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        소유-지배 괴리도가 경영진단의견서 공시에 미치는 영향

        채수준(Chae, Soo-Joon),이아영(Lee, A-Young) 한국경영교육학회 2020 경영교육연구 Vol.35 No.4

        [연구목적] 본 연구는 소유지배괴리도가 공시품질에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석하고자 하였다. 소유지배괴리도는 공정거래위원회가 ‘대규모기업집단 정보공개시스템’을 통해 제공하고 있는 지배주주의 소유권 및 지배권을 사용하여 측정하였으며, 공시품질로는 경영진단의견서(MD&A)를 고려하였다. [연구방법] 본 연구는 소유지배괴리도가 경영진단의견서 공시품질에 미치는 영향을 검증하기 위해서 2010년부터 2013년까지 유가증권시장에 상장된 1,483 기업-연도 표본을 대상으로 선형회귀분석을 실행하였다. [연구결과] 소유지배괴리도와 MD&A 공시품질 간에는 유의한 양(+)의 관련성이 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 소유지배괴리도가 큰 기업일수록 MD&A 공시사항을 충실히 기재하고 있음을 확인하였다. 이는 상반된 두개의 해석을 가능하게 한다. 높은 소유지배괴리도로 인한 지배주주의 사익추구 가능성을 은폐하기 위한 수단으로 공시를 적극적으로 활용할 수 있다는 측면과 높은 소유지배괴리도로 인한 기업지배구조에 대한 부정적인 기업이미지를 해소하고 시장과 원활하게 소통하기 위해 공시를 활용할 수 있다는 해석이 가능하다. [연구의 시사점] 본 연구는 소유지배괴리도와 같은 기업의 소유구조가 기업의 공시품질에 영향을 미치는 요소임을 규명한다는 점에서 공헌도가 있다. 본 연구의 실증결과는 괴리도가 큰 기업일수록 MD&A와 같은 재량적 공시를 적극적으로 수행함으로써 소유구조에 따른 대리인 비용 및 정보비대칭을 완화하고자 하고 있음을 보여준다. 아울러, 대규모 기업집단 지정과 같은 규제제도가 기업들에게 스스로를 관리하게 하는 유인이 될 수 있음을 시사한다. [Purpose] The purpose of this study is to analyze how control-ownership wedge affects disclosure quality. We consider Management Discussion and Analysis(MD&A) as a proxy for disclosure quality [Methodology] This study conducted a linear regression analysis for 1,483 firm-year samples listed on the KOSPI market from the period between 2010 to 2013 to verify the effect of the ownership and control wedge on MD&A. [Findings] This paper showed that there is a significant positive (+) relationship between control-ownership wedge and MD&A disclosure quality. The results of this study verified that firms with a greater degree of control-ownership wedge faithfully described MD&A disclosure items. These results can be explained in two opposite directions. One explanation is that managers of firms with a greater degree of control-ownership wedge can actively use the MD&A disclosure as a mean to conceal the pursuit of the interests of the controlling shareholders. The other explanation is that the MD&A disclosure can be used to solve the negative corporate image of the corporate governance structure due to a high degree of control-ownership wedge and to communicate smoothly with the capital market. [Implications] This study has a contribution that the company’s ownership structure, such as the control-ownership wedge, is a factor influencing the disclosure quality of the company. The empirical results of this study show that firms with a greater degree of control-ownership wedge actively disclose the discretionary disclosure such as MD&A to alleviate agency cost and information asymmetries according to the ownership structure.

      • 應用言語學과 英語敎育

        蔡俊基 慶北大學校 英語英文學 硏究會 1985 英語英文論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        The aim of thesis is to find out the internal relationship among Linguistics, Apllied Linguistics and the Teaching of English. Whether linguistic findings can be drawn into actual language teaching or not has been a heated discussion. Even if much of Transformational Grammar are not applicable to actual classroom practice, it has shown us some insights into how human languages are built and how they are learned by human beings. Applied linguistics can be defined as the study of linguistic subjects whose contents may be used to improve theoretical and practical work in those disciplines that include the use of language. Teaching of English should be based on linguistic and psychological findings and the nation's needs and reality in which it is situated. Teachers need to look for insights to improve his stance and knowledge from Applied Linguistics to teach English more appropriately.

