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      • KCI등재

        생성 변형 문법에 있어서의 의미론의 위치

        임경순 全南大學校 人文科學硏究所 1974 용봉인문논총 Vol.3 No.-

        Semantics which had been strongly repudiated by structural grammarians in the first half of the 20th century, has had to grope for a new method; the structuralists, on the other hand, being also compelled to deal with the problem of meaning, essential element of words. In case of washing in the water, for instance, the objects required by /kama/, /'para/, /'??/ produce concord of meaning with only /??/, /os/, /son/ in the order and otherwise. This proves that lexical selection is included in the semantic component. Without syntax, the medium, phonological form and meaning cannot be correctly expressed. According to Katz' semantics, each semantic marker becomes semantic representation, and that of higher level constituents could be obtained by projecting that of lower level constituents which constitute base components. The error in Katz' semantics lies in claiming that surface structure has nothing to do with semantic representation. Interpretive theory developed from this has come to be regarded that interpretation of sentence could be made possible from the knowledge obtained from derived structure including concept structure and surface one. From the viewpoint of generative semantics syntactic analysis is revised so that the difference, for instance, between,/?? sa:ram-i ?? chεk-?? ilk-??-ta/ and /??-?? chεk-?? ?? saram-i ilk-??-ta/ could be explained in the following transformational rule; and in order to block other derivation between the two, non-local derivational constraint is applied. SD: ( ( X NP Y ) N) ) ( V ) NP S S NP VP (+Q) VP 1 2 3 4 5 SC: 1 5+2 3 0 0 only 2=4 For justified semantics, transformation should also be applied before lexical item insertion, and pure additional semantic rule only is insufficient. Saumjan attempted, in accodance with his applicational model, to explain semantic field and periphrases of a given phrase by generating classes of phrases related by equality of meaning, through the method of set theory and calculus. He neglected referring to traditional generative semantics, and paucity of examples in developing theory makes it difficult to understand his stand. From the foregoing, it is believed, the positition of semantics in generative transformational grammar could be inferred.

      • KCI등재

        한·일 터키어간의 어휘 및 음운비교 연구

        임경순 全南大學校 人文科學硏究所 1984 용봉인문논총 Vol.14 No.-

        필자는 1968 "기초어휘 통계학상으로 본 한・일・동어간의 친근성", 1978 "알타이(터・동만・한・일) 어휘 비교-기본적 증핵 어휘 통계학에서 유연 어휘 탐색으로-" 및 1982 "알타이 어휘 및 음운 비교 연구-한국어・일본어・위즈벡어를 중심으로-"라는 논문으로 이방면 연구에 관심을 기울여 왔다 .이제 이번에는 필자의 주관을 극소화하기 위하여 서 재극 1980(중세국어의 단어족 연구)에 나타난 300개 항목을 자료로하여 터키어와 일본어를 대응 지어 보려는 것이다. 여기서 짚고 넘어 가고자 하는 것은 아직도 모음조화가 두드러지게 쓰이고 있는 터키어의 모음체계를 살펴보는 인이다. 이와 같이 꼭 짜여진 8개의 터키어 모음체계는 불변의 것일 것이라고 생각하기 쉽겠지만 Ablaut현상의 빈발과 인접 모음에의 견인은 도처의 방언에서 많은 혼용을 가져왔다. 또 하나의 놀라운 사실은, "ㅓ"음이 고대 국어의 모습을 유지하고 있다고 가정할 때, -몇 차례의 모음추이와 단모음화의 결과로 이루어진 것이기는 하겠지만-한국서남 방언의 모음체계와 어찌 그리 흡사한가- 하는 것이다. 한편 일본의 고대어에서도 위와 흡사한 8모음 체계였는데, 후모음으로 중화된 a, o, u와 전모음으로 중화된 I외에 일시 ädptj qkfwjstlzls ë(어)음을 ä와 더불어 e로 중화시키고 말았다. 그리하여 5모음 체계가 성립된 것이다. 그밖에 인접음에의 견인은 일어에서도 현저히 나타난다.

