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        팽이버섯의 저장성에 미치는 광석분말을 함유한 한지의 포장효과

        이예경,신경옥,정유경,박범호,김순동 동아시아식생활학회 2004 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.14 No.5

        The effect of polyethylene film(PE) packaging of golden mushroom wrapped with Korean paper containing 20% mica powder on the changes in weight, color, texture, PPO activity, number of total microbe(TM) and sensory quality during storage at 10℃ were investigated. The experiments were divided to 3 groups(control; only PE packaging, KP; PE packaging wrapped with Korean paper up and down of the sample, KPM; PE packaging with Korean paper containing 20% mica powder up and down of the sample). The weight of the mushroom in the KPM was the lowest until 9 days-storage, but the weight was the highest at 15 days-storage, showing 12.5% higher against the initial weight. L^(*) values of the mushrooms in the control and KP treatment were decreased, but the value in the KPM treatment was maintained as the same of the initial value during storage. The increasing rate of a^(*) and b^(*) values in the all plots during storage was the lowest in KPM and in order of KPM<KP<control. The activity of PPO and number of TM in the KPM treatment were maintained the lowest, but hardness and gumminess were maintained the highest during storage. Appearance of the mushroom stored for 15 days was the best, the degree of browning and softening were the lowest in the KPM. Off-flavor was lower in all plots, but the scores were the lowest in KPM. But further study on the fruit body was grown in the KPM at after-period of storage was required.

      • 스포츠 인터넷 정보선호도와 접속 행동간의 관계분석

        최경범,오정희,백경운 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.2

        The Purpose of this study was to identify the differences in sport internet netizens' search behavior with respect to their demographics and information preference. Information regarding organizations, game competitions, athletes, common sense, and amusement were studied. Also frequency, time, place of search, and serch time were studied. As the demographical variables, gender, age, occupation, and income, and place of residence were studied. Subjects included a total of 216 university students majoring in physical education, people working in a field related to sport, and members of sport centers. The subjects were quota sampled, and the criteria for their selection were that the reside in the Seoul and Kyunggido area, that they be between the age of 17 and 39, and that they regularly search the sport sites in the internet. Data was collected by employing a questionnaire whose cronbach alpha values ranged between .66 and .91, and analyses included descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA tests, Scheffe post hoc tests, Chi-square tests, and crosstabular analyses. The following conclusions were drawn: First, information preference statistically and significantly differed with respect to demographic variables. Second, search behavior statistically and significantly differed with respect to demographic variables and information preference.

