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      • 승마 운동이 요추골밀도에 미치는 효과

        임순길, 김형칠, 김병완 용인대학교 체육과학연구소 2000 體育科學硏究論叢 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of a horse riding exercise on Lumbar BMD. The study was put into practice(was carried out) to investigate a horse riding effects extended on Limber BMD(L2, L3, L4) to the subject to total consisted of 14 (experimental group 7, control group 7) . The experimental results are as follows : The first the result of Lumber BMD L2 showed that experimental group was 0.07g/㎠ higher than control group. But there was no significant defference between the two groups. The second the result of Lumber BMD L3 showed that experimental grouts was 0.03g/㎠ higher than control group. But there was no significant defference between the two groups. The third the result of Lumber BMD L4 showed that experimental group was 0.08g/㎠ higher than control croup. But there was no significant defference between the two groups. The forth the result of Lumber BMD L2, L3, L4 mean and SD showed that experimental group was 0.07g/㎠ higher than control group. But there was no significant defference between the two groups. Putting these various experiments together, protracted horse riding exercise showed that physical stimulus by reaction of horses and weight burden works effectively on Lumbar BMD L2, L3, L4.

      • 異方性 Ba-ferrife의 磁性에 미치는 SrCO₃의 添加效果

        全鶴坤,吉炳龍,李東熙 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1982 논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        The effect of SrCO₃addition on the improvement of magnetic properties of anisotropic Ba-ferrite was studied by employing the crystallographic investgation into the change of structural orientation due to the addition and subsequent treatment. From the results obtained in these experiments, the followings were concluded; Ba-farrite containing 1.3wt. % Sr, i.e. (Ba0)₁(Sro)??- 5.45 Fe₂O₃,has showed the highest improvement of magnetic properties when sintered at 1250℃ for one hour, where the measured Br,??H?? and (B·H)???were respectively 3,500G, 2,600 Oe and 3.4 MG Oe. The orientaion parameter of this composite was 0.71, and an linear relationship, q=6x10? Br+0.502, was also found between the orentation parameter q and remanence Br. The reasons for these could be attributed to the facts that; (1) this content of Sr falls into the reported optimum range (5.2-5.8) of the mloe ratio of FeOł涍/(BaO)-(SrO). The proper amount of Sr is believed to enhance the formation of a complex ferrite, (BaO)??(SrO)??-n Fe₂O₃, through the diffusional process replacing some of Ba????ions by Sr????ions in the ferrite structure. (2) The possible eutectic reaction between SrO and BaO could be occured at as low as 1250 ˚C and may result in the impoved sinterability of the compacts through the liquid-phase like sintering. ·

      • KCI등재

        개구부가 있는 밀폐공간내 화재의 복합열전달 및 연소가스 분석에 관한 연구

        박찬국,추병길,김철 (社團法人)韓國火災·消防學會 1997 한국화재소방학회논문지 Vol.11 No.1

        The natural convection and combined heat transfer induced by fire in a rectangular enclosure is numerically studied. The model for this numerical analysis is partially opened right wall. The solution procedure includes the standard k-ε model for turbulnt flow and the discrete ordinates method (DOM) is used for the calculation of radiauve heat transfer equation. In numerical study, SIMPLE algorithm is applied for fluid flow analysis, and the investigations of combustor gas induced by fire is performed by FAST model of HAZARDI program. In this study, numerical simulation on the combined naturnal convection and radiation is car ried out in a partial enclosure fifed with absorbed emitted gray media, but is not considered scattering problem. The streamlines, isothermal lines, average radiation intensity and kinetic energy are compared the results of pure convection with those of the combined convection-radiation, the combined heat transfer. Comparing the results of pure convection with those of the combined convection-radiation, the combined heat transfer analysis shows the stronger circulation than those of the pure convection. Three different location of heat source are considered to observe the effect of heat source location on the heat transfer phenomena. As the results, the circulation and the heat transfer in the left region from heating block are mich more influenced than those in the right region. It is also founded that the radiation effect cannot be neglected in analyzing the building in fire. And as the results of combustion gas analysis from FAST model, it is found that O_2 concentration is decreased according to time. While CO and CO_2 concentration are rapidly increased in the beginning(about 100sec), but slowly decreased from that time on.