      • KCI등재

        변형 생성 문법의 이모 저모 / 국어에서 본 : through the Korean Language

        임경순 全南大學校 人文科學硏究所 1973 용봉인문논총 Vol.2 No.-

        Human beings have the inherent capacity of lerning language. Native speaker composes infinite number of sentences with a system of finite rules. According to the new frame of transformational theory, we don't use the subcategorization of the lexicon in the phrase structure rules. The type of context free phrase structure rules, therefore, specify the phrase structures. The lexical rules carry out the role of insertion of the lexical item like the transformational rules. The useful information of the semantic component is included in the base phrase-marker. The simple transformation is used no more, we use only recursive symbol S. The base component has the capacity which generate the infinite number of sentences. Transformational rules by the structural index perform the role of the input to the phonological component from the basic phrase structure. The basic phrase marker connected with the surface structure through the transformational rule is the deep structure. In the deep structure there is a universality in the human languages, although there are many differences in the surface structure. Universal grammar simplify the description of the specific grammar. If any linguistic theory has the descriptive adequacy, they must have the following features- (1) The prediction of phonological form of the sentences. (2) The representing method of sentence structure. (3) The prediction of the kind of possible grammar. (4) A method for determining the structural description of a sentence in a given grammar. A theory of linguistic structure that aims for explanatory adequacy must include "(5) A method for selecting one of the(presumably, infinitely many)grammar that are allowed by (3) and are compatible with the given primary linguistic data." A perceptual model or a model of speech production belong to the grammar of performance. The goal of transformational grammar is the description of the linguistic capacity common to the both models. Without the intermediation of the syntax, it is unable to connect the phonological form to the meaning. Different deep structure must be given to the different meaning whose explanation can not be found in the lexical item. Identical or connected deep structure must be given to the identical meaning, though it is different on the surface structure. The basis of a sentence is mapped into the sentence by the transformational rules, which, furthermore, automatically assign to the sentence a derived phrase-marker (ultimately, a surface structure) in the process. In the past, subjects, objects, complements, etc. in the Korean language are treated as arbitrary elements. If there is no subject in the sentence, we must represent the cooccurence of the nouns which are determined by the relative clauses and of their verbs. There are fewer ambuiguities in the honorific representation, because we know the complete sentence which constitute the back ground. The deletion of NP's in the Korean language pronominalization rather than something equivalent to the English equi-NP deletion. We know a set of syntactic similarities between topicalization and relativization in the Korean language, where only the topicalized NP's are relativized. In the other case, Ross's the complex NP constraint can be applicable in Korean also. We cite only an instance of the NP raising transformation among the cyclical rules. X-s〔X-NP-X〕s-V*-X 1 2 3 4 5 6→ 1 3-2 0 4 5 6 where V* includes ㏊, siph,i, etc. na-n?n ne-ёkё ?? salam-?? mal-i sas?m-ilako hantako malhanta na-n?n ne-ёkё ?? salam-?? mal-?? ??-ilako hantako malhanta Embbeded subject ?? raised to the object position of the matrix sentence and pronominalized subject of the embbeded sentence is optionally deleted.

      • KCI등재

        프로젝트 접근법(project approach)이 유아의 대본지식 증진에 미치는 효과

        임상도,문경자 한국아동교육학회 2003 아동교육 Vol.12 No.2

        There were many studies that examine the effects of project approach on the children's sociality, creativity, expression, vocabulary, problem-solving and so forth, but no empirical studies has been made that illumination the effects of project approach on the children's script knowledge. This study aims to examine the effects of project approach on the script knowledge of kindergarteners. The subjects were 20 children sampled randomly from 2 kindergartens in C city, 10 children were assigned to experimental group receiving program in project approach and the other 10 were assigned to control group receiving no particular program. The experimental design was pre-post control-experimental design. The experiment was conducted for 6 weeks in April and May 2003. To test the effects of project approach, questions about dressing, eating, shopping, going to birth party and going to hospital were used. These questions are supposed to represent script knowledge. The data were analyzed by SPSS/win. The conclusion obtained from the results were as follows. First, the project approach was effective in improving script knowledge about dressing. Second, the project approach was effective in improving script knowledge about eating. Third, the project approach was effective in improving script knowledge about shopping. Fourth, the project approach was effective in improving script knowledge about going to birth party. Fifth, the project approach was effective in improving script knowledge about going to hospital. Overall, project approach was effective in improving the script knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        韓國語에서 본 Chafe의 意味와 言語構造