      • KCI등재

        문학의 한 목적으로서 쾌락을 추구하기 위한 변론 : 스페인 중세 텍스트를 중심으로

        김경범 서울大學校 人文學硏究所 2002 人文論叢 Vol.47 No.-

        El propo´sito de este estudio es indagar las justificaciones del entretenimiento considerado como deseo vicioso en la literatura medieval espano~la. Al abordarlas hemos analizado tres obras: El conde Lucanor de don Juan Manuel, la Disciplina Clericalis de Pedro Alfonso y el Libro de Buen Amor de Juan Ruiz. Mientras que El conde Lucanor constituye el prototipo de la literatura dida´ctica medieval, la primera obra del exemplum - Disciplina Clericalis- y la obra maestra de Juan Ruiz nos servira´n de las fuentes para nuestro objetivo. Como es bien sabido, desde la Edad Media hasta el Barroco (tal vez hasta nuestros di´as) el concepto fundamental sobre la meta de la literatura es el "deleitar aprovechendo", to´pico horaciano manifestado en su Ars Poetica (vv. 333-334). En cuanto a los sentidos de este to´pico, tenemos en cuenta que el placer y el didactismo no poseen un valor igual: es decir, el to´pico horaciano y el te´rmino medieval de "pil´doradorada" signifucan que el verdadero objectivo de la litertura es la ensen~anza moral y cienti´fica, y que el entretenimiento no llega a ser ma´s que un instrumento para obtenerla. Sin embargo, es muy cierto que el deseo o instinto del ser humano que quiere divertirse no es tan de´bil para ser aplastado por un dogma moral, ni se conforma con la exigencia de nedesidad. Naturalmente se esperan las cosas para el entretenimiento en los horizontes expectativos de los escritores y lectores. No obstante, los autores no pueden declarar aparentemente la intencio´n placentera por el miedo a la censura o por la auto-censura. Ante esta situacion hostil al placer, los autores procuran buscar unas maneras para conseguir un lugar de entretenimiento evitando las posibles cri´ticas. La ma´s comu´n de ellas consiste en ponerse la ma´scara dida´ctica para encubrir la intencio´n placentera. Aqui´ surge la antonimia entre el pro´logo y el texto-corpus, que probablemente muestra un fene´meno de la modernidad. La obra de Pedro Afonso hace hincapie´ en esta antinomia proponiendo, ademas, que juzgar si una obra es dida´ctica no pertence al autor sino al libre albedrio de los lectores. Asi´, el autor queda de la responsabilidad de su obra. Sobre todo, con la ta´ctica de restringir los lectores a frailes, logra a desaparecer la posibilidad de que su obra sea mal interpretada. Si el auto judi´o converso justifica el placer con la moralidad de los lectores, Juan Ruiz lo hace con la ambigu¨edad del lenguaje. E´ste nos advierte que el lenguaje se presta siempre a diversas interpretacions, y que elegir entre las posibles es la responsabilidad del lector. Esta idea, basada en el voluntarismo de San Agusti´n, es una defensa legi´tima contra las acusaciones de mala fe o de intenciones inmorales, porque el mal "esta´ en el ojo del que lee, y no en el libro". Con locual el autor, una vez que declara la intencio´n dida´ctica en el pro´logo, puede narrar cualquier cosa, que sea un vida santa o un adulterio. En esta justificacio´n se interviene tambie´n un pretexto estereotipado que conocer el mal es uti´l para rechazalo. En cuanto al argumento, el autor autojustifica su porfi´a en la busca del amor carnal con la naturalenza biolo´gica del hombre, con el cara´cter ineludible de su destino individual y con la pertinacia de la costumbre. Adema´s, da e´nfasis en la utilidad del amor: pues, el amor es bueno para mantener la juventud y la salud corporal y mental. Sin embargo, las justificaciones ma´s peculiares se encuentran en la incertidumbre de la autori´a. Es decir, el autor imita fielmente una comedia latina muy conocida para la historia de don~a Endrina y don Melo´n y invita a los lectores corregir su obra cuando no les cae bien. Desde el punto de vista de la este´tica medieval, el entretenimiento debe ser considerado como una recreacio´n perdonable y una prueva de la debilidad humana. Sin embargo, el te´rmino de "pi´ldora dorada" se utilza en dos vertientes opuestas: por un lado, es un reflejo del canon oficial: por ptro lado, al contrario, una ma´scara para encubrir el placer sensual. Por consiguiente, a trave´s de las justificaciones del placer podemos apercibir que la literatura medieval espano~la no puede explicarse por una idea estetica. Si Horacio pone en tela de juicio el objectivo de la poesia entre el deleite y el didactismo, los autores midievales intermeten a ambas categori´as dos estratos sema´ncticos y interpretativos ma´s. Aqui´ reside la riqueza de la literatura medieval. La confuencia de diversas interpretaciones a un mismo texto llega a constituir la tradicio´n aute´ntica de la cultura espano~la, denominada como la convivencia de "sol y sombra" o desacuerdo entre fondo y forma.