      • 淸上補下丸이 黑色腫의 肺轉移 抑制 및 免疫調節作用에 미치는 影響

        河智容,劉炳吉 대한한방종양학회 1998 대한한방종양학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        1. 연구 배경 최근 놀라운 과학기술의 발전에 힘입어 난치병이라고 생각되어 오던 질환들이 하나씩 정복되어 가고 있으나 평균수명의 연장, 생활수준 향상으로 인한 고지방식, 스트레스 및 과학기술발전의 부작용 등을 이유로 새로운 질환들이 나타나고 있는 실정이다. 종양도 이런 대표적인 질환중 하나로 최근 경제적, 시간적으로 많은 투자를 해왔으나 아직까지 그 발생원인이나 성장기전 등이 자세히 밝혀지지 않았다. 이에 본 연구는 哮吼를 치료하는 淸上補下丸을 이용하여 흑생정의 폐전이 억제능과 이에 의한 면역증강에 관하여 연구하고자 하였다. 2. 연구결과 B-16세포를 이용한 C57BL/6계 마우스에 있어서의 폐전이 억제능을 측정한 결과 淸上補下丸 투여군이 대조군에 비해 검액처리 7일후에는 52.70%, 14일후에는 19.43%의 유의성있는 억제율을 보였으며, 淸上補下丸의 B-16 세포에 대한 직접적인 항암작용을 알아 보기 위한 시험관내 세포독성 실험에서는 淸上補下丸의 용량이 5ug/well, 2.5ug/well, 1.25ug/well, 0.625ug/well인 경우 유의성있는 효과를 얻을수 있었으며 생존율에 의한 IC_50은 2.17ug/well이었다. NK-activity를 측정한 결과 淸上補下丸 투여군이 작동세포와 표적세포의 비율이 100:1, 50:1의 경우에 있어서 72.63±5.17%, 26.94±2.43%를 보여 대조군에 비하여 각각 31.12%, 43.68% 유의성있는 증가를 보였다. IL.2의 생산능을 측정한 결과 淸上補下丸 투여군은 l392.00±22.3lpg/ml을 보여 대조군에 비해 4.04%의 유의성있는 증가를 보였다. In order to investigate the antitumor effect by Chungsangbohahwan after B-16 cells were transplanted in C57BL/6 mice, and the immune responses in mice induced by methotrexate, the extract of Chungsangbohahwan sas orally administered to the mice for 21 days. Experimental studies were performed for measurce of metatasis, cell cytotoxicity in vitro, natura killer cell activity, productivity of interleukin-2. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Inhibition of metastasis in Chungsangbohahwan-treated group was higher than control group woith significance on 7th day and 14th day. 2. On the MTT assay, cell viability was signigicantly inhibited by 5ug/well, 2.5ug/well, 1.25ug/well, and 0.625ug/well of Chunganbohahwan concentration inbited cell viiability sifnificantly(P<0.05). IC_50 for cell viability was 2.17ug/well. 3. Matural killer cell activity in Chungsangbohahwan-treated group was significantly incresed on 100:1, 30:1 E/T(effect ce;;/target ce;;) rato(P<0.05). 4. Produciton of interleukin-2 in Chungsangbohahwan-treated group was significantly increased(P<0.05).

      • 大麻 低마약형 신품종 "청삼"의 육성경위 및 주요특성

        문윤호,이봉호,정병춘,김용웅,김길용 한국국제농업개발학회 2002 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.14 No.2

