FUV −<I>V</I> colour and Mg line strength originally publicized by Burstein et al., which we refer to as the ‘Burstein relation’, suggesting a positive dependence of the UV upturn on metallicity. We argue that the scatter in the correlations is real and present mild evidence that a strong UV excess is preferentially present in slow‐rotating galaxies. We also demonstrate that most outliers in the correlations are galaxies with current or recent star formation, some at very low levels. We believe that this sensitivity to weak star formation, afforded by the deep and varied data available for the SAURON sample, explains why our results are occasionally at odds with other recent but shallower surveys. This is supported by the analysis of a large, carefully crafted sample of more distant early‐type galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), more easily comparable with current and future large surveys.</P>

      • KCI등재
      • SCISCIE

        The SAURON project – XXI. The spatially resolved UV–line strength relations of early‐type galaxies

        Jeong, Hyunjin,Yi, Sukyoung K.,Bureau, Martin,Davies, Roger L.,Bacon, Roland,Cappellari, Michele,de Zeeuw, P. Tim,Emsellem, Eric,Falcó,n‐,Barroso, Jesú,s,Krajnović,, Davor,Kunts Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012 MONTHLY NOTICES- ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Vol.423 No.2

        <P><B>ABSTRACT</B></P><P>The unexpected rising flux of early‐type galaxies at decreasing ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths is a long‐standing mystery. One important observational constraint is the correlation between UV–optical colours and Mg<SUB>2</SUB> line strengths found by Burstein et al. The simplest interpretation of this phenomenon is that the UV strength is related to the Mg line strength. Under this assumption, we expect galaxies with larger Mg gradients to have larger UV colour gradients. By combining UV imaging from <I>GALEX</I>, optical imaging from MDM and SAURON integral‐field spectroscopy, we investigate the spatially resolved relationships between UV colours and stellar population properties of 34 early‐type galaxies from the SAURON survey sample. We find that galaxies with old stellar populations show tight correlations between the far‐UV (FUV) colours (FUV −<I>V</I> and FUV − NUV) and the Mg <I>b</I> index, Hβ index and metallicity [<I>Z</I>/H]. The equivalent correlations for the Fe5015 index, α‐enhancement [α/Fe] and age are present but weaker. We have also derived logarithmic internal radial colour, <I>measured</I> line strength and <I>derived</I> stellar population gradients for each galaxy and again found a strong dependence of the FUV −<I>V</I> and FUV − NUV colour gradients on both the Mg <I>b</I> line strength and the metallicity gradients for galaxies with old stellar populations. In particular, global gradients of Mg <I>b</I> and [<I>Z</I>/H] with respect to the UV colour [e.g. Δ(Mg <I>b</I>)/Δ(FUV − NUV) and Δ[<I>Z</I>/H]/Δ(FUV − NUV)] across galaxies are consistent with their local gradients within galaxies, suggesting that the global correlations also hold locally. From a simple model based on multiband colour fits of UV upturn and UV‐weak galaxies, we have identified a plausible range of parameters that reproduces the observed radial colour profiles. In these models, the centres of elliptical galaxies, where the UV flux is strong, are enhanced in metals by roughly 60 per cent compared to UV‐weak regions.</P>

      • KCI등재
      • Long-term global water projections using six socioeconomic scenarios in an integrated assessment modeling framework

        Hejazi, M.,Edmonds, J.,Clarke, L.,Kyle, P.,Davies, E.,Chaturvedi, V.,Wise, M.,Patel, P.,Eom, J.,Calvin, K.,Moss, R.,Kim, S. American Elsevier 2014 TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE Vol.81 No.-

        In this paper, we assess future water demands for the agricultural (irrigation and livestock), energy (electricity generation, primary energy production and processing), industrial (manufacturing and mining), and municipal sectors, by incorporating water demands into a technologically-detailed global integrated assessment model of energy, agriculture, and climate change - the Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM). Base-year water demands - both gross withdrawals and net consumptive use - are assigned to specific modeled activities in a way that maximizes consistency between bottom-up estimates of water demand intensities of specific technologies and practices, and top-down regional and sectoral estimates of water use. The energy, industrial, and municipal sectors are represented in fourteen geopolitical regions, with the agricultural sector further disaggregated into as many as eighteen agro-ecological zones (AEZs) within each region. We assess future water demands representing six socioeconomic scenarios, with no constraints imposed by future water supplies. The scenarios observe increases in global water withdrawals from 3710km<SUP>3</SUP>year<SUP>-1</SUP> in 2005 to 6195-8690km<SUP>3</SUP>year<SUP>-1</SUP> in 2050, and to 4869-12,693km<SUP>3</SUP>year<SUP>-1</SUP> in 2095. Comparing the projected total regional water withdrawals to the historical supply of renewable freshwater, the Middle East exhibits the highest levels of water scarcity throughout the century, followed by India; water scarcity increases over time in both of these regions. In contrast, water scarcity improves in some regions with large base-year electric sector withdrawals, such as the USA and Canada, due to capital stock turnover and the almost complete phase-out of once-through flow cooling systems. The scenarios indicate that: 1) water is likely a limiting factor in meeting future water demands, 2) many regions can be expected to increase reliance on non-renewable groundwater, water reuse, and desalinated water, but they also highlight an important role for development and deployment of water conservation technologies and practices.

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