      • 政府政策에 대한 壓力團體 활동의 理論模型에 관한 公共選擇論的 硏究

        金幸範,文景柱 인제대학교 1997 仁濟論叢 Vol.13 No.1

        The role of interest group in policy process cannot be emphasized too much. But there are variant approaches to this policy subject. Public Choice approach is new promising focus in the study of public administration as was suggested by Vincent Ostrom. This article reviews interest groups(pressure group) which were analyzed by the approach of economic model. We selected four models as a typical topics : (1) Olson Model, (2) Peltzman Model, (3) Virginians Model. (4) Becker Model. all of them were reviewed in desultory fashion by the policy scientist perspective. Each model was reviewed in separate section. We could identify the strength and the shortcomings of the models. Even though 4 models were built on the same economic perspectives, they show different implication, in both description and prescription, some of which are contrasting rather than being just different. Comprehensive comparison of these models needs common standard, so that we could make an useful conclusion on interest group and its role in policy process. But it was difficult to devise such common standard by which we can do comparison. Despite the danger of arbitrariness, five standards were extracted for comprehensive comparison of the models. According to such comparison following conclusion were derived. ① Olson Model is the model focusing on the formulation and establishment of the interest group : It concentrates on internal management of members of group to avoid free riding, and then to establish interest group. All others are models on 'activity', not formulation, of already well-established interest group. ② They suggest disparate preference for the competitiveness of the interest groups. According to Olson model competitiveness of the interest groups harms national economic growth. But Peltzman model does not make clear view on the competitiveness of the interest grouts. Virginians model most strongly emphasizes the harmful effect on the social welfare, by inventing the concept of 'rent-seeking' Becker stands at far different position : he suggests competitiveness of the interest groups results in efficiency, rather than inefficiency, in subsidy and taxation. ③ On the active phase of government which is a supplier of regulatory policies, we could find some difference, too. Olson model ignores the active role of regulator. In Peltzman's model, regulator is not just a captive of the regulated; he considers the both sides of beneficiary group and non-beneficiary group. Peltzman appears to recognize a little more active role of regulator than Olson. Virginians regard government as an active creator of the rent which interest groups are eager to win. Becker model regards role of the government just as that of pluralists. ④ Which interest group is going to be winner in policy benefit distribution? Olson model, when we extend his logic on the formulation of interest group to this problem, seems to consider the small group the future winner. Peltzman model says both producer interest group and consumers interest group can be the winner. Virginians never make it clear which group is going to win ; they just focus on total and mutual activity which result in the harmful effect on social welfare. Becker model suggests relatively efficient group is going to be winner. ⑤ On the prescription to evade undesirable result of. interest groups, Olson suggests restoration of free market. Peltzman model is not sensitive to the possible undesirable effect of interest groups on societal welfare ; he, therefore, does not show clear comment on the prescription to that problem, either. Virginians are easer to devise effective ways to remove inefficiency caused by interest groups and their rent-seeking activity. Their fundamental remedy seems to be constitutional change to decrease the power for government to create rent. Becker suggests perfectly different prescription ; the strengthening of the activity and competition among interest groups.

      • 封着유리와 스테인레스鋼의 接合에 關한 硏究

        金宗範,金鳳杰,朴慶煥 慶熙大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        Effects of a metal-to-glass joints for the solder glass of lead-zinc-borate system, on the temperature of wettness, crystallization, adhesive properties and microstructures when a metal was jointed with the solder glass, were studied. There are three critical parameters required for these pints, mechanical strength to withstand strain, viscous behavior of the frit and the lowering of process temperature. So this study includes adherent strength test, wetting test, crystallization test, etc. For the experiments, AISI No. 304 stainless steel as base and solder glass as bonding material were used. Results were as follows. The lowest crystallization temperature was 440℃ and the maximum adherent strength was 21.3_f/㎠.

