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      • KCI등재

        1799년 전염병[胡疫]의 대유행과 국가의 위기대응 방식

        김정운 ( Kim Jeongun ) 대구사학회 2021 대구사학 Vol.145 No.-

        조선후기 전염병의 실상과 이에 대한 국가의 대응 방식을 검토한 것이다. 본 연구는 1798년 연말부터 1799년 초까지 전국을 휩쓸었던 전염병에 주목하였다. 당시 전국에 전염병이 유행하였고, 많은 사람이 목숨을 잃었다. 국가는 어떻게 대응하였나. 개인의 일기에서 당시의 사정을 확인해 본다. 류의목(柳懿睦, 1785~1833)은 15세가 되던 1799년 1월 7일 감기 걸렸다. 원래 병을 앓고 있는 아버지를 비롯한 가족 대부분이 같은 증상이었다. 다행히 가까운 친족들 가운데 목숨을 잃은 이는 없었다. 그러나 평안·함경·황해·전라·강원도 감사(監司)가 모두 죽었다는 소식이 들렸고, 정승 김종수(金鍾秀, 1728~1799)와 채제공(蔡濟恭, 1720~1799)이 사망하였다는 소식도 들었다. 서울에서만 6만 명이 이 병으로 죽었다고 하였다. 국왕 정조는 이것을 국가 재난상황이라고 판단하였다. 1799년 1월 13일 진휼청에 백성을 구휼하도록 명하였다. 다음으로 여제(厲祭)와 위제(慰祭)를 거행하였다. 전염병으로 사망한 시신은 국가에서 민간의 토지를 구입해서 격리하여 매장하였고, 봄철 군사훈련을 일제히 정지시켰다. 빈민에게 쌀과 곡식을 공급하였다. 이런 조치들은 약 20여일 사이에 이루어졌다. 이에 대해 15세의 류의목은 전염병 소식을 매일 일기에 빼곡하게 기록하였다. 그는 이 전염병을 ‘호역(胡疫)’이라고 말하였다. ‘호역’, 중국에서 들어온 전염병이라는 말이다. 정말 중국에서 유입되었을까? 알기는 어렵다. 다만 의주는 특히 피해가 심각하였다. 기록자의 시각에 민간의 여론과 국가에 대한 그들의 인식이 분명하게 드러난다. 당시 국가는 전염병에 신속하고 체계적으로 대응하였고, 백성들은 그런 국가를 신뢰하였다. Ryu Ui-mok(1785~1833) contracted influenza on January 7, 1799 at the age of 15. The next day, the family of an elder brother of his family, the family of a younger brother of his father, and families of his father's cousins all contracted it at once when his grandfather returned after going out. A few days later, seven of eight governors including the governor of Gyeongsang Province died. The number of deaths reached 400 in Andong and 63,000 in Seoul. King Jeongjo(正祖) of Joseon determined that it was a national disaster and crisis, taking on relief works first. He gave an order to relieve people to Jinhyulcheong(賑恤廳) on January 13, 1799 and had Yeoje(厲祭) and Wuije(慰祭) held. These were traditional approaches, but they had much influence on the opinions of the people. He also had the bodies of the deceased due to the infectious disease isolated and buried in private land that was owned by people and purchased by the government for the purpose. The regular spring military campaign was suspended altogether. These measures were taken during a period of approximately 20 days. Under this miserable situation, interesting stories spread among the people. It is difficult to trace the origin of an infectious disease. It must have been even more difficult in the traditional society. The stories spread among the people during a severe infectious disease must reflect the consciousness of the people. Ryu Ui-mok at age 15 called this cold "Hoyeok(胡疫)" writing down what he heard. He believed that the cold was transmitted from China. The government made fast reactions to the influenza spreading around the nation, and the people seemed to have trusted the government. (Institute of Youngnam Culture Research / jeongun@knu.ac.kr)

      • KCI등재

        조정(趙靖)의 일기를 통해 본 전쟁 속 일상과 가족

        김정운 ( Kim¸ Jeong-un ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2021 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.76

