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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        악성 림프종 환자에서 발생한 다형홍반

        여운철,조광현,이유신,허대석,이승철 ( Un Cheol Yeo,Kwang Hyun Cho,Yoo Shin Lee,Dae Seog Heo,Seung Chul Lee ) 대한피부과학회 1990 대한피부과학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        A Case of Erythema Multiforme A ssociated with Malignant Lymphoma Un Cheol Yeo, M.D., Kwang Hyun Cho, M.D., Yoo Shin Lee, M.D., Dae Seog Heo*, M.D., Seoung Chul Lee**, M.D Department of Dermatology and Internal Medicine*, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Department of Dermatology**, College of Medicine, Inha University, Kyung Gi Do, Korea We report a case of erythema multiforme associated with malignant lymphoma. Fifty-six-year-old male patient visited our clinic complaining generalized skin lesions which were compatible with erythema multiforme clinically and histopathologically. The skin lesions were treatment-resistant, recurrent and persistent for 3 years. In consideration of old age, atypical features of erythema multiforme and no other demonstrable etiology of erythema multiforme, we studied for internal malignancy. Malignant lymphoma at the duodenum was revealed by UGI series, abdominal CT, and endoscopic biopsy. After chemotherapy, the tumor mass and active skin lesions were cleared simultaneously. Erythema multiforme may be regarded as one of the paraneoplastic syndromes.

      • Atropa belladonna 모상근의 생장량과 tropane alkaloid 생산에 관한 연구

        허인옥,오순자,한태완,김철수 濟州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1996 基礎科學硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain R1000에 의해 유도된 Atropa belladonna 모상근을 배지별, NAA, IBA, IAA, 2,4-D를 농도별(0.01-100 mg/l)로 첨가한 NN액체배지에서 생장량과 tropane alkaloid 함량을 HPLC로 이용하여 정량하였다. 모상근 배양 30일째의 각 auxin의 농도별에 따른 생장율은 고농도보다 저농도일때 대체적으로 양호하였으나, 0.1mg/1 2,4-D농도에서는 callus화 하였고 10mg/l 2,4-D, 1mg/l IBA일때 2.96g, 2.36g으로 대조구보다 2.3배의 생장량을 보였다. 농도별에 따른 Tropane alkaloid 함량은 atropine이 대조구 0.141%, 원식물체가 0.059%로 나타났으며, 0.01mg/l NAA와 0.1mg/l IAA에서 배양한 모상근이 각각 1.378%, 1.814%의 생산을 보여 대조구와 원식물체보다 9-30배의 생산을 보였다. 또한 scopolamine 함량은 대조구와 원식물체는 각각 0.109%. 0.050%에 비해 0.01mg/l NAA에서 배양한 모상근에서 0.505%로 대조구 원식물체보다 4-10배의 생산량을 보였다. The study aimed to measure growth rate of Atropa belladonna hairy root cultured under medium, various auxin(NAA, IBA, IAA, 2.4-D) and auxin concentration(0.01-100mg/l) and investigated tropane alkaloid content using HPLC. The growth rate of hairy root cultured for 30 days in MS and NN liquid medium were higher in NN medium as 3.51g than MS medium, growth rate of belladonna hairy root cultured in NN medium added various auxin and auxin concentration was the most effective in low concentration than high concentration, especially, was best in the medium supplemented with 0.01mg/l 2,4-D. Atropine content of hairy root cultured in 0.01mg/l and 0.1mg/l IAA produced 9-30 times than control and normal plant. scopolamine measured each 0.109%, 0.050% in control and normal plant, hairy root cultured in 0.01mg/l NAA produced 4-10 times than control and normal plant.

      • KCI등재

        일제의 조선인 강제징발 실상

        허종호,리철홍,공명성 한국역사연구회 2003 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.50

        This paper surveys the scale and characteristic of the forced arrestment of Koreans by Japanese Imperialist and would call Japan's responsibility for it. Japan's reparation for the forced arrestment of Koreans is the national obligation. It is because the forced mobilization of Koreans was intended and directed by Japan authority and was the national criminal act accomplished under the national direct control. After Sino-Japanese war in 1937, Japanese Imperialist commandeered Koreans with the several form as "compulsory service", "emigration", "collection", "commandeering" and its number was reached as many as 84 hundreds thousand. Characteristic of the forced mobilization by Japanese Imperialist was accompanied by the form of policy to obliterate the Korean nation regardless of regions and social classes. Therefore, Japan's apology and reparation ought to be an unavoidable obligation.

