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      • KCI등재

        중일전쟁기 한국광복군 창설에 관한 일 연구 -창설 배경 및 과정을 중심으로-

        염인호(Yeom, In-ho) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2021 한국독립운동사연구 Vol. No.

        한국인 좌파 독립운동가들이 창설한 조선의용대가 존재함에도 불구하고 또 하나의 군대인 한국광복군이 창설될 수 있었던 데는 다음과 같은 두가지 배경이 있었다. 하나는 일본군이 점령한 중국 화북지방에 한국인들이 대거 이주해왔기 때문이었다. 이주해온 한국인들의 이면에는 화북 침략에 한국인들을 동원한다는 일본의 계략이 있다고 판단한 중국은 한국 독립운동가들을 동원하여 이주 한국인들을 포섭할 필요가 있었다. 이에 군대를 결성하고자 했던 김구 등 우파 독립운동가들은 한편에서는 청년들을 화북으로 파견하고 다른 한편에서는 자신들이 그 일을 해 낼 수 있다고 중국국민당을 적극적으로 설득하였는데 그것은 성공을 거두어 마침내 한국광복군을 창설할 수 있었다. 다른 하나는 중국국민당 내부에서 대대적인 반공운동(1939.12~1940.3)이 전개되었다는 점이다. 소련의 남하를 우려하고 중국군의 한반도 진주까지를 고려했던 중국국민당 내 반공파들은 좌파 청년이 다수 포함되어 있는 조선의용대가 있었음에도 불구하고 반공을 표방한 김구의 한국광복군 창설에 동의하고 힘을 실어주었던 것이다. Despite the existence of Korean Volunnteer Corps founded by Korean left-wing independence activists, there were two backgrounds for the creation of another army, the Korean Liberation Army(KLA). One was because a large number of Koreans migrated from China’s Hwabuk(華北) region occupied by the Japanese military. Judging that Japan’s strategy to mobilize Koreans to invade Hwabuk was behind the immigrants, China needed to mobilize Korean independence activists to recruit migrant Koreans. In response, right-wing independence activists such as Kim Gu, who wanted to form an army, actively persuaded the Chinese Nationalist Party to dispatch young people to Hwabuk on the one hand and do the job on the other, which succeeded in creating the KLA. The other is that a massive anti-communist movement (1939 December -1940.3) took place within the Chinese Nationalist Party. Anti-communists in the Chinese Nationalist Party, who were concerned about the Soviet Union’s south and considered taking over the Korean Peninsula, agreed and supported the creation of the KLA by Kim Gu, who advocated anti-communism despite the presence of a large number of left-wing young people.

      • KCI등재

        쓰마루 (司馬璐) 의 한국독립운동 지원과 『조선혁명사화』 저술

        염인호(Yeom, In-Ho) 한국사학사학회 2020 韓國史學史學報 Vol.0 No.42

        Tsumalu(司馬璐, 馬義) supported the Korean independence movement by joining the Kim Won-bong(金元鳳) camp in Chongqing(重慶) on two occasions. At some point before July 1940, Tsumaru, who came to Chongqing, worked as an editor of Korea Volunteer Corps(KVC, 朝鮮義勇隊) and actively published several articles in KVC in the latter half of the year, which supported the Going North China and Anti-Japanese Movement which was then the direction of KVC. Tsumaru, who left Chongqing shortly after the Wanan Incident(皖南事變) broke out in 1941, returned to Chongqin g at some point before October 1942, where he wrote Four Years of KVC Victory(朝鮮義勇隊勝利的四年) and The History of Korean Revolutionary Movement(朝鮮革命史話) which included Kim Won-bong s position. The History of Korean Revolutionary Movement denied the rule of the Provisional Government(臨時政府 法統), ruled out the Communist Party(共産黨) s independence movement, and essentially included the History of the March 1st Movement(3·1運動), the training of cadres(幹部養成), KVC and the Provisional Government. 쓰마루(司馬璐, 馬義)는 두 차례에 걸쳐 충칭(重慶)의 김원봉 진영에 가담해서 한국독립운동을 지원하였다. 1940년 7월 이전 어느 시점에 충칭에 온 쓰마루는 『조선의용대(朝鮮義勇隊)』 편집자로 활동했는데 그해 하반기에 정력적으로 여러 글들을 『조선의용대』에 발표하였는데 거기에서는 당시 조선의용대 방향이었던 북상항일을 지지하는 내용을 담았다. 1941년 완난사변(皖南事變)이 발발한 얼마 후 충칭을 떠났던 쓰마루는 1942년 10월 이전의 어느 시점에 다시 충칭으로 돌아와서 여러 활동을 했는데 그런 가운데서 김원봉 진영의 입장을 담은 『조선의용대 승리의 4년(朝鮮義勇隊勝利的四年)』과 『조선혁명사화(朝鮮革命史話)』를 저술했다. 『조선혁명사화』에서는 임정법통론을 부인했고, 공산당의 독립운동을 배제시켰으며 3.1운동- 간부 양성-조선의용대- 임정으로 이어지는 역사상을 담았다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 연변의 東北抗日聯軍 형상화에 관한 연구