      • 生成變形文法理論과 英語敎授法

        蔡俊基 慶北大學校 英語英文學 硏究會 1983 英語英文論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        The Objective of this thesis is to research on What of Transformational Grammar and other linguistic findings can be drawn into pedagogical use and how it can be done. The research is mainly a theoretical consideration. Whenever a new linguistic theory appears, the theory of language teaching also changes accordingly. The cases of Audio-lingual and Cognitive Approaches are good examples since both of them have been triggered by Structural and Transformational Linguistics respectively. Taxonomic approach to language only deals with the surface phenomena of language and ignores what the underlying rules are. The abstract rules regulate operation of language. How does a child learn something that he has never been exposed to? the answer is that all human beings are born with the innate capacity to extract the rules which govern the language. This capacity is universal. Transformationalists reject that language is essentially taught by "conditioning" as maintained by B.F. Skinner. Teaching materials must be constructed and progressed in such a way that students can easily grasp the sentential relation in terms of semantics and syntax. The order is thus: A) from atomic sentences to derived ones, B) from the sentences that contain the predication of same syntactic features to the sentences that contain the predication of different syntactic features, C) from the sentenccs that show more of deep structure to the sentences that show less of the deep structure, D) from the sentences which have the same grammatical relation in deep structure to the sentences which have the different grammatical relation in deep structures, and E) from the sentences which have gone through less of the deletion transformation to the sentences which have gone through more of the deletion transformation. Also insights from linguistic findings must be incorporated into making of English texts and teaching of English grammar. Items such as 1) meaning and deep structure of complement structure, 2) presupposition in complement sentence, 3) presupposition and focus were expounded in terms of pedagogical utilization. To condude, the author maintains that the theory of Transformational Grammar and its insights must give the foundation of the future English teaching in Korea.

      • 英語敎授法의 向方

        蔡俊基 慶北大學校 人文科學硏究所 1986 人文 科學 Vol.2 No.-

        The aim of this thesis is to survey the old and new methods of teaching English and to find out what the current trends are. Method such as Grammar-Translation Method, Direct Method, Reading Method, Audiolingual Method, Cognitive Method, and more recently St. Cloud Method, Microwave Device, Situational Reinforcement, Lipson's Method, Total Physical Response, Silent Way, Community Language Learning and Suggestology are included in the research. Inevitably language teaching methods hinge on the disciplines of psychology and linguistics. This trend is most prominently seen in Adiolingual Method and Cognitive Method; namely, the partnership of behavioristic psychology-structural linguistics-audiolingual method on one hand and cognitive psychology-generative-transformational grammar-cognitive-code learning theory on the other. Language teaching methods must look for the guide-lines in psychology, linguistics, and the aims of instruction. None of the above mentioned approaches, methods, or techniques can cover all the different circumstances of language teaching. However, they shed lights in different ways and give us some insights. The current trends of teaching English are: teaching English is an art and a science; teaching must be learner-centered and making errors must be considered as an essential steps in learning ; four skill must be taught together; students' mental involvement and cognitive activity must be the prime aim of instruction; build the communicative activity must be the prime aim of instruction; build the communicative competence in addition to the linguistic competence; and in every phase of instruction students' needs and objectives must be the main concern.

      • Communication Techniques : 英語敎授法의 새 方向 모색 In Search of a New English Teaching Method

        蔡俊基 慶北大學校 師範大學 1976 敎育硏究誌 Vol.18 No.-

        Along with the advent of Chomsky's linguistic theory miscellaneous methods of language teaching have been invented by the communication-oriented method-ologists in the United States. The Situational Reinforcement, Microwave, Audio-Visual Method, the Silent Way, and Community Language Learning, all of these methods argue that pattern practice is insufficient and communication practice must be provided in order to meet the real needs of students. Any language activities which are not in the students' real life situation or without the needs of psychological factors of students are of little significance. The communication oriented methods give us deep insights into what the language teachers' attitudes toward language teaching should be especially at the beginning level and when you concentrate on the development of aural-oral skills. However, it is a dangerous thing to believe in the tenets of only one method (especially the new one) and disregards the merits of the others(especially the old ones). It is very possible that one man's medicine can be another man's poison even in the field of language teaching. Also to know what the new methods are about is one thing and to know how one could apply them to the actual class situation of one's own is quite another. TESOL in Korea must be something that fits Korea's situation. Whatever methods we follow must meet the following insurmountable factors: 1) large class size, 2) teachers' lack of skills in English, and 3) lack of incentives in students' using their communicative skills in actual life. With these problems in mind we must keep on even with the slow strides toward the improvement of TESOL in Korea.