      • 광장공포증 유무에 따른 공황장애 환자의 공존병리와 증상 심각도의 비교 연구

        임경희,장은진,김정범 대한생물치료정신의학회 2002 생물치료정신의학 Vol.8 No.2

        연구목적 : 본 연구에서는 광장공포증을 동반하지 않은 공황장애 환자들(이하 비광장공포증군)과 광장공포증을 동반한 공황장애 환자들(이하 광장공포증군)의 공존병리와 증상의 심각도를 조사하여 두 질환의 본질을 규명하고 치료계획을 세우는데 도움을 얻고자 한다. 방 법 : 연구대상은 1998년 3월부터 2001년 7월까지 계명대학교 동산의료원 정신과에서 외래치료를 받아온 환자들로 비광장공포증군 26명, 광장공포증군 44명으로 구성된 총 70명이다. 평가도구는 9개의 증상차원을 평가하는 90문항으로 구성된 간이정신진단검사(SCL-90-R)와 공황장애의 필수적이고 전반적인 7가지 영역의 심각도를 평가하는 한국판 공황장애 심각도 척도를 사용하였다. 통계적 분석은 ANOVA, Chi-square test, student t-test, person correlaiton을 시행하였고, 통계적 유의수준은 p<.05로 하였다. 결 과 : 1) 광장공포증군의 광장공포증적 두려움과 회피의 정도는 경도에서 중등도 사이에 해당되는 것으로 나타났다(PDSS점수 : 1.46±0.94). 2) 인구통계학적 특성에 대해 광장공포증군과 비광장공포증군을 비교해 보면, 연령, 성별, 교육정도, 직업유무, 병력, 발병연령에서는 두 집단 간에 유의한 차이가 없었다(표 1). 3) 세 집단의 공존병리의 유형을 분석해 본 결과, 광장공포증군은 모든 증상차원에서 정상대조군 집단보다 유의하게 높은 점수를 얻었다. 비광장공포증군은 불안, 공포불안, 정신증 척도에서 정상대조군 집단 보다 유의하게 높은 점수를 얻었다(표2). 4) 광장공포증군은 비광장공포증군에 비해 신체화, 강박증, 적대감, 공포불안, 편집증척도에서 유의하게 높은 점수를 보였다(표 2). 5) 광장공포증군과 비광장공포증군의 심각도 비교에서는 내적감응적 두려움과 회피, 직무수행의 장해/고통, 사회적 기능의 장해/고통에서는 두 집단 간에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았느아, 심각도 총점, 복합점수, 공황발작의 빈도, 공황발작 동안의 고통, 예기불안, 광장공포증적 두려움과 회피에서는 광장공포증군이 비광장공포증군에 비해 유의하게 높은 점수를 보였다(표 3). 6) 광장공포증군내에서 광장공포증적 두려움과 회피항목은 SCL-90-R의 정신증 척도를 제외한 신체화, 강박증, 대인민감성, 우울, 불안, 적대감, 공포불안, 편집증 척도와 유의한 정적상관관계를 보였다(표 4). 결 론 : 광장공포증군이 비광장공포증군에 비해 대부분의 필수증상의 심각도가 높을 뿐만 아니라 더 다양한 공존병리를 가지고 있음이 밝혀져 기본적으로 더 심한 질환임이 시사된다. 따라서 공황장애의 치료와 평가에 있어서 공존병리와 증상의 심각도를 함께 고려하고 공황장애에서 광장공포증이 동반되는 경우 이에 대한 더 적극적이고 집중적인 치료가 필요하겠다. Objectives : In this research comorbidity and severity of symptom of patients that have panic disorder without agoraphobia(PD) and with agoraphobia(PDA) were examined in order to study their nature more closely and also to help set up therapy plans. Method : 70 patients were diagnosed with PD(N=26) and PDA(N=44) by DSM-Ⅳ. SCL-90-R was administered to panic subjects and normal control subjects. PDSS were administered to panic subjects, the statistical analysis was conducted using ANOVA, Chi-square test, student t-test, Pearson Correlation analysis. statistical signifi-cance was p<.05. Results : 1) The degree of agoraphobic fear/avoidance of PDA indicated the level to from moderate(PDSS score 1.46 0.94). 2) There was no significant difference between the two groups(PD/PDA) in there sex, age, education level, occupation, duration of illness, onset of age. 3) After analyzing the comorbidity pattern of the three groups, PDA was significantly higher score than normal control group in all symptom level. PD had higher score than normal control groups in anxiety, phobic anxiety and psychotism. 4) PDA showed much a significantly higher score in Somaatization, Obsessive-Compulsive, Hostility, Phobic Anxiety, Paranoid Ideation when compared to PD. 5) There was no significant difference between the two groups(PD/PDA) in there interoceptive fear/avoidance, PDA had significantly higher scores than PD. 6) The agoraphobic fear/avoidance item within PDA had significant correlation with Somatization, Obsessive-Compulsive, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Depression, Anxiety, Hostility, Phobic Anxiety, Paranoid Idation except significant correlation with psychoticism. Conclusion : As it is shown clearly in all the results, PDA had a higher level of severity than PD. It was also clarified that PDA had a variety of comorbidity. Therefore when evaluating the treatment of Panic Disorder, One has to consider the comorbidity and severity. A more positively and concentrated treatment will be needed when panic disorder is accompanied by agoraphobia.