        염인호(Yeom, In-Ho) 고려사학회 2018 한국사학보 Vol.- No.71

        연극 〈장백의 아들〉은 1936년 장백산 지구 항일투쟁을 소재로 한 연극이었다. 이 연극은 항일투사들이 기아와 추위 그리고 토벌과 배신 등을 무릅쓰고 영웅적으로 싸웠음을 강조하고 있다. 이 연극 창작에는 동북항일련군 대원으로 싸웠으며 1959년 당시 연변자치주 부주장이었던 석동수가 깊이 관여되어 있었다. 석동수는 1953년과 1959년에 있었던 북한의 항일유적지 답사단과 동행한 적이 있었고 이점은 연극 창작에 큰 도움이 되었다. 한편 연극은 당시 진행되었던 민족정풍운동의 영향을 받았던 까닭에 항일련군 투쟁에서 중국공산당의 역할이 강조되었다. 그러나 문화대혁명기에는 이 연극은 첫째 자본가 계급을 영웅화하고 빈농 계급을 반역자로 설정해 계급 역할을 전도했다는 비판을 받았다. 둘째 이 연극은 김일성을 장백산 · 연변지구 항일투쟁의 최고 지도자로 설정했다는 비난을 받았다. “The Son of Mt. Jangbaek” was a play about the anti-Japanese struggles in the Jangbaeksan district in 1936. The play highlights the anti-Japanese heroes` heroic struggle against hunger an d cold, and despite the deadly sins and betrayals. The play sends a message to the audience that they should not forget the people who fought in the mountain. Seok Dongsu, vice governor of Yanbian(延邊) deeply involved in the creation of the play “The Son of Mt. Jangbaek”. Seok Dongsu was a direct anti-Japanese fighter in the Jangbaek Mountain area. Seok Dongsu led the NK people in the Jangbaeksan area after liberation. This experience has greatly helped to create the play “The Son of Mt. Jangbaek”. For a long time after liberation, Chinse Koreans felt Kim Il-sung led the anti-Japanese struggles. It was different in “The Son of Mt. Jangbaek”. It is said that China`s Communist Party led the effort. The change was due to National Wind Movement. When the Cultural Revolution begins, the play is criticized. First, it was criticized for turning the capitalist class into heroes and setting the poor as traitors. Secondly, it criticized Kim Il-sung for having made him the leader of the anti-Japanese struggles. After the Cultural Revolution, “The Son of Mt. Jangbaek” was considered a good play. However, it is not revealed that Seok Dongsu and the NK were involved in the creation of the play.

      • KCI등재

        中國 桂林에서 전개한 朝鮮義勇隊 隊本部의 항일운동(1938.11~1940.3)

        염인호(Yeom In-ho) 고려사학회 2009 한국사학보 Vol.- No.35

        The Koran Volunteer Unit headquarters withdrew from Wuhan, and stationed in Guirin from Nov 1938 to March 1940. While staying in Guirin, the Koran Volunteer Unit maintained a close cooperation with the Chinese Nationalist Party(Guangxi party), Zhang Jieshi's direct line, and the Chinese Communist Party. Many cultured persons flooded into Guirin from various parts of China especially after the Sino-Japanese War broke out, and the Koran Volunteer Unit received a lot of help from them. In Guirin, the Koran Volunteer Unit held many meetings, presented plays, and published magazines continually. In that way, the Koran Volunteer Unit announced among the Chinese the poor circumstances of Koreans who lost their country and their persevering anti-Japanese activities, which also contributed to close unity among the Koran Volunteer Unit, anti-Japanese Chinese, and antiwar Japanese. Further, the cultural standard of the Koran Volunteer Unit improved a lot in close association with cultured Chinese people. Besides, the Koran Volunteer Unit trained 31 Korean 'war prisoners,' and enlisted them into the unit. These 31 individuals came into the region occupied by the Japanese army in Huabei and were caught by a Chinese flying party. Thereafter, the Koran Volunteer Unit adopted the policy of moving northward to Huabei to secure more Koreans and expand the ranks, and started moving the forces northward gradually since late 1939.

