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      • KCI등재

        Modification of Russia’s Trade Pattern under External Shocks in 2014 and Beyond

        Gleb V,Borisov,Liudmila V,Popova,Ehsan Rasoulinezhad 세종대학교 경제통합연구소 2020 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.35 No.2

        This research examines the impact of macroeconomic shocks and political measures, including sanctions, imposed by western countries on trade flows, commodity compositions, and import-export flows to the Russian Federation. To this end, we use 2012-2016 panel date to produce gravity equations containing the determining features of Russia’s import-export volumes of agricultural, raw material, and industrial goods. Our results confirm that macroeconomic shocks led to a significant reduction in trade. A conservative estimate of the marginal impact ranges between 9% and 34%, depending on the sector and the direction of trade. This study also shows that trade-restrictive measures made a significant contribution to trade reductions. Open diplomatic conflicts had a particularly negatively strong impact on Russia’s trade with Ukraine and Turkey, and the marginal effect was in the range of 30%-50%. The introduction of a food embargo by Russia resulted in a significant reduction in agricultural imports from developed countries, although the decrease in Russian trade with this group in other sectors can largely be explained by the negative impact of macroeconomic shocks. These findings demonstrate that Russia’s trade in some product groups has been reoriented to countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Eurasian Economic Union.

      • KCI등재

        Cultural Intelligence and Job Satisfaction of Expatriate Workers in Korea: Exploring the Mediating Effects of Work Adjustment

        Gleb Gadelshin,김정관 한국유통경영학회 2024 유통경영학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the cultural intelligence (CQ) ef f ects on expatriate job satisfaction and expatriate adjustment in a joint, unif ied model. We also placed the contemporary theory-based conceptualizations at the core of the study due to the criticism of existing underlying theories of CQ and expatriate adjustment. We also provide implications to Korean companies with expatriate workers: MNCs, medium-sized, and smaller local companies. Research design, data, and methodology: Our study employed the survey results f rom 1 16 expatriates l iving and working in K orea. First, w e conducted a correlation analysis as an initial test to address potential multicollinearity effects. Next, we utilized hierarchical regression analysis to test the first set of hypothesis. Lastly, we conducted Sobel test to test the mediation hypotheses. Results: F irst, as h ypothesized, C Q af fcets e xpatriate job satisf action i n a significant positive way. Second, CQ was also found to positively affect two facets of expatriates’ adjustment: work environment adjustment and job or task characteristics adjustment. Third, confirmed mediation of two facets of expatriates’ work adjustments on the relationship of CQ and job satisfaction is another important finding of this study. Finally, the eff ect of work-lif e balance adjustment in the context of CQ was not f ound to be s ignificant, which c an be a ttributed to a more complex nature of this relationship. Implications: This study conf irmed that CQ af fects expatriate adjustment and in turn their job satisf action. Theref ore, managers of Korean companies may find it benef icial to e valuate their expatriate workers’ CQ a s part o f the employee hiring p rocess or d evelop CQ of current workers. CQ e f f ects a lso go beyond job satisfaction and affect other important organizational variables like performance or turnover intention.

      • KCI등재

        Selective Activator of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Compound A Dissociates Therapeutic and Atrophogenic Effects of Glucocorticoid Receptor Signaling in Skin

        Anna Klopot,Gleb Baida,Pankaj Bhalla,Guy Haegeman,Irina Budunova 대한암예방학회 2015 Journal of cancer prevention Vol.20 No.4

        Background: Glucocorticoids are effective anti-inflammatory drugs widely used in dermatology and for the treatment of blood cancer patients. Unfortunately, chronic treatment with glucocorticoids results in serious metabolic and atrophogenic adverse effects including skin atrophy. Glucocorticoids act via the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a transcription factor that causes either gene transactivation (TA) or transrepression (TR). Compound A (CpdA), a novel non-steroidal GR ligand, does not promote GR dimerization and TA, retains anti-inflammatory potential but induces fewer metabolic side effects compared to classical glucocorticoids when used systemically. As topical effects of CpdA have not been well studied, this work goal was to compare the anti-inflammatory and side effects of topical CpdA and glucocorticoids and to assess their effect on GR TA and TR in keratinocytes. Methods: We used murine immortalized keratinocytes and F1 C57BlxDBA mice. Effect of glucocorticoid fluocinolone acetonide (FA) and CpdA on gene expression in keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo was evaluated by reverse transcription-PCR. The anti-inflammatory effects were assessed in the model of tumor promoter 12-O-tertradecanoyl-acetate (TPA)-induced dermatitis and in croton oil-induced ear edema test. Skin atrophy was assessed by analysis of epidermal thickness, keratinocyte proliferation, subcutaneous adipose hypoplasia, and dermal changes after chronic treatment with FA and CpdA. Results: In mouse keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo, CpdA did not activate GR-dependent genes but mimicked closely the inhibitory effect of glucocorticoid FA on the expression of inflammatory cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases. When applied topically, CpdA inhibited TPA-induced skin inflammation and hyperplasia. Unlike glucocorticoids, CpdA itself did not induce skin atrophy which correlated with lack of induction of atrophogene regulated in development and DNA damage response 1 (REDD1) causatively involved in skin and muscle steroid-induced atrophy. Conclusions: Overall, our results suggest that CpdA and its derivatives represent novel promising class of anti-inflammatory compounds with reduced topical side effects.