        조선시대 16세기 후반에서 17세기는 커다란 변화의 시기였다. 학문과 국가운영 전반에 도약이 있었다. 반대로 위험도 컸다. 연이어 외적이 침략하였다. 전쟁으로 많은 것이 훼손되었고, 또 새롭게 만들어졌다. 본고는 이 시기 사대부의 일상생활에서 이것을 확인해 보았다. 대상은 조정(趙靖, 1555~1636)이다. 조정은 경상도 상주에 살았고, 과거(科擧)에 합격하고 관직을 지낸 이력이 있다. 그리고 그는 전쟁기간에 일상생활을 기록한 일기를 남겼다. 본고는 다음 세 가지에 주목하였다. 첫째, 피란 생활의 단위와 생활방식이다. 피란 생활의 단위는 바로 생존을 함께하는 사람들이기 때문이다. 둘째, 전쟁 중에 생계를 마련하는 방식과 의례 활동이다. 조정은 식량을 얻기 위해 걸어서 산을 넘어 관창(官倉) 앞에서 밤새 기다리면서, 이전에 한 번도 해 본적 없는 일이라고 하였다. 이런 형편에서도 선조의 제사를 위해서 생선과 국을 준비하였다. 그에게 의례는 생존에 관계된 것이었다. 셋째, 친족네트워크가 사회적으로 작동하는 방식이다. 조정은 의병에 가담하였고, 의병 활동을 하는 과정에서 혼인으로 맺어진 친족관계는 무엇과도 비교할 수 없는 큰 자원이 되었다. Joseon witnessed huge changes between the latter half of the 16th and 17th century. People were making a leap in studies and national management, and they also faced tremendous risks caused by foreign invasions, which drove people into huge shock and changes in their thinking and daily lives. War caused shocking experiences for them. Many things were damaged and made anew. This study set out to examine these changes in the daily life of nobility during those years with a focus on Jo Jeong(1555~1636). He lived in Jangcheon, Sangju, Gyeongsang Province, passed the state examination, and held office as a government official. He left behind his journal of his daily life during the war. The study focused on three aspects about him: first, it focuses on the unit and lifestyle of refugees to understand the minimum unit for survival; secondly, it focuses on the ways that people earned a living and held ceremonies during the war. Jo Jeong climbed over a mountain on foot and waited in line before a government warehouse all night to receive food rations, which was something he had never done in his life before the war. In these circumstances, he prepared fish and soup for ancestral rites. For him, formalities were related to his survival. Finally, the study also focused on human networks and their operating methods. Jo Jeong joined the army raised in the cause of justice based on his human network, and this was also his activity for social survival as a nobleman.

      • KCI등재

        Fabrication and Simulation of Fluid Wing Structure for Microfluidic Blood Plasma Separation

        Jeongun Choe,Jiyun Park,Jihye Lee,여종석 한국진공학회 2015 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.24 No.5

        Human blood consists of 55% of plasma and 45% of blood cells such as white blood cell (WBC) and red blood cell (RBC). In plasma, there are many kinds of promising biomarkers, which can be used for the diagnosis of various diseases and biological analysis. For diagnostic tools such as a lab-on-a-chip (LOC), blood plasma separation is a fundamental step for accomplishing a high performance in the detection of a disease. Highly efficient separators can increase the sensitivity and selectivity of biosensors and reduce diagnostic time. In order to achieve a higher yield in blood plasma separation, we propose a novel fluid wing structure that is optimized by COMSOL simulations by varying the fluidic channel width and the angle of the bifurcation. The fluid wing structure is inspired by the inertial particle separator system in helicopters where sand particles are prevented from following the air flow to an engine. The structure is ameliorated in order to satisfy biological and fluidic requirements at the micro scale to achieve high plasma yield and separation efficiency. In this study, we fabricated the fluid wing structure for the efficient microfluidic blood plasma separation. The high plasma yield of 67% is achieved with a channel width of 20 μm in the fabricated fluidic chip and the result was not affected by the angle of the bifurcation.


        ( Jeongun Park ),( Daesik Kim ) 한국액체미립화학회 2017 한국액체미립화학회 학술강연회 논문집 Vol.2017 No.-

        This paper summarizes a general design step for gas turbine combustors. As a first step for developing the preliminary combustor design program, several combustor sizing methodologies using reference area concepts are reviewed. There are three ways to determine the reference area; 1) combustion efficiency approach, 2) pressure loss approach, 3) velocity assumption approach. Special focus is placed on the approach based on the combustion efficiency using spray and atomization characteristics. The current study summarizes the main characteristics and the operating principles of major fuel atomizers used for gas turbine combustors, including various empirical SMD equations for each atomizers. We have shown various methodologies for evaluation of the combustion efficiency and for combustor sizing from the selected SMD data. It is found that the combustor sizing as well as the combustion efficiency are totally dependent upon the SMD calculation results, which means that special cares should be taken in choosing the SMD empirical equations.

