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      • 중금속물질이 생쥐 신장사구체에 미치는 영향에 대한 미세구조 연구

        김주원,고정식,양남길,안의태,박경호 순천향의학연구소 1995 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        본 실험은 중금속물질이 섭취되었을 때 신장사구체의 미세구조적 변화를 알아보기 위하여 시행하였다. 실험동물로는 체중 25gm내외의 성숙한 마우스(IRC)를 사용하였는데 실험군은 염화제이수은(HgCl₂)을 2mg/kg, 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg씩, 중크롬산칼륨(K₂Cr₂O7)을 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg, 20mg/kg씩 피하주사하여 사용하였다. 각 실험군은 주사 후 6시간, 3일, 2주일에 희생시킨 후 신장조직을 떼어내어 2.5% glutaraldehyde- 1.5% paraformaldehyde혼합액(0.1M Millonig's phosphate buffer, pH 7.3)에 다시 고정한 다음, 1% osmium tetroxide(0.1M Millonig's phosphate buffer, pH 7.3)에 다시 고정하였다. 고정된 조직은 ethyl acohol과 acetone으로 탈수하여 araldite 혼합액에 포매하였으며 포매된 조직은 LKB-V Ultramicrotome으로 얇은 절편을 만들어 uranyl acetate와 lead citrate액으로 염색한 후 JEM 100CX-Ⅱ전자 현미경으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 사구체기저막의 경우, 염화제이수은 투여군은 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg투여군에서, 중크롬산칼륨 투여군은 10mg/kg, 20mg/kg투여군에서 실험초기(6시간과 3일)에 사구체기저막의 전자밀도가 다소 불규칙하고 혹 모양의 물질이 기저막에 침착되었으나 2주일군에서 거의 정상군의 것에 비하여 별다른 변화를 볼 수 없었다. 2. 내피세포의 경우, 염화제이수은 투여군은 2mg/kg, 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg, 투여군에서, 중크롬산칼륨투여군은 10mg/kg, 20mg/kg투여군에서 실험초기( 6시간군과 3일 )에 내피세포 내에 공포와 myelin구조가 자주 관찰되었다. 3. 문어발세포의 경우, 염화제이수은 투여군은 2mg/kg, 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg 투여군에서, 중크롬산칼륨투여군은 10mg/kg, 20mg/kg 투여군에서 실험초기( 6시간군과 3일) 에 팽창된 과립형질내세망의 수조와 납작한 Golgi복합체 수조가 관찰되었다. 4. 혈관사이세포의 경우, 염화제수은 투여군은 2mg/kg, 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg 투여군에서, 중크롬산칼륨 투여군은 10mg/kg, 20mg/kg투여군에서 실험초기( 6시간군과 3일)에 기질내에 전자밀도가 높은 침착물이 관찰되었으며 혈관사이세포의 세포돌기가 내피세포 쪽으로 돌출되어 내피세포의 세포질판에 의해 둘러싸여 있는 모습이 자주 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합해보면 마우스가 일정량의 염화제이수은 또는 중크롬산칼륨을 한번 섭취하면 급성사구체신염의 형태학적 특징을 보이나 2주일정도가 지나면 사구체의 경우에는 거의 정상상태로 회복하며, 염화제이수은이 중크롬산칼륨에 비하여 사구체에 더 많은 손상을 준다고 생각된다. This experiment was performed to study the Ultrastructural changes of the renal glomerulus, induced by heavy metallic agents. Healthy adult mice weighing 25gm each were divided into normal an dexperimental grouops. Mercuric chloride(2mg/kg, 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg) or potassium bichromate(5mg/kg, 10mg/kg, 2-mg/kg) were injected subcutaneously to the animals. Animals were sacrificed at 6 hours, 3 days and 2 weeks following the injections. Pieces of tissues were taken from renal corticies, prefixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde- 1.5% paraformaldehyde(0.1M Millonig's phosphate buffer, pH 7.3), and followed by post-fixation with 1% osmium tetroxide(0.1M Millonig's phosphate buffer, pH 7.3) Fixed blocks were dehydrated with alcohols and acetone, embedded in araldite mixture, cut with LKB V-ultratome. The ultrathin sections stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate were observed with a JEM 100CX-II electron microscope. The results were as follow: 1. Glomerular basal laminae of the experimental groups showed some alterations, especially in the earlier stage-(6 hours and 3 days) of mercuric chloride-(5mg/kg. 10mg/kg) and potassium bichromate-(10mg/kg, 20mg/kg) treated groups. Irregularity of the electron density and accumulation of electron dense materials were observed. But morphological changes occurred in the basal laminae are generally recovered to normal appearance within 2 weeks. 2. In the glomerular endothelial cells of the mercuric chloride-(2mg/kg, 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg) and the potassium bichromate-(10mg/kg, 20mg/kg) treated groups. a large number of vacuoles and some myelin figures were observed frequently, especially in the earlier grous-(6 hours and 3 days). 3. In the podocytes of the mercuric chloirde-(2mg/kg, 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg) and potassium bichromate-(10mg/kg, 20mg/kg) treated groups. swollen cistern of rough endoplasmic reticulum and flattened cistern of the Golgi complexes were observed in the earlier groups-(6 hours and 3 days). 4. In the mesangial cell of the mercuric chloride-(5mg/kg, 10mg/kg) and potassium bichromate-(10mg/kg, 20mg/kg) treated groups. electron dense deposits were seen within the matrix and protruding cytoplasmic processes of the cells were surrounded by the cytoplasmic plates of the endothelial cells. From the above results. it was concluded that. the mercuric chloride or potassium bichromate induces acute glomerulonephritis on the mice, but ultrastructural changes occurred in the glomerulus after injection of the heavy metallic agents were recovered to normal appearance within 2 weeks. Mercuric chloride was more harmful on the renal glomerulus than potassium bichromte.