      • KCI등재

        中國內戰期 滿洲 地方 朝鮮義勇軍 部隊의 活動(1945.8~1946.8) : 牧丹江 地區의 초기 朝鮮人 部隊 活動을 中心으로

        廉仁鎬(Yeom In-Ho) 역사교육연구회 2003 역사교육 Vol.86 No.-

        Immediately after 8ㆍ15 1945, in Manchuria Mudanjiang(牧丹江) Koreans were threaterned by a part of Chinese who considered Korean as agent of Japanese. So many Koreans established troops for self-defense every place. At 15 September, AJUA(Anti-Japanese United northeast Army) of CCP(Chinese Communist Party) came from Russia. Korean in Mudanjiang welcamed hotly Korean soldiers of AJUA. A result of those soldier"s activity, most of Mudanjiang Korean and Korean troops supported CCP, struggled against CNP(Chinese Nationalist Party) troops. Especially 70 Korean soldiers were died on the Machiaohe(馬橋河) battle. And many Korean soldiers were injured. Therefore, Korean soldiers were angry and killed many Chinese civilian at Machiaohe. On the contrary Chinese were angry at that slaughter. CNP army in north Manchuria also killed widely Korean civilian. As a result of Machiaohe battle, Mudanjiang Korean people more firmly depended on CCP. At that time most of Mudanjiang Korean soldiers were brave and enduring. So that time CCP believed in more Korean troops than Chinse troops in Mudanjiang. But most of Mudanjiang Korean soldiers and their family were poor. Gradually many of them hoped to discharge from military service. And most of Korean soldiers could not speak Chinse language. Many of Korean soldiers did not want say with Chinese colleagues. So Chinese officers were generally hard to command Korean troops. Futhermore most of Korean soldiers were not internationalistic, but nationalistic. Most of them gradually would not struggle against CNP troops. They would rather return to motherland Korea and devote to construction army. As CCP defeated CNP in main China 1949, many of Mudanjiang Korean soldiers returned to DPRK(Democratic People"s Republic of Korea) and took part in Korean war.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        중국 연변 조선족의 민족정체성에 대한 일고찰(1945.8-1950.말)

        염인호(Yeom In-Ho) 한국사연구회 2008 한국사연구 Vol.140 No.-

        Right after the national liberation of Korea, ethnic Koreans living in China were regarding the Korean Peninsula as their motherland. Such a view of their homeland was natural to them since most of them were born in Korea or their ancestors lived in it throughout the history. Furthermore, they were a lot interested in the independence and reunification of the Korean Peninsula. They even expressed their views as a united group by holding group assemblies in the local area when a big political event took place in the Korean Peninsula. In this regard, it is noted that their view on the Korean Peninsula as the homeland was maintained and strengthened by the leaders of North Korea in time. An example, especially related to the case of Yanbian, is found right after the foundation of the government of North Korea in Sep. 1948. Chunchu Lim, who was the chief manager of administration of Yanbian and following Ilseong Kim's wish, took the lead of the campaign for the celebration of homeland government foundation in a large scale in union with various ethnic Korean leaders in Yanbian. In addition, he organized a group of delegates for the celebration of North Korea government foundation that consisted of ethnic Korean representatives over Manchuria, and had them visit North Korea. The visit of these delegates to North Korea was reported to the Manchuria ethnic Korean society, which strengthened their love toward the homeland. In time, Gwanghyeop Kim and Chunchu Kim, who were representatives of the ethnic Koreans living in Yanbian asked Chinese Communist Party to turn Yanbian back to North Korea respectively. They stated that the return of Yanbian was appropriate since ethnic Koreans shed a lot of blood in Yanbian for the sake of the revolution of China. It is thought that Gwanghyeop Kim and Chunchu Kim were reflecting the view of ethnic Korean leaders from North Korea. There would have been no need to mention the matter of the ethnic identity of ethnic Koreans living in Yanbian if the request was accepted. Unfortunately, however, Chinese Communist Party did not consent the request.

