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      • Consumer behaviour of pre-teen and teenage youth in China

        Osmud Rahman,Xiaopeng Chen,Raymond Au 한국마케팅과학회 2013 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.4 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate how age, gender, information sources andparent-child communication may influence Chinese pre-teen (9–12 years old)and teenage (13–18 years old) shopping behaviour. A quantitative research methodand a self-administered questionnaire was employed to measure the significanceof clothing evaluative cues, parent-child communication and shopping behaviour ofpre-teens and teens in the People’s Republic of China. In total, 273 usable datawere collected for this study. It is evident that peer influence was considered byrespondents as an important information source, followed by store displays. Parent–child communication also played an important role on clothing consumption. Inorder to meet the needs and aspirations of these young consumers, fashion designersshould pay attention to material selection and usage. In addition, fashion retailersshould focus on the visual and experiential aspects of the store environment inorder to build a stronger connection and resonance with these young consumergroups.


        Osmud Rahman,Ryan Payne,Gregory Allan 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        The objective is to explore how fashion websites affect consumers’ perception and evaluation of footwear. Mixed methodologies including eye-tracking experiments, field note and semi-structured interviews were conducted. According to our results, the relationship between pupil dilation and fixation count is related. Many participants were more concerned about the style and comfort of the product.


        Osmud Rahman,Dingtao Hu,Benjamin C.M. Fung 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2023 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2023 No.07

        Due to the rise of global environmental awareness and concerns, many journal articles related to “fashion sustainability” have been disseminated over the last 20 years. According to Google Search Trends (2010-2021), the number of searches for “sustainable fashion,” “fashion clothing” and “fast fashion” has increased since 2016, particularly “sustainable fashion.” Despite a substantial amount of published papers, many research studies are fragmented and disconnected due to their specific research objectives, focuses, and approaches (Tian et al., 2018). A systematic literature review can identify key research themes, trends, and developmental patterns while also illuminating the complexity of the subjects. This study has three overarching objectives: (1) to provide a comprehensive report of scholarly articles published from 2010 to 2021 focusing on fashion sustainability research, (2) to identify research trends in fashion and sustainability, and (3) to identify significant sustainable and non-sustainable attributes in clothing selection, evaluation, and consumption processes.


        Minjie Gong,Osmud Rahman 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        The purpose of this research is to enhance sustainable outcomes as well as to understand the Chinese consumers’ needs by focusing on transformable design. In this study, mass customization and co-design were discussed. One-on-one interviews and online surveys were employed to capture both fashion experts’ and consumers’ opinions toward transformable design through customization.


        Wan-Tien Chang,Osmud Rahman 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        The purpose of this paper is to understand Taiwanese mature consumers’ attitudes and behaviour toward aging, clothing choice and consumption experience. Eighteen females aged from 47 to 59 years old were recruited, and in-depth interview was used to explore the purchasing motives, the salient impact of product attributes, and fashion information sources. Simple descriptive analysis and content analysis were employed for this study. According to the interview transcripts, Taiwanese mature consumers were generally satisfied with the offers of apparel products in the market. Respondents also expressed that they were concerned about individual interests, self-cultivation and social network when they enter their semi-retirement stage of life. Our results also indicated that clothing selection and consumption were closely associated with individual’s profession, social status and daily activities. In terms of fashion information source, respondents cited window display and store catalogues as the two most important sources, followed by fashion magazines.

      • KCI등재

        色彩, 服裝和"綠色"的槪念:色彩趨勢分析和專業人士的觀點

        ( Alice Chu ),( Osmud Rahman ) 한국마케팅과학회 2012 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.3 No.4