      • 연령에 따른 흰쥐 망막 속얼기층의 미세구조 변화

        오원영,고정식,양남길,안의태,박경호 순천향의학연구소 1995 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        이 실험은 연령에 따른 흰쥐 망막 속얼기층의 미세구조적 변화를 관찰하기 위하여 시행하였다. 실험동물로는 생후 3개월(어린 흰쥐), 12개월(젊은 흰쥐) 및 30개월(늙은 흰쥐)된 Fisher계통 344흰쥐를 사용하였다. 각 동물은 4% chloral hydrate로 마취한 후 2.5% glutaradehyde-1.5% paraformaldehyde로 관류 고정한 다음, 안구를 적출하여 톱니둘레를 다라 절단한 후 시신경원반외측의 일정부위에서 망막조직을 떼어내었다. 떼어낸 조직은 2.5% glutaradehyde- 1.5% paraformaldehyde 고정액에 다시 고정한 후, 1% osmium tetroxide액에 또 다시 고정하였다. 고정된 조직은 ethyl alcohol과 acetone으로 탈수한 후 araldite혼합액에 포매하였다. 포매된 조직은 LKB-V ultratome으로 얇은 절편을 작성하여 uranyl acetate와 lead citrate로 염색한 후 JEM 100CX-Ⅱ 전자현미경으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 무축삭신경원의 세포질돌기는 세포질의 전자밀도, 연접소포의 종류 및 양에 따라 4종류 구분되었다. 2. 속얼기층에서 관찰되는 신경연접의 형태는 연접리본복합체외에 4종류의 일반신경연접을 관찰할 수 있었으나, 연령증가에 따른 연접형태의 미세구조적 변화는 관찰할 수 없었다. 3. 연령이 증가함에 따라 부챗살아교세포의 상대적 영역이 넓어졌다. 4. 연령이 증가함에 따라 무착삭신경원과 신경절세포의 가지돌기안에 수초구조, 용해소체, 잔여소체가 자주 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 보면 흰쥐의 망막속얼기층은 연령이 증가하면 무축삭신경원과 신경절세포는 기능이 점점 약해지므로 부챗살아교세포의 영역이 상대적으로 더 넓어진다고 생각된다. Morphological differences among the inner plexiform layers at different age groups have been studied in young(three months old), adult(twelve months old) and old(thirty months old) Fisher stain 344 rats. Under anethesia, 2.5% glutaraldehyde- 1.5% paraformaldehyde solution was perfused through the heart. Pieces of the tissue taken from the posterior region of the retina were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde- 1.5% paraformaldehyde, and in 1% osmium tetroxide followed by fixation embedded in aralditse mixture. Ultrathin seciton were statined with uranyl acetate and lead citrate solution and were observed with JEM 100CX-II electron microscope. The results were as follows: 1. Four types of amacrine cells were found according to their electron densities, and kind and amount of the synaptic vesicles, were found, i.e., dark amacrine cell with clear vesicles(Al cell), light amacrine cell with clear vesicles(A2 cell), dark amacrine cell with clear and granular vesicles(A3 cell) and light amacrine cell with clear and granular vesicles(A4 cell) 2. In the inner plexiform layer, there appear two types of synapses : 1) synaptic ribbon complex and 2) conventional synapses. Conventional ones exhibited four different types, showing, i.e., prominent presynaptic density(type 1), prominent postsnaptic density(type 2), prominent pre-and postsynaptic densities(type 3), and lesser prominent pre-and postsynaptic densites. 3. Territories of the Muller cells were expanded during aging. 4. Myelin figures, lysosomes, lipofuscin granules and lipid droplets were frequently observed in the amacrine and ganglion cells of the adult and old rats. From the above results, it was suggested that functions of the bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells were diminished gradually, whereas territories of the Muller cells were expanded during aging.