      • 1982學年度 新入生 實態調査 結果分析

        玄惠慶,許鐵洙 濟州大學校 學生生活硏究所 1982 學生生活硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        1. 실태조사 결과 요약 1) 대학생의 적령을 만 17~19세라고 볼 때 이에 해당하는 학생이 87.7%, 만 20세 이상이 12.3%나 되며 특히 야간 강좌부에는 만 20세 이상의 학생들이 63.6%를 차지하고 있다. 2) 가족들의 주거지별 현황은 제주도가 96.6%, 타지역이 3.4%이며 가족수별 현황은 가구당 5명 이상의 가족을 지니고 있는 가구가 약 90% 정도가 된다. 3) 부모 모두 생존하고 있는 학생이 81.0%, 편부·모와 함께 생활하고 있는 학생이 18.5%가 되며 특히 야간 강좌부에는 약 90% 이상을 차지하고 있다. 4) 부모 또는 호주의 직업별 상태는 ① 농업(55.9%), ② 공무원(14.8%), ③ 상업(12.2%)의 순으로 비중을 보이고 있다. 5) 가정생활정도는 상에 속하는 학생이 약 10%, 하정도에 속하는 학생이 31.6%이다. 6) 출신 고교별 소재지 현황은 96.3%가 본도 출신이며 타도 출신 고교생은 3.7%이다. 또한 출신 고교별 계열 비율은 인문계가 76.7%, 실업계가 23.3%이다. 7) 대부분의 학생들이 재수 경험이 없으며(83.8%), 6.2%의 학생들이 재수경험이 있다. 8) 신체상태에 있어서 시력이 0.9이하의 시력을 가진 학생이 32%, 0.4이하가 전체 학생의 10%정도가 된다. 남학생보다 여학생들이 시력상태가 매우 좋지 않으며 따라서 안경을 착용하고 있는 학생이 25.5%나 되며 남학생보다 여학생이 안경을 많이 착용하고 있다. (35.2%) 신장은 160~169cm까지 45.0%이며 170cm 이상이나 되는 학생은 30%나 된다. 체중은 50~59kg이 평균 체중치(52.2%)이며, 흉위는 93cm 이상이 15.3%, 81cm 이하가 30.8%를 차지하고 있다. 9) 학생들의 건강상태는 대체로 건강한 편이나(94.2%), 허약한 학생이 5.8% 정도 있다. 10) 대부분의 학생들이 고교 재학시 심리검사를 실시하지 않았으며(60.6%), 실시했다하더라도 적성검사가 대부분이었다. 2. 意見調査 結果 要約 1) 본 대학에 입학하게 된 가장 주된 요인은 생활비 부담을 덜기 위해서(22.8%)이며 입학이 용이(21.4%)한 점을 들고 있다. 2) 본교 지망에 가장 큰 영향을 준 사람으로는 자기 자신 스스로 학교 선택을 하였으며(44.2%), 가족들의 권유에 의해(37.0%)결정되었다. 3) 고교 재학시 희망했던 계열(학과)과 현재 입학한 계열(학과)과의 일치 정도에는 학교와 학과가 모두 불일치가, 28.4% 모두 일치가 27.2%를 나타내고 있다. 4) 전공계열(학과)을 선택한 이유로는 적성과 흥미에 따른 선택이 가장 많고(48.5%), 다음이 직업적 전망에 의한 선택을 들고 있다.(16.6%) 5) 입학한 전공계열에 대한 만족정도는 70.0% 만족을, 9.5%가 불만족을 표시하고 있다. 특히 야간강좌에서 83.3%의 학생이 가장 불만족의 반응을 보이고 있다. 또한 불만의 이유로는 적성·흥미가 맞지가 않으며(24.0%), 1차 지망학과가 아니고(19.7%), 장래 전망이 흐리다(14.0%)는 이유를 들고 있다. 6) 전과나 편입학을 희망하는 학생이 18.9%나 되며, 앞으로 유동성을 보인 학생이 32.8% 보이고 있다. 7) 전공계열(학과)에 대한 이해 정도는 보통으로서 대강 알고 지망한 학생이 71.8%이며 이해 정도가 낮은 수준에서의 지망이 17.0%로서 이해도가 낮은 편이다. 8) 학생들이 당면하고 있는 또는 예상되는 중요 문제를 반응빈도의 우선 순우로 정리하면 ① 학업문제(40.3%), ② 경제문제(36.9%), ③ 진로문제(36.4%), ④ 사회적 적응(26.7%) ⑤ 건강문제(16.0%)의 순으로 문제의 경향을 보이고 있다. 9) 개인 문제 해결을 위한 의논 대상은 ① 친구(27.9%) ② 지도교수(22.6%), ③ 가족(17.0%), ④ 선배(14.8%)의 순위를 나타내고 있다. 10) 써클활동의 참가여부는 대부분의 학생들이 기존의 서클들의 활동실태를 파악한 후에 참가 여부를 결정하겠다는 신중한 반응을 보이고 있다.(70.2%) 또한 희망하는 써클들의 반응 빈도를 세 가지만 순서대로 정리해보면 ① 교양(21.4%), ② 학문(15.2%), ③ 봉사(14.5%) 써클이다. 11) 대학생활 동안의 부직을 희망하는 학생이 전체 학생 중 약 80% 학생들이 부직을 희망하고 있으며 그 이유로서는 사회생활의 견문을 넓히기 위해서(35.7%)와 잡비 마련을 위해서(20.8%), 그리고 학비마련과 자립정신을 기르기 위함에 있는 것이다. 12) 대학생활을 위한 계획 수립이 38.6%의 학생은 수립되어 있으나 나머지 학생은 수립되어 있지 못하다. 또한 대학졸업 후의 계획을 우선 순위로 정리하면 ① 취직·사업(37.0%) ② 대학원 진학(36.0%), ③ 미정(13.3%)의 반응을 보이고 있다. 13) 학생들이 구상하고 있는 이상적인 대학생활은 인격을 도야하는 일이며(54.6%) 또한 학문을 연구하는 (32.6%) 장으로서의 역할 수행을 인식하고 있다. 14) 학생 자신이 대학생활동안 성취해야 할 목표를 인격완성에 두고 있으며(29.0%) 원만한 대인관계를 유지하고(21.4%), 폭넓은 교양을 습득하는 일(20.7%)에 두고 있다. 15) 학생들은 교수님들께 교수 - 학생간 원만한 인간관계를 유지하는 것을 가장 원하고 있으며(51.2%), 전공분야에 대한 연구활동(18.4%)과 인격적 소양(14.5%)을 갖추는 기대를 나타내고 있다. 16) 본교 신입생들이 바라는 바람직한 대학상은 대학의 역할과 기능을 제대로 수행하며 그 속에서 학문연구와 인격을 완성하고 원만한 대인관계를 형성하는 분위가기 갖추어진 대학을 염원하고 있다.