        色彩是壹個强大的屬性, 可以用來刺激感官, 引起情?的反應,産生社會效果, 區分?對産品進行分類, 提升品牌知名度和品牌回憶。根據Rasband (2001), 色彩是最有吸引力的設計元素。服裝相關的硏究表明,色彩可以激發觀衆/消費者的興趣和改變壹個人得形象(Choo and Kim, 2003)。由于其重要性, 許多硏究測試了不同的方面:色彩心理學(Lind 1993), 色覺(Chen andChen 2008; Strugnell 2002), 色彩情感(Kaya and Epps 2004),和色彩營銷戰略(Aslam 2006), 僅?幾例。雖然色彩在日常生活中的許多方面起著至關重要的作用,出現了對于色彩、服裝和環境之間關系的有限硏究。近些年來,越來越多的消費者關注環境問題,有關"可持續發展"問題受到了衆多學科學者的關注。許多硏究(Bhate and Lawler 1997; Chan1999; Domina and Koch 1997)已經徹底調?了生態産品的技術與行爲:"綠色"消費, 可持續性生産和包裝, 産品生命周期和生態標簽。然而, 對于"綠色"色彩或者環保色彩所知甚少。目前的硏究試圖?補這壹空白, 通過硏究與服裝相關的特定主題。爲了理解複雜的顔色象征意義的相互作用、環境和社會心理價?, 我們提出了壹系列的問題指導此項硏究:"以何種方式和何種顔色範圍的使用支持``綠色``?念"、"顔色如何爲産品植入``綠色``?念的"、"什?顔色被認爲是對生態環境友好的"和"綠色是被認爲核心環保色??"本硏究主要有兩個方面:(1)硏究顔色、服裝和"綠色"?念之間的關系, (2)通過"綠色"?念的鏡頭探索新色彩的流行趨勢。本硏究的目的促進跨學術界討論, ?不是現在確定的"環保色"理論。在目前的硏究中, 使用縱向分析和調?問卷的方法, 闡明了服裝産品關系到"綠色"運動時顔色的顯著影響。爲了理解這些關系,從2006年到2010年, 色彩趨勢的學習硏究基于兩個主要的色彩預測, 美國色彩協會(CAUS)和色彩營銷集團(CMG)。通過縱向檢?,新興趨勢的"綠色"?念得以確定, 因爲?與環境問題有關。30?調?問卷通過電子郵件發送, 25名專家和從業者(16名女性和9名男性)返還了調?問卷, 83%的回收率。本次調?引發了對"經典色彩"和"時?色彩"的定義。出現了幾個關于經典色彩的定義--經典的色彩必須經曆時間的考驗、可用于多種用途和?容易被理解。經典色彩代表經常出現的色彩主題, 每個季節變化的非常緩慢(Chu and Nemeth 2009)。?們主導著常用品,?且相關于特定市場的特定商品。黑色(n=14)、紅色(n=11)、白(n=10)、灰色(n=10)和海軍(n=9)被認爲是經典色彩。根據我們的調?, 許多受訪者表示經典色彩更持久、安全和可持續的,然而時?色彩則更具娛樂性、季節性和瞬變性。總體而言, 9個受訪者同意, 8個受訪者不同意這壹觀點:"經典色彩更具有持續性"。?明顯, 綠色(n=11)是最經常被提到的環保色, 接下來是棕色(n=9), 藍色(n=7)和自然色(n=5)。117位受訪者同意,過去五年裏,"環境友好/環保友好"環境友好/環保又好"在色彩預測等方面發揮了越來越重要的作用。自然色已經被使用, 符合我們對顔色預測趨勢的縱向分析。根據我們的硏究CAUS和CMG, 明顯的迹象表明, 預報已經更加關心環境問題。例如, 許多方向都提出要緊密與生態環境聯系在壹起(CMG2006至2010)。根據我們對于CAUS和CMG色彩預測的簡單分析, ?明顯綠色和樸實顔色的數量增加超過了2006年至2010年, 除了2007年綠色的頻率。毫無疑問, 生態顔色與"綠"色的?念已被采納, ?在過去的十年裏應用于?多方面。然而, 爲了成爲?正的"綠色", ?的重要性不僅是在于?育消費者, 而是提供了壹個多邊的"綠色"産品。換句話說, 産品設計人員不應該單單集中在"綠色"(顔色屬性)這壹單方面, 而是必須超越初步的認識和心理因素。他們應該開發壹種新的思維方式--生産高質量且持久的具有可持續性的産品, 鼓勵少消費--從而灌輸個人幸福感是基于對健康環境做出的貢獻。此外, 延長産品壽命從而保持環境是至關重要的。在許多情況下, 人們?棄自己的服裝(如牛仔?), 不是因爲磨損嚴重而是褪色原因導致不受歡迎了。使用過程中褪色, 消費者考慮是否匹配合適而不考慮産品的堅固耐用。Fletcher (2008: 166)在其書中指出"?明顯, 做壹個長久的産品不同于做壹個長久使用的多功能和可修複的産品, 保持産品相關的情感紐帶從而促進産品的持續使用。"總而言之, 本硏究結果向時?從業者, ?育工作者和消費者提供了壹般顔色的顔色屬性。特別是環境友好型顔色的?念. Increasingly, many fashion companies and organizations have introduced slogans such as ``green is the new black`` and ``get hip, get green`` to raise ``green`` awareness as well as to build corporate image. This study was designed to explore industry opinion on what colour(s) is/are more likely associated with the notion of ``green.`` In order to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between colour and environmental issues, a self-administered questionnaire survey was used to collect data from various professionals. According to the present study, it is evident that certain colours are viewed to be more eco-friendly than others. The findings of this study provide insight and implications for fashion practitioners, educators and consumers on the concept of eco-friendly in general and colour attribute in particular.

      • KCI등재

        Branding strategies in transitional economy: The case of Aimer

        Hong Yu,Osmud Rahman,Yi Yan 한국마케팅과학회 2019 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of the study was to investigate the branding strategies implemented by the Beijing Aimer Lingerie Company Ltd. that support its success. A case studymethod was usedwhich included on-site visits and in-depth interviews with Aimer executives, mid-level managers, and frontline employees. Additionally, a review of the company’s website and internal documents, as well as an extensive external search of relevant news reports, social media contents, industry information, and academic literature contributed to the data source. The study adopted a deductive content analysis strategy by integrating Balmer and Gray’s (2003) C2ITE framework and the luxury fashion brand dimensions, and used triangulation as a validation strategy. The most important element of Aimer’s success is strategic planning and continuous brand development. In every step of Aimer’s business development, the executive teamstrategically planned its next step and had a clear vision for the future. Aimer executed well for each dimension of the analytical framework (Cultural, Marketing Communication, Tangible Branding, Intangible Branding, and Commitment) except one: brand signature (Cultural dimension). The findings provide valuable implications for other Chinese apparel manufacturers striving to establish their own brands, as well as global companies that compete in the Chinese marketplace.

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