      • 배양된 간세포 담세관 및 세포질소기관의 미세구조 연구 : Phalloidin과 Cytochalasin D의 영향 Effects of Phalloidin and Cytochalasin D

        김진국,양남길,안의태,고정식,박경호,김주원 순천향의학연구소 1995 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        간세포 담세관의 주위세포질에는 미세사가 풍부하게 분포하는데, 이 실험에서는 배양 간세포의 미세사형성을 촉진 또는 억제시킨 후에 담세관 및 세포질소기관의 미세구조를 관찰하여 미세사의 형태학적 및 기능적 의의를 연구하였다. Sprague Dawley계 숫흰쥐의 간조직에 IV형 collagenaseㄹ를 처리하여 간세포를 분리한 후 배양하며 phalloidin(미세사 중합 촉진제)이나 cytochalasin D(미세사 중합 억제제)를 배지에 투여하고 전자현미경으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 분리된 간세포 세포질에는 골지복합체와 소포 및 용해소체들이 세포의 일부분에 분포되어 생체의 간세포와 같이 세포질소기관 분포의 극성을 나타냈다. 2. Phalloidin와 cytochalasin D 투여군이 담세관은 확장되고 미세융모의 소실이 뚜렷하였다. Phalloidin투여군에서는 미세사가 증식되고 외형질층이 두터워져 담세관은 경직된 모습이었고, cytochalasin D투여군에서는 미세사가 감소되고 담세관의 확장은 더욱 심했다. 3. Phalloidin이나 cytochalasin D 투여군 모두에서 간세포 표면에는 세포질이 돌출되었다. Phalloidin투여군에서는 돌출부의 연결부분이 잘록하였고 외형질에 미세사가 증식되어 돌출부와 세포질을 분리시키고 있었다. 반면에 cytochalasin D투여군에서는 외형질층에서 미세사가 뚜렷한 감소되었고 각종 세포질소기관들이 포함된 채로 세포질 일부를 밀고나와 반구형의 돌출부를 이루었고 연결부는 넓었다. 4. 세포질에는 많은 소포와 공포들이 융합되어 세포의 주변부분이나 담세관주위에 세포내공간이 형성되었는데, 이 공간은 세포바깥이나 담세관과 교통되었다. 이상의 결과를 보면, 미세사가 증식 혹은 감소되면 배양간세포의 모습이 변화되며, 담즙의 이동에도 장애가 생겨 담즙정체를 일으킨다. 따라서 미세사는 간세포의 형태유지 및 담즙분비에 중요하게 관여하는 것으로 생각된다. The cytoplasmic microfilaments of hepatocytes are abundant beneath the plasma membrane, especially in the pericanalicular ectoplasm. In this study, the ultrastructural changes of bile canaliculus and cytoplasmic organelles induced by alteration of the microfilaments on the cultured rat hepatocytes were examined. Sprague-Dawley rats(male, about 200gm) were used. The isolated hepatocytes obtained by perfusion of 0.05% collagenase type IV through the portal vein, were cultred in the L-15 medium containing phalloidin(stabilizer of microfilaments) or cytochalasin D(destabilizer of microfilaments) for 10 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 10 hours and 20 hours, respecitvely. The hepatocytes on the cultured dish were fixed in 2.5% glutaradehyde -1.5% paraformaldehyde and 1% osmium tetroside. After alcohol dehydration, the cells were embedded in the araldite mixture. Ultrathin sections were contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and observed with JEM100 CX-II electron microscope. The results were as follow: 1. Isolated hepatocytes maintained the typical architectionic relationships of secretory organelles, i.e., Golgi apparatus, vesicles, lysosomes, etc., in the vicinity of bile canalicular region. 2. In the phalloidin or cytochalasin D treated groups, bile canaliculi were dilated and devoid of microvilli. In phalloidin treated group, the pericanalicular ectoplasm containing the microfilaments microfilaments was thicker than that of cytochalasin D treated group. Whereas, the dilation of bile canaliculus was more marked in cytochalasin D group. 3. Both drugs, phalloidin or cytochalasin D, produced the alteration of cell shaper to form cytoplasmic protrusions at the cell surface. In the phalloidin treated group, protusions were pedunculated, and the microfilaments were accumulatd at the narrow neck region. In cytochalasin D treated group, in contrast, no microfilament barrier was seen at the broad base of protrusion which exhibit direct continuity with the internal cytoplasm. 4. Numerous vesicles and vacuoles were formed near the cell surface and perianalicular cytoplasm in the treated groups, and later in culture they fused each other to form large intracellular space. Eventurally. this space was connected to the extracellular space or bile canaliculus. This experiment demonstrated that excessive accumulation or depletion of microfilaments induced by phallyoidein or cytochalasin D altered the cell shape and disturbed the vesicular transport of bile components into bile canaliculi. The results suggest that dysfunction of microfilaments may play an imprtant role in the impairement of canalicular contraction and the integrity of microfilaments is necessary for the billiary secretin as well as for the maintainance of the cell shape of hepatocytes.