        Formyl Peptide Receptor 2 Is Involved in Cardiac Repair After Myocardial Infarction Through Mobilization of Circulating Angiogenic Cells : WKYMVm Promotes Cardiac Repair through Fpr2

        Heo, Soon Chul,Kwon, Yang Woo,Jang, Il Ho,Jeong, Geun Ok,Lee, Tae Wook,Yoon, Jung Won,Shin, Ho Jin,Jeong, Hae Chang,Ahn, Youngkeun,Ko, Tae Hee,Lee, Sang Chul,Han, Jin,Kim, Jae Ho Wiley (John WileySons) 2017 Stem Cells Vol.35 No.3

        <P>Increasing evidence suggests that circulating angiogenic cells (CACs) promote repair of ischemic tissues. Activation of formyl peptide receptor 2 (Fpr2) has been reported to stimulate repair of ischemic heart. This study was conducted to investigate the role of Fpr2 on CAC mobilization and cardiac protection in myocardial infarction (MI). WKYMVm, a strong agonist for Fpr2, was administered in a murine model of acute MI, and mobilization of CACs including endothelial progenitor cells (CD34(+) Flk1(+) or Sca1(+) Flk1(+) cells) in peripheral blood was monitored. CAC mobilization by daily injection of WKYMVm for the first 4 days after MI was as efficient as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and provided myocardial protection from apoptosis with increased vascular density and preservation of cardiac function. Transplantation of bone marrow (BM) from green fluorescent protein mice showed that BM-derived cells homed to ischemic heart after WKYMVm treatment and contributed to tissue protection. Transplantation of BM from Fpr2 knockout mice showed that Fpr2 in BM cells is critical in mediation of WKYMVm-stimulated myocardial protection and neovascularization after MI. These results suggest that activation of Fpr2 in BM after WKYMVm treatment provides cardiac protection through mobilization of CACs after MI, which may lead to the development of a new clinical protocol for treating patients with ischemic heart conditions.</P>