      • KCI등재

        Korean Ginseng Berry Polysaccharide Enhances Immunomodulation Activities of Peritoneal Macrophages in Mice with Cyclophosphamide-Induced Immunosuppression

        Choi JeongUn,Nam Ju Hyun,Rod-in Weerawan,Monmai Chaiwat,Jang A-yeong,You SangGuan,Park Woo Jung 한국미생물·생명공학회 2023 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.33 No.6

        Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer), a member of the Araliaceae family, is known as a traditional medicinal plant to have a wide range of health properties. Polysaccharides constitute a major component of Korean ginseng, and its berries exhibit immune-modulating properties. The purpose of this study was to investigate the immune effects of crude polysaccharide (GBPC) extracted from Korean ginseng berry on peritoneal macrophages in mice with cyclophosphamide (CY)- induced immunosuppression. BALB/c mice were divided into eight groups: normal control, normal control + CY, levamisole + CY, ginseng + CY, and four concentrations of 50, 100, 250, and 500 mg/kg BW/day of GBPC + CY. Mice were orally administered with samples for 10 days. Immunosuppression was established by treating mice with CY (80 mg/kg BW/day) through intraperitoneal injection on days 4 to 6. The immune function of peritoneal macrophages was then evaluated. Oral administration of 500 mg/kg BW/day GBPC resulted in proliferation, NO production, and phagocytosis at 100%, 88%, and 91%, respectively, close to the levels of the normal group (100%) of peritoneal macrophages. In CY-treated mice, GBPC of 50−500 mg/kg BW/day also dosedependently stimulated the proliferation, NO production, and phagocytosis at 56−100%, 47−88%, and 53−91%, respectively, with expression levels of immune-associated genes, such as iNOS, COX−2, IL−1β, IL−6, and TNF–α, of about 0.32 to 2.87-fold, compared to those in the CY group. GBPC could be a potential immunomodulatory material to control peritoneal macrophages under an immunosuppressive condition.

      • KCI등재

        전달 행렬 기법을 이용한 열음향 네트워크 모델 개발

        박정운(Jeongun Park),윤명곤(Myunggon Yoon),김대식(Daesik Kim) 한국연소학회 2019 한국연소학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        In this paper, one-dimensional thermoacoustic model based on the transfer matrix approach is developed for studying combustion instabilities in a gas turbine combustor. Two different transfer functions are introduced for the closed-loop feedback system analysis. One is acoustic transfer function, which is derived from the conservation equations such as mass, momentum, and energy for a given problem. The other is flame transfer function, which quantifies the heat release response in the combustor to the incoming velocity fluctuations. Combining the acoustic and flame transfer functions, one can analyze the combustion instability in the closed-loop system. The calculated thermoacoustic instability behavior using the current model matches well with the experimental results in the literature.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Re-thinking Married Bhikṣu: Examination of Bhikṣu Ordinations and Clerical Marriage in 1920s Korean Buddhism

        ( Park Jeongun ) 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2017 Seoul journal of Korean studies Vol.30 No.2

        One of the most controversial issues to arise during the colonial period in Korea was the rise of clerical marriage and meat-eating among Korean monks. Given that sexual congress and meat dishes were prohibited in bhikṣu and bodhisattva precepts respectively, any examination of the issue of clerical marriage and meat-eating requires a careful exploration of the ways in which Korean monks understood and practiced bhikṣu and bodhisattva precepts not only in the colonial period but also in the late Chosŏn period. The Chosŏn period saw a weakening of the bhikṣu ordination tradition, whose ordination lineage was broken until the monk Taeŭn and the monk Manha established their own lineages by bestowing bhikṣu precepts in the eighteenth and the late nineteenth centuries, respectively. According to the Tongsa yŏlchŏn 東師列傳 (Biographies of Korean monks) written by the monk Pŏmhae in 1894, the number of bhikṣu and bodhisattva ordinations gradually increased in the nineteenth century. Because the government had overturned Buddhist institutions such as the monk examinations and certificates, monks had to secure their clerical identity by taking precepts from renowned preceptors, such as Ch’oŭi and Pŏmhae. The early Japanese colonial period also witnessed the rise of bhikṣu and bodhisattva ordinations in major Korean monasteries in part because the head-branch temple laws, a set of monastic laws, now specified that bhikṣu and bodhisattva ordinations were requirements for higher clerical positions, such as head monk or branch temple abbot. However, an examination of two cases of head temple elections, one in the T’ongdosa parish and one in the Magoksa parish, reveals that, though these requirements were in place, the way that monks understood the status of bhikṣu as it pertained to clerical marriage led to a rise in the number of bhikṣu ordinations that was surprisingly contemporaneous with the increase of clerical marriage during the colonial period.

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