      • Feasible tuning of barrier energy in PEDOT:PSS/Bi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>3</sub> nanowires-based thermoelectric nanocomposite thin films through polar solvent vapor annealing

        Kim, Wan Sik,Anoop, Gopinathan,Jeong, Il-Seok,Lee, Hye Jeong,Kim, Hyun Bin,Kim, Soo Hyeon,Goo, Gi Won,Lee, Hyunmyung,Lee, Hyeon Jun,Kim, Chingu,Lee, Joo-Hyoung,Mun, Bongjin Simon,Park, Ji-Woong,Lee, E Elsevier 2020 Nano energy Vol.67 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>For next-generation energy harvesting thermoelectric (TE) devices based on organic/inorganic composites, the barrier energy at interfaces of components is critical in determining the TE performances, because the barrier energy can directly enhance Seebeck coefficient (<I>S</I>). We have succeeded in precisely tuning the barrier energy in poly (3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS)/Bi<SUB>2</SUB>Te<SUB>3</SUB> nanowires (NWs) based organic/inorganic nanocomposite films through polar solvent vapor annealing (PSVA). Controlling the PSS/PEDOT ratio as a function of PSVA duration, the work function of PEDOT:PSS was tuned, which eventually varied the barrier energy of nanocomposite thin films. Through optimization of Bi<SUB>2</SUB>Te<SUB>3</SUB>/PEDOT:PSS barrier energy, the <I>S</I> was maximized up to 47 μV/K. The electrical conductivity was also maximized simultaneously, because of the PSVA-induced <I>π-π</I> stacking among PEDOT chains and templating effect. Density functional theory calculated an optimal barrier energy (0.12 eV), which showed an excellent agreement with our experimentally determined optimal barrier energy (0.11 eV), at which we also maximized the power factor—an efficiency indicator of TE performance. Our feasible strategy on the manipulation of barrier energy in PEDOT:PSS/Bi<SUB>2</SUB>Te<SUB>3</SUB> NWs through the PSVA can be extended to other organic/inorganic based TE composites, toward the realization of highly efficient TE devices.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We tuned the barrier energy of PEDOT:PSS/Bi<SUB>2</SUB>Te<SUB>3</SUB> nanowires through simply varying the PSVA duration. </LI> <LI> Simultaneous enhancement of Seebeck and electrical conductivity is achieved by optimizing the barrier energy. </LI> <LI> We achieved a power factor maximum of 223 μW/mK<SUP>2</SUP> when the barrier energy, Δ<I>E</I>=0.11 eV, at PSVA duration for 120 min. </LI> <LI> The optimized barrier energy for the enhanced Seebeck coefficient agrees well with the DFT calculated Δ<I>E</I> of 0.12 eV. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • Surveillance of chigger mites as a scrub typus vectorduring the epidemic season in 2014