        Oksana Yuldasheva,Julia Solovjova,Gleb Khalikov,Marko M?ki 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction The goal of the current research is to conduct a comparative analysis of marketing models of Russian and global companies localized in Russia. Our research experience confirms an existence of a significant difference in the implementation of market orientation and in marketing activities of global companies compared to the local ones. The focus of the present research lies in the development and support mechanisms of customer oriented organizational culture as well as the role of marketing in decision making processes on all managerial levels. Literature review The attitude of top management to marketing changes consistently both in the developed and emerging markets (Webster, 1992; Webster, Malter, & Ganesan, 2005; Yuldasheva & Pisareva, 2015). Modern marketing is increasingly a part of the managerial and decision making system. It is being integrated into the system of company management through a diffusion of marketing competencies (Webster et al, 2005) becoming a locus of integration and coordination of inter-functional processes in a service dominating business model (Vargo & Lush, 2004). Literature review makes it possible to highlight several most important directions of research that formed the basis for our comparative analysis of marketing models. Customer oriented culture (COC) The literature review allows differentiating between three approaches to the definition of customer orientation (CO): ? CO as an element of market orientation (Narver & Slater, 1990; Kohli & Jaworski, 1990) and in some cases its synonym; ? CO as behavioral aspect of sales or frontline personal (Saxe & Weitz, 1982). In this case an operational level of CO implementation is considered; ? CO as an advanced level of organizational culture development that has been shaped under enhancing of marketing influence on the decision making processes in the companies on all managerial levels (Deshpande & Webster, 1989). Thus, CO can be considered as an organizational culture creating new values for the personnel and transforming all business processes in terms of customer centricity to achieve higher customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty. The research of COC should be conducted from the perspective of CO settings (values) and from the perspective of CO implementation. Marketing competencies and capabilities Dissemination of COC influences on the development of marketing capabilities and competencies in the organizational learning process which involves all departments and all managerial levels. In this context marketing capabilities can be understood as integrative processes whereby the collective knowledge, skills, and resources of a firm are applied to the market-related needs of the business (Day, 1994; Vorhies, 1998). As a result of repetitive actions, more or less sustainable patterns of behavior arise (Grant, 1991). These patterns determine the type of the customer oriented business models in which the marketing models is one of the sub elements reflecting the role and the status of marketing in decision making process. The previous research results (Webster, 1992; Webster et al, 2005; Wiersema, 2013) showed the evolutionary changes of marketing in corporations on three levels of management – corporate, business and operational (functional) (Hofer & Schendel, 1978). Taking into account these three strategy levels, Webster (1992) suggests to consider marketing as culture (on the corporate level), as strategy (on the strategic business unit level) and as tactics (on the functional level). In this research, we compare the changes in marketing models on the different managerial levels in Russian and global companies under the pressure of emerging COC. Theoretical model and research design We understand the marketing models as consisting of COC and a set of marketing competencies and capabilities on the different managerial levels. COC creates the values and the behavioral norms in the company which are transformed in the customer oriented business processes setting. COC has to bring not just CO values but CO business processes supported by the control and motivation system. In this context, COC establishment and implementation should be considered. COC establishment is based on the understanding of CO importance by top management. COC implementation leads to the dissemination of CO values and transforming them into CO behavior of personnel. That is why the measuring scales of market orientation (MARCOR: Kohli & Jaworski, 1993) and CO (MORTN: Deshpande & Farley, 1998; SOCO: Saxe & Weitz, 1982) include the statements about the regular using or the effective performance of CO business processes. To investigate the corporate marketing competence dispersion, we also use the concept of intangible marketing assets (Webster et al, 2005) (fig.1). Research goal and proposition The goal of this research is description and comparative analysis of marketing models of companies localized in Russia, which are shaped differntly under the influence of COC development. We suppose that dissemination of COC in the company changes the role and status of marketing in the managerial system as well as the level of its influence on decision making processes. Two groups of companies are compared: ? large Russian companies possessing brands well-known in Russia; ? global companies (their units) localized