      • KCI등재

        중국 국공내전기 만주 국민당 지구 韓人의 동향(1948) : 瀋陽 거주 韓人의 탈출과 귀환을 중심으로

        염인호(Yeom In-ho) 고려사학회 2007 한국사학보 Vol.- No.27

        중국공산당 군대의 공격으로 중국국민당은 1948년 3월 15일경에는 만주에서 심양 금주 장춘 세 도시만 확보하였다. 이후 중국국민당 수뇌부 가운데에서는 군대를 심양에서 금주로 철수시켜야 한다는 주장과 심양을 방어해야 한다는 주장이 대립되었다. 공산당 군대의 공격이 멈추자 심양의 한인들은 탈출을 시작하였다. 4월에는 주로 걸어서 공산당 지구를 통과하여 금주로 탈출하였다. 5월에는 사회 지도층과 그 가족들 그리고 재산이 있는 사람들은 비행기를 타고 금주로 탈출하였다. 그렇게 해서 심양을 탈출한 사람은 약 1만여 명이었다. 이들은 천진에서 배를 타고 남한으로 귀환하였다. 심양을 탈출하는 한인 지도층들은 신문 지상에 공개적으로 인사말을 남겼다. 그들은 대체로 떠나는 것에 대해 남은 사람들에게 미안한 마음을 표하였다. 지도층이 앞장 서 떠나자 심양의 일반 한인들도 크게 동요하였다. 일부 소수의 한인 지도자들은 잔류자들에게 열심히 생업에 종사할 것을 호소하였다. 한편 남한에서 단독선거가 이루어지자 심양의 한인들은 대체로 단독선거를 지지하였다. 남한에서 국회가 개원되자 심양의 한인들은 열렬하게 환영하였다. As a result of the attack of Chinese Communist Party(CCP) armies, Chinese Nationalist Party secured only the three cities-Shenyang(瀋陽), Jinzhou(錦州) and Changchun(長春) - at Manchuria by March 15, 1948. Thereafter, there was a conflict of arguments among the leading members of Chinese Nationalist Party regarding whether armies should withdraw from Shenyang to Jinzhou or Shenyang should be defended. As the Communist armies' attack stopped, Koreans at Shenyang started to escape. They fled to Jinshou across the Communist Party's district mainly on foot in April, and the leading figures of society and the families and the wealthy class by plane in May. The number of those escaping from Shenyang in time reached some 10,000. They returned to South Korea by ship at Tianjn(天津). The leaders of the Koreans who fled from Shenyang gave a public greeting in the newspaper. Most of them felt sorry of their leaving toward the remaining people. As the leaders left, common people at Shenyang heavily swayed, while a small number of leaders urged the remaining persons to go on making their living. Meanwhile, as the election was held independently in South Korea, most of Koreans living at Shenyang supported it, and when National Assembly of South Korea opened, people in Shenyang gave hearty welcome to it.

      • KCI등재

        조선족 변사(辯士) 일기를 통해서 본, 북 · 중 최고 지도자의 상대국 방문과 연변 조선족 사회의 변화 - 개혁개방 초기 대북한(對北韓) 관계를 중심으로 -

        염인호 ( Yeom In-ho ) 역사교육학회 2017 역사교육논집 Vol.65 No.-

        In the early years of China's reform and opening, the top leaders of the two countries visited the other country frequently. Their visit to the other side brought a great change to the Yanbian(延邊) Chinese Korean people. In 1978, the Korean people who learned about Hua Guofeng(華國鋒)'s visit to North Korea learned that North Korea-China relations had improved greatly, and they could escape the fear of North Korea. On the other hand, the visit to North Korea by Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping(鄧小平) of 1978 solved one of the problems left by the Korean War. As a result of these visits, North Korea has sent a list of Chinese Korean who were missing in the Korean War to China. The Communist Party of China acknowledged the missing Chinese descendants on the list as heroes of the Chinese Revolution and sent documents to prominent families. In 1982 Deng Xiaoping first visited North Korea to celebrate Kim Il Sung(金日成)'s 70th birthday. In the autumn, Kim Il Sung visited China, and China treated Kim Il Sung well. With the visits of the leaders of the two countries, North Korea took a friendly policy toward the Chinese Koreans. And allowed them to visit North Korea and visit the Yanbian people of North Korea. Since 1983, family reunions between Chinese Korean and North Koreans have begun. Since then, the Chinese Koreans who had gone to and from North Korea began to trade in North Korea.

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