      • 방사선치료실 주변의 선량 측정

        서경진,이정범,김재철 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1997 慶北醫大誌 Vol.38 No.2

        목적 : 고에너지 선형가속기 및 고선량율 원격조정 애프터로딩 근접치료장치 사용 시 치료실주변의 누설선량에 대한 측정을 하여 원자력법에서 허용하는 기준선량 이하인지를 확인하기 위하여 본 실험을 시행하였다. 또한 Co-60 선원의 방사능을 교정하기 위하여 방사능을 계산하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 누설선량은 주당 12시간에 방사성 동위원소의 activity와 Γ-constant를 곱한 값 및 본 시설물의 두께와 십가층(TVL)을 이용하여 계산하였다. Co-60 선원의 측정은 선원과 전리함 사이의 거리를 10㎝으로 하여 온도와 압력, 교정계수 (58.5345R/nC) 을 보정한 평균 분당 선량을 X(0.475R/min) 에 10㎝의 측정거리를 1m로, 시간을 1시간으로 환산하여 이를 1 Ci의 Co-60에 대한 Γ-constant 로 나누어 실제 선원의 activity로 나타내었다. 결과 : 2개의 Cs-137과 1개의 Co-60를 이용한 치료 중에 측정한 값으로 점유도와 주당 사용시간을 고려한 일반구역에서의 주당누설선량은 원자력법에서 정한 허용선량보다 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 방사선 선원이 저장용기 내에 있을 때의 afterloading system의 누설선량 측정은 시스템에서 1m 떨어진 거리에서 측정하였는데 그 측정치는 0.05mR/h 이하로 나타났다. Co-60 선원의 측정값은 0.221 Ci였으며 이 값은 선원을 구입할 때 측정한 값 1.04 Ci의 시간에 따른 감소율을 고려한 값 0.249 Ci 보다 약 11% 더 작은 것으로 나타났다. 이는 측정 시에 선원을 스테인레스로 된 tandem 내에 놓고 측정하였기 때문에 그에 따른 흡수율을 고려하면 신뢰성 있는 측정값으로 생각되었다. In this experiment, we presented the calibration of a Buchler high dose rate remote afterloading system and the radiation survey around the radiotherapy treatment room to guarantee the health of personnel and patients. The radiation survey of the radiotherapy treatment room indicates that the leakage radiation is less than 0.1 mSv at every point and the use of present shielding will provide an adequate protection for personnel and patients. We also presented a unique procedure for performing the calibration of a radioactive isotope with an acryl device and it was strongly considered as a reliable one.

      • 미국의 구기지도에서 본 전술학습 모델의 검토

        최경범,육조영,김진국 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to examine the model of tactical approach in games teaching bt analyzing the models of games education in the United States. As a result of this study, the following were clarified: 1) Although the traditional approach to games teaching focused on teaching skills, it didn't bring about any development on student's game performance. For this reason, tactical approach has come to attract a great deal of attention. 2) The model of tactical approach in games teaching guides students to learning both tactical awareness and skill execution which are necessary in a game setting. As a result, it makes it possible for students to develop their game performance. 3) The effectiveness of tactical approach leaves some indistinct points. To put it to practical use, it is necessary for us to add modifications to it's research design and test it continously.