in Russia and possessing globally known brands. As this research is an exploratory one, a preliminary proposition was formulated: the process of marketing model changing in Russian and global companies proceeds in a different way. The typical level of COC development and marketing influence on decision making processes on all managerial levels in large Russian companies is lower than in the global companies localized in Russia. Sample This research is making use of the database of 40 semi-structured interviews with company managers (Trefilova, 2017; Yuldasheva & Pisareva, 2015). Out of these, 5 interviews with large Russian companies and 8 interviews with daughter companies of global corporations were selected. To increase the size of the sample of Russian companies, 5 interviews with managers were organized additionally. Thus, the total sample consisted of 18 interviews (10 Russian and 8 global companies) The interview guide consisted of six open questions. Data analysis and research results The primary analysis of interviews was conducted applying the techniques of content analysis and meanings compaction (Ilyin, 2006). The primary content analysis showed a significant differentiation between the respondents’ answers to all questions, especially inside the sub-set of Russian companies. The further analysis of the qualitative research data was carried out according to the grounded theory methodology applying the procedures of data conceptualization, concept categorization, identifying the category attributes and ways to measure them (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). The results of the comparative analysis of the marketing models of Russian and global companies allowed formulating several conclusions. The managers of Russian and global companies show different understanding of COC. The global companies promote service proposition and sustainable consumption models while Russian companies continue to sell products and try to keep quality and price on the competitive level. We labeled this phenomenon as “the fight between product and service dominant logic”. The gap between the declared CO values and their implementation in business processes in Russian companies is higher than in global ones. We connect it with lower quality of management in Russian companies as well as low level of market competition encountered by large companies. Global companies are aimed at supporting long-term brand value to a much higher extent than Russian companies. All business processes on the business and functional levels are subordinated to providing long-term brand value. Global companies are characterized by a stronger COC, which is supported not only by the service standards but also by the customer-centric motivation of the whole staff. Moreover, internal and HR branding carried out by the HR department are well developed in the global companies. It reveals a much more developed personnel management function than in the Russian companies. Up to now, it is believed in the Russian companies that customer centricity can be ensured just by the work of marketing and sales personnel. The research confirmed also the results received by Webster et al (2005) and Wiersema (2013) on the dispersion of marketing competencies on the business and corporate levels, on the growing importance of marketing performance measurement and on the growth of the marketing’s strategic role, especially for companies involved in innovations. As for the dominating marketing strategy, most informants use both attraction and retention strategies simultaneously. An interesting finding turned out to be that many informants differentiate between the models of product marketing and relationship marketing. The latter is understood as the interaction and value co-creation using a digital platform. Our research showed that on the functional level (marketing department level) the dominating share of companies develop competencies and capabilities in the sphere of marketing communication and customer involvement. Such marketing competencies as product management (including price management), customer relationship management or key account management have been transferred to the inter-functional (business) level. Channel management is carried out by the sales departments. The major finding is the confirmation of marketing knowledge equity formation in the most advanced companies (Yuldasheva, Pisareva & Khalikov, 2016). Marketing knowledge equity mostly consists of market and customer needs knowledge, ability to forecast market changes and customer reactions. Conclusion Thus, the proposition about the different ways of marketing model changing and a lower level of COC and lower influence of marketing in the decision making processes on all levels of the large Russian companies compared to the global companies is confirmed. However, a trend is apparent to enhance the strategic influence of marketing on the decision making processes in the large Russian companies. It requires the continuation of a longitudinal research. In whole, the comparative analysis of the Russian and global companies marketing models showed that in spite of the existence of some peculiarities mainly connected with the backwardness of Russian companies compared to foreign ones (particularly, there is a lower customer centricity and lower management quality), the Russian marketing replicates the development of the Western marketing, copying its models and practices.