        Won Il Park,Jong Yul Roh,Seong Yun Kim,Bong Gu Song,Eun Hee Shin,Wook-Gyo Lee,Young Ran Ju,Kyu-Sik Chang,E-hyun Shin 한국응용곤충학회 2015 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        A surveillance of chigger mites was performed to monitor the incidence of scrub typhus vectors at 4 environmental collection points of 6 locations from September to November 2014 in Korea. During the survey period, 420 chigger mites were collected and the dominant species was Leptotrombidium scutellare (42.6%). The first appearance of chigger mite was at 37th week (9.3.-9.10.) and the collected numbers of chigger mites was the highest at 43rd week (10.17.-10.23.). In Goryeong-gun, 299 chigger mites were collected, whereas 5 chigger mites were collected In Yesan-gun. The high environmental collecting rates were recorded at rice field (56%) and waterway (20%). The annually collected numbers (2012-2014) of chigger mites were compared with the average temperatures in August. This result suggests that the average temperature in August might be related with the annual incidence of scrub typhus vectors in Korea. However, the relationship between climate factors and the density of chigger mites needs to be studied by long-term periodical surveillance.

      • Survey of scrub typhus vectors at epidemic regions in Jeollabuk-Do, Korea 2016

        Won Il Park,Jong Yul Roh,Bong Gu Song,Seong Yun Kim,Hyung-Woo Lim,Hak Seon Lee,Wook-Gyo Lee,Kyu-sik Chang,Young Ran Ju,E-hyun Shin 한국응용곤충학회 2016 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.10

        A surveillance of chigger mites was performed to monitor the incidence of scrub typhus vectors at 5 environmental collection points of 3 locations (Muju, Namwon and Gimge) from April 2016 in Jeollabuk-Do, Korea. During the surveillance period, 3,292 chigger mites were collected and the predominant species were Leptotrombidium pallidum (42.9%). The high environmental collecting rates were recorded at reservoir bank (31.6%) and grassfield (29.7%). We detected Orientia tsutsugamushi from the samples collected in Jeollabuk-Do using nested polymerase chain reaction. The specific DNA of O. tsutsugamushi were detected in 11 pools among total 119 pools and its minimum positive rate was 0.35%. In order to clarify the relationship between chigger mites and scrub typhus cases, further survey will be needed.

      • Correlation of locational and seasonal prevalence of Japanese encephalitis vectors, Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae), with climate factors from 2011 to 2015 throughout Republic of Korea

        Chang-won Jang,Hye Mi Yu,Sung-chan Yang,Wook-Gyo Lee,E-Hyun Shin,Young-Ran Ju,Kyu-Sik Chang 한국응용곤충학회 2016 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.10

        Population density of Culex tritaeniorhynchus was annually monitored to predict the possibility of a Japanese encephalitis (JE) outbreak at 10 collection sites throughout Republic of Korea (ROK) during mosquito season from 2011 to 2015. Prevalence of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus in ROK was spatially and timely very variable and was significantly highest at Busan city during August. Monthly average population density of Cx. tritaeniorhychus showed high correlation to the monthly average daily average temperature and monthly average precipitation. Two models for the estimation of occurrence of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus based on annual monthly daily average temperature and monthly precipitation are shown with linear regression equations of exp(0.413×temperature-0.949) and exp(0.01258×precipitation+3.777). JE vector surveillance and vector control is warranted as part of an effective JE management program at ROK.

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