      • Improvement of Procedure of On-Site Check for Resident Inspectors in KINAC

        Chul Heo 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.2

        The KINAC resident inspectors are responsible for conducting on-site regulatory and intergovernmental support tasks related to safeguards, physical protection, and cybersecurity in each NSSC regional office. In nuclear material accounting and control, resident inspectors primarily perform tasks such as national inspections and technical support for IAEA inspections. However, with the increasing cases of non-compliance with the advance notification procedure by operators, there is a growing need for improvement in the role of resident inspectors in on-site regulation. In response to this situation, the safeguards division in KINAC has analyzed and improved the on-site check procedures of resident inspectors at LWR facilities. The existing procedure outlines the process where resident inspectors receive the advance notification documents submitted by operators and utilize them as a reference for conducting weekly checks during the overhaul period when IAEA surveillance cameras are installed. Additionally, according to the attached forms specified in the procedure, resident inspectors are required to submit the check results report to the director of the safeguards division in KINAC every week and to the NSSC every month. The inspection items include checking the execution and changes of advance notification, verifying unnotified matters, discussing other issues, assessing the integrity of things such as the operational status of IAEA surveillance equipment, and so on. On April 13-14, 2023, the Safeguards division organized a two-day resident inspector’s work-sharing workshop to discuss improvements in the on-site check procedures of resident inspectors at LWR facilities. During the workshop, a comparison and analysis were conducted between the existing procedures and actual on-site activities. Unnecessary tasks such as advance notification document reception and monthly reporting were eliminated, and the focus was shifted towards emphasizing essential tasks. The opinions of resident inspectors were taken into account to derive directions for improvement. The existing procedure was applicable only during Overhaul periods for resident inspectors. It has been improved by removing this limitation, allowing its use during routine times. Furthermore, the procedure has been enhanced by clarifying its purpose, scope, users, and definitions of terms and specifying responsibilities and authorities. Unnecessary terminology has been eliminated. Remarkably, the definition of advance notification has been detailed, and the reporting of check results has been simplified through weekly task reporting. The Safeguards division in KINAC has strived to enhance the efficiency and simplification of on-site regulatory activities for resident inspectors at LWR facilities by improving their on-site check procedures. These improvement activities are expected to aid resident inspectors in effectively performing a wide range of tasks, including safeguards, physical protection, cybersecurity, and government support. In the future, it will be possible to continue refining the on-site check procedures by sharing the results of using the procedure in meetings and gathering various opinions from resident inspectors.


        Gold “Nanograils” with Tunable Dipolar Multiple Plasmon Resonances

        Heo, Chul-Joon,Kim, Se-Heon,Jang, Se Gyu,Lee, Su Yeon,Yang, Seung-Man WILEY-VCH Verlag 2009 Advanced Materials Vol.21 No.17

        <B>Graphic Abstract</B> <P>Gold “nanograils”, novel plasmonic nanostructures that can be represented as three different-sized rings connected vertically by curved surfaces, similar to a miniaturized grail, are presented. Reflectance measurements and FDTD simulations demonstrate the existence of strong multiple plasmon resonances with the same dipolar symmetry around the sharp ring edges of the nanograils. <img src='wiley_img/09359648-2009-21-17-ADMA200802776-content.gif' alt='wiley_img/09359648-2009-21-17-ADMA200802776-content'> </P>

      • A Proposal for the Revision of the Public Notice on the National Inspection of Nuclear Material Accounting and Control

        Chul Heo 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.2

        Among the public notices of the NSSC, five notices related to safeguards, including “Education of Nuclear Control, International Regulatory Materials, Preparation of Regulation of NMAC (Nuclear Material Accounting and Control), the National Inspection of NMAC, and Reporting of International Regulatory Materials” The regulations on the National Inspection of NMAC have remained the same since some revisions were made on December 26, 2017, raising the need to revise the public notice due to changes in the domestic and international safeguards regulatory environment. Accordingly, this paper analyzes the public notice of the National Inspection of NMAC and proposes the revision direction. The regulation regarding the National Inspection of NMAC comprises sections such as Purpose and Definition, Types - Scope - Frequency of the National Inspection, Notification of the National Inspection’s plan, and Management of Violation. Appendices include the contents of the violation table, explanations regarding types of violations, and various forms related to the National Inspection, which are attached separately. IAEA mentioned that ROK was selected as a pilot country for the Improved SLA (State-Level Approach) project starting in November 2020. IAEA explained that a quantitative and standardized methodology was adopted and developed for this purpose. As a result, the Unannounced Inspection at LWR facilities will transition to the Random Interim Inspection. Additionally, the Physical Inventory Verification in CANDU facilities will increase to once a year per reactor. This status will change the frequency and intensity of inspection at domestic nuclear facilities. Furthermore, domestically, there is an ongoing trend of continuous growth and diversification of nuclear facilities. In light of the changing domestic and international safeguards environment, it is necessary to set a direction for revising the regulation regarding the National Inspection of NMAC that was partially amended in 2017 to align with the current status. Firstly, due to the increased burden on operators resulting from the increased number of IAEA inspections following the application of Improved SLA, there is a need to streamline the National Inspection of NMAC frequency to enhance overall regulatory efficiency. Furthermore, the definition section should also be revised to include matters related to the regulation to reflect the current reality accurately. Considering the operation and name changes of new domestic nuclear facilities, there may be a need to add or modify computer input codes. While pursuing the revision of regulations regarding the National Inspection of NMAC, an analysis of the need for revision of other regulations related to safeguards should also be conducted, and directions should be set. Through this process, improving the regulatory framework that forms the basis of safeguards can help prevent confusion among operators and promote regulatory efficiency. We can better cope with these changes by proactively adapting to the rapidly changing domestic and international nuclear environment.

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