      • 英語强勢의 規則性 硏究 : 統辭 및 意味機能問題를 中心으로 Mainly on the Problems of Syntactic and Semantic Functions

        蔡俊基 慶北大學校 師範大學 1978 敎育硏究誌 Vol.20 No.-

        In comparison with that of the Korean language Englich stress plays more various roles in syntactic and semantic functions. It is used in differenciating not only the parts of speech but also phrases and compound nouns. Three degrees of stress are used on word level but phrase construction requires four different degrees of stress. Stress placements in citation forms of words are different from those of phrasal constructions: do`wnto′wn becomes do^wntown ba′kery. Such stress shift is derived from the iambic stress patterns of the English language. Liles's expounding on the rules of stress placement with simple words is seemingly thorough by setting up the rules of placing stresses on: 1) the last tense vowel of a word, 2) the last vowel of a verb or adjective if it is followed by a cluster of consonants, 3) if neither of the above conditions is met put stress on next to the last vowel. In the case of noun only the part of noun remnants are dealt in the same manner. However, the pairs of words such as di′ffer and defe′r, belo′w and fo′llow, addre′ss (British) and a′ddress (American) do not follow the rules stated above. The cyclic analysis of compound nouns and phrases is based on the transformational approach in that they used the underlying forms of stresses as in syntax. Lexical stress rule gives stress 1 to all the lexical items and they are demoted according to the number of rules applied such as compound stress rule and nuclear stress rule. These rules entertain theoretically a certain regularity in English stress even if "…sad plight" is not strictly observed in actual pronunciation.

      • 中高校의 英語科 敎育書를 利用한 聽取力培養方案 : 問題作成을 中心으로 Mainly on Test Making

        蔡俊基 慶北大學校 語學硏究所 1981 語文硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to advocate the activities of listening comprehension in English in class and how to make test items by utilizing textbooks presently used in middle and high schools. All these activities should come from the teacher's positive attitude about the importance of using spoken English in class. Most of all, teachers should do away with scruples about non-native speakers speaking in English in class. In making tests on aural on aural comprehension, pictures, true-false, multiple-choices, dictations, directions requiring action response, questions and answers, games, and lots of other formats can be used. However, the essence of the activities is sound discrimination, understanding the meaning of a sentence, simplex or complex, understanding the meaning of a paragraph and a dialogue. All these skills require memory retention to some extent. Dictation is highly rated as an integrative test and can easily be used in class. Middle and high school textbooks are full of the materials with which teachers could make test items of aural comprehension. Examples are shown to trigger teachers' ingenuity for future test making.

      • 曖昧性文章의 交叉解釋

        蔡俊基 慶北大學校 語學硏究所 1980 語文硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        The objective of this thesis is to distinguish ambiguous sentences from vague sentences, or those with lack of specification. The do so test, as in Kempson(1977) and Zwicky and Sadock (1975), was used to do this work. THe crossed interpretations between the first conjunct and the second were not allowed for most cases of ambiguous sentences, but they were allowed for those with vagueness or lack of specification. This test was extended to see if it worked the same way in corresponding Korean sentences. The result was the same. The items such as go, neighbor, man, dog, or even words like kill and almost are found to be the words with vagueness. Negation, to the contrary of the common belief by most linguists, belonged to vagueness. Metaphorical or sarcastic expressions admitted three different ways of crossed interpretations depending on the pragmatic viewpoints. All these phenomena of not allowing the crossed interpretations in the anaphoric process reflect the human mind which insists on the consistency of meaning. Language is really a rule-governed behavior and it does no allow many irregularities. The case of crossed interpretation also reveals one of the deep-set regularities of language.

      • KCI등재후보

        안전관리 기법에 관한 실증적 연구 : 건설작업을 중심으로

        채준석,갈원모,손기상 안전경영과학회 2000 안전경영과학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Many Safety training up to now has been done at site varying with their condition without any standardization or fundamental work related technique. In order to prevent any accidents from construction site, now as we all know, we have to approach on it with work based method. The authors have investigated a couple of construction site for collecting the ideas from site Engineers of this. Some of ideas analyzed with the above related data have been shown as conclusions.

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