        林敬淳 全南大學校 人文科學硏究所 1979 용봉인문논총 Vol.9 No.-

        허용된 지면이 남지 않아 마무리해야 할 단계에 이르렀다, 우리는 Chafe의 이론에 따라 바꿔쓰기와 특수화규칙으러 선거단위, 어휘단위, 파생단위, 굴절단위 등의 국어에의 적용가능성을 타진해왔다. Chafe의 이론은 , 다른 변형문법의 목표가 그러하듯이, 온 인류에게 보편적이리라는 전제아래 꾸며진 의미구조 이론에서 출발한 주장이기 때문에 그의 모국어린 영어에서나 우리말에서나 출발점인 의미구조에서는 같아야 하겠지만, 그 발상중의 몇몇은 표층구조의 모습에서 찾아진 것이기에 그가 이룩한 이론이 국어에서 볼 때 무리가 가는 것은 어쩔 수 없는 것임을 시인해야 할 일면이 있다. 가령 <배가 가라앉다>, <해가 지다> 가 과정 ≪상태의 변화≫라면 <해가 뜨다>도 과정이라야 하겠고, '비'에 능력을 부여하지 않는 한 <비가 오다>도 과정이라 할 것이다. 그런데 그는 <비오다[rain]>를 주권 · 동작으로다루어 무주동사라는 영어 표층구에서의 발상을 쉽사리 착취할 수 있다. 국어에서 '비'에 능력을 부여하어 <비가 온다>의 '오다'를 동작자를 수반하는 동작동사로 볼 수 있는 난점이 아직도 남아 있다. 많은 공통점을 보이는 Fillmore 의 이론과도 견해를 달리하는 점이 있다. 그 현저한 것중의 하나가 그의 상태 · 위치 동사인데 Fillmore는 이것을 종전의 문법에서처럼 격어미(K로 표시)로 다루고 있다. 우리말에서도 경우에 따라서는 굴절단위로 다루어야 하고 더러는 파생단위로 다루어야 할 '있-' 에 어휘단위자격을 주어 'in' 이나 'on'에 해당하는 것은 위치명사에 붙는 격어미로 보아야 할 것 같다. 왜냐하면 위 · 아래 등은 위치명사의 일부로 봐야 합당하기 때문이다. <새 술은 새 부대에>와 같은 표현으로 '있(어야 한다)'이 생략되는 것은 대조문의 구정보이어서 소거과정을 밟은 것이다. 소거는 일종의 의미후의 과정인데 이러한 변형규칙에 관한 고찰은 다른 지면을 얻어 게재하기로 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국어의 특색 구명을 위한 연구 : Phonological, Morphological, Lexical and Syntactical