      • Adaptation of the parameters of the physical layer of data transmission in self-organizing networks based on unmanned aerial vehicles

        Surzhik, Dmitry I.,Kuzichkin, Oleg R.,Vasilyev, Gleb S. International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.6

        The article discusses the features of adaptation of the parameters of the physical layer of data transmission in self-organizing networks based on unmanned aerial vehicles operating in the conditions of "smart cities". The concept of cities of this type is defined, the historical path of formation, the current state and prospects for further development in the aspect of transition to "smart cities" of the third generation are shown. Cities of this type are aimed at providing more comfortable and safe living conditions for citizens and autonomous automated work of all components of the urban economy. The perspective of the development of urban mobile automated technical means of infocommunications is shown, one of the leading directions of which is the creation and active use of wireless self-organizing networks based on unmanned aerial vehicles. The advantages of using small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles for organizing networks of this type are considered, as well as the range of tasks to be solved in the conditions of modern "smart cities". It is shown that for the transition to self-organizing networks in the conditions of "smart cities" of the third generation, it is necessary to ensure the adaptation of various levels of OSI network models to dynamically changing operating conditions, which is especially important for the physical layer. To maintain an acceptable level of the value of the bit error probability when transmitting command and telemetry data, it is proposed to adaptively change the coding rate depending on the signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver input (or on the number of channel decoder errors), and when transmitting payload data, it is also proposed to adaptively change the coding rate together with the choice of modulation methods that differ in energy and spectral efficiency. As options for the practical implementation of these solutions, it is proposed to use an approach based on the principles of neuro-fuzzy control, for which examples of determining the boundaries of theoretically achievable efficiency are given.

      • KCI등재

        The immunosuppressive effects of volatile versus intravenous anesthesia combined with epidural analgesia on kidney cancer: a pilot randomized controlled trial

        Efremov Sergey Mihailovich,Kozireva Victoria Sergeevna,Moroz Gleb Borisovich,Abubakirov Marat Nikolaevich,Shkoda Olga Sergeevna,Shilova Anna Nikolaevna,Yarmoshuk Sergey Valeriyevich,Zheravin Alexandr 대한마취통증의학회 2020 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.73 No.6

        Background: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the use of inhalational anesthesia leads to higher suppression of the cell-mediated immunity compared to total intravenous anesthesia in patients undergoing kidney cancer surgery under combined low thoracic epidural analgesia and general anesthesia. Methods: Patients were randomly allocated to either propofol-based (intravenous anesthetic) or sevoflurane-based (volatile anesthetic) anesthesia group with 10 patients in each group, along with epidural analgesia in both groups. Amounts of natural killer cells, total T lymphocytes, and T lymphocyte subpopulations in the blood samples collected from the patients before surgery, at the end of the surgery and postoperative days 1, 3, and 7, were determined by flow cytometric analysis. The natural killer (NK) cell count served as the primary endpoint of the study, whereas the total T lymphocyte count and cell counts for T lymphocyte subpopulations were used as the secondary endpoint. . Results: Our study showed that there were no significant differences in the amount of NK cells, total T lymphocytes, regulatory T cells, and T-helper cells, cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and their subpopulations between the propofol- and sevoflurane-based anesthesia groups when the anesthesia was administered in combination with epidural analgesia. Conclusions: The results of this pilot study did not support the hypothesis that the use of inhalational anesthesia leads to higher suppression of the cell-mediated immunity than that of total intravenous anesthesia in patients undergoing kidney cancer surgery under combined low thoracic epidural analgesia and general anesthesia.

      • Sulfur-containing activated carbons with greatly reduced content of bottle neck pores for double-layer capacitors: a case study for pseudocapacitance detection

        Gu, Wentian,Sevilla, Marta,Magasinski, Alexandre,Fuertes, Antonio B.,Yushin, Gleb The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 Energy & environmental science Vol.6 No.8

        <P>Synthesis of S-doped activated carbons (ACs) by carbonization and simultaneous activation of S-based polymers was found to be an efficient route to produce porous carbons for double layer capacitors (EDLCs) with high specific energy and power densities combined with low self-discharge. Here we investigate for the first time the processing-structure–property relationships related to the formation of polythiophene-derived ACs for EDLC applications. Sulfide bridges present in the polymer precursor were found to depress the shrinkage of the smallest micropores during the carbonization process and allow for the enhanced ion transport within the produced AC electrodes. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurements on S-doped ACs produced at 800 and 850 °C showed high specific capacitance (up to ∼200 F g<SUP>−1</SUP>) and no significant self-discharge in neutral aqueous electrolytes. More importantly, these capacitance values remained virtually identical for a sweep rate increasing from 1 to 50 mV s<SUP>−1</SUP>. The observed capacitance retention is quite remarkable for thick electrodes of ∼200 μm and a large AC particle size of 10–100 μm. It indicates great potential of the proposed synthesis technology for EDLCs operating at high frequencies and high currents. In the course of our systematic studies of AC performance in different electrolytes we found a strong correlation between the large pseudocapacitance and the significant self-discharge in ACs. We harness the difference between the characteristic times required to establish a double layer and that of the pseudocapacitive redox reactions and propose a simple method to estimate the fraction of pseudocapacitance. The proposed method is particularly valuable in cases when CV measurements do not show clear characteristic reduction–oxidation peaks.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>Synthesis of S-doped activated carbons (ACs) by carbonization and activation of S-based polymers was found to be an efficient route to produce porous carbons for double layer capacitors with high specific energy and power densities. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c3ee41182f'> </P>

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