      • 노벨라(Novela, novella)의 의미 변천과 단편소설 장르의 형성 : la transicio´n sema´ntica y la formacio´n del ge´nero

        김경범 한국중세르네상스영문학회 2003 중세영문학 Vol.11 No.1

        Las ideas y pr cticas de una poca acerca del g nero literario pueden ser deducidas de la significaci n de su denominaci n. Las diferentes pocas tienen la capacidad de asociar al nombre un contenido distinto. De hecho, el primer paso hacia una discusi n sobre la forma literaria es sin duda esclarecer c mo ha evolucionado su nombre actual y, para ello, se necesita un conocimiento fundamental sobre el desarrollo y las limitaciones de la terminolog a. No hay que olvidar que todo el cambio en la recepci n del nombre de un g nero literario est relacionado con su evoluci n. Actualmente, la novela significa una narraci n mediana o larga. Sin embargo, come vemos a adido en este t rmino el diminutivo, all se contiene el sentido de ser breve. Adem s, antes de Boccaccio, la novela no era el nombre de un g nero literario. Como es harto sabido, el t rmino novela proviene del italiano novella, que significaba "nuevo, novedad, noticia, cuento imaginario de un hecho'. El origen del t rmino italiano se encuentra on el lat n novellus. En el proceso per el que la novella va consiguiendo su sentido literario de narraci n corta, no se puede ignorar la influencia de los poetas provenzales. Sin embargo, fue Boccaccio que bautiz esta palabra come un t rmino literario. El sentido de la novela como g nero literario se va formando con las traducciones de las novelle italianas, sobre todo, el Decamer n.. La novela como italianismo significaba en el siglo XV las novelle italianas, sin ninguna calificaci n despectiva. Sin embargo, con la constituci n de la Inquisici n espa ola, se divulgaba la imagen de la historia obscena. Por su resultado, el sentido de la historia placentera y amena se convierte en mentira e historia ad ltera, pues, el g nero inveros mil, cuya meta es s lo el deleite. Las cr ticas del siglo XVI tienen sus propias razones po ticas, ya que este g nero no s lo viola la proposici n horaciana sobre el objetivo de la literatura, sino tambi n falta la verosimilitud. Y a mediados del siglo, la popularidad de los novellieri italianos como Boccaccio, Bandello, Giraldi Cinthio, Straparola, Masuccio Salernitano, pone m s severa la censura de la Inquisici n. Ante esta situaci n hostil, los autores de la novela corta espa ola buscaban salidas on las novelas intercaladas. Mientras que las novelas intercaladas procuraban enmascarar el deleite de manera hip crita, el gran logro literario de Cervantes justifica la raz n de ser del g nero nacionalizado. Como creador del g nero on Espa a, el autor del Quijote propone la honesta recreaci n con sus Novelas Ejemplares, para resolver el conflicto entre deleite y aprovecharniento. Aqu el deleite sirve de la consolaci n para los cansados, cosa que necesita todo el mundo. Buscar el deleite honesto no es pecado, sino un escudo para defsnder la tentaci n del pecado. Si la novela es acompa ada per la imagen negativa on el siglo XVI, con las novelas cervantinas este g nero dej el yugo de moralidad. En cuanto a lo verosimilitud, piensa Cervantes que no hay ning n criterio absolute para distinguir lo verdadero y lo false. Lo m s importante para la novela es el aparato narrative do fugir la verosimilitud. As pues, con la llegada de la novella italiana, el sentido do la novella on espa ol empieza con noticia, cosa soerendente y la narrativa italiana de tipo boccacciano. Pero con su contenido obscene se a ade el sentido de mentira, historia deleitosa. Sin embargo, Cervantes dio al g nero su forma perfecta y justificada. Estas transiciones sem nticas sirven de un buen gu a para buscar la identidad del g nero. Con ella, la novels se desprende de la influencia italiana. pere larnentablemente, los autores posteriores a Cervantes no siguieron a las huellas del maestro: su resultado fue el reernplazamiento terminal gico. Pues la novels dej de ser la novela corta.

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