        임경순 全南大學校 人文科學硏究所 1972 용봉인문논총 Vol.1 No.-

        The structure of Korean is very complicated. We see five dialects included in the common language when we look into the five contrastively leveled honorific system of the Korean language. And we believe that the knowledge of the specific features of the Korean language would be very helpful in teaching the language. Korean belongs to the Altaic family according to the lexical statistics. The writer calculated how long the following three sets of languages (the last ones are dialects) have been separated from each other: the Korean spoken in Seoul and Mongolian: 5,336 years the Korean spoken in Seoul and the Japanese spoken in Tokyo: 7,561 years the Seoul dialect and the Jeju dialect: 334 years. There are a lot of distinctive features between the spoken form and the written form of Korean. Since in Korean the subject and the predicate of the matrix sentences are likely to be separated by the embedded sentences, the sentences in the spoken form should not be long in order to be understood. And as in other languages, the important part of the sentences should be repeated. Some Korean consonants consist of voiceless homoorganic triads which are distinctive features of Korean, whereas the English consonants have the corresponding single counterparts. And such fricatives as /f,v/, /θ,ð/, /z/, etc., are completely new sounds to Koreans, because the Korean fricative has only three phonemes, such as /s/, /'s/, and /h/. The length is used to distinguish the meaning in the common language of Korean. If we use the symbol C for the consonant, V for the vowel, Y for the semi-vowel, and Q for the final consonant, the mora would be V, YV, CV, CYV, and Q. Since in /??/, /sa:/ is in the position of a syllable, it is not mora, while in /sa:n/, /sa:/ make up two morae. Most of the diphthongs take a rising form except /??/. The diphthong that is composed of a falling form is an unstable combination. The twelve consonants, except the sonorants and three fricatives, form the faisceau decorrelations with four degrees and three classes. In the obstruents, the bilabials are neutralized into /p/, the velars into /k/, the dentals and palatals into /t/. /l/ and /ŋ/ never occur in the initial position of breath group in the Korean phonological system. /l/ and /r/ are different phonemes in English, but they are allophones in Korean. This is why Koreans can hardly distinguish between 'lamb' and 'ram'. Since we do not have the vowels to represent such vowels as /??, ??, ??, ??/, we represent them all in one vowel /??/. There are no voiced phoneme of obstruents in Korean. The Korean syllables are represented as M₁(M₂) (M₃) on the mora level of the phonemic form. Following the Korean syllabication system, therefore, there is no way but to syllabicate the word 'strong' which has only one syllable into three syllables, /??/. When the final Q is followed by an affix, it brings about the sandhi form composing a syllable with the initial vowel of the affix. The breath group of Korean consists of one kernel accent and one juncture, but /ŋ/, /l/, and /nj/ at the initial position are exceptions. The kernel accent usually falls on the second mora avoiding the Q mora. If the first mora is long, or the initial consonant is geminate, or the Q is voiced, or the second mora's initial is aspirated or spirant, the kernel accent moves to the first mora. In the Middle Korean, the vowel harmony rule was rigid within a breath group. The back low vowels were to harmonize with either one. By the extinction of /??/ in the 16th century, however, the phoneme /??/ which had lost its counterpart is likely to be put into the neutral vowel category. The assimilation of the consonants to the voiced is effective to the euphony. When a pause is added to the breath group, a line grade phonemic form is composed and when a sentence final pitch is added to this, a stanza grade phonemic unit is composed. Most ideal, abstract, and philosophical words of Korean are borrowed from the Chinese language. As Greek or Latin plays a role in the course of word-formation in European languages, so it is the Chinese language in most oriental languages. Since the essence of communication, however, lies in expression and understanding, we have to try to accomplish the purposes of communication by using our native language. One of the characteristics of the Korean lexical features is that they have been highly developed by sound symbolism. The Korean /i:l/ covers various English words, such as 'matter', 'event', 'job', 'thing', 'task', 'business', 'work', 'vocation', etc. On the other hand, Korean has various expressions for the English word, 'rice': in case it is boiled, we call it /pap/, eaten by the seniors, /cinci/, eaten by the King, /sura/, offered to the gods, /mo/, given to the birds, /moi/, used for fishing, /mi'ki/, not boiled, /'sal/, and not ground, /??/ whose southern dialect is /narak/. And also one of the characteristics of Korean is that there are several functional nouns(incomplete noun) which function only grammatically as a modified noun having no real meaning. The distinction between morphology and syntax lies whether we treat the combination of morphemes linearly of hierarchically. In the syntactic structures of Korean forming mostly left hand branching sentences, the controlling part of the sentence comes after the modifying or restrictive phrase, and since the subject and predicate of the matrix sentence are apt to be separated by the embedded sentence, the context of the matrix sentence is not easy to understand and the hearer should be careful in order to grasp the meaning of the utterance, therefore, short sentences are recommendable in the spoken form of Korean. In the deep structure, any form of statement, interrogative, imperative, or propositional requires both a speaker, the first person subject, and a hearer, the indirect object, and a performative verb, but in the surface structure, even if the subject itself is deleted, it does not seem like anything deleted from it. And this is why the abridged sentences are preferable in Korean.

      • KCI등재

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