        대마의 저 마약형 신품종을 육성하고자 대마초의 환각성분에 대한 국내의 문헌을 수집하여 고찰하여 저마약형 대마 신품종 "청삼(Cheungsam)"을 육성하였던 바 이것들을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 가. 목포시험장에서 1997년 네덜란드 CPRO에서 도입한 44품종의 저 마약형 유전자원중 IH3이 THC 함량이 낮고 개화일수도 한국재래종과 비슷하여 경장과 섬유수량도 다른 도입품종들에 비해 크고 많아 육종재료로 유망시 되었다. 나. 저 마약형인 IH3를 모본으로 하고 한국 재래종을 부본으로 교배한 1대잡종 품종을 육성하여 무안 등 4개 지역에서 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 특성이 우수하고 저 마약형으로 분류되어 이를 "청삼"으로 명명하여 신품종으로 등록하였다. 다. "첨상" 품종은 섬유수량은 190kg/10a로 재래종의 177kg/10a에 비하여 7% 중수되었고, 환각성분인 THC(Δ-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol)함량이 0.34%로 재래종의 1.74%보다 적고 환각억제성분인 CBD(Cannabidiol)함량은 1.34%로 재래종의 0.57%보다 많아 저 마약형으로 분류할 수 있다. 라. "청삼" 종자를 IH3의 자웅이주종자를 이용하여 채종하면 종실수량이 103kg/10a이지만 자성종자 채종기술을 이용하여 채종하면 146kg/10a로 채종량이 42% 증가하였다. In order to develop a new variety of fiber hemp(Cannabis sativa L.) with non-drug type, the authors reviewed several literatures about marihuana or hemp, and bred a new variety with non-drug type. This variety was named as "Cheungsam" and resitered as a recommening variety in Korea. This paper introduce the breeding history and characteristics of the fiber hemp variety "Cheungsam" with non-drug type. Among the 44 introduced germplasms from CPRO, Netherland, only IH3 was suitable variety because of it's good traits including low THC content, similar flowering days to Korean local variety and good fiber yield. IH3 and Korean local variety were crossed to develop a new non-drug type hemp, and we developed a new variety named "Cheungsam". This variety have good plant characteristics and fiber yield with low THC content. The average fiber yield of "Cheungsam" was 190kg/10a in regional fiber yield trials, which was 7% higher than that of "Korean local variety". "Korean local variety" contains 1.74% of THC which is the psychoactive ingredient and 0.57% of CBD the anti-psychoactive ingredient, thus that cultivar was sorted to drug type hemp. But "Cheungsam" contains 0.34% of THC and 1.34% of CBD so that sorted as a non-drug type hemp. If farmers want to harvest more seed of "Cheungsam", using female seed of IH3 is better than that of the dioecious seed because of the high seed yield.

      • KCI등재


        ( Byeong-gil Choe ),( Hyeong-kwan Ju ) 호남수학회 2024 호남수학학술지 Vol.46 No.1

        In this paper we obtained several properties that the characteristic polynomial of the unit-primitive matrix satisfies. In addition, using these properties we have shown that the recurrence relation given as in the formula (1) is true. In fact, Xin and Zhong ([4]) showed it earlier. However, we provide a simpler method here.

      • KCI등재

        A Battery SOC Estimation Method for Dynamic Loads

        Byeong-Gil Kim,Seung-Hyun Choi,Seong-Won Lee 대한전자공학회 2018 IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing Vol.7 No.3

        For lithium-ion secondary batteries used as power sources, battery control systems are inevitably required to operate the batteries efficiently and to protect the batteries and systems during various operational situations. Existing battery state-of-charge (SOC) estimation techniques allow internal impedance measurement only under static load situations for the monitoring and management of accurate internal impedance. Such techniques cannot be used in electric vehicle battery management systems in which a static load is not possible while driving. To address such problems, this study proposes an internal impedance measurement technique for dynamic load situations. Each frequency component ratio is acquired by performing a real-time fast Fourier transform of the current, and the correlation between internal impedance measurement errors under a dynamic load is obtained using each frequency component ratio. An experiment demonstrates that the correlation coefficient is 0.910 between the component ratio in the 4.375–5 Hz band and the internal impedance measurement error. Therefore, the frequency component ratio is determined as the internal impedance measurement from the proposed algorithm. The average error between the internal impedance obtained by the proposed algorithm and that obtained by a battery simulator is 0.0011 Ω